I’m thrilled to be presenting on this very important topic on Saturday March 6, at the 80th State Conference of CAHPERD (California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance). The conference runs from March 4-7, 2010 in Ontario, CA.
It’s quite incredible how you can eliminate anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability, low self-esteem and so many more mood issues – with a combination of exercise, eating real (nutrient-dense) foods and targeted individualized supplementation with the amazing amino acids and other vital nutrients.
Here’s a sampling of some of the information I’ll be sharing:
- Adult rates of depression & anxiety have tripled since 1990
- Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S
- In the U.S. one in ten children and adolescents suffer from mental illness
- Exercise has a significant therapeutic benefit as it raises endorphins and serotonin
- Aerobic and non-aerobic exercise helps, so walking, yoga and swimming are all great
- Eating a good wholesome diet is imperative. See my posting on the benefits of a Mediterranean Diet on depression
- Refined sugar strips us of crucial nutrients like B vitamins and zinc, all of which are so important for mental health
- Gluten intolerance can cause anxiety, depression and schizophrenia, and not only digestive problems
- Supplementing with the amino acid tryptophan can help with depression, anxiety, PMS, low self-esteem, afternoon cravings and sleep problems
- Extreme shyness and social phobia can often be corrected with therapeutic levels of zinc and vitamin B6
For more details on this conference and information on CAHPERD here is their site http://www.cahperd.org/conference/index.html
I love how you point out that exercise can lift mood, and how the “anxiety rates” have skyrocketed for adults. I learned for myself a long time ago that sitting around like a lump got me both out of shape and depressed. Great post!
so true!
food really effects our moods and the condition of our body.
sounds like a wonderful event!
Thanks for the reminder. I know one of my favorite sanity savers is to walk away from the computer, get outside, and take a walk! Good luck at the event.
It’s amazing how the right food and a little exercise can eliminate so many illnesses and negative effects in our life! Big congrats on presenting this weekend! So exciting!
Thanks everyone for the feedback and good wishes for the event – I’m very excited!
This is such an important topic. There are people close to me who suffer from depression and I’m going to share your resources with them.
What’s your #1 tip for shaking depression?
Thanks so much for doing all that you do.
Write on!~
Please share that real wholesome food like our grandparents ate is the #1 tip – so protein like beef (grassfed), fish, eggs etc, plenty of good healthy fats like butter/avocados etc, plenty of veggies and some fruit – and no processed foods, no sugar, no white bread/cookies and no junk food.
Trudy, we need so many more like you! Could you just clone yourself? I look at the lack of physical education in many schools and the horrible diet of fast foods and junk in children’s diets and find it so troubling. Children maintain their childhood habits throughout life unless someone like you comes along and helps change their perception. Thanks Trudy!
Lynn Moore
Thanks for the support!. And this is why I’m so excited to be presenting to educators so they can implement changes in their schools. Exercise, good food and vital nutrients = happy kids and no medications!
So excited for you about your speaking engagement this weekend! Your audience will walk away with so much they can really take and use…we need more people like you to re-train and teach such important information.
Have fun and enjoy the “stage!”
Sounds like an exciting event! I love your passion and enthusiasm for all you do! ♥
I love to workout every single day. I know when I miss a day my mood changes. Similarly food type, quantity and method of cooking all impact
workout performance and daily mood. Great reminder to everyone, thanks.
I notice a huge difference in my mood, my energy and even my skin depending on what I eat. Congratulations on your event this week. You are going to do amazing!
Trudy –
Somehow, “put down the Snickers and back away from the refined sugar” bopped into my head! Thank you for sharing your latest information on this. I can definitely tell a difference in my energy level when I am putting good things in…
Phil Dyer
America’s Entrepreneur Strategist™
Too funny “put down the Snickers and back away from the refined sugar”! Keep putting the good things in!