Our exposure to “Electrosmog” from cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, smart meters and cell phone towers is increasing steadily and we can’t deny it anymore — electromagnetic fields (EMFs) — are making people sick. EMF exposure is now thought to be just as important as exposure to pesticides, mold, heavy metals or any other kind of environmental toxin:
- Magda Havas from Trent University: up to 33% of the population has “mild to moderate symptoms” of electro sensitivity
- Dietrich Klinghardt, health pioneer and Medical Director at the Sophia Health Institute: “patients suffering from chronic illness will likely never heal unless you reduce their exposure to Electrosmog.”
This paper published in 2016, Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression reports that
the mechanism of action of microwave EMFs, the role of the VGCCs [voltage-gated calcium channels] in the brain, the impact of non-thermal EMFs on the brain, extensive epidemiological studies performed over the past 50 years, and five criteria testing for causality, all collectively show that various non-thermal microwave EMF exposures produce diverse neuropsychiatric effects.
Among the more commonly reported changes are sleep disturbance/insomnia, headache, depression/depressive symptoms, fatigue/tiredness, dysesthesia, concentration/attention dysfunction, memory changes, dizziness, irritability, loss of appetite/body weight, restlessness/anxiety, nausea, skin burning/tingling/dermographism and EEG changes.
My friend and investigative health journalist Nicolas Pineault is the author of “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” (my Amazon link) and an expert on EMFs. He is the creator of Electrosmog Rx, an EMF Course for Health Practitioners, now available as an evergreen version.
In February I announced the live version and I know a number of you jumped right in and did the training with me! What an amazing course it was!
Here is my official testimonial:
This is the most intellectually-stimulating course I’ve done in a long time! Nick’s expertise is exceptional, the research expansive (and quite mind-blowing!), the practical solutions excellent and the Facebook community invaluable! The knowledge I’ve gained is going to be a game-changer for every single one of my clients. I HIGHLY recommend this course!
I was limited by word count and could have shared much more! Nick invited me to be part of the beta group and I actually said this to him: “I’ve read your book and it’s brilliant – I’m not sure I really need to do a course too” Boy was I wrong!
This training focuses on the clinical side of EMFs as an environmental factor contributing to ill health (including widespread neuropsychiatric effects) and includes critical information on what to ask your patients/clients to assess if they’re being over-exposed, how EMFs could disrupt the protocols you’re giving them, how to help them mitigate the effects of EMFs and how to make them more resilient to the effects.
If you want to learn latest evidence-based, cutting-edge, credible information on how Electrosmog exposure affects your patients/clients, how to prevent EMF-related symptoms and illness, and how to support those clients/patients who have symptoms, then I recommend this course.
The course includes all replays (audio, video, transcripts) of each of the 5 webinars, the 5 bonus interviews, access to the private members-only Facebook group packed with cutting-edge discussions, and several bonus cheat sheets that have been added based on group feedback.
EMF Basics
- The EMF spectrum
- 4 types of EMFs linked with ill health
- Common sources of EMFs your patients/clients are probably exposed to
- Are there “safe” levels of EMFs?
EMF Science
- How EMFs affect every cell in the body
- The NO/ONOO- cycle
- Synergies between EMFs, inflammation, environmental toxins and excessive NMDA activity
- Review of the strongest evidence available
EMF Symptomatology
- What to ask your patients/clients to assess their exposure
- Common EMF-related symptoms
- What to look for on labs
- How to properly diagnose electro hypersensitivity (EHS)
EMF Mitigation
- Evidence-based ways to reduce exposure in and out the home
- Using EMF-blocking clothes
- The lowdown on grounding
EMF Resilience
- Diet interventions and supplements which support the NRF2 pathway
- Supplements to heal electrosensitivity
He has also interviewed and collaborated with some of the best minds in healing including Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Ben Lynch and many more and the course offers these interviews as a bonus. Here is what I learned from his interview with Dr. Klinghart:
After applying a few evidence-based solutions to reduce exposure to this new environmental toxin, Klinghardt sees patients with chronic diseases such as Lyme, ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS, autism and fibromyalgia heal faster — making every single supplement or protocol he sends their way more effective.
