Dr. Jay Davidson D.C., PSc.D., host of the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit, is interviewed on the Anxiety Summit by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
A functional medicine approach to eliminate Lyme disease and the anxiety it often causes
- The incidence of anxiety in Lyme disease
- Lyme bacteria and methyl group depletion
- A functional medicine approach to eliminate the Lyme disease infection
- Balancing minerals and methyl donors
- Healing the gut and detoxing heavy metals
Here is the initial study I shared: Panic Attacks May Reveal Previously Unsuspected Chronic Disseminated Lyme Disease
The author describes the histories of three patients with panic-like episodes that turned out to be related to underlying, previously unsuspected tick-borne diseases. Each woman experienced symptoms that are not usual in panic disorder but are typical of neurological Lyme disease, including exquisite sensitivity to light, touch, and sounds, joint pain often in combination with cognitive changes including mental fogginess and loss of recent memory, and some degree of bizarre, shifting, and often excruciating neurological pain. Because these symptoms are atypical of primary panic disorder, they were very helpful in alerting the clinician to suspect an underlying physical illness.
Here are some gems from our interview:
So when you look at anxiety I look at it from an integrative standpoint – like the brain, nervous system has a huge piece in that, the neurotransmitters, and obviously the gut. So there’s multiple pieces of the body that seem to have a link with it. But if you have something that’s actually affecting the brain, which is the organ that’s running everything in the body, which Lyme disease or the bacteria borellia is one of those factors I really think that that in itself can cause anxiety – just due to the bacteria. And what’s interesting about the bacteria of Lyme is it’s not uniform – it can change forms and the main form that it’s known for is called the spirochete where it basically looks like a corkscrew, a spiraling shape. And so Lyme doesn’t like to just really float around in the bloodstream. It loves tissues. It loves joints and that’s where some of the symptoms are, like joint pain, and especially moves around the body. But it loves the brain too and it loves to be in those tissues.
Dr. Jay shares that chronic Lyme disease does exist and discusses testing issues:
…the standard testing that’s still done today, the ELISA and Western blot, they call it the two tier method. So if one shows up positive then they’ll run the other one. That methodology was actually designed and recommended as an observational population method for Lyme. It was never intended for a clinical diagnosis. And somehow it became the clinical diagnosis tool that if you run the test and if you come up negative there’s no way you could have Lyme.
Rresearch has shown that 40 to 60 percent of those tests are wrong which means you could almost flip a coin and get a better result. So you definitely want to find a practitioner that knows Lyme disease, that understands it.
My favorite test right now is from a lab called Pharmasan Labs … a test called iSpot. So instead of B cell antibodies which traditional tests uses it’s using T cells and it’s a lot more accurate. And studies basically show that this test is not 100 percent by any means either. But it’s 86 percent sensitive and 94 percent specific. And basically all that means is if you get a positive result on an iSpot Lyme test there’s a six percent chance that it’s wrong. If you get a negative on the iSpot Lyme test there’s a 16 percent chance that it is wrong.
Here information on the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit he hosted earlier this year. It was excellent!
Here is Dr. Jay’s book: 5 Steps to Restoring Health Protocol: Helping those who haven’t been helped with Lyme Disease, Thyroid Problems, Adrenal Fatigue, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Digestive Issues, and More!
Here are the gifts from Dr. Jay:
- 5 Steps to Restoring Health Protocol” audio book
- Lyme Disease: Why an Antibiotic Bug Bomb is Not the Answer eBook
- Heavy Metal Toxicity: A Modern Day Epidemic Not Being Addressed eBook
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here: www.theAnxietySummit.com
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You can find your purchasing options here.: Anxiety Summit Season 1, Anxiety Summit Season 2, Anxiety Summit Season 3, and Anxiety Summit Season 4.
