Is GABA safe for children with symptoms of ADHD? I was asked this question after my interview on anxiety on the Diabetes Summit. I shared the question and my answer on facebook:
I’ve used GABA (and theanine) very successfully with children with physical anxiety symptoms and ADHD. I’ve also used tyrosine for the attention/focus issues. Plus I always consider gluten, blood sugar control (animal protein at breakfast often makes the biggest difference), colors/additives, low iron, low zinc and candida (this list is not inclusive but is a good starting point)
Jenny is a mom in my facebook community and responded to the above post, sharing that a friend of hers recommended GABA for her daughter after reading some of my posts. She shared this wonderful feedback:
My daughter hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD but has a lot of ADHD qualities. We were having a huge amount of behavior problems as she is getting older (she’s 11). I did some research and went to the health food store and bought a bottle. At this point I was mentally exhausted from all the fighting and drama at home and at school. I was desperate and didn’t want to put her on any hard medication.
She has had amazing behavior at school and at home since giving it to her. She’s almost like different child. GABA has truly changed our life. She’s been taking it for almost 2 months.
What wonderful results! I’m thrilled for Jenny and her daughter. I asked Jenny to share what her daughter’s symptoms/behaviors were before they used the GABA and which symptoms improved. This is what Jenny shared:
…before the GABA she was irritable, she was fighting with her teacher and schoolmates, she couldn’t focus and was distracted by anything and everything, she was constantly disrupting the class and she was throwing major tantrums over ridiculous stuff (like her hair didn’t do what she wanted), she was mouthy and everything was a fight.
We are not seeing 99% of those behaviors at all anymore. She of course is still your typical pre-teen but if I say “no you can’t have that” our “no you can’t go there” her reaction is OK. Before it would have been a major fight or meltdown. Her teacher is reporting to me every day about her wonderful days.
I love hearing this feedback and it’s not unusual for children to act out when they have low GABA levels. Adults may identify with being anxious, but children may appear irritable, unfocused and distracted, may have tantrums and meltdowns, and all the while not be able to articulate how they are feeling.
Long–term use of GABA and root causes of low GABA
Jenny also posed some additional questions about GABA:
I do have some questions – I can’t really find anything online saying that it’s OK to give to kids. I mean, I’ve seen the results but it still worries me. She takes one 25 mg pill a day – do you think that’s OK?? Should I give her more or less or keep it the same? Just wondering your opinion?
I shared some of this feedback on the facebook thread and have elaborated on it here on the blog.
There is no research on children and the long-term use of amino acids but plenty of clinical evidence showing they can be used safely for 3-12 months. But I am also always working with my clients to find out why there is the deficiency in the first place and addressing that. This could include any or all of the following:
- low zinc/vitamin B6/low iron which are all co-factors needed to make GABA (and then I’d want to know why are these low)
- dysbiosis, parasites and/or candida (we make GABA in the gut and we may have GABA-eating bacteria in the gut – such as gabavorous)
- too much stress at school, playing sports and/or at home
- not getting enough sleep
- not eating animal protein at breakfast (this affects blood sugar control and can stress the adrenals and impact cortisol, sex hormones and brain chemicals)
- gluten sensitivity (gluteomorphins in gluten can impact mood and gluten can damage the gut leading to nutritional deficiencies)
- low animal protein intake and/or eating a low-fat diet
- low stomach acid (so you can’t digest the protein you’re eating)
- toxin exposure (like pesticides or BPA)
- low total cholesterol (caused in part by low levels of enzymes for fat digestion or a low-fat diet)
I shared these 60+ Nutritional and Biochemical Causes of Anxiety on my closing call of the The Anxiety Summit season 3. I use this to help put the puzzle pieces together for my clients to resolve their anxiety and related issues like ADHD, insomnia, sadness, irritability etc.
When Jenny saw some of the root causes for low GABA she shared that she’s going to be making an appointment with her doctor. Keep in mind that in this instance it will need to be a functional medicine doctor or nutritionally trained doctor or a doctor who is open to learning about all this. I always also suggest taking a copy of my book The Antianxiety Food Solution to share with the doctor too!
What GABA product?
I typically have clients start with Source Naturals GABA Calm which contains 125mg of GABA. I was curious to know which 25mg GABA product she was using. It turns out to be a sublingual product by KAL.

You can find the other GABA products I use and recommend here and the precautions with using GABA here. Typically it’s an amino acid that has the least issues, unless too high an amount is used. I often hear that 500mg or 1000mg was used and caused dizziness or breathlessness – these are clues it’s too much!
As mentioned, one product I use and recommend is Source Naturals GABA Calm lozenges. It’s a good low dose of 125 mg and is convenient and effective because it’s a sublingual lozenge.
Now GABA Powder is another product I use and recommend. It does need to be measured out to provide a 125 mg typical starting dose or less (as needed). I have clients use a handy mini measuring spoon like this one (my Amazon link) and share more about how to measure out GABA powder on this blog).
For Source Naturals GABA Calm lozenges and Now GABA Powder:
- You can purchase these from my online store (Fullscript – only available to US customers – use this link to set up an account).
- If you’re not in the US, you can purchase these at iherb (use this link to save 5%).
Somnium GABA Cream is another option that could be considered especially for children and those with special needs. It is available in the US and elsewhere with international shipping. Read more about the product and who else may benefit from using a cream, and grab my coupon code to save 15%.
Why does GABA help in a situation like this?
