GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a calming amino acid that when taken orally works to relax, calm, ease anxiety and social anxiety, quiet the mind, help with sleeping better, reduce neck tension, remove uneasiness and worry, and give hope.
Even though we have recent research that it does work we still hear the naysayers saying “why bother to take GABA, it just doesn’t work unless you have a leaky blood brain barrier.”
The blog post from last week – GABA, the calming amino acid: expert opinions generated so much interest and feedback, so I’m sharing some of this feedback so you can hear first-hand from people who have tried various GABA products. I’ve corrected typos but what follows is their actual feedback.
As you’ll see, it does work extremely well for many people. You’ll also see that there are many different products that work well. I’m sharing all of them even though I have my favorites.
There are some people that don’t benefit from it. I share some questions below and you may want to go through these if GABA doesn’t work for you.
Here is the feedback for many of the products that were mentioned. It starts with products I like/recommend and have experience with.
Allergy Research 200mg of Zen product contains 500mg GABA and 200mg Theanine 200 mg per 2 capsules. Dee likes the instant calm and compared how it worked as well as Xanax had worked for her in the past:
I have taken Xanax in the past for panic attacks. My functional medicine doctor suggested this product as I wanted a natural product. I was amazed how it works just like the Xanax did – instant calm feeling within 10 mins of taking 2 capsules. I use them as needed when I am having heightened stress and anxiety.
I’ve had a number of clients who really liked this GABA/theanine combination. This product together with Nutritional Fundamentals GABA-T SAP, also a GABA/theanine combination, comes highly recommended by me. They both contain a small amount of GABA, the theanine works really well with the GABA and the capsules, when opened on to the tongue, are pleasant tasting.
Source Naturals GABA Calm was only mentioned once which surprised me! Together with GABA/theanine combination products above, it’s the GABA product I use most with my clients because it’s sublingual, easy to take, great tasting and works so exceptionally well. It contains GABA, taurine and glycine, and a small amount of magnesium and tyrosine. The tyrosine means this product cannot be used if you have melanoma, high blood pressure or bipolar disorder. You can see all the amino acid precautions here.
Country Life GABA Relaxer contains GABA, taurine, glycine, inositol, niacin and vitamin B6. Melissa shares how much it helped her:
After my first panic attack I thankfully found Julia Ross’s work. I began taking 250 mg GABA every night. That really helped! Now a few years later I don’t need it every day, and I take a half pill during my cycle anxiety – more like uneasiness and over worried now, just as needed. I then heard you speak Trudy and share more info, bought your book, and put into place supportive lifestyle changes, and I have my life back. GABA is a great supplement for some of us!
I really like this product and used it when I worked with Julia Ross in her clinic. It was also a product I personally used when my anxiety and panic attacks started. I used this at night and GABA Calm in the day.
Seeking Health GABA 500mg was mentioned by a few people. Sherie said she loves it and takes it 2-4 times a day (she also takes theanine). This is what she shares:
It helps lower my overall anxious feeling all day (anxiety for no reason). I just started increasing the dose slightly and am beginning to take it a few times a day to help with social anxiety. I have lifelong problem of severe blushing and sweating from social anxiety and need that to stop.
I asked her if she’s looked into pyroluria and she said hadn’t but said it fits her to a T so this would be the next thing for her to address. It’s seldom just one underlying cause and the great thing is that the zinc, vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil of the pyroluria protocol help us make more GABA (and other brain chemicals).
I’d like to add that 500mg can be a high amount for many anxious individuals so it’s not something I typically start with. I like to have my clients start on either Source Naturals GABA Calm (which has 125mg of GABA) or one of the GABA/theanine combination products that have around 200mg GABA, and increase as needed.
I recommend GABA over pharmaGABA because over the years I’ve simply found more people seem to do better on GABA. But clearly, pharmaGABA does work for some individuals.
Thorne PharmaGABA-100 contains 100mg pharmaGABA and Cheryl shares how this product works great for her:
I usually only take it at night only when I know I need it, to quiet my mind and relax my body so I can sleep better. I need it less now because I am following MTHFR and adrenal fatigue supplement protocols and diet.
