We want to be in fly-healthy mode before we leave and while we are away. Part 2 covers what to pack and take with you to stay healthy while you’re away and how best to eat while you’re there.
What to pack and take with you –
- First aid for a cold – extra vitamin C, garlic tablets, oil of oregano tablets and tea tree oil (a great throat gargle).
- Cans of sardines and oysters, grass-fed beef jerky and fruit for emergency rations
- Portable blender and smoothie ingredients like whey protein powder and coconut milk
- A good supply of delicious herbal tea bags, like licorice, rooibos, lemon-ginger
When you are there –
- Veggie omelets are great for breakfast or whip up a smoothie
- Ask for olive oil and vinegar for a healthful salad dressing
- Drink plenty of water and herbal tea
- Make good meal choices for lunch and dinner – order meat or fish or chicken with a serving of veggies and/or salad (use your sardines as a backup if needed)
- If you’re in a place like Vegas and are exposed to 2nd-hand smoke, take extra vitamin C
- Have fun and enjoy!
I think that is funny that you bring a portable blender!
That is wonderful
It makes sense, I just never thought of it
Great tips Trudy!
I’m laughing because you think it’s funny – I also bring coconut milk and berries! And the smoothies I make are SO much better than the bagels and muffins you get in most hotels! Next time u go on a trip share a room with a nutritionist and you’ll be well-fed with super-healthy food!
Hey Trudy
Great tips – I have never thought of some of these things – will keep in mind for CBI – take care
I always get hungry when I read your posts Trudy! Well, hungry or healthy depending on your subject matter. And I always love them. A portable blender, hey? A girls best friend after her portable hair dryer!
Oh yes! too funny…glad to hear I whet your appetite
These are great tips! I also always travel with essential oils – lavender, tea tree, and a Deep Relief blend. With those I can fix about anything that comes my way. Traveling and staying healthy can be a challenge, your suggestions are a good help.
Sue Painter
Hi Sue – thanks. And you can’t go wrong with lavender – its one of my favorite essential oils too – in a nice hot bath to wind down and de-stress or on a hanky next to your pillow to help you sleep. The hanky trick is great for helping kids sleep too.
LOVE IT! LOVE IT LOVE IT! Those are wonderful tips for travel and since we all are definitely traveling more this year these will certainly come in handy. Where did you get a portable blender? What a splendid idea.
So glad you enjoyed this. I love the Tribest blenders – they come with a handy-dandy smoothie mug and lid (2 in fact) and is nice and compact for packing and taking with you. Enjoy those smoothies!
Hi Trudy,
It seems like every time I fly in an airplane I get sick afterward. I have a trip coming up in a couple of weeks. I have to fly, so I will use your tips and try to keep myself healthy.
Kiyla – also check out part 1 of this post – Xlear nasal spray with xylitol is wonderful for plane trips! Happy travels
This is so helpful since I travel a lot and it is so challenging to stay on the straight and narrow when i am on the road. Thanks for the tips!
Dr. Robert Fenell
Thanks Robert and happy travels…
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for the tips. I always seem to get sick after trips away and I’m convinced it’s because I don’t eat well. I am definitely going to use these tips on my next trip.
Hi Ellen
Yip, eating well makes a big difference. Also check out part 1 of this post for more great tips
Happy travels and travel healthy!
Hi Trudy
I have some serious allerges so carry organic oats and canned tuna – love the smoothie blender too
great tips!
The emergency provisions are vital. I always try to bring snacks. Recently a friend was traveling and they ran out of food on the airplane and he wasn’t prepared with his own snack pack.
I’ve pondered the portable blender for my protein shakes but with the new baggage guidelines I have to pack carefully — blender or extra shoes? Maybe I need to look at priorities.
Thanks for sharing.
Write on!~
Pinky, Katherine and Lisa – sounds like you ladies are super-organized!
and Lisa your shoes comment had me rolling on the floor with laughter! I say get a bigger suitcase and take both…
I do all the above PLUS I take meditation recordings to keep myself in “good shape” from my energetic core. ♥ Katherine.
I’m with you on the shoes Lisa!
I always take peppermint tea and oil with me – I love it.
Didn’t know about the vitamin C and second hand smoke though so thanks for the tip!
Heidi Alexandra
Mmm peppermint tea – yummy and great for indigestion and the oil on the temple removes a headache on the spot. I do also carry a little baggie of a few essential oils too and peppermint is one of them.
I wish I knew her email address. On a recent flight there were three children, under 12 or so, with Mom and Dad. Each boarded the flight with bags of McD breakfasts. Okay, you know whatever, fast and easy and they are happy, right? Then we are leaving the flight some 6 hours later and I hear “Okay, Okay, we will stop at Wendy’s on the way home.” Same family. Wonder what they ate during their stay? I would like to send your info to her so hopefully one day they might try it out.
Poor kids – it’s no surprise there is so much obesity, ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety- and kids with ear infections, colds and flu!
I’ve been watching Jamie Oliver’s “Food Revolution” and the 6 year olds could not identify a tomato, a potato, an eggplant, a cabbage (and many more) but happily yelled out the answers when fries, burger and pizzas were shown! What are we doing to our kids?!
Great tips, Trudy. From one traveler to another, thank YOU for keeping me healthy when I hit the open road (or skies!).
Much love,
Thanks Jenny – hope to see you on the road or in the skies…
OK, I am printing this out and putting it into my suitcase so I will remember!
Good stuff! And don’t forget part 1 of this…http://everywomanover29.wordpress.com/2010/02/23/fly-healthy-and-be-happy-part-1/
Every time I go away, my stomach gets into knots and I can barely eat. Not sure if it’s my nerves from the plane or what?? I definitely think smoothies would help. What type of protein do you suggest?
I’d suggest trying to settle your stomach 1st – with ginger tea or crystalized ginger. If you also get air-sick then ginger will be great. If it is nerves try something like Gaba-calm or Rescue Remedy.
For your smoothie, whey protein is my top choice and then rice protein. I don’t encourage soy protein powder.
Hope this helps…
What a great list — I need to print this out and keep it with my travel wallet. It is so easy to make bad food choices when you are traveling. I love the idea of a portable blender! Like Lisa, I would tend to pack more shoes….but I am going to challenge myself to get my priorities straight next trip!
Good for you Jessica – happy travels!
I like the portable blender idea as well…
Any recommendations for a good smoothie for an afternoon “pick-me-up” when energy tends to get really low? Something with a good amount of protein and some zip?
This is a basic smoothie recipe: whey protein powder, water, frozen berries like organic raspberries, banana, 1/3 cup coconut milk – and then add some organic greens and whatever else you fancy – ginger, cinnamon, nut butters etc.
But I would look at why you need an afternoon pick up – and make sure you have had a good breakfast with protein (a smoothie is good), a good lunch and snacks through the day.
It that doesn’t do it perhaps assessing for adrenal burnout by doing adrenal testing. I test ALL my clients. We all lead such hectic lives we can all do with adrenal support.
Thank you! I just went to Whole Foods and bought coconut milk!
Hi Trudy,
I know which hotel room I’ll be in for breakfast at our next retreat!!! I’ll have to borrow your blender!
I LOVE coconut milk smoothies, too! My green smoothies are a stable for me. Thanks for such great info! I forgot to pack my green powder drink at the last retreat and was really missing them.
Medlody – let’s organize a smoothie party and all bring goodies to try!