These results are exceptional and it’s seldom just low GABA that needs to be addressed but in this instance it was. The low GABA type of ADHD is a bit different than low dopamine or low ferritin ADHD. With low GABA, it’s the anxiety that is causing the spinning, lack of focus, irritability and tantrums.
This blog post and study explains some of it – Oral GABA supplementation allows better prioritizing of planned actions: new research. GABA provides a better ability to handle tasks (complex and/or planned tasks) with less spinning and feelings of overwhelm, and prioritization of tasks is improved.
In addition to addressing low GABA, we also typically address the diet, gut health, toxin exposures (cosmetics are a big issue at this age), screen-time/EMFs (also a big issue at this age), and any other nutritional deficiencies.
Resources if you are new to using GABA as a supplement
If you are new to using GABA as a supplement, here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution (you can see all the low GABA symptoms).
If you suspect low levels of GABA or any of the neurotransmitters and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids on your own so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the team you or your loved one is working with.
There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and they are discussed throughout the book in the sections on gut health, blood sugar control, sugar cravings, self-medicating with alcohol and more.
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the amino acids that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
If, after reading this blog and my book, you don’t feel comfortable figuring things out on your own (i.e. doing the symptoms questionnaire and respective amino acids trials), a good place to get help is the GABA QuickStart Program. This is a paid online/virtual group program where you get my guidance and community support. There are many moms in the program who are having much success with their kids.
If you are a practitioner, join us in The Balancing Neurotransmitters: the Fundamentals program. This is also a paid online/virtual program with an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
Have you noticed that your child (or even you personally) has seen improvements in these symptoms after using GABA: ADHD, focus issues, irritability, anxiety and tantrums?
Does it seem like it gives them (or you) a better ability to handle tasks (complex and/or planned tasks) with less spinning and feelings of overwhelm? Is prioritization improved?
If you are a practitioner are you seeing results like this with your clients/patients?
If you have questions please share them here too.
I asked Jenny if I could share here to give other mom’s hope and inspiration and practical results so they can help their children – and I really appreciate her being willing to do so.
Thanks for sharing Jenny! Happy mama and happy daughter – it warms my heart to hear stories like this!
Hi Trudy, thanks for posting the article. Is GABA just for kids or can it help adults with anxiety as well.
I work mostly with adult women and addressing low GABA is one of the main areas we address – so yes if the anxiety is because of low GABA then using GABA as a supplement will help. Feel free to search the blog for other articles on GABA – here is one example: Anxiety: when to use GABA and tryptophan and how much to use My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” (here on Amazon has an entire chapter on GABA and the other amino acids) – keep in mind that the brain chemical imbalances are just one root cause to be considered
I have 16 yr old on the spectrum does it calm meltdowns or control and help any of it?
If meltdowns are as a result of low GABA then GABA helps. When I hear the term meltdowns I also think low serotonin so would also consider this and a trial of tryptophan. I have my clients trial one at a time.
It goes without saying that we always need to consider dietary factors like gluten and low blood sugar etc. In this blog on gluten and pediatric OCD you could replace OCD with meltdowns as gluten affects folks differently This blog overs anxiety/low blood sugar which can lead to meltdowns
We also look at other dietary factors like oxalates, salicylates, high glutamates, FODMAPs etc but start with the amino acids for quick relief of symptoms
So thrilled to have found your website!
Is it okay to take GABA and stimulant medication together?
I have had clients do this but the prescribing doctor is always consulted. Ideally we address the ADHD so the medication is no longer needed
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi Trudy, my son has been diagnosed with cptsd, rad, add and odd takes complex B, zinc, D, mag and fish oils daily. Took him off all other dr meds Guanfucine a d straterra for focus and anxiety. So no meds. He eats terribly, refuses to eat our family gluten free organic healthy foods and veggies. Although i buy and he
eats organic Stonyfield yogurts and take his vits most days and drinks water. He gets into fits, does crazy risky behaviors and tantrums due to developmental delays in the brain. Can I use gaba 125 to start for mood and focus calm??
I always start with addressing low serotonin with tryptophan or 5-HTP and low GABA with GABA. The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA/serotonin is to look at the low GABA/serotonin symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of the respective amino acid and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
It’s a comprehensive approach – amino acids AND diet.
You may also find this recent blog on RAD helpful
Hi Trudy, I think I am well in the minority but I found that using GABA increased my anxiety. The increase in anxiety was rapid and within a few days I was experiencing panic attacks. have since ceased GABA and tried tryptophan which works a treat. Thanks for all the information you provide!!!
Thanks for sharing and sorry to hear this. Too much GABA can be an issue or when using GABA when a person doesn’t have low GABA. May I ask – how much did you use and what form of GABA?
And how do you score – low GABA anxiety or low serotonin anxiety? I’m guessing low serotonin anxiety
I tried GABA and my son with autism also and both of us ended up in the 10
Percent group with severe mood swings. 5 HTP only helps modestly. Amy other suggestions?
I’m not sure what this is as it relates to GABA “the 10 Percent group with severe mood swings”? GABA is not known to cause mood swings so I’d love to hear more. Too much GABA can be an issue or using GABA when a person doesn’t have low GABA. How much did you use and what form of GABA?
I would need to know what low brain chemical symptoms you are trying to address to be able to comment further
And how you did the trial of GABA and 5-HTP?
Hi Trudy,
I have a 6 year old grandson who weighs 63 lbs. He is not officially diagnosed ADHD, but he displays most symptoms, grinds his teeth, and also shows mixed sensory issues.
