Join me for a virtual Q and A session on Food & Mood!
Tuesday January 10th 7pm PST / 10 EST
I’ll be answering all your Food & Mood questions on twitter – for one whole hour. Join us and learn more about The Antianxiety Food Solution, the mood-food connection and the Holistic Moms Network.
Do you wonder why zinc is so important and what depletes our zinc levels? And the best food source of zinc? What about the importance of healthy fats and proteins? And the gluten-mood connection? Do you remember your dreams and do you know what brain nutrient helps both your dream recall and your anxiety? If you’re super-anxious are eating loads of nuts a good thing or a bad thing?
Go here to make it easy, follow along, ask your questions and comment
My twitter handle is @everywomanovr29 and Holistic Moms Network is @HolisticMomsNet
The hashtag is #holisticmoms (this will find all related tweets)
There will be some fun giveways! Hope you can join us!
Thanks to The Holistic Moms Network for hosting me. They have a great explanation about Twitter parties work and how to use tweetdeck.
About The Holistic Moms Network “The Holistic Moms Network is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization connecting parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. We encourage moms to trust their instincts, parent from the heart, use their innate sense of what is best for their children, live in balance with the Earth, and learn about the pros and cons of all healthcare and parenting options.
Living healthy and living green is not an endpoint, but an ongoing journey. No matter where you are on your parenting or holistic living journey, you are welcome at HMN! We are a diverse and open-minded community, a place where your choices are respected and where you can learn and become informed! Many of us are new to this journey, others more experienced. Wherever you are, you can benefit from the wisdom, support, and resources that Holistic Moms have to offer!”
[Please note this USA time, click this world time zone converter and use US/Pacific to find your date/time and join in from wherever you are, be it Australia, South Africa, Sweden, Malaysia or anywhere else – be sure to let us know where you are tweeting from!]If you can’t make it use the hashtag #holisticmoms later to find the tweets. Of course, much of what we discuss about anxiety and mood and food (and so much more) is covered in much detail in The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings, available in major books stores, at Amazon and via
This will be good. Foods do affect our moods.
Great to see you here Sheila – I hope you’ll be joining the twitter party this evening
I forgot to mention that Sherri Organic_PR will be one of the hosts, and so will Nancy @HMNmama