PharmaGABA Stress Relax from Natural Factors is another pharmaGABA product and Gina chewed two 100mg tablets and said this is how they helped:
It changed my life in minutes! Take it every day now. No more hopelessness!
April also finds that the Natural Factors pharmaGABA works great for her:
I take 100mg a day for about a week and then take time off until I feel I need it again or I feel I have too much. I know if I take too much, I get spacey, unmotivated, depressed even. Helps a ton with head/neck tension and anxiety.
I just want to add that this product does contain sugar (3.5 g with 300mg pharmaGABA) and fruit flavors (which sensitive folks may have an issue with) so this one would not be high on my list of recommendations. But if it’s the only one that works for you then go for it!
Quicksilver GABA is a liquid that contains GABA, theanine and sunflower lecithin, and is promoted as being a very effective form of delivery. Candy shares:
It is a liquid that I keep in the fridge. I squirt and leave it under my tongue for a couple minutes. It has been helpful.
I look forward to hearing if you or your clients have found this to be superior to other forms. I’d like add that it’s not suitable for children and alcoholics due to the ethanol.
A few other products were mentioned (neither of which I’ve had feedback on until now):
- Source Naturals Theanine Serine which has GABA, theanine, taurine, magnesium and holy basil.
- Pure Tranquility from Pure Encapsulations contains GABA, theanine and glycine. One person was suspicious that it was triggering migraines. I wonder if it could be related to one of the other ingredients like the natural apple flavor, potassium sorbate or purified stevia extract?
GABA won’t work for everyone and a few people said GABA didn’t work at all.
Karen appreciated me dispelling the blood-brain-barrier-GABA myth and pointing out that phenibut is not GABA. But GABA didn’t work for her and she shared this:
I have tried GABA, my mother swears by it and my husband uses it. It has a calming effect on me, but I like holy basil better.
I checked with her and she hasn’t tried it sublingually, which I find to be more effective for most of my clients. This could be something like Source Naturals GABA Calm or one of the GABA /theanine combination products opened on to tongue and held there for 1-2 minutes.
GABA also didn’t work for Sheri and she said:
I’m one of those folks for whom it seems to do nothing. Zip. I have found some relief using niacinamide, however.
Dr. Jonathan Prousky really likes niacinamide for anxiety and I find it helps a lot with my clients who have runaway thoughts and paranoia.
If GABA doesn’t work for you that’s fine, not everything works for everyone. But if you really feel GABA should work for you or feel you need additional support for your anxiety then I wouldn’t give up and ask these questions:
- do you have an underactive thyroid (amino acids may not be as effective)
- did you take it sublingually (it’s often more effective taken this way)
- did you take it away from protein (it needs to be taken this way)
- how much did you take (amounts can vary by person)
- do you have low GABA symptoms/physical anxiety (it will only work if you do) or
- are you taking a benzodiazepine (for some people on benzos many supplements don’t work or are just too much for them)
Here is the facebook post if you’d like to read the whole discussion. I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this great discussion!
I’ll cover phenibut (which is not GABA) in a future blog post. It’s always a hot topic and is not something I recommend but more on that next time.
A heads up that I’ve shared links to the products that were mentioned so you can check them out. Some of the links are from Emerson, the online distributer I use. If you’d like to order from them you can find out how to set up an account here.
Now I’d love to hear from you. Have you used any of these GABA products (or had your clients use them) with good results? How much did you/they use and what were the results?
If GABA doesn’t help do you say “yes” to any of the 6 above questions?
Excellent post Trudy, thank you. I am aware of you favouring Source Naturals GABA Calm but note from the blurb on the site that there is a warning: Contains tyrosine. Not to be used with MAO inhibitor drugs. I have a MAO A / R297R T +/+ genetic SNP, but I am not taking MAO inhibitor drugs – does this mean that the tyrosine may be a problem for me? Thanks.
Glad you enjoyed the post! I have not seen any literature saying to avoid tyrosine with a MAOA homozygous polymorphism, and nor have I heard this mentioned in presentations but now I’m curious and will keep my eyes and ears open, and start asking colleagues with expertise in this area.
