…it’s my deepest belief that electromagnetic frequency pollution, especially coming from most of the wireless devices used today, is a significant risk factor for disease”
~ Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, during his interview on the Immune Defense Summit
Dr. Klinghardt is founder of the Klinghardt Academy, the American Academy of Neural Therapy, medical director of the Institute of Neural Biology, and lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute shares this:
All the research points to the fact that it’s the cumulative effect of all the sources of Wi-Fi. We have the Wi-Fi router in the home; unfortunately, most of the cordless phones that are used in the US are also based on Wi-Fi technology. And they use 900 MHz, and they’re broadcasting 24/7 into the rooms in the home. Then we have the baby monitors, a huge source. And then the alarm systems in the house. And the new source, of course, the new kid on the block, is the smart meters…which create devastating amounts of radiation in the home, usually in a sheet that kind of goes horizontally through the house on the level where the smart meter is.
This is an in-depth interview and one of the best I’ve heard on the topic of EMFs and wireless technology and the dangers! He covers mercury containing compact fluorescent lights; Wi-Fi in schools; the responsible use of the cell phone; the impacts of this wireless technology on autism and insomnia, GABA and anxiety levels; how mold becomes more virulent in the presence of Wi-Fi; and how heavy metals in the brain can make you much more susceptible to microwave and wireless technology; how moisture contained in your mattress makes it a microwave receiver and more.
He doesn’t expand on the insomnia mechanisms but because he mentions GABA I would assume using GABA as a supplement would help with both anxiety and sleep issues, in a similar way GABA helps with Lyme anxiety and GABA protects against fluoride-induced hypothyroidism. This is an area I’m going to be researching further but clearly we want to be removing the source of exposure and not use GABA as a band-aid but rather as a tool to address the low GABA levels and anxiety/insomnia in the interim.
Dr. Klinghardt shares so much about how to protect yourself on the Immune Defense Summit. Here is some advice on how to protect your home from the incoming radio waves from the cell phone towers nearby, and from the neighbors:
We recommend the German system building biology. They have developed wall paints that can be applied to outside the home or inside the home with a graphite paint that’s electroconductive. It creates a faraday cage, basically, that needs to be grounded into the ground wire of your electric system, and shielding curtains that are made from silver coated cloth that deflect the incoming radio waves. That’s pretty much what we do with all of our clients.
He also offers the following tips for reducing exposure:
- a sleep sanctuary that looks like a mosquito net that’s put over the bed that reduces the radiation to one-ten thousandths on the inside of it
- only switch it on the Wi-Fi router if you need it – if you’re actually doing something with it
- Stetzer filters
and much much more.
I was surprised that Dr. Klinghardt didn’t mention the Blushield devices which I learned about recently at the Sydney MINDD conference. I’m going to be following up with him to find out what results he has seen with these protective devices and will report back.
I do hope you can join us! Click here to register. The summit runs July 24-31
Be prepared – this interview is not for the faint of heart – Dr. Klinghardt is direct and to the point and doesn’t hold back.
Feel free to post questions and share your tips and experiences with EMFs and wireless in the comments.
Hi Trudy! Thank you so much for sharing all your research. I can’t wait to hear your update on the protective devices. I’ve been interested in them for quite some time, but haven’t actually acted upon them yet because I’ve been admittedly a bit skeptical of them, and need more time to look into it further. In the meantime, we have our Wifi on a timer that shuts off at night and then turns back on in the morning. We have mostly corded phones in our homes, except for one cordless, which I’d like to replace, but there are times when a cordless phone comes in handy! I’ve heard that there are safer cordless phones, but have not been able to find one yet. Any ideas for that? Thanks again!!!
Good move on the Wi-Fi timer. Obviously wired is the best option. I’m afraid I don’t have an answer about safe cordless phones or a definitive answer on protective devices.
I’m looking into Blushield as this one makes the most sense to me in that it protects you from all the wireless devices others may be using too. I had a brief 30 minute discussion with the distributor here in in Australia and it’s a question I’ll be asking Dr. Klinghardt
We look forward to hearing his thoughts
Looking forward to hearning about the Blueshield too. Thanks
Hi Trudy,
Did you hear from Dr Klinghrdt re: the Blushield?
Would love to hear the update.
Great post Trudy, thanks for sharing and highlighting this interview, really helps when time is short and so many interviews to choose from – I will definitely be listening to this one and others in amongst a MASSIVE clear out and sort at home/office and studio! On day 5 and about 3 weeks to go! Will feel hugely relieved and a weight lifted by the end of it. Clearing out the toxic past.
You’re welcome. Enjoy it! I know you have the Blushield EMF protection device. Remind me which model you have and how long you’ve had it. I seem to recall you saying the benefits were not obvious. Anything else to share – like what EMF exposure you’re seeking protection from? I assume this is what you’re referring to when you say massive clear out?
Trudy, I have the Blushield Tesla Gold model. I have had it for 2 years now. Yes you are correct, the benefits are not obvious but as we understand it, it helps your body to not react to EMF’s rather than blocking the radiation from them.
We are seeking protection from the harmful effects of EMF’s in Wi-Fi from neighbours, 4G cell phone pollution (dreading 5G!), radiation from smart meters, electro smog in magnetic fields from dirty electricity etc etc.
Massive clear out is throwing away all unused equipment and possessions that have built up in the home – wasn’t referring to EMF’s as such. On day 6 of what will turn out to be about 25 days! It’s going well so far but a long way to go, going room by room, drawer by drawer, shelf by shelf…
If it hasn’t been used for a while and is no longer serving a purpose it is going to charity etc. Looking forward to the ‘detoxed and cleansed’ feeling when it’s all done. 
Thank you so much for sharing this information with your audience. It’s such a vitally important topic for everyone’s health, and it’s one that often goes unspoken.
I am a writer/journalist on the subject of environmental health, specifically electromagnetic safety and chemical safety. I also cover indoor home health as per the principles of building biology that you discussed in your post.
For anyone curious to read more, there is indeed a wealth of peer-reviewed research studies indicating biological health effects from electromagnetic fields, particularly wireless radiation. The 2012 BioInitiative Report is a great resource, as well as information provided by The Environmental Health Trust.
Trudy — I’d love to connect with you about this topic. Shoot me an email if you get a chance…
Thank you for posting this!
Hi Alison
Thanks for sharing these resources. Here are links for my other blog readers (1) 2012 BioInitiative Report http://www.bioinitiative.org/ and (2) The Environmental Health Trust https://ehtrust.org/ The Klinghardt also mentions Dr. Magda Havas as a good resource http://www.magdahavas.com/
I just found one of your excellent articles “The Kids Are Not All Right. How Wireless Tech Is Harming Our Youth And What Parents Can Do Right Now” https://alisonmain.me/2017/01/21/the-kids-are-not-all-right/ I agree, with the tech addiction (with kids and adults too!) this makes it an even bigger issue
Thanks too for doing what you do! I’ll reach out via email
Dear Trudy, I wonder, did you know that there are Nano Sensors in space heaters?
I found out because I needed to replace my 60 year old Wall Furnace.
I first bought a good quality Infrared space heater. And even when I had it in another room 30 feet away, I could feel it affecting my brain and whole body immune system very badly!
Then I got a Rinnai Gas Space Heater to replace it. Works fantastic! And so