I have tried probiotics and omega 3’s but they don’t seem to make a difference. He has had some problems behaving at school- cutting a classmates hair and being aggressive in retaliation as well as fidgeting on the carpet during story time.
Would Gaba, and tyrosine be safe and helpful for him? If so, what dosages? He cant swallow pills either.
I am also an integrative mental health counselor and would like to use these with my clients who are ages 11-18
Appreciate your help!
I start with diet and blood sugar control at this age – no sugar, no gluten, no caffeine, no additives and quality animal protein/healthy fats at breakfast. And nutrient-dense eating with fermented foods. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here What is his diet like right now?
Other dietary factors to consider include phenols/salicylates, histamines, oxalates and glutamates.
With grinding teeth and behavioral issues we also consider the possibility of parasites and test to confirm. And basic blood work confirms or rules out low iron/ferritin, low zinc, low total cholesterol etc
Here is the information on the amino acid training for practitioners. As well as the valuable content, it’s an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
L theanine helps my autistic kid
I thought that taking gaba daily inhibits your body’s own gaba production, that’s why I don’t use it with my ADHD son although it helps. I thought I heard this from Dr Karazhian, is this a fact? And also, is it true that if you get any effect from taking gaba that means you have a leaky blood-brain barrier?
I have not found any evidence to suggest that taking GABA as a supplement inhibits your body’s own GABA production. If GABA is helping I use it with clients and start to look for why it’s low and address that too.
I have addressed the leaky blood-brain barrier question here
It is always best to err on the side of caution. Children’s brains are still developing and there are no long term studies on use of Gaba with children so, using it may have a possible effect if causing a child’s Gaba yo be inhibited. I have spoken to a pharmacologist about this issue and he also agrees that it is best to not use it in children.
Hello I recently purchased gaba bull supplements and l- the anime for my add and adhd 6 year old . Can you tell me how many mgs for 43 lb ? Should be given?
Thanks for sharing this and always being open to what others have found to work for them. Who knows how many people will be positively affected by sharing yours and other’s recommendations! Love reading your blog.
Hi Trudy, my 16yo son has ADHD, anxiety, behavioral like ODD and is. It eating or sleeping. He was diagnosed 2 years ago and it’s only recently we’ve resorted to medication plus he is living in Sydney, Aust and I’m in Dallas, TX. He hates the medication saying he doesn’t like taking it and it makes no difference to his mood, he gets angry and doesn’t know why. I’ve just stumbled across your site and wonder if you think the GABA may sounds like it might. Do you know a brand in Aust I could get for him to try?
Hi Gen,
I have a 16 year old going on 17 with ADD , anxiety and OCD symptoms. He’s been taking GABA for a couple of weeks, and it seems to help his mood.
He is now taking Now Foods GABA, which I bought online from iHerbs.
(I live in Malaysia and found that the shipping costs actually goes down when you buy more items. For example I bought a bottle of L-Tyrosine and the shipping cost was about $20 (around 60 bucks in my currency), but later when I ordered three bottles of Now Foods supplements from iHerb, the shipping cost went down to a fraction of the earlier cost (less than 20 bucks in my currency).
For a couple of months last year when my son was taking a series of important high school exams (IGSCE O-levels), akin to the SATs in importance and anxiety-producing(!), I gave him a combination of supplements and vitamins:
– Zembren/Zembrin which I read helps with serotonin re-uptake to calm his moods and help with focus and concentration (that’s what the bottle said)
– Red Krill oil for DHA/EPA, recommended by Dr. Daniel Amen for ADD
– Vitamin B complex
– Vitamin C
and a food supplement for the brain and heart called Immunical.
I noticed a reduction in anxiety and he was less moody and a lot easier (sometimes a delight) to be around.
We also tried out L-Tyrosine, which I read from Amen’s work helps with dopamine re-uptake. It seemed to work a little for my own adult ADD in terms of helping me get things done (as opposed to being constantly busy but unproductive). But my son found that the L-Tyrosine makes him anxious and moody, which is consistent with what Amen says about giving stimulants (whether natural supplement or medication) to people with certain types of ADD.
Needless to say, these supplements and vitamins cost a lot.
So when we ran out after my son finished his exams, we took a break from the Zembrin, Krill Oil and Immunical. My son’s moodiness returned.
But since he’s been taking GABA the last couple of weeks, he seems to be in a much better mood and its nice to be around him again.
I have an 13 year old autistic son. He’s been taking Strattera 80 mgs and has been working fine. He’s been having anxiety and ticks so dr. prescribed risperdone 0.5 mg. Seem to work, but hardly notice a difference. Dr. say to give him 1 mg, notice that he’s a bit more calmer and not anxiety but he’s gain some weight. I will stop him on the risperdone but I wanted to put him on some supplement that might help him with his anxiety and ticks. Do you thing 5htp & gaba will help?
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label..taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help and Amour thyroid since gluten may antibodies to the thyroid. Probiotics multiply B vitamins which may raise oxygen in the brain/body. Vit B12 methylcobalamin with intrinsic factor/Hair test to see mineral levels and heavy metals. Detoxing by sweating and then taking sea salt and more help me. Low oxygen in the brain may cause depression/anxiety/no sleep/obsessing/panic/suicidal thoughts. Gluten may hurt intestines so less nutrients absorb…then cells are not made right to work right to burn oxygen. Medicine may lower Mg and B vitamins. LDN…no gluten may help anxiety as they help raise oxygen.
I can’t offer you specific advice. I’d talk to you doctor about trials of tryptophan and GABA separately but would always consider diet first and especially gluten and dairy removal.