We also learned about EMF mitigation efforts for autism/ASD and autoimmune disease:
- a simple and yet effective approach recommended by Dr. Toril Jelter and Cindy Sage: no baby monitors, no cordless phones, no Wi-Fi and switch off the bedroom circuit breaker at night. They report that over 80% of children with autism/ASD saw noticeable improvement in as little as two weeks.
- One of the most compelling studies I learned about is the study by Trevor Marshall, MD and Trudy Heil, RN: Electrosmog and autoimmune disease. In this study, 90% of the participants – all with an autoimmune diagnosis of either arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, sjogrens or celiac disease – reported improved symptoms as a result of wearing silver-threaded EMF protective caps.
And based on what I learned in the course, I’m speculating (and extrapolating from some of the research) that EMF overload may play a role in chronic anxiety, insomnia, benzodiazepine issues, SIBO, high cortisol and dietary oxalate issues in some susceptible individuals. I blog in great detail about this here: Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health
You can watch his Mindshare presentation here:
Nick shares this wisdom
If you’ve never seen a patient or client whose health is being affected by EMFs, it’s very likely that you’ve missed it.
Here is some of the wisdom you can expect to learn in the course:
- EMFs reduce the number of cells in the hippocampus
- EMFs increase cortisol levels
- EMFs affect the production of GABA
- EMFs can increase blood pressure
- EMFs increase markers of inflammation (TGF-Beta 1, MMP-9 and copper), disrupting hormone and neurotransmitter production
UPDATE March 1, 2018 – You can learn more and get on the waiting list for Electrosmog RX here. (the 100 seats sold out in 3 days and he’s opening up another 100 seats in the next few days)
UPDATE March 7, 2018 – Another 200 seats have been added today and are now available for purchase. He is limiting the number so he can address all questions from participants. If you signed up prior to today you should have seen an email from Nick about this. You can also use this link to purchase: Electrosmog RX
UPDATE April 30, 2018: Updates to the blog with additional research and information for the launch of the evergreen digital version of the Electrosmog Rx program created by investigative health journalist Nicolas Pineault.
Feel free to post questions in the comments.
5G is already being rolled out in the US – this year of 2018. And not just in cities – I live in rural New Mexico and Verizon intends to activate it in our county. People are very ignorant of this issue and they falsely believe all technology is progress, and good.
Nick did his talk August 2017 and yes it’s happening now. His goal with his training is to create more awareness about all the issues and offer safer ways to be able to take advantage of some of these technological advances .
Thanks for doing something about this important issue. Does this recommended book and/or the lecture series specifically address the uncontrollable/unpredictable/ever increasing potency of Direct Energy Weapons?
a victim
You’re most welcome! Thanks for asking this question as Direct Energy Weapons are new to me. Per Nick “I don’t know much about the direct energy weapons, but it’s a definite concern. There are indications that there’s been some kind of terrorist attack using those at the US Embassy in Cuba just a few months back. Won’t address this specifically in the course though.”
Sharing this link about Cuba for other blog readers who may also be new to this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/sep/14/mystery-of-sonic-weapon-attacks-at-us-embassy-in-cuba-deepens
We’d appreciate you sharing more about your experiences with this so we can all learn.
none of the links are working
I just checked and all the links are working for me. If you continue to have issues please email support@everywomanover29.com and we’ll see how we can assist. Please let us know what error you are seeing with which link.
Hi Trudy,
Great article. I want to learn more and pay for the course, however I am not able to pay with the link.
Any suggestions on how I can pay for the course and sign up?
Thank you,
So pleased you’re interested in participating in the course! It’s brilliant.
I just checked and all the links seem to work for me. May I ask what error you’re getting? We’ll get this sorted out and then I’ll see you in the facebook group!
When will nonprofessionals have access to a video package of the seminar? Cost?
I have done a lot of measuring, shielding and avoiding with great success up until now.
The 5G is a scary and unbelievable genocide.
