In a recent blog post I shared some feedback from people who have tried various GABA products with success: GABA, the calming amino acid: products and results
Taken orally it works to relax, calm, ease anxiety and social anxiety, quiet the mind, help with insomnia and sleeping better, reduces neck tension, removes uneasiness and worry, and gives hope (as you can read in the above blog post).
What I didn’t mention is that GABA can also reduce and often eliminate cravings totally.
Melissa discovered this was a wonderful side-benefit (we like side-benefits vs side-effects!) when she recently added Source Naturals GABA Calm in anticipation of holiday travel and holiday gatherings. She recently posted this comment on the above blog:
I’m glad I saw the post about GABA on your FB page a couple weeks ago, which led me to this article. I bought Source Naturals GABA Calm and have been taking 1-3 per day for two weeks. I’m glad I bought it before travelling home for Christmas – I was cool as a cucumber at the airport and was much calmer when visiting family and friends compared to last year! The true test of its efficacy will be in two weeks when the semester starts. For now, I notice a general calmness and am sleeping well.
An unexpected result was that I stopped craving sweets after about a week of taking it! I didn’t even realize this until I was grocery shopping and out of habit walked towards the ice cream – I stopped and realized I didn’t want ice cream. So I walked toward the chocolate – same reaction. For once in my life, I was not craving sweets. I made truffles for a NYE party and only ate two. But what is really shocking is that the leftovers are still in my refrigerator two days later and I haven’t touched them. I don’t understand what is going on! Can this be the GABA Calm (active ingredients: magnesium, GABA, Glycine, L-Tyrosine, Taurine)? I don’t think it’s the small amount of magnesium because I already do magnesium oil foot baths, so I suspect it’s one of the other ingredients.
Thanks so much for this article on GABA and recommendations
I love that she was calm during her travels, was much calmer when visiting family and friends compared to last year and is even sleeping better. And she is clearly delighted about the lack of sugar cravings!
By addressing low GABA levels we can end stress-eating
Here are my answers to her question about those sugar cravings:
- we can crave for many reasons and one reason can be due to low GABA levels
- we stress eat (or drink more wine or other alcoholic beverages) when our GABA levels are low
- by addressing the low GABA levels sugar cravings can disappear completely as in Melissa’s case (ice-cream, chocolates and truffles)
- the GABA, glycine and taurine actively boost GABA, the magnesium is a co-factor for making GABA and the small amount of tyrosine counters the GABA so you don’t feel too relaxed
Often we also need to address other neurotransmitter imbalances and candida/gut health too
In many cases GABA can help partially and you may also need to address low serotonin (you’ll have afternoon/evening cravings), low dopamine (you crave sugar for focus and energy), low blood sugar (you are cranky and have an intense desire for something sweet) or low endorphins (you crave to self-soothe or comfort). Here is the amino acid questionnaire so you can figure out if you may have low levels of any of the above brain chemicals. If you are low, using the correlating amino acids can address both mood issues and cravings.
You may also need to address candida, dysbiosis or parasites as these factors can also cause sugar cravings since many “bugs” feed off sugar.
Common questions about GABA: the BBB question, phenibut, best forms and more
Update Dec 2016: I’ve written a number of blog posts on GABA since this was published. These hopefully address all the “how does GABA work? it can’t get through the blood brain barrier!” questions I am so often asked, and cover some of the research behind how effective this amino acid can be if your cravings, anxiety and insomnia have low GABA as a root cause:
- Why I recommend GABA for anxiety instead of phenibut
- GABA the calming amino acid: common questions I get asked
- The Anxiety Summit – GABA: Blood brain barrier controversy, concerns, best forms and how to do a trial for eliminating anxiety
- Sleep promoting effects of combined GABA and 5-HTP: new research
- GABA rapidly absorbed and tolerated – benefits for anxiety and diabetes
Additional resources when you are new to using GABA and other amino acids as supplements
As always, I use the symptoms questionnaire to figure out if low GABA or other neurotransmitter imbalances may be an issue.
If you suspect low levels of any of the neurotransmitters and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids on your own so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the practitioner/health team you or your loved one is working with.
There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and they are discussed throughout the book in the sections on gut health, gluten, blood sugar control (this is covered in an entire chapter too), sugar cravings, anxiety and mood issues.
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the amino acids that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
If, after reading this blog and my book, you don’t feel comfortable figuring things out on your own (i.e. doing the symptoms questionnaire and respective amino acids trials), a good place to get help is the GABA QuickStart Program (if you have low GABA symptoms). This is a paid online/virtual group program where you get my guidance and community support, and is where this question was asked of me during one of the live Q&A calls.