Hi Trudy, I wanted to ask you if you have had and treated cases of adhd not due to pirolluria but to another. Are there any adhd due to metal intoxication? Thanks for your valuable advice!
ADHD can have many root causes and heavy metals can be a factor (as can gluten, low zinc, low iron, low blood sugar, low GABA, low catecholamines etc)
Hi I have a son with autism ocd and adhd and focus issues. He is currently taking gaba 375 mg, folate 800 mcg, taurine 125, l theanine 300, 5htp 50mg, vitamin b6 50 mg. I’m still having issues with his focus, auditory processing, ocd. He tells me he was wacky people in his brain. He is 22
I can’t offer specific advice here but can share that we adjust nutrients up and down until we find the ideal amount.
We also consider inositol and NAC for OCD. More here on NAC
And strep/PANDAs should always be considered and especially with him saying “he has wacky people in his brain”
Diet is key too of course. If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Thanks Trudy, if the responsible adhd were the metals, there is a chelation that can be done naturally and not aggressively, so as to detoxify the body? Thank you for your invaluable advice.
ADHD maybe due to gluten which hurts intestines so less minerals absorb. Hair tests show good minerals/heavy metals. Sweating may get rid of heavy metals and then sea salt/supplements may help restore the good minerals lost in detoxing. No gluten (wheat/barley/rye…oats/corn/rice…no grains may help heal intestines and no GMO. Antibiotics may also hurt the gut lining. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help. Nature’s plus- Source of life multiple/fish oil/Zn/Mg/Osteoprocare instead of dairy/Vit D3/sunlight/5000mcg of biotin/B vitamins/rhodiola/coenyzme Q10/strong probiotic before a meal…HCl and enzymes with meals if needed/Amour thyroid not by TSH if needed/evening primrose oil/lecithin and more help me. The whole family tree may need gluten free eating. Gluten maybe hidden in nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices/air/lotions/certified gluten free food and more. LDN may help block hidden gluten along with trying to eat gluten free. Drinking more water may help if needed.
Heavy metal chelation is not my area of expertise and is a challenging topic so I’d defer to the experts. Sorry I can’t help
Thanks for the advice Shasha, and thanks to you Trudy.You are very kind and helpful as always .. You are always a great help.
Hi, You are welcome! I do EDTA/DMPS IV chelations…is for adults since it may turn hair white, but saved my life. Just sweating may detox or Now brand- Detox Support at night, but ADD/ADHD maybe low in nutrients and detoxing may lower the good nutrients even more as they are also detoxed. Sea salt mineral supplements..Zn/Mg/K help me. A hair test shows what good minerals are needed and what heavy metals maybe blocking chemical reactions in the brain/body. My son was ADHD due to gluten hurting me in pregnancy and also hurting him. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye..oats/corn/rice. Rice is low in gluten…eating organic brown rice may help or grain free eating. Avoiding food with a label/cooking your own food and organic fruit/vegetables. I ate organically fed/cage free/antibiotic free poached eggs for my protein or pea protein powder. I take Osteoprocare instead of dairy. Each person needs to figure out what food helps/hurts them. Raw walnuts (open shells to avoid hidden gluten and freeze so fresh) helps me. I eat Asian/Celiac style. LDN helps heal the gut lining which may prevent health issues/allergies and ADHD etc as more nutrients absorb to rebuild cells so they work right.
Best wishes.
I just heard that there will be a heavy metal detox summit late January so stay tuned for notifications about this via my newsletter. I should have more details next week.
Hi Trudy my daughter is still taking Gaba regularly but as she goes through puberty her mood swings have become almost unbearable AGAIN
is there any other supplements I can add to her regular vitamin and Gaba that she takes daily?
Hi Jenny
This article covers tryptophan for PMS and some of the other approaches I use with clients. Keep in mind it’s not only supplements but also diet, stress, exercise/outdoors and sleep. And now with teens we have to also consider screen time.
Hi Trudy thank you for answerimg I do not see a link for the article.
My apologies! Here it is – Tryptophan for PMS: premenstrual dysphoria, mood swings, tension, and irritability
Thank you, my next questionis after reading this article and countless others would you recommend I-tryptophan or the 5-HTP? I’ve read a lot about it but I’m still not totally understanding the difference if there is any? Thanks for the advice
HI, My health store told me that the 5-HTP is absorbed more quickly.
Some people do better on 5-HTP and some do better on tryptophan. It’s matter of doing a trial to see. I typically start with tryptophan (the Lidtke brand only) and avoid 5-HTP when we know cortisol is high (or at least use it cautiously until we know it is working)
Thank you for the info. I bought the 5-HTP today I will keep everyone posted on results
Hi Trudy,
Our 10 year old son has been diagnosed with a mood disorder, he is aggressive, has mood swings, irritability, is defiant, gets in trouble at school, etc. His psychologist wanted to put him on Abilify, but we really don’t want to do that. I started him on taking GABA and Travacor the last couple of days (in the morning, and after coming home from school). He seems to be less anxious in the morning and not getting in trouble as much at school, but by the evening he is back to being irritable, aggressive, angry, throwing things, etc. What do you think is going on? Should we try something else?