Hello Dr. Jay – I feel I know you after listening to the Lyme Summit and your talk today. I live in Milwaukee (Mequon) and am so sad you recently moved. I need a Dr. that knows what is going on and I agree with everything you say about Chronic Lyme! My body started falling apart in “06” – kept getting diagnosed with MS – till 2011 when I finally figured out what it was and was tested positive for all co-infections too. Spent years & $100,000 in the past decade trying to fight it. I have leaky gut, the mold gene, tried antibiotics, & large doses of Vita C and everything else you can think of. I had 7 major surgeries in 16 years. I am a single woman with no support system and work full-time – I average 3 hours a sleep a night and my average BP is 190/120 Pulse 1oo+ even on BP meds. I do have God in my life which I think by His Grace is the only way I am getting through my days. I stopped all treatment as I do not have another house to sell to pay of my medical bills & I need to eat – I only weigh 112 lbs. @ 5’9″ – I have massive right shoulder pain for two years now that when the pain hits I am dropped to my knees in agony. My heart has been beating out of my chest for the past 5 years where my necklaces move and the collars on my shirts move to the beat of my heart. The worse is at night when it beats so loudly & hard in my ear – hence the reason I only sleep 3 hrs a night. If you know any Doctor in WI that could help with my heart issue for now and perhaps other issues in the order you suggest I would greatly appreciate it. I don’t want to end my life – I just want the pain to end!
God Bless you for all you do to help others!
Hi Kym
I am sorry to hear all that you have been through and wish you well on your healing journey. I’ve asked Jay to come and respond – please give him a few days
I will also see if I can find a Lyme doc in that area for you
As far as the heart issues goes there is a doctor in Michigan, if that’s not too far to travel I would recommend Dr. Darren Schmidt.
What a great discussion. Thank you for bringing the vital info & interconnections to light. There was mention of a Dr. Alan Buninsky(?)regarding methylation–could you give us that reference resource?
It’s Dr. Alan Vinitsky
Hi Dr Jay, I was in tears listening to your talk thinking why cant there be more people in our world that understand lyme and what we are going through, and most importantly – some real solutions. Your experience and knowledge is so refreshing. I forwarded the link onto my lyme friends as well.
Here is Australia it is such a battle to get it recognized, I’m lucky compared to many as I live in an area where there are lots of alternative health providers that have been willing to research lyme natural treatments to help me. The main protocol I am following with my tradional chinese medicine man is USA Dr Cass Ingham who is following my progress as well. My doctor isnt interested in talking to me about my health as I refuse to go on the antibotics (I’ve had lyme in my body for 16 years). Governemnt departs wont recognise it therefore there are issues with support etc etc.
It is such a long road
I did purchase the lyme summit so must get around to listening to it
Many Many Thanks and Much Gratitude to you, and your wife, and you too Trudy for your commitment to helping others
Hugs from downunder Leonie
So glad you enjoyed this – I agree – great interview!
Thank you for your positive feedback. You are not alone and the message needs to get out there!
Thank you. Just had the Igenex test for Lyme; resuuts are indeterminant. Now I know which way to proceed, with the I Spot. Thank you so much. Thank you Trudy for always asking the best questions to give us what we really need. You would be
a most excellent reporter for the general public, always getting the scoop! Greatly appreciated.
Trudy is an excellent interviewer! It was a privilege to be part of this summit!
How much does the iSpot test cost compared to the IGenX test?
I was just curious if anyone’s went through Dr Jays protocol,
And wiped out the Lyme or at least alleviated most of all the
Symptoms, and if so was the protocol very harsh, esp for for
those who are sensitive?
What Lyme does to you is appears to be
So bad with time so it makes me wonder if anyone has
Persistent brain fog, fatigue, etc should just try a protocol
Like his.
I know a chiropractor that blames just about
Every neurological disease as
Lyme as the root cause.
Best to connect with Dr Jay directly. He is a Lyme expert and has great success but it can be very challenging to address which is why working with an expert is best. I also like Dr. Suruchi’s approach https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/neuropsychiatric-lyme-disease-suruchi-chandra/