I agree, 5G is very very scary and sadly most people have no idea how bad it’s going to be. I attended this this workshop so I could learn the latest concerns, stay up to date with the newest research and feel comfortable with mitigation tools, devices and approaches. My goal is to do a training for those in my community who seek this information so I’m glad to see you are interested (you and a number of others who have also contacted me). Glad to hear you “have done a lot of measuring, shielding and avoiding with great success up until now.” Please share what you’ve already done and what you’re looking for in further learning as I may need a basics/intro workshop and then a more advanced one. Does having a private facebook group appeal to you for connecting with others doing the training?
I was asked to explain what measuring and shielding I did:
1) I measured the magnetic fields with a Trifield meter. Some wiring errors were found. They were fixed in order to get less than 1 milligauss which is a safe level.
2) I measured the dirty electricity also called transients, harmonics or noise on the line. I first bought a Stetzer meter in 2008 and later bought a Green Wave Meter this year. I prefer the Green Wave one. Dirty electricity is any frequency other than a clean 60 hertz. Both companies sell filters that can be plugged into the outlet. I measured the DE before and after plugging in a filter. When I wanted the reading lower I put another filter on the same circuit. Sometimes I put two in the same outlet with the help of an outlet adapter to get more than two plugs to use. I made a chart by circuit and room before doing my testing. This was done after reducing DE sources where I could. Sources include electric smart meters, dimmer switches, energy efficient appliances that turn on and off constantly
and DE from neighbors on the same transformer and more.
3) I measured radio frequencies in the microwave range of 300 MHz to 300 GHz. I do not use anything wireless in the house. I use a landline phone, my own modem, a hardwired computer, an old TV and a plug in radio. I used Y-Shield paint on my bedroom to shield from the neighbor’s WiFi. My handy man can pick it up microwave readings from around 10 sources or houses. I recommend the Cornet RF meters, the Accoustimeter or The Gigahertz Solutions RF meters. Go to Lloyd Burrell’s website http://www.electricsense.com for some product reviews. Safe levels are difficult to explain easily. Most meters have color codes of green, yellow and red. In my mind the yellow should orange and half the green should to yellow. The meters can measure 4 different ways:
definitions are uW = microwatts, mW = milliwatts, m2 = meters squared, cm2 = centimeters squared
The 4 choices for meter readings are uW/cm2, uW/m2, mW/cm2, mW/m2
The FCC guidelines are extremely dangerous. They were determined for a 200 pound military man being exposed to a single source of microwaves for only 6 min. The criteria was if the skin heated up or was damaged. Research has proven that DNA is damaged and health problems can occur without heat being present.
Look in the Table of Contents for 1,400 pages of research at www. bioinitiative.org. Chapter titles include evidence for breast cancer, childhood leukemia and brain tumors.
4) The fourth thing I measured was body voltage. Many websites sell a kit with a grounding rod, 2 wires and a voltage meter or a person can put one together themselves. There are videos on line showing everything I have explained piece meal. If you are lucky you can find them or ask me and I will dig them up. Some of the people doing this for a living are called building biologists so you can include those two search words. I am learning more about body voltage right now. I want to put shielded cords on my lamps so that high electrical fields are not brought right up to the person sitting next to the light. Some people learn not to have cords running under the bed because the electricity is sitting in the wires even if the lamp or other item like a radio or computer are turned off. Another thing to do here is to have the cord plugged into a switch which is plugged into the outlet. Then turn off the switch at the wall itself to remove the electrical voltage exposure to people and pets that are near the cords. Some people turn off the circuits in the bedroom and sometimes under the bedroom at night. Measure the body voltage, magnetic fields and DE with each variation of circuits on or off.
The more you can reduce all 4 areas the better off you will be. Now what do we do about 5G which is up to 90 or 100 GHz. The smart meters are only 2.4 GHz and some of the smart phones and WiFi
are 6 GHz I think.