Hi Judy:
I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have stumbled on your website after doing some research on natural remedies for kids with anxiety. Mt daughter just turned 13 last month. She has ADD and anxiety. Her anxiety is to the tenth power. I’m seriously considering medication; something I said I’d never do. I’m very worried about her. She definitely falls in the low serotonin category. Very depressed, OCD, cries a lot about any little thing,
doesn’t want to go to school, panic attacks ; I can go on and on. I saw that another mom had an 11 year old with some of the same symptoms accept for the anger. My daughter is very quiet and sad with her symptoms. I heard alot about amino acids and I’m willing to try but I’m so confused with all the info that’s out there. What do you recommend? Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your willingness to help.
ADD/ADHD may be due to gluten which may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb…then cells are not made right to work right in the brain/body. GMO may also hurt the gut lining and antibiotics etc. NO gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic….LDN..detoxing…Hair test so see what minerals levels are and heavy metals…fish oil/evening primrose oil/lecithin/Nature’s plus- Source of Life multiple /Osteoprocare instead of dairy and more helped me.
Hi Trudy, I wanted to know if zinc can be taken even if you are using phosphotidylserine. I wonder if myinositol, tryptophan or 5htp can be taken even if you use phosphotidylserine? Thank you.
I am not aware of any issues combining these nutrients
Thanks Trudy!
I heard you speak recently about GABA and children. You recommended a really small dose to start, but I can’t remember what you said. I have a 12 year old.
My daughter is 12v now we started her off at 25 mg and have raised her up slowly she now takes 50 mg before bed and 75 mg in the morning.
Thanks for the article. My 7 year old battles with anxiety and has been especially bad since lockdown. Her play therapist recommended GABA to help her to fall asleep (for the past two weeks she can’t fall asleep and we fight for hours)
I can only find 500mg pills of GABA. Is that too much to give her one a day? And then what time should she take it and is it safe to take every day?
Thanks so much.
I start low with 125mg with adults and half that with children. A capsule can easily be opened and a small amount trialed and then increased as needed based on sleep and anxiety.
What is the dosage instructions for a child 9 years old with ADHD? The instructions in the bottles only mention 12yand up.
It varies by person – I use the trial method and start low. For an adult of 120lbs I typically start with 1 GABA Calm which has 125mg GABA. I use half that for a 60lb child to start and increased based on response. I recommend everyone using the amino acids become well-informed and aware of precautions – my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” has an entire chapter on the amino acids plus 8 other nutritional approaches to consider – many work for both anxiety and ADHD.
Thank you so much! I appreciate your help, I’ll be looking into your book.
Hi Trudy,
I stumbled upon your website after searching for information on GABA and wow, I wish I had found it sooner. So much good information, thank you! I’m going to try GABA for myself and my 13 year old daughter. What dosage would be a good place to start with her? She’s 13 but she’s very tall for her age and weighs 115 pounds.
I use the trial method and start low with children
Hi Trudy,
How I know if my son has the Gaba levels low? Do I have to take him in for a lab test?
I have my clients do a trial of GABA based on their symptoms
My little girl just turned 12 -she is not diagnosed as add but is very matter of fact/black and white. She manages ok academically but struggles to concentrate more than 20 mins. She has always had tempers they are getting better she has had a few supplements from a homeopathic over the last year. I have had her hair test back and says she is low in vitamin b6/d and potassium. Intolerance to baguettes. Her temper increases if she is warm. Always hot-doesn’t have much emotions- struggles with empathy. She is active lots of dancing and drama but I can see as getting older struggling in social circles once relationships formed. Always losing stuff/always hungry think she’s bored rather than hunger. Jelous of brother/ hates being on her own/doesn’t like being wrong or told off at all. Would you suggest GABA or another supplement to try? Thanks
I wish she would answer your question- it sounds exactly like my 13 year old daughter!
Looks like I missed this one!
I’d look at
low serotonin: tempers, hot-doesn’t have much emotions- struggles with empathy, doesn’t like being wrong or told off at all
low catecholamines: struggles to concentrate (possibly low GABA too), bored, losing stuff
pyroluria: struggling in social circles once relationships formed
And diet, blood sugar control, gut health
Will GABA work for a 6 year old with ADHD? If so, what dosage is advised?
With children this young I’d start with diet first and remove sugar, additives, salicylates, colors and add quality animal protein at breakfast, together with real whole food/nothing in a box, and of course also gluten removal. No caffeine goes without saying. Getting blood work to determine iron and vitamin D levels, and thyroid health is key too. Low zinc and low intake of omega-3s is also common and often needs to be addressed. Once the basics are addressed and if it’s determined the ADHD may be related to anxiety (this can be challenging to figure out), then I’d trial 30mg GABA and work up from there based on the response to the trial.
GABA got me off years long daily xanax and I wasnt even trying to wean from it. I just didnt reach for xanax anymore after taking it. I believe in it helping to fight against anxiety and panic.
I had debilitating dont leave bed, shaking, dont eat anxiety and was desperate. My drs were also giving me trouble whenever I requested xanax.
I do notice a pinching feeling in my side/back (liver?) the night aftertaking, so now I dont take it every day.
I also took lithium ororate over the counter. B12 injections help me w energy.
Thanks for sharing your great results with GABA! May I ask which GABA and how much helps? Interesting about the “pinching feeling in side/back (liver?) the night after taking” – that’s a new one to me. Which side and how long does it last?
No fancy brand, just NOW Pharmaceuticals. One to two a day.
Right side. Center side to back. Typically happens at the end of the day. Doesn’t ever occur when I do not take the pills. More like a pinch than a full stab, but sharp suddenly for a short time.
