I’m excited to be participating in the Emotional Eating Loving Food Loving Life telesummit being hosted by Aimee Serafini, a women’s empowerment coach and an energy psychology practitioner specializing in helping people transform their personal relationships with themselves and others.
Because we are all so different, the message can be many different things. The 12 experts are going to speak about emotional eating from many different angles including:
- Which emotions are the biggest culprits
- Why diets make it even worse
- How Overwhelm and Overload contribute
- How brain chemistry and hormones play a part
- Why forgiving others who have wronged us can help
- How our body image is a catch 22 with eating
- A simple tool to release cravings right in the moment
- How intimacy or lack of can affect our eating habits
Emotional eating isn’t one size fits all, so take advantage of this variety of experts to help you figure out what approach(es) are best for you.
I’ll be sharing “5 Easy Ways To Banish Emotional Eating and Balance Your Brain Chemistry – No Willpower Required!” and you won’t feel deprived! Really!
I’m going to be sharing how eating real whole food and using some pretty amazing nutrients can balance brain chemistry and end emotional eating, with zero willpower required and no feelings of being deprived!
There are some pretty amazing nutrients that can balance brain chemistry and end emotional eating and I will be talking about the amazing nutrient DPA (d-phenylalanine) or Endorphigen. It is SO effective if you’re low in endorphins! Just watch Angie’s reaction when she sampled some….she actually called it a miracle!
Join me and 12 other experts for a teleseries each evening at 5pm PST. It starts Monday April 15 and runs through Friday April 26
It is amazing how much emotional eating makes us feel like a failure. Because we try to use willpower and diets to control it, and that DOES NOT WORK. I love Trudy’s input because she proves there are a number of other tools available to you that have worked permanently for many! Thanks Trudy for being an expert in this series and empowering women around the world!
PS. Hope to receive my DPA soon as Trudy has me figured out!
Thanks for inviting me to participate in this much-needed series and sharing some of my very successful approaches with those who need help in this area.
I’m so looking forward to hearing if DPA works for you and if you end up loving it like so many of my clients do. You’ll know right away (within 5 minutes)…you’ll feel like someone gave you a big hug and you won’t need that pizza (or chocolate or cookie or whatever) to comfort you!
I also look forward to hearing from all the other experts, as we are all so unique and can often do with help from multiple angles.
This is going to be an AWESOME event. So many people can benefit from catching when they are eating due to non-hunger.
Great response in the video – awesome testimonial.
I really resonate with the topic of how Overwhelm and Overload contribute – I see this in my own life and many many many of my clients – keep doing your important work Trudy
Yes, great response and great testimonial, thanks Heidi. She was so impressed and really wanted to share her great results!
And yes, overwhelm and overload is such a big factor these days…
Are you going to be speaking about “chocolate”?
Absolutely! would not want to leave it out! it has some good health benefits (the dark organic kind only!) but also some things to watch for, like devouring the whole bar and the caffeine causing headaches and anxiety
Keep sending the message Trudy! I continue to be amazed when I look at what I am craving not from a hunger perspective, but from what might my body be missing that the craving is trying to alleviate. Food has such a huge impact! And getting the right supplements makes a real, immediate difference.
Pretty amazing isn’t it Terry? I am so pleased you have experienced the benefits first hand!
This is such an amazing event to address that the various components of emotional eating. It’s so true that one size doesn’t fit all and that it’s simply not an issue of “willpower”.
It really has been a fabulous series with so many aspects being covered. Depending where you are, one thing may resonate more for you at that time.
Thank you so much for all you are doing to help women, Trudy. I recently read The Mood Cure, and further research led me to you. I hope to be able to work with you; I have struggled with disabling, life-threatening depression for five years and eating disorders for my entire life (age 55), and am desperately searching for a way out.
I am disabled (fibro, depression), so my income is quite limited. As I was trying to figure out how I can invest in your Amino Acid/Emotional Eating course, I heard an interview that caused some concern:
When Dr. Jill Carnahan was interviewed by Sean Croxton for The Depression Sessions, she said taking individual amino acids to improve mood can actually have the opposite effect in some people. Can you offer any insight into this? As you can imagine, the last thing I want is to go from bad to worse by using the amino acids.
Thank you for any information, Trudy. I appreciate very much your genuine concern for the health and happiness of women everywhere; your joy and passion are SUCH an encouragement!
We are all unique and if you take amino acids and don’t need them then yes they won’t work and may make symptoms worse. If that happens you simply stop and/or take less.
I use the amino acid questionnaire to help figure out what may be needed https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-mood-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/ and then have my clients do a trial with the respective amino acids
Now that doctors best doesnt sell their DPA anymore are there any other options besides the Litke? ( if they even sell it anymore) the Litke is very expensive to get to Canada. the doctors best was so affordable and worked well. It’s very upsetting that there’s so few options. Also if you know if the supply issue is just temporary or if there’s a reason why they don’t make it anymore let us know. Also I really appreciate that you take the time to look into issues with supplements. Your book and website has been life-changing to me and my family. I tell people about your site all the time.
I am only aware of Lidtke who do still sell DPA (called Endorphigen). I hear you and am not happy myself and I am trying to source another DPA product. My understanding is that Doctor’s Best has ceased production of DPA.
So wonderful to hear my book and site has been life changing for you and your family. I’d love t hear how?
And thanks for telling people about my work
I discovered your questionnaire after a surgery when I had the strangest depression. I believe the beta blockers caused it. but it ended up being low catechelomines. I checked off most things for most amino acids. tyrosine made me worse but dlpa was the answer. I now take gaba and tryptophan fairly regularly. when I’m not stressed I don’t need it. when I am they are life savers. typical antidepressants give me so many side effects they’re worse than the depression. I’ve given your info to many fiends and family and everyone has benefited. my co workers daughter who had severe anxiety and was on 2 different anxiety meds benefits alot from gaba. her doctor told her she didn’t know what gaba was.