One thing to consider is that having the mutation doesn’t mean it’s expressing. A clue with this one would be problems with tyramine-containing foods or high-histamine foods. If yes, then I’d be cautious with using tyrosine. But even then it may be tolerated. I’m curious if you have used in the past and your reaction?
It’s interesting in that some supplement companies have the “Do not take with MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants” warning on products containing tyrosine and yet many don’t.
I use WebMD to see what the conventional thinking is and they don’t mention the caution/warning
Thanks Trudy for the insight. Will keep my eyes open for more info on this. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with love, joy, hope and peace! Thank you for all you have done this past year to enlighten us with all this wonderful wisdom. Here’s to a fantastic 2016 with all of us finding more and more answers to our health and wellness issues. With a lot of the research now in place I think 2016 will be the year I get closer to reaching the goal. I may be in touch at some point with regard to picking up from where we left off…
And to you too! and all the answers you’re looking for!
I am curious if you’ve tried tyrosine and had an issue with it?
Thanks Trudy, I’ve only been exposed to tyrosine in the Source Naturals GABA Calm product and as far as I am aware have not noticed any issues but I have only taken 1 sublingualy once a day so not sure if that is a high enough dosing to cause problems…
Thanks Drew – that is a small amount
Hi Trudy, My names Darren i’m a 28 year old male from Australia, i first discovered you while watching you speak during the HEALTHY ME SUMMIT, i’ve since then followed your work on Facebook with great curiosity and interest in regards to anxiety and depression, i happen to be one of many people who suffer from anxiety and depression though i do everything in my power to live a happy and healthy life, i eat good whole foods, exercise 7 days a week and meditate everyday, this helps me immensely ,but i’ll still have weeks when i really hit rock bottom in which i can’t always explain why this feeling has been triggered. The reason why i’m writing to you is i’m not the only on one in my family that have a mental health problem both my brother and sisters, dad and uncle even my cousin have anxiety and depression. This got me thinking because there is such a history of mental health in my family could there be a certain product like GABA OR 5HP that we are unable to metabolise in the stomach and use in the brain? It would be great if you could give me some advice in how i would go about testing for such thing as deficiencies. i really want to help myself and everyone in my family thank you for your time i look forward from hearing from you- Darren
Hi Darren
It’s common to see mood issues run in families due to common genes and deficiencies passed on from parents or granparents or having similar diets. I find that doing the amino acids questionnaire and a trial of the associated amino acid is the best way to figure out if they will work. Keep in mind that brain chemical deficiencies are just one piece of the puzzle. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” goes into all aspects. Here is a summary + additional possible root causes
Thank you so much for answering my questions Trudy it’s been a great help and I’ll look to purchase your book in the future. I’ve done the amino acids test and can say I experienced a number of those things listed on blog, I’m willing to try the Gaba, but I’m unsure what one I should purchase and what would be the right dosage to start with? Do I take it with anything else? I know my client uses 5-htp with the Gaba. Do I need that?
Kind regards
I like Nutritional Fundamentals GABA-T SAP a GABA/theanine combination. Here are all the products I use with clients
If someone has both low GABA and low serotonin symptoms I have them do a trial of both GABA and tryptophan (I start with this rather than 5-HTP) – one at a time so they see the effects of each.
Hi Trudy,
I just wanted to let you know I’ve purchase the Source Natural Gaba Calm, I was wondering how many lozenges should I take a day to start with? Also unfortunately i couldn’t receive the Gaba T-Sap that you recommended and the Lidtke tryptophan as the shipping cost was too much to Australia. Do you recommend any other Tryptophan brands or know any other places I can buy Lidtke,so I’m able to trial both supplements?
Thank you for your continued support and knowledge.
I do a trial with my clients to figure out the ideal amount as it’s different for each person
I don’t have an Australian source for these yet – sorry
I have been using Source Naturals Theanine Serene for about 9 months with good results. I had been on lorazepam for 15 years and very slowly weaned myself off. My sleep was not very good and I needed something. I read on your site about Amino Acids for anxiety. Theanine Serene has helped me sleep well and I notice over time my daytime anxiety has also diminished and I only take it at bedtime. I am curious how to take it sublingually as it is a hard tablet and is quite large. Thanks for sharing information about amino acids for anxiety, it has made a big difference for me.