If you are a practitioner, join us in The Balancing Neurotransmitters: the Fundamentals program. This is also a paid online/virtual program with an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
Wrapping up and your feedback
I always love to get feedback like this, so thanks to Melissa for sharing! It warms my heart to hear the impact that an amazing amino acid like GABA can have and because I get to share stories like this to give others like you hope!
Do you have a GABA story to share? Has using GABA helped you?
Or have one of the other amino acids helped you ease your sugar cravings and anxiety?
Hi All,
Interesting stuff on GABA.
I found out about it before the blog and got some for our ASD child. They have not slept well for years.
We had tried all kinds of stuff.
I am a health care pro and have studied and read and reads and tied so much.
But this stuff is a true miracle. For the first time in years my child sleeps.
He sang and was smiles from ear to ear for the first three days. Tried for my spouse and not change, but now that I know it can kills his sugar cravings….maybe back to the nightly dose.
Working on balancing his hormones and mine.
We tried two other AA and it was a disaster, he was the world’s biggest grouch!
Treating healing is like learning to dance, you stumble, step on toes and learn to trust your body.
Now that I know there may be a sugar connection (I adore ice cream) I will try it.
On a healthier note, I just made over a half gallon of kefir cheese, will make healthy ice cream, dressings and flavored spicy cream kefir for potatoes, and GF breads.
Yum and thanks for all of the great info.
How wonderful to hear about the great results with your ASD child: sleeping, smiles and singing – I love it! I’d love to hear what form of GABA (you can mention a product if you like) and how much? And is age/weight? And if you open the capsule or have him swallow it? I find sublingual works best for most.
Re your husband not responding – he may not be low in GABA and if so it won’t work, even for cravings. Have him (and you) do the amino acid questionnaire to see if it’s one of the other brain chemicals. Which 2 aminos were a disaster?
Love your comment about healing: like learning to dance, you stumble, step on toes and learn to trust your body. Beautiful!
Enjoy the yummy healthy food!
We tried the professional company route but they never got back to me.
Needed my license number and I did not want to put it into the computer.
Because I wanted to do it slowly and because pills or capsules are made
with binders or with fillers, I went with Natural Grocers “NOW” brand. I
can get professional accounts but many times you order too much and it
does not work.
We have spent $$$$$$$$$$ and have not had good luck. So now I am so
We have taken one other AA test/survey and thought we were on the right
Both hubs and son needed them.
Am was L-Tyrosine 500 mg, and PM was L-Trytptophan 500 mg.
As you know bodies are all so different and we can hope believe and try
our best and fall flat!
Son is 159 # and around 5’10”.
Either he is vaccine injured or from birthmom!
We have cured his other Dx with diet, (food and chemical sensitivities
testing) environment, homeschooling and dogged persistence. It is as if he
is held behind glass and can’t find his way through.
Smart, handsome, personable, and kind and loving.
He is very sensitive to WiFi and EMF’s.
We fight Candida all the time.
His doc is not a believer in healing and the meds were a huge failure so
we stopped them.
Not good to drug a child till they can not function. Or test them and
bully them, yes many professionals out there bully. Especially when your
child is so handsome and does not drool or make strange sounds.
At times these kinds of PhD know it alls have been so cruel, he couldn’t
go anywhere after the meeting.
Our next step is “heavy metal” detox, bought a Therasage Infrared Sauna.
We use the micronutrient that Dr Julia Rucklidge used in her study, they
call it “Empower Plus”.
Healing takes time but it can be so sad and frustrating for a mom, one who
so dreams about a healed son.
Oh Trudy, we are all doing the Ubiome test this month, they had a special
5 for One. And will also do Spectracell in the Spring.
Looking forward to the ASD Intensive and the Healing Gut summit.
Always so much to learn..
Hi Trudy, love your articules, how can i get the amino acid questionnaire?
Thanks for your support!!!
Super…here you go
GABA psounds very helpful. However I have one concern. For the last four years I have been taking small doses of Valium for anxiety. 2.5 mg three times a day. Is it safe to take GABA while also taking Valium? I would love to get off the Valium but it is not that easy, as I’m sure you know.
It’s very individual. For some people it’s too much and some folks on benzos have issues with many nutrients. But as a rule I find it actually helps with the taper of benzos.
