Today, our healthcare system works well when you have an emergency, but to treat chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, anxiety and depression we need to reinvent healthcare to help you live a longer, happier, calmer, stress-free and healthier life. The Evolution of Medicine Summit can help you avoid chronic diseases, keep your family healthy and learn about healthcare that actually works!
Plus, the summit will introduce the very first affordable, ACA-compliant alternative to health insurance, Liberty Direct!
I know the host, James Maskell and love that he is tackling this topic and that they are introducing this new health insurance! Exciting!
30+ great speakers will discuss:
- Our current health system and its limitations (plus, alternatives you can access!)
- How to take advantage of health technology
- A vision for an empowered, proactive and participatory healthcare system
- Preventing chronic disease and taking control of your health today
It will take all of us, patients and practitioners, to create a medical system that truly combats chronic disease. I invite you to join me in learning at The Evolution of Medicine Summit!
I’m not a speaker on this one – just interested in learning and sharing this information with you!
Here are a few snippets from three of the interviews:
Eric Zielinski, DC, MPH (C)
2 million people become infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics every year. And 23,000 people die as a direct result. We’re dealing with an epidemic here, unbelievable epidemic where these super bugs, we’re calling them, are just becoming resistant to every medical approach. As far as we could tell, there is no resistance to essential oils, because that is the natural way that God created the planet which has a natural resistance. Once man gets involved, we see things becoming tainted.
When it comes to rebuilding healthcare from scratch, it has to start with you. It has to start with me. It has to start with every mom and dad to take accountability for their own health. Stop giving their accountability to doctors in the medical system and saying, “I’m really responsible for my own healthcare.” That means do your own research. That means go to trusted websites. And that means you go to seminars as they’re available to you. Get plugged in. There’s a lot of good networks locally. There’s networks globally through the internet. There are a lot of tools. You just need to find them.
Suzanne Somers – What is making you TOX-SICK
Remove all the chemical elements that you can whether it’d be what you put on your skin, what you put on your hair, what you put on your face, what you put on your lips, what you clean your house with, and what you put in your stomach really matters in today’s world, because it’s not the same world of our parents or grandparents. We’re under the greatest environmental assault in the history of humanity.
Doctors who have stepped out of the safety of the standard of care box should be called heroic because here is an example where in almost all cases, it’s not about making money. It’s about doing the right thing.
Marc David, MA – The Psychology of Eating
Good nutrition is important. And oftentimes it’s only half the story of nutrition, meaning what we eat oftentimes is only half the story of good nutrition. And the other half is who we are as eaters, meaning what we’re thinking, what we’re feeling, what we’re believing, our level of stress or relaxation, our level of pleasure, how much awareness we’re getting from a meal, the story that we’re living out in life, the timing of our meals. All of these are dramatically impacting our nutritional metabolism.
Stress will powerfully deregulate appetite. Many people think that they can’t control or manage their appetite because they’re willpower weaklings. I want to say 8 out of 10 times it has to do with stress. It has to do with anxiety and fear, which will deregulate appetite from a number of mechanisms.
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