So pleased to hear the Source Naturals Theanine Serene has helped, and that you weaned off the lorazapam successfully. Hard tablets can be crushed but are more challenging to take sublingually which is why capsules may be preferred.
Trudy: Thank you for such an informative article re: GABA. Natalie Sadler, MD, has me on Kavinace by Neuroscience. What do you know about Kavinace? Is it the best GABA? What is the best GABA for the hypomanic? And to decrease manic states?
You’re welcome. I am not in favor of phenibut, the main ingredient in Kavinace, and prefer GABA or pharmaGABA. Phenibut is more like a drug and can cause side-effects, potentially be addicting and lead to withdrawal effects.
Regrading hypomania/manic states I would favor GABA/pharmaGABA over phenibut for the reasons mentioned above (if low GABA is a factor) and would look into low serotonin, gluten sensitivity, diet ( and possibly low lithium (and talk to your doctor about low dose lithium orotate).
PS I removed your links as they are promo sites for the product and are not what I’d consider reliable practitioner sites.
I’m glad I saw the post about GABA on your FB page a couple weeks ago, which led me to this article. I bought Source Naturals GABA Calm and have been taking 1-3 per day for two weeks. I’m glad I bought it before travelling home for Christmas – I was cool as a cucumber at the airport and was much calmer when visiting family and friends compared to last year! The true test of its efficacy will be in two weeks when the semester starts. For now, I notice a general calmness and am sleeping well.
An unexpected result was that I stopped craving sweets after about a week of taking it! I didn’t even realize this until I was grocery shopping and out of habit walked towards the ice cream – I stopped and realized I didn’t want ice cream. So I walked toward the chocolate – same reaction. For once in my life, I was not craving sweets. I made truffles for a NYE party and only ate two. But what is really shocking is that the leftovers are still in my refrigerator two days later and I haven’t touched them. I don’t understand what is going on! Can this be the GABA Calm (active ingredients: magnesium, GABA, Glycine, L-Tyrosine, Taurine)? I don’t think it’s the small amount of magnesium because I already do magnesium oil foot baths, so I suspect it’s one of the other ingredients.
Thanks so much for this article on GABA and recommendations
How wonderful and thanks for sharing! I love the calm traveling and better sleep! And yes we can crave for many reasons and one can be low GABA. We stress eat when our GABA is low so by addressing low GABA this can disappear completely as in your case (or partially when we need to address low serotonin or low dopamine or low blood sugar or low endorphins too)
Do let us know how things go when you go back to school.
I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to share this as part of a blog post – to give others hope!
Hello Trudy,
I am 51 yr old and have a history of 2 major depressive episodes, accompanied by severe anxiety. I was treated with low dose Clonopin, Zoloft and later Lexapro pretty successfully. However, I felt flat with limited range of affect and no libido so I weaned myself off the meds. I have been reading your articles and blog for a few months and am now trying amino acids. (Also waiting for your book to arrive in the mail!)
I am struggling with a return of the anxiety which is the worst in the morning. It is like there is an immediate anxiety switch turned on first thing upon awakening. My mornings are brutal…with racing/ruminating negative thoughts. I am also pretty irritable with no ability to enjoy life. This happened with the previous depressive episodes also. My sleep is not very good either.
I am currently taking:
Theanine Serene 1 tab(GABA-250mg, Taurine-225mg, L-Theanine-100mg, Holy Basil-50mg, Relora-75mg) at bedtime and L-Tryptophan 500mg 2-3X/day.
I have tried GABA calm a few times during the day but was concerned about the Tyrosine as my father had bipolar disorder.
I am wondering if:
1.I can safely take the GABA Calm (no personal episodes of mania)
2.increase any of the above doses since I’m still having a lot of anxiety & racing thoughts(especially in the am)
3.It would make sense to try 5-HTP also?
I thank you for taking the time to read all of this. I truly am not sure what to do and appreciate any guidance you can provide. Thank you for all you do to help others improve their quality of life.