I can have multiple pains. Sometimes lasts for under an hour, usually multiple hours. Definitely notice and can affect sleep. Does not occur immediately – hours after taking. So I’m being more careful of GABA amounts. It DOES WORK. I just have this unfortunate side effect and wonder if maybe my liver or kidneys are mad at it?
Blah blah blah. How about if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything. MOST Doctors & pharmacists HATE VITAMINS!!!!!!! They dont get paid to push those they get paid to push regular horrible medications that have worse side effects then GABA
How do you know what dose of GABA to start on? I have a 9 year old girl, do I need to get her tested to see if low on GABA ? What kind of brand from health store?
I use the questionnaire and trials of GABA, starting at 1/4 to 1/2 the adult dose. In this particular example GABA Calm was used but all the dietary factors were also addressed: gluten, sugar, real food, blood sugar control, gut health etc. It’s always more than just taking an amino acid.
So how do you know if Gaba 25mg is an ok safe dosage for 9 year old? Do you just give 1x a day ? Increase in a few weeks ?
Hi, I have an 8 year old son who is struggling with anxiety which is causing anger outbursts and he is also struggling with friendships. I was advised to try GABA. But I’m wondering which would be better for him out of GABA and L-Tryptophan? Any advice would be hugely appreciated. Thank you!
It’s a matter of figuring out the root cause of anxiety/anger outbursts and struggling with friendships. With physical anxiety I look into low GABA, with emotional anxiety/anger I look into low serotonin and when someone is struggling with friendships I look into pyroluria.
For low GABA and low serotonin we use the questionnaire and trials of the amino acids. I recommend everyone using the amino acids become well-informed and aware of precautions – my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” has an entire chapter on the amino acids plus 8 other nutritional approaches to consider.
Of course, all the dietary factors are also addressed: gluten, sugar, real food, blood sugar control, gut health etc. It’s always more than just taking an amino acid. Getting blood work to determine iron and vitamin D levels, and thyroid health is key too
How much milligrams of GABA does he take?
Thank you so much for sharing this information, I’m going to give this a try with my son, who struggles with a lot of ADHD and anxiety behaviors.
Let us know how it goes with your son. And remember to read the amino acid section in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” so you are well-informed
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Hi there, I was wondering if you could help. I have a 10 year old daughter who is highly anxious. She is ADHD, and this combines with other factors such as defiance, aggression, anger, low self esteem, sleep issues, extreme picky eating and a worrying lack of growth (she’s about 2 years behind her peers in height). I’m not sure where to start – I was thinking to try the GABA but I am not sure what dosage would be suitable for her (125mg Gaba Calm or the Kal25mg?) or even if that would be the best thing to go for – I’m getting very confused reading about tryptophan, and tyrosine etc. She is very skinny and light as well. Tests have revealed a zinc deficiency and she takes a supplement for this that also includes some B vitamins. I’m not sure if it’s coincidence or not but she has been worse in terms of anxiety since taking these. She is bright but has a complete lack of focus at school, so her grades are slipping. She gets tired really easily and is also easy to anger. In addition to this she is scared at night, currently has fears around dying and can be very obsessive and defiant I’m really very worried about her and any advice you could give would be immensely appreciated. I am reading your book, but I don’t know how to make safe adaptations for children.
When I hear anxiety, defiance, aggression, anger, low self esteem, sleep issues, easy to anger, scared at night, fears around dying, can be very obsessive I think low serotonin. When I hear lack of focus at school, tired really easily I think tyrosine, low iron, low thyroid and also low GABA. When I hear picky eating, skinny and a lack of growth I think low zinc or gluten issues.
Thank you so much for your response, Trudy. Now you can see why I am so confused as to where to start, because it seems like she needs everything! Should I tackle things one at a time? Ie start with addressing the low seratonin? I am not sure which product would be best for a 10 year old child – could you help me with that please? I will continue the zinc – can you recommend a specific zinc product or what amount I should give her? I try to avoid gluten but it’s a bit of a battle at times, so it is something I am trying to make gradual changes with so that they are more easily accepted. I really am very grateful for the way you have clarified things. Thank you.
Have you considered Pandas?
I have a 13 year old daughter that has focus and memory retention issues. She has anxiety but you wouldn’t know it unless you really know her. Like checking out at a store is very stressful for her, going outside by herself or the dark makes her very anxious. I don’t want to put her on medication. ADD and Crohns runs in the family. She struggles with school work and daily tasks. Her periods are awful for her. No problem with anger, depression, or social skills, being over emotional is t a. Issue. So for a 13 year old she is easy to get along with. Just that school and getting things done and remembering things are so hard for her and it is upsetting to her. Thanks for any help .
I use the questionnaire to help us figure out if it’s a low serotonin or low GABA issue and do trials of the amino acids. Tyrosine can help with focus and DPA with being overly emotional.
With issues like focus, memory, anxiety, stress, struggling at school we’d also look into low zinc, low iron, gluten issues, sugar consumption, quality animal protein and healthy fats, and low blood sugar. Also to consider are EMFs/mobile device/computer use and less than 10 hours of sleep. With periods that are awful we look at low B6 too and in-home chemicals/hormone disruptors.
I can’t offer specifics for you daughter via the blog so if you’re looking for more guidance I’ll be offering my online group program next month – you can sign up here to be on the notification list
I encourage you to sign up for the newsletter on the top right of this blog so you can truly immerse yourself in all this. It’s not a quick fix but a lifestyle change.