You have really dived into this and are doing a fabulous job measuring and recording! Good for you for taking this empowering step. I recommend a Building Biologist to come and do the initial measurements but I feel it’s very powerful when we see the results right in front of us so recommend doing at least some of our own readings too.
For some people it seems daunting (I’m sure some blog readers will read your comment and say no way) but it’s very do-able once you get started. And very motivating when you start to reduce your exposure and see improvements in your health.
I am interested to learn more about what supplements are helpful. Is there proof they help or just educated guesses?
There are no clear answers on how to shield from 5G. Not only are the millions of new towers a concern but people will be walking around with 5G cell phones destroying their health and everyone else’s too.
Thanks for sharing about your interest in learning about EMF protective supplements. I’d extend this to include nutrition too. There is much direct research (like rosemary and kombucha) and some inferred benefits (like sauerkraut). I’m gathering all the research so I can share. Sadly we don’t yet have any research on 5G so can only hope that some of this will also be protective and make us more resilient.
More definitions:
hertz = Hz = frequencies per second (or cycles per second)
kilohertz = KHz = thousands of frequencies per second
megahertz = MHz = millions of frequencies per second
gigahertz = GHz = billions of frequencies per second
frequency of mother earth = 7.8 hertz
frequency of the body = in the 50s and 60s per second depending on the person’s health
long story short: the human body can not handle high frequencies nonstop – damage does occur
Measuring your exposures to electrical, magnetic, radio frequency microwaves and dirty electricity will help a person realize the dangers so they can mitigate them before the damage is excessive and the outward symptoms are difficult to handle – too many people have a false sense of security when they can not see, smell, hear, taste or feel anything yet or they can not connect the dots to health challenges they are having that could be caused by or aggravated by EMFs. I suggest that people begin their own measuring first and then consult with a building biologist or specialist if they need one. California has a lot of building biologists (BB) but many areas have none so only a phone consultation is available. The BB may suggest remedies but they do not necessarily do the remedies
if they are complicated or time consuming. The home owner has to take responsibility for making many changes themselves. Also watch out where your children and pets sleep, sit or play a lot in regards to exposures to high fields in all four categories. Sometimes an electrician is needed to solve some problems such as tracing a high magnetic field. Sometimes a group of friends can work together to buy the initial test meters, help test each other’s houses and brainstorm solutions before experts are needed. Eventually each one will see the value of getting their own set of test meters for themselves so their house can be monitored frequently. Readings can change over time due to many factors. Some fields are higher at night. This is a new way of life. Those who learn the most will survive the best. There is a huge amount of information available in the internet. There are probably over 50 books on this topic also. I made a list of 30 of them in a pdf file if you want me to email it to you.
I love the idea of having a group of friends working together to get meters and measure each others homes. I’m also encouraging taking photos and/or videos and documenting before and after measurements.
Thanks – your list is most welcome! Please send to support@everywomanover29.com
Benefits of people working together to measure EMFs in their homes using four test meters:
Trifield meter (magnetic), dirty electricity meter, RF meter, body voltage meter (electric)
1) Financial – sharing costs of initial test meters
2) Emotional support – when the risks seem scary or a person is already feeling adverse affects
3) Moral support – motivate each other to do the testing and keep moving forward
4) Work load – some testing goes smoother and faster if two or more people work together
5) Intellectual – some people are further along on the learning curve or understand topic better
6) Followers – some people function better if they can follow someone they have confidence in
7) Leaders – some people are born leaders & think in logical, organized ways automatically
8) Teamwork – often builds confidence because more is accomplished & knowledge is shared
9) Dependable support – sometimes family or close friends may attack your EMF concerns
10) Group size – 4 people may be ideal; everyone keeps 1 meter at their house between meetings
although maybe only one meter may be bought at a time in the beginning depending on what is affordable for everyone
Charts I made even before all this EMF measuring came up:
1) List by room then by outlets on each wall; then list the circuit for each outlet & switch
N wall – outlet is circuit 1
E wall – outlet is circuit 4
S wall – outlet is circuit 4
W wall – outlet is circuit 6
– light switch is circuit 8
2) List by circuit, then by room and wall
Circuit 1
N wall – outlet
E wall – outlet
S wall – outlet
Sometimes a list by room becomes useful and sometimes a list by circuit is handy. Columns to the right can be added for before and after measurements with dates.
when I do a post to you, it is emailed back to me with an answer. I can see other people’s posts on other blogs. I can not see any other posts on your blog. I have spent a lot of time trying to find your blog but I only find your articles. Is that what your blog is… a string of articles?