Hi Margaret
I’m sorry to hear about your anxiety. I can’t provide specific advice via the blog but can say that I really do see much better results with Lidtke tryptophan and will often have clients use more than 500mg each time. We base the amount on how they respond to the trial, since there is no one size fits all
If we have concerns about tyrosine, a GABA or GABA/theaine product opened is very effective.
I also look at cortisol levels as high levels can cause anxiety and insomnia. With high cortisol I avoid 5-HTP unless the tryptophan doesn’t work.
Once you get the book I encourage you to start with all the basics of real food, no sugar/gluten/caffeine, gut health etc too. For some people it’s as simple as removing gluten! (read Howard Kelly’s comment on this blog
I forgot to mention that the Tryptophan is from Source Naturals.
Thank you Trudy for your reply.
I did have a serum (morning)cortisol done and it was normal.
Maybe it is worth doing the saliva test.
Can you give the link for the lab that does it?
Does the 5-HTP have a better result in helping with depressed mood and negative thinking than the tryptophan?
Thank you,
Hi Trudy!
After reading your book and taking one of your workshops I have had a great deal of improvement in my life. I did something I thought I would never be able to do again,(not solo yet, but I drove further then I have in over 5 years) which gives me a lot of hope of regaining my independence. I’m a small step taker, but it’s working! I’ve had no panic attacks and so many improvements since I started taking the aminos and using the Pyroluria protocol. I take the GABA before I’m in any of the situations (like driving) that might trigger anxiety and its working! I couldn’t be happier!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Trudy can you help me point a mom in the right direction for her child who has all of the symptoms. Your book and can you recommend where can we find information specifically for a child? Dosages etc? Again thank you so much… I’m getting my life back! <3
This warms my heart to hear this – thanks for coming and sharing. This will give others much hope!
Please share how much GABA helps and which product you’re using.
It amazes me that I still get emails from people saying “it’s impossible for GABA to work – it doesn’t cross the blood-brain-barrier!” or even that “it’s the placebo effect” How would you like to be told that!?
I find moms who have used the food and nutrient changes do well guiding their kids once they have experienced results themselves. Rough guidelines are 60-120lbs is half an adult amount. Of course all the other changes go without saying – real whole food, blood sugar control, no gluten/sugar/caffeine, gut health, quality animal protein and healthy fats.
Just adding that I decided to share your wonderful results in one of my newsletters/blogs. I’ll post the link when it goes live. Thanks again for sharing and offering hope to others in the same or similar situations.
Trudy, I’ve been getting good results with taking 2 x Source Naturals GABA Calm lozenges of late, especially at night if I can’t get to sleep and also if I wake in the early hours between 2 & 4pm which happens most nights. I have tried several GABA supplements but this one seems to be the only one that works for me and I am amazed how reasonably priced it is compared to other GABA supplements. GABA calm helps to relax the tension and buzz in my body and more often than not enables me to get back to sleep before my alarm at 5.35am. I’m hoping this effect will last. Just wanted to ask you one thing as I recall you mentioning best not to take GABA at the same time as protein – does this also apply to the sub-lingual GABA Calm lozenges or doesn’t it matter as it is ingested through the mouth under the tongue and not with protein in the stomach? Many thanks.
Hi Trudy,
I would like to try Gaba Calm for not so strong panic and mild anxiety, but I’ve had a few “complicated migraines” in the past which are one of the main sources of panic attacks for me. I read that Tyrosine could trigger migraines, so I am unsure if taking Gaba Calm for this reason. Could the Tyrosine amount in this product be enough to trigger a migraine? or is there any other Gaba brand/amount that you recommend instead?, I tried Pharmagaba 100mg but I did not feel any relief from it.
Thank you!
I avoid all tyrosine with clients with any history of migraine, even the small amount in GABA Calm. There are some great ones with no tyrosine It’s easy to open a capsule and start with a few dabs and increase slowly
Trudy do you mean Taurine, I don’t see any Tyrosine in the GABA Calm ingredients? Thnx.