Hi Trudy,
I have been taking GABA nightly while doing a Ketogenic Diet, as it was recommended to me. I don’t have any anxiety issues, and haven’t been taking it long enough to really tell if it has been beneficial. What should I look for. I started to do more research on it for my ADHD son. (10 Yrs) He currently takes medication (Concerta) Will taking GABA nightly help him too? He is not on a Ketogenic diet, but He generally eats what I make for dinner.
Just worried that the two could mix or counter each other? Thoughts???
I would love to get him off of Concerta all together.
Thank You
I only recommend GABA when there are low GABA symptoms – physical tension, sleep issues, stress eating or self-medicating with alcohol to calm down (in adults). This can show up as poor focus/ADHD when children are anxious. If GABA is low these symptoms will improve.
What do you recommend for OCD and obsessive thoughts of violence/danger? Perseverating on topics. Generalized anxiety disorder. Learning disabilities. My son has all of these. I also think he has ADHD. He has throat clearing tics and body rocking. He’s been a guinea pig for 2 years and doctors can’t figure out how to treat him. He’s tried lithium, depakote, lamictal, tomopmax. He currently take ripseridone- so he doesn’t self harm. Where can I start? GABA? He is adopted so I don’t have a medical history. He is 10. Thank you.
I’m sorry to hear your son is going through all this. I’d find a good functional medicine practitioner to guide you and I’d discuss the following with them: serotonin support for OCD/obsessive thoughts of violence/danger, perseverating on topics, generalized anxiety disorder. With OCD we also always consider gluten ( and PANDAS ( A full work up to look at mold, metals, gut, diet etc is key.
I would discuss the tics with the prescribing doctor – risperidone may cause tardive dyskinesia which can become permanent.
Re: What do you recommend for OCD and obsessive thoughts of violence/danger?
These are classic signs of salicylate sensitivity. The Feingold diet (popular with the autism community) is based on a link between salicylates and both OCD and aggressive or antisocial behavior.
Just discovered this link with my son — working backwards from his OCD. His OCD improved within days of cutting back the salicylates in his food and vitamins. (you also have to worry about deodorant, shampoo, etc.) He is also much more calm.
Eczema is also a common cause of salicylate sensitivity.
Dr. Jockers has an excellent article on this (notice aggression is a his list of symptoms).
(I didn’t like the Feingold diet, because it is too easy– e.g. allows wheat/gluten).
Good luck!
Thanks for sharing and how wonderful that you figured out the salicylate issue with your son. I find low serotonin can also be a factor with aggression/violence/obsessive thoughts. Also high copper and low lithium should be explored.
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I am so grateful to find your blog and article. This has been my cross to bear through school and life. I thought it was my need for glasses. I never wanted to be in class nor listen to the teachers. It all seemed too slow and just stupid stuff, non-applicable. Presently, I feel the same way when the teacher for my grandson talks on Zoom and all the other kids are figgeting , I want to yell at her to stop doing the dumbed down common core math. My grandchild have had to make boxes to represent numbers. We just called it ones, tens and hundreds. We put numbers over one another and added, subtracted or mutiplied. Not now they have to show it four ways and use estimations and take 1 number away and add to the other. They don’t do carry overs. I have no patience for these long winded methods and too many at once is very confusing.
I have sat in more business meetings that I just wanted to fall asleep in. I did accounting for 40 years and I am very bottom-line type A personality . Love getting to the answer fast. (Thank God for PCs and computer databases that sort and consolidate information.)
I hate excess talking and small talk. I hate gossip. I don’t care about what is wrong or right about other people. You could say I am lacking empathy. I used to care but I have a big sense of anxiety and no extra energy for solving other people’s problems. I am hoping to use some of your ideas in your book to help me, my husband who cannot remember anything and sleeps many times per day, my daughter who cannot sleep at night and her three children who are loud, erratic, non-focused.
Thank you again for sharing so much information.
Thanks for sharing all this. I can understand many of your frustrations (and don’t get the common core math either!)
Good for you wanting to help your whole family! Please do keep us posted on how it goes. Since you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here I think you’ll find the pyroluria information enlightening (“I hate excess talking and small talk”).
If you’d like to look into lack of empathy you may find Brain Wash interesting
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B6, P5P and Gaba are GREATLY helping my son with autism. He is high functioning but hyperactivity and mood swings can interfere with life and school. The combination of B6, P5P and Gaba make it very easy for him to stay calm and focused. He eats healthy and exercises but with out the above mentioned combo his mind races and he bounces off the walls. With it he is highly intelligent focused and creative, kind and happy.
Thanks for sharing this great feedback on your son. What age is he and how much of these nutrients help him? And how did you land up with this combination?
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Hi Trudy,
I started medicating my son recently with Concerta ( I didn’t want to take that road) However, I’m wondering if he could still take GABA while under medication.
I’m not planning to give it to him for too long but I can’t stop just yet.
Thanks in advance
I’m not aware of issues with GABA but always best to discuss with the prescribing doctor.
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Hi Trudy,
What do you recommend as a reliable way to determine which amino acids are low? We are doing a GABA Calm trial with my 10-year old ADHD/Anxiety Disorder son. I give 1/2 tablet in the morning and the second 1/2 in late afternoon. He seems a bit calmer, but still exhibits impulsivity and aggressive behavior. Should I increase the dose? Try other amino acids?
It’s wonderful your son is a bit calmer with GABA! The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA (or any of the neurotranmitters) is to look at the low GABA symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of GABA and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
Keep in mind with impulsivity and aggressive behavior we also look at low serotonin and low blood sugar.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
I found this information very helpful. Ive been giving my 10 year old the Gaba 25 mg by Kal and I have seen a difference in his mood and self regulating. He has not officially been diagnosed in any way but he was having trouble focusing in class –
He has been taking 7 sublingual Gaba 25 mg daily
I haven’t increased wanting to know if that is too little dose?