It’s not easy to quit benzos and this blog has many resources on the topic since I’m passionate about helping people quit and not get on them in the first place. Just use the search
Here is one to get you started
Thanks, Trudy! That’s very encouraging to hear. I’ll do the research.
So what dose should one start with to see if it’s effective? Thank you, Ilisa
It’s very varbiable. GABA Calm has 125mg GABA and this is a nice starting dose for many. Here is info on doing a trial to figure it all out
This one shares experiences from many different people using different products and doses
(I have tons of blogs on GABA on my site so feel free to look around)
Hi Trudy,
I’ve heard that GABA supplements do not cross the blood-brain barrier. It they do work, then that can be a sign of leaky gut syndrome. Have you run into that information?
My boyfriend took a very high quality GABA supplement and didn’t have any relief from his symptoms, unfortunately.
Thanks for your info.
Yes this is a common myth, often stated as leaky blood brain barrier (vs leaky gut although if you have leaky gut you likely also have leaky brain). Here is some information on this
If you don’t have low GABA, a GABA supplement won’t work so that may have been the case with your boyfriend. Does he have low GABA symptoms (per the questionnaire)? Often sublingual GABA works better. I prefer GABA to pharmaGABA and don’t like Phenibut so the type/form makes a difference too. Hope that helps.
Hi Trudy,
I just went over the questionnaire with him, and he definitely has all of the low gaba symptoms, and several symptoms from all of the other lists except low blood sugar. He is currently weaning off of effexor and starting wellbutrin. He is more irritable and stressed, but the panic attacks are still at bay. The effexor did help with those a lot. But of course pharmaceuticals are not ideal. Any natural help would be appreciated. He’s currently also taking aswaganda, vitamins D and B, and brain essentials by Swanson. Thanks so much for your thoughts!
Maybe helpful to mention that he has had insomnia since he was a kid, and also twitches like crazy in his sleep. That was another reason we suspected GABA.
I’m not able to get any Gaba without prescription here in Finland, have tried Glycine for sleep aid, it might help to calm, too. I think I get some taurine eating some meat for late dinner. Found Vallu’s blog googling from glycine, very interesting stuff, too. How to get it from food.
Glycine can help with sleep and be calming. I’m not familiar with Vallu’s blog but often we need therapeutic levels of the aminos, over and above what we find in quality food
Hi –
I am doing QuickSilver Diagnostics heavy metal cleanse protocol – they recommended their GABA to help with any cleansing side-effects. I have taken it on two different attempts and both times have ended up with really significant depression ( I am not a depressed person – this experience gave me insight to those who do have it)…it lasted a couple days after stopping GABA … shall I assume I am not GABA deficient and that is why I experienced these symptoms?
Thanks –
A few thoughts – could it be due to
1) the heavy metal detox?
2) too high a dose? how much did you take? (4 pumps is 250mg which is a lot for most folks)
3) the form? (this form looks good – it is GABA)
4) the other ingredients?
5) possibly not low in GABA – how do you score on the questionnaire i.e. do you have physical anxiety, are you stiff and tense, do you have panic attacks and feel overwhelmed, do you stress eat?
Depression is an unusual side-effect of GABA itself (but not impossible)
I’m happy to have come across this post.
My husband has terrible cravings for sweet things after dinner and in the evenings. He tries not to give in but for the last year or two cannot break this habit of having something sweet or carby in the evenings e.g. chocolate, biscuits, icecream, popcorn etc…. and quite a lot of it.
He considers himself to be in perfect health but I don’t feel such cravings are a sign of perfect health. How do I know what is causing it? Or find out about amino acids he needs. He seems to have good mood (happy) and does not claim to have any anxiety or depression issues according to your amino acid questionnaire. He is generally very positive but just lacks self control in this area of eating sweet things.
Any advice on what to try? (p.S. I already try to feed him as healthy as possible when he’s at home, I don’t give him gluten or sugar, he gets fresh veg, quality meat/fish etc… but he does choose to supply himself with his own junk food when he wants it.
I’d consider low serotonin (some men tend to under-report mood symptoms) since it’s evening; or candida; or not enough protein/fat at the dinner meal (and even breakfast)
Thanks Trudy. I doubt it’s lack of protein as I make sure he gets that when I cook. But he does tend to run out the house in the mornings witout much breakfast but does eat early lunch though (11.30-12noon). So he has 2 cooked meals per day.
I do suspect candida or some kind of yeast overgrowth as he has foot fungus. But if he’s not stopping the sweet snacks it’s not going to help reduce the yeast. So a bit of a vicious circle here.
Not sure about low serotonin. How could I check?
Breakfast is key as is 3 meals a day – I’d focus on this and address the yeast/candida for sure: start with probitics, probiotic-rich foods, agents to kid like oregano/garlic and good enzymes; and then help him lower and quit sugar. The aminos may help with this a bit.
Have him do the amino acid Q and a trial of tryptophan.
Trudy, I have one other question – in addition to anxiety, I also have a neuropathy. Are there any problems with taking GABA? Would it have any effect on the neuropathy? I certainly don’t want to make that any worse. Would it possibly help with the nerve pain?
Thank you so much,
I’m not aware of any issues with GABA and neuropathy
Dear Trudy,
I love reading your articles, but I have a question for you. I have listened to Dr Datis Kharrazian a lot, and one of the big take aways I got from him is that if taking a GABA supplement makes you relaxed than you have “leaky brain” as GABA does not naturally cross the blood brain barrier. What are your thoughts on that?
Yes we hear this a lot and I’m not convinced it’s the case or always the case. Here is some information on other mechanism at to how GABA may work
Also Dr. K recommends his GABA challenge which is a very high dose for most people anyway and not something I’m in favor of. I start my clients on 125mg and they go up from there
I’m curious – have you used GABA with success? personally or with clients?
I did try Dr. K’s Gabba challenge and didn’t feel the effects that he said I would if I had leaky brain. Which of course made me feel quite happy. I have not used it with clients because of the information I had. Thanks so much for the link, I will read it.
Hi Trudy,
I have really bad anxiety and panic attacks. I’m looking for a really good magnesium supplement. Do you recommend any? I’m already taking the zinc, B6, and GABA supplements you recommend. Thank you so much for all you do!
A chelated magnesium is good – I like Designs for Health Magnesium Malate Chelate
Concerning the last post…I wonder if he is not digesting the protein well. Methyl problems, digestive enzymes?
Our son has really noticed a difference in his carb cravings since doing GABA.
He went to grand ma’s and was not tempted by 6 pies, tons of cookies, sweet rolls etc.
We were both shocked. This is a kid would mow through tons of cookies,rolls and pastries.
Currently I have both guys using GABA as my hubs has been a Glutton since I have known him. As a child he ate far too much. I suspect that he has always had a problem.
Well aa busy day and now I need to do the Autism Intensive Summit.
Beyond fantastic.
Thanks, yes many factors to consider
Wonderful to hear about your son and GABA and cravings! Too sad that kids (and adults) are called gluttons (it has such a terrible ring to it) when it could simply be a brain chemical imbalance leading to out of control eating! But it seems you have it sorted out!
Enjoy the Autism Intensive! it is beyond fantastic!
Hi Calle
Following up to let you know I blogged about this wonderful success with your son here:
Hoping he is still doing so well!
Thanks again for sharing. We would love an update.
I have had chronic insomnia (going to sleep okay but waking around 2-4 am and staying away for 1-2 hours…or more) for the better part of 20 years. I tried GABA about a year or so ago but the brand made my fingertips tingle. I then got Thorne PharmaGaba and that did not seem to be a problem; however, I did not seem to notice any change in my sleeping habits. How much should I work up to to actually expect to see a change? I have tried melatonin but no more than 3mg because I have read that it can really mess with your serotonin if used excessively. Any suggestions?
Thank you, Trudy
Sleep issues like you describe may be due to low GABA – check how you score on the questionnaire I have my clients start on 125 mg GABA and increase a long as they are seeing benefits.
Other factors to consider with this sleep/insomnia pattern: low blood sugar, high cortisol, parasites, low serotonin/low melatonin, food sensitivities, SIBO, hot flashes/hormone imbalances, liver issues.
Hi Trudy and thanks for all you do! I am very athletic, have low pulse rate(resting pulse 45) and have low blood pressure (96/60 when I donated blood last week). Do you still suggest GABA, or something else for anxiety and sugar/alcohol cravings?
If I’m working with a client with low GABA symptoms and low blood pressure we still try the GABA and just watch to make sure they are not having any adverse effects like breathlessness or feeling light-headed
Of course doing the amino questionnaire is part of the plan as anxiety and sugar/alcohol cravings can be due to low serotonin or low blood sugar (and low endorphins, low catecholamines may factor in to cravings)
Hi Trudy
We spoke about 2 years ago . I called and asked you about your research with Benzos and amino acids . Not sure if you remember but anyway . I have been on Xanax ( started with ) and Klonopin for over 30 years!!
For panic attacks and anxiety . Quit by myself . Took 2 1/2 years . Off for 3 months . Didn’t sleep but 0-2 hours . Had to go back on 1 year ago . I’m taking 1 mg . Sometimes 1.5 . Sleep 2-3 hours , take another 1/2 sleep a bit . Lots of meditation , yoga nidra . Weak , bad tension headaches and fibro pain ..I have reactions to Melatonin , 5 http , tryptophan etc . Can’t take any pharmaceuticals . All make me more anxious or weird . I am a Holistic educator but you are the expert in this field and I would really like to make a appt to see you and hopefully yu could help me sleep and try again to titrate off this benzo poison !! Again …. I’m a 64 year old female.
Don’t have insurance , not a lot of money but could save up . Have a myriad of icky fibromyalgia symptoms and underlying Lyme 2x . Local (east bay )
Can you help ???
Desperate for a life !!!!!!
Bless you
I am sorry to hear you are still battling with all of this. Have you looked into to help you with getting off the benzo? I suspect this is a big factor (
Since you can’t tolerate meds and some of these aminos/supps, I’d suggest looking into light therapy, a weighted blanket and essential oils ( You may also want to consider pixie dust amounts of the aminos – like a dab.
Hi Trudy!
I’ve been taking a Gaba supplement 500 mg for a month. After that I started having numbness tingling in my arms and feet and also tension headaches. I stopped it for a week and the tingling and headache went away. What did I do wrong? It was really helping me in regards of anxiety and sugar cravings. I even tried to open the capsule and took a small amount on the tongue and had the same reaction.
Thx in advance
Hi Trudy!
Thank you for all the great information! You think that GABA can help a person with premenstrual syndrome?
I have Joint Hypermobile Syndrome which is very correlated to anxiety and panic due to its genetic origins. What type of treatment modalities can be done to treat this genetic condition which causes increased cortisol and adrenaline?
Thank you.
If you’re looking for help for the anxiety and panic I’d suggest starting with the amino acids (GABA and tryptophan) and also looking into pyroluria.
Just making sure yous aw this blog and the pyroluria connection
And I’d assume the basics are in place: real whole food, no gluten, no sugar, no caffeine etc
Dear Trudy
I tried the Gaba calm sublingual tablets you mention here for extreme anxiety and insomnia but unfortunately it made no difference at all.
I am low in all the neurotransmitters and have been on SSRIs for nearly 20 years. There seems to be a genetic link in the family for this issue.
I have tried 5 HTP in the past but that made me more anxious.
Any advice would be appreciated
I will often have clients with low GABA use a GABA only product that is higher dose at night. Also if the insomnia is low serotonin I prefer tryptophan to 5-HTP (and some do better on one vs the other) and adding melatonin. We also look at high cortisol, SIBO, gut health, food sensitivity, low blood sugar, EMFs and sex hormone imbalances when there are sleep issues
Hi, I’ve been following you for a while and I started on GABA a year and a half ago. Is there an upper limit for supplementing with GABA. Also I believe I read that you said GABA and Valerian should not be taken together. Is that correct? I was using Valerian but stopped when I started the GABA. I still don’t sleep terribly well, but I’m getting close to 6 hours a night with the GABA. I get your emails and I greatly appreciate your information
Glad to hear GABA is helping with your sleep. How much sleep were you getting before the GABA and what product/how much do you use? I have found that more than 2000mg/day is seldom needed and typically less when using sublingual or capsule is opened onto the tongue. I am not aware of any issues using GABA with valerian.
With sleep issues we also look at low serotonin, low melatonin, high cortisol, SIBO, parasites, gluten/sugar/caffeine consumption, meds side-effects and EMFs.
Are triglycerides lowered by GABA?
There is one study I am aware of that reports that it does improve lipid levels including triglycerides. It was a PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) study. More here You’ll find the study link in the blog
Have you seen it to this for you? And curious why you ask?
Yes — was wondering if the reduced sugar craving /carb capability of gaba was the reason the triglycerides lowered or did the gaba itself lower them
I have high nighttime cortisol starting at about 7 pm where my legs get restless while watching tv for a couple hours and hoping the gaba will help
Chronic Lyme 14 yrs thanks for he really and your work
Please keep us posted. I use Seriphos for high cortisol and also consider oxalates with restless legs. Feel free to search the blog for more on both