Apologies Trudy, I see it now as N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine.
no problem
thanks dr. trudy I am happy to have met you and have read her WONDERFUL BOOK THE ANTI ANXYETY SOLUTION FOOD TRULY WONDERFUL !! thanks is risolvento my anxiety problems, FIRST STAY I HAD NEVER HEARD THESE STUDIES IN THE BOOK THAT EXPLAINS HER THANKS !! I want to know where to find this INTEGRATOR Gaba any link THANKS Sorry for MY bad english i Am italian
Thanks – glad to hear you like my book. I’m not sure what your question is?
PS and hello to you in Italy!
THANK YOU FOR GREETINGS TO ITALY HAVE WANTED TO ASK SOME FEAR TO BEGIN TO TAKE NFH-T-SAP stress neuro support, how to proceed? I feel low GABA ThAnks VERY MUCH saluti Anna rita
You should be able to order it online to be shipped to Italy Or look for something similar locally.
Hello Trudy, I have a question since I’m studying to become a DNM. Sorry to bother you with but if you can refer me with your articles or other sources that would be great. My question is about GABA. Anti anxiety drugs stimulate the secretion of GABA, so what is the difference between taking gaba as a supplement and the stimulation of secretion by anti anxiety drugs. Which mechanism is different and in which section is gaba better than anti anxiety drugs? Is gaba fully safe for the brain on contrary to anti anxiety drugs?
Thanks a lot for your reply and congratulations for the amazing work you do!
Antianxiety drugs do not stimulate the secretion of GABA but rather make GABA receptors more efficient – as understand it. Unfortunately they have many side-effects plus tolerance builds and they have withdrawal effects. I encourage you to search this blog for benzodiazepine to find the many articles on the topic and the 100s of horror stories from people who have had terrible issues with them. Here is the latest one which is proposing informed consent
I found in Italy NFH GABA-T SAP stress neurosupport. I woould know if i can replace xanax with this NFH GABA-T SAP stress neurosupport ? what dose i can take to start? and is ‘true that gaba turns you off your nervous system? thanks
The dose is very unique to each person and I can’t consult via the blog. This should give you an idea of how to do a trial
GABA is very calming and can be very helpful when doing a benzodiazepine (Xanax) taper but you will want to work with your doctor, educate yourself and him/her (if needed) and go really really slow. This blog has some links to info about benzodiazepines
thanks Dr. Trudy am so thankful of the truly comprehensive response link! thanks thanks thanks !! unfortunately I can not find a Dr. who does not administer these benzoazepine, !! All dottor take there !! and I have no more confidence in most dr who would treat me !! so study and follow his directions, luckily I have not listened to my Dr. that he wanted to give me xanas for a month !! but I tried to promote healing of inteßtino in power with VIT D supplements probiotics foods mentioned in her book, and Vitamina D in that of write Ann guitterman .. AMY Myers .. !! it is very difficult but with all of her ( TRUDY ) teachings i will come out, it is very bad the panic and anxiety attack !! It is like seeing death in the face !! I WILL TRY TO understand how much i CAN take (GABA ) .. THANK
hello from italy dr. TRUDY is BEAUTIFUL FEEL YOUR LOVE CURE IN ALL OF US HERE! STILL I HAVE STUDIED YOUR ADVICE BUT I HAVE A FEAR, ONCE STARTED GABA AFTER MORE CAN NOT STOP TAKING? excuse senmplice question but important for me since I had to suffer a lot to quit drugs. I have an electric current in the body that bothers me most of the day .. I find doctors that treat me with natural things and not try anymore, I want to treat myself with your methods’m studying by myself for this and is moplto challenging and difficult for me but I count on your help thanks
sorry i must do a corrections i don t find dott that treat me whit natural things thank
Hello Trudy , I enjoy your work immensely and appreciate the info .
The other night I took 500 of GABA and two litdke Tryphotan and had such
Bad anxiety do you know why and how can I use these so it helps ?
I also just moved to Brazil and trying to find a functional or natropathic Dr
Seems impossible , are you aware of any in the country?
Sorry to hear this. I like to start low and with one amino acid at a time – that way you know what is working and what isn’t. Low may mean a dab of a 500mg capsule and if you are taking benzodiazepines you may be sensitive to any amounts.
I’m afraid I don’t know of a doctor in Brazil
hello from italy dr. TRUDY is BEAUTIFUL FEEL YOUR LOVE CURE IN ALL OF US HERE! STILL I HAVE STUDIED YOUR ADVICE BUT I HAVE A FEAR, ONCE STARTED GABA AFTER MORE CAN NOT STOP TAKING? excuse little question, but important for me since I had to suffer a lot to quit drugs. I have an electric current in the body that bothers me most of the day .. I don t find doctors that treat me with natural things and not try anymore, I want to treat myself with your methods’m studying by myself for this and is very challenging and difficult for me but I count on your help thanks –
I’m sorry you are going thru this. The electrical current or zaps are not uncommon when quitting medications. Magnesium can sometimes be helpful and going slower on the taper or even going back up a dose is sometimes recommended. Since you don’t have a good doctor have you considered a support group – there are many online groups that may be able to help. is one with many USA members but maybe you can find one in your country?
I think you’re asking if GABA can be addicting and you won’t be able to stop – no it’s not.
thank you very much for your kind reply !! I should be very happy to be taken into account by her dr. Trudy !! I’m honored!! thanks for the group that i will follow. I understood that When I’ll be fine after taking gaba I can stop taking it without being dependent? thank you tanti cordiali saluti
Hello Trudy,
Thank you for all the options on GABA. I am planning to buy
Allergy researc 200mg of zen..isn’t the GABA in it 550mg
quite high dose..I tried GABA calm, it worked it I got a headache.
Thank you for all your help!
Hello Trudy,
I am debating between nutritional fundamental or allergy research GABA.
Which one do you strongly recommend?
Thank you
Any good quality GABA is worth doing a trial if you have low GABA. I use Nutritional Fundamental product a lot
Dear Trudy,
I’m on your waiting list trying to do my best not to go back to the SSRI. I have your book and try to follow all the dietary recommendations. I did the amino questioner and ordered all the relevant supplements: GABA CALM (source natural) GABA T SAP ( NFH), 5HTP 50 mg (Pure encapsulations) L Tryptophan Sleep & Mood (LIDTKE)I ordered also L- THEANINE 200 mg. (source natural)and TAURINE 1000 (source natural). I started some days ago with the GABA T ASP. I decided on this GABA because I have tendency to hypertension and am afraid of the Tyrosine in GABA Calm. a small tab didn’t help so I took more: 1\3 of the capsule powder 2-3 times per day. I got the impression it made me feel better from the point of view of the body anxiety and I slept a beat better but had headaches and still some of the other symptoms. I read in the blog that in case of headaches it’s advised to reduce the dose but with lower doses it didn’t do any better with my symptoms. I decided to try and add the 5 HTP and take it in the afternoon – 1 capsule – 50 mg. So for now I’m taking the GABA and the 5HTP. The headache is stronger today and I consider to take a pain killer for this strong headache, I’m not having this often. How do I continue from here? What do you think Trudy? I’ll appreciate very much your opinion. Thank you very much!!!
Being methodical and doing one at a time is great. I do have my clients stop or cut back (and often trial something else) if they start to get headaches or experience other adverse symptoms.
Thank you Trudy: )
It’s already morning here. I decided to continue yesterday with the same regime because I thought the body will get used to but it was a mistake. I had not a pleasant night. I felt dizzy and had my known symptoms very strong – I absolutely will stop those.
Trudy can you please explain what do you mean by trialing something else?
It’s the same for all the aminos – It may be another deficiency or may be something else altogether like current or past benzodizepine use or gluten or low blood sugar or parasites
What is the difference between gaba and pharmagaba?
GABA is an amino acid supplement and neurotransmitter and pharmagaba is a fermented form of GABA.
I tried the Natural Factors pharmaGABA , mainly because it is the one most readily available in Canada. It worked great for the first couple of days, but then, like April, I had similar side effects. I was spacey and brain foggy and very tired. I’m going to hold back on taking it unless I really need it, as I hated feeling that way.