It’s wonderful the GABA has improved your son’s mood and self-regulating. With clients with low GABA issues we continue to increase the GABA until all symptoms are completely resolved or no further gains are seen with a higher dose. And when we’re using multiple sublinguals of a lower dose like 25mg we consider switching to 1/2 to 1 or more of say the 125mg GABA Calm to make taking them easier.
Trudy, Can a regular doctor check GABA levels? Or functional?
The best way to determine if someone may have low GABA is to look at the low GABA symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of GABA and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
My son is almost 16. So he would get a full dose of 750 mg right? He weighs 120 lbs.. also in that article u shared that with low blood sugar fatigue is relieved after eating. That’s definitely not the case for my husband or I. Or any other diabetic/ low blood sugar friend I have. It actually increases fatigue for everyone I know.
I have been trying your recommended Gaba lozenges 125 Gaba—-but concerned that there are lots of other stuff in them…like sorbitol!!! not good! any other suggestions??
I have clients start on GABA Calm because it’s easy to use and so effective. The sublingual aspect is key too. Many may then switch to another product once they have found their ideal dose for their needs. You can find many other products on the supps blog
How has GABA Calm helped you so far? and how much helped?
I am curious as to why sotbitol is added in the GABA formula, as well as not too confortable with “natural” flavors and even less so with citric acid which is often sutly added extracted from corn, and you know the rest…
I have clients start on GABA Calm because it’s easy to use and so effective. The sublingual aspect is key too. Many may then switch to another product once they have found their ideal dose for their needs. Some choose to start with something other than GABA Calm for the reasons you list. You can find many other products on the supps blog The important thing is sublingual use and starting low at 125mg whichever product is used.
Which product are you using and how is it helping? And how do you use it and dose it?
Thank you for your researches!
May I ask which age could we start using GABA? Thanks a lot
I have not used GABA for anyone under 11 years old. Instead, I start with diet and blood sugar control – no sugar, no gluten, no caffeine, no additives and quality animal protein/healthy fats at breakfast. And nutrient-dense eating with fermented foods. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Other dietary factors to consider include phenols/salicylates, histamines, oxalates and glutamates.
You’re most welcome
Hello dear Trudy,
I’ve learned that the absorption of GABA can be tricky since most won’t go through the blood-brain barrier, except when combined with niacin. I’m seeking some guidance on the matter, Picamilon is not available and not sure how to manage quantities of niacin + gaba to make it effective.
I would love and appreciate your opinion/advice on this.
I appreciate your constant help and support
I don’t combine niacin with GABA as I find sublingual use of GABA is very effective.
Hi Trudy,
I’ve been following you for about a year and have had amazing results for myself using AAs and changing my diet. However, My 14 yo daughter is now anxious, distracted and unable to focus and gets overwhelmed. I would love for her to see you but I know you’re not taking on new 1:1 clients (and sadly she won’t do an online course). If you were able to recommend someone who specialises in amino acid therapy and teenagers (and who also practices in Australia!) , I’d be super super grateful.
Many thanks!
Hi Trudy. Because of your posts I decided to try GABA for my son who has ADHD symptoms (no official diagnosis yet) which I believe is due to anxiety. I wasn’t sure on dosing and then someone told me about a functional doctor here in South Africa who kindly did an online call with me to do a GABA trial with my son. We ended up with her recommending 2 x 500mg capsules. I now see you recommend much less? Is everyone different and could it depend on the brand used? She’s also going to give me some info on doing a parasite cleanse as he’s got sensory issues and she says she’s often seen these resolved when a parasite and heavy metal cleanse are done?
Thanks for your amazing information d I hope you had a lovely holiday in South Africa?!
I do shave clients start on less and use GABA sublingually. 500mg is considered a high dose
Lovely holiday thanks!
This is great info and gives me hope for my six year old. I am going to do a sample trial of the GABA with her. Two questions. #1) I was reading that GABA can cause vivid dreams which is interesting since both my daughter and I already have vivid dreams every single night, I am wondering if we have too much GABA then? Even though we both display other symptoms of low GABA. Have you heard anything about vivid dreams and anxiety? #2) Should I have her the GABA before bed? Thanks so much for all you do.
Glad this gives you hope! I have not heard of vivid dreams when taking GABA – where have you heard this? Please share a link
Timing of GABA depends on the symptoms – we use it before bed for sleep issues and increased physical anxiety/stiff and tense muscles/tension at night
My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place for the foundations (you don’t mention what dietary changes have been made) and has a chapter on the amino acids with dosing/timing information. More here
My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions related to GABA and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement). More here about the program and purchase info Many moms in the program are working to help a child.
My daughter was also acting out at 11 and I understood that’s when hormones start and the cause of the change in behavior which did improve as the hormones evened out. I also have a question about attention deficit in teenagers, my grandson doesn’t have the anxiety and behavior problems just needing help to focus and pay attention, is gaba helpful for that?
Yes teen hormone changes can contribute but when we use amino acids it’s smoothes things over and makes their lives (and family too) bearable for the few years it can often take.
GABA can be helpful for focus and attention and so can tyrosine (due to low dopamine) and also glutamine (if blood sugar is low). Eating to control blood sugar helps too. Be sure to read the blood sugar and amino acids chapters in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution ”