My Food-Mood TV debut on Good Day Sacramento was a blast! And there really was a green “Green Room” where I waited to go on and watched what was happening in the studio. It went by so fast but I was well-prepared and loved it! And I was thrilled to share my message about Food and Mood for stress, anxiety and worry, depression, irritability and mood swings.
Now you get to enjoy it either watching and listening or reading the summary below. If you watch and listen…take note right at the end when someone (he’ll remain un-named!) yells that they want the sugar! It’s too funny!
Change Your Food – Change Your Mood!
- Stress & overwhelm – Eat breakfast always & include protein. THE most important tip for all my clients is to eat breakfast every single day and include some protein such as eggs – this sets them up for the rest of the day so they don’t have blood sugar swings. And eggs (including the yolks!) really are ok to eat!
- Anxiety & worry – Quit caffeine and try some herbal tea. There are a subset of people who are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, found in coffee, tea, sodas, medications and even chocolate.
- Depression – Eat grass-fed red meat and salmon or sardines. Beef jerky is one such choice. Grass-fed red meat actually has the same amount of omega-3s as salmon!
- Irritability – Quit sugar and diet sodas. Sugary foods are empty calories and they deplete us of nutrients we need to feel calm and happy – like the B vitamins and zinc. 1 soda has a LOT of sugar: approximately 12 teaspoons and if you drink 5 sodas a week you’re consuming 60 teaspoons of sugar. Fruit is a much better choice. Sugar also has many other harmful effects
- Mood swings – Avoid wheat and other gluten-containing grains such as oats, rye & barley – use rice and other non-gluten grains instead
In summary eat like our grandparents ate or as you did as a child – real whole food – quit the processed foods with sugars, additives, colors and ingredients you can’t pronounce!
You can use the amazing healing power of foods to improve your mood naturally so you can feel on top of the world without having to resort to medications!
I would like to add that is very simplistic and we are all unique individuals with our own unique biochemistry and nutritional needs – so what may work for one person may not work for the next person …but making the change to real whole food is a great starting place and implementing some of the above changes makes a huge difference for most people.
Much of the information covered is addressed in a special report called 5 Simple Steps to Reduce Anxiety Now, available at
Great job on your TV debut!!! And wonderful tips too. I am feeling much better after incorporating breakfast into my routine. I still cannot let go of the coffee.
Write on!~
Thanks Lisa and so great to hear how breakfast is helping – when you’re ready to give up the coffee I’m here to help! it’s really not as tough as you think and I know you’ll feel even better without it! Dandyblend is a great alternative – it’s made from dandelion root and the bonus is extra liver support – and NO caffeine!
Awesome tips, Trudy! And HUGE congrats on your interview…the world definitely needs to hear your message! xxoo
Thanks Jennifer! glad you enjoyed them…
Congratulations on your TV debut Trudy. Fantastic job and amazing tips! Jennifer is right…the whole world needs to hear your message.
Thank you Christine – I love to get this feedback
You have such great knowledge Trudy. I remember once hearing if we just kept our shopping to the items in the outer wall of supermarket and skipped the aisles we would all be much healthier~ I think you are an outer wall shopper!
Too true Lynn!
Trudy, I thought you did an excellent job. I’ve watched it several times. Your knowledge on the subject is incredible. Can’t wait to hear more.
Thanks Debbie – it’s very different talking with a giant camera in your face so I’m very happy with how it turned out…. I hope to be invited to do more too!
Great job! Very timely message. So many people could benefit from your wealth of knowledge.
Dr. Robert Fenell
What a great job and you look lovely! I am going to start the breakfast and cut the coffee right away. Thanks.
Kiyla Fenell
Good for you Kiyla – you’ll love how you feel I know! and thanks! Trudy
Trudy, that was great! You looked fabulous, you spoke knowlegably, and gave GREAT information. Keep up the good work!! I’m off to eat my vegetables right now…
Hi Grace – thank you my friend – super to “see” you here – enjoy your veggies (and protein – but I know you already know this) – Trudy
Trudy, I am loving watching your evolution!
It is such a joy to see you step into your power and inspire more and more people with your wisdom.
Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world!
What a lovely thing to say Laura – thanks so much!
Trudy you are certainly a natural on TV – your topic and delivery are relevant, practical and very applicable to audiences around the world. May your success continue to climb!
Heidi Alexandra
Thanks Heidi – it’s lovely to think people in Australia can enjoy this too!
Way to go! this was a great segment. Really showed you as the expert you are!
Thanks Mitch – and thanks for your great tips on sharing it afterwards and obtaining my own copy of it
Trudy, you did a great job! You were so natural, relaxed and knowledgeable. Congratulations!
Hey Patricia, lovely to see you here – thanks – lovely to hear this from the camera and photographic expert!
I love these 5 tips! I’ve found this to be true for myself as well as my clients. You made a great point on grass-fed beef having high omega 3s. I’m also glad you let people know the value of eggs. This was full of excellent nutrition advice!
Thanks Julie, I appreciate the feedback, especially about grass-fed beef and omega-3s. And yes on eggs too – many of my clients are initially afraid of eating eggs, especially the yolk – and eggs are SO nourishing!
Hello Trudy
Congratulations on your TV spot. Great advice, you were well prepared. It went so smoothly. Hope you get a ton of new clients from this awesome publicity. You briefly covered many of the critical points for people to consider and make lifestyle changes for mood improvement. Great presentation.
Thanks SO much Deborah!