Yes my blog is all the articles and the comments/feedback/questions from people like you
The emails you get with other people’s comments and mine are because you selected the “Notify me when new comments are added.” You can opt out of those if you prefer.
I figured out the answer. No one is doing any new posts on this topic.
Wow! This is EXCELLENT info !! Wow Wow!
I’m so green about this topic, I’m not sure how to add..to it..except with some Questions…
I’m interested in doing meter readings..and being a local resource to do readings for others..I think Europe/Australia/other areas in the world are ahead of us in America – and this could be a good resource to help provide affordable testing for folks..?
..but am not sure if meters and/or some of the shielding/.. products are available in the U.S. (I live in upstate NY).
Do you know..?
(Donna, where are you located?)
Do electricians do these kinds of tests normally, already?
Are the meters/products that plug into an outlet compatible/available to use/match with the U.S. outlets…?
(From my travels to Australia and Europe I know there are different outlets..and I read that such devices should be plugged directly into wall outlet, so not into a converter)
How much do the 4 meters you mentioned cost, on average?
Any thoughts on experience needed to do so..?
Thanks to you BOTH so much for sharing this info!!
Take care,
Electricians do not learn about the health risks of EMFs (electrical, magnetic, dirty electricity or radio frequencies in the microwave range). Most will (figuratively speaking) laugh at you, think you are nuts or think you are misinformed. Most doctors still do not understand the health risks either. I am guessing a small percent of both groups are starting to catch on, often times, because it finally hits home. There are people called Building Biologists that are informed on this topic. Do a search of …’Building Biologists EMF testing and mitigation’…. There are many in California. I would guess there are some in New York. I only found one in Mich (that is listed in a Building Biology website, for a fee, I assume) two hours west of me. I have learned quite a bit by reading books & website articles and watching a few YouTube videos over the last 30 years, most of it in the last 10 years. Building Biologists are much more common in Europe. They can also check for mold and geopathic stress. Building Biologists get extensive training and certification and charge high fees but it is worth it to regain one’s health if already sick. Some do testing only and some get involved in the mitigation if it is complex. Some mitigation is simply telling the homeowner a list of Dos and Don’t s and the homeowner does the work. I have learned quite a bit but I am not certified. I am willing to give you some direction to pursue your goals.
Yes, you can buy all kinds of meters and shielding materials (paint, fabric for curtains, bed canopies and more) from US companies. A lot of the manufacturers are from other countries. Go to http://www.LessEMF.com. This co is in New York. They sell everything you could think of on this topic. They list products on line but I find it easier to look through their catalog. (Wouldn’t it be funny if they are close to where you live?) They will mail you a free catalog. It is over 100 pages I think. Their salesmen can answer many of your questions on the phone.
Good luck
Donna Williams
To answer your question: Excluding dirty electricity filters at $30 – $35 each, the 4 meters could run from $700 – $1,000 depending on brand, range of coverage and sensitivity. It could go higher too.
As Donna says this is all readily available worldwide – and yes to NY. The cheaper meters offer more trending info and the ones used by building biologists provide more detail. I have a Cornet meter and have been measuring everywhere I go but I do plan to hire a building biologist to come in and do a home assessment so I can learn even more.
I’m really pleased to see your interest!
I live in Mich. If there is a way to get your phone number to me I can call you. There is a huge amount of information I can provide for someone who really wants to learn and act on it. Most people ignore this vital information, some people like to learn about this topic but do not want to do anything about it.
I like to share the most with people who are proactive and will share with others.
Maybe there is a way to send Trudy your phone number in an email and she can forward it to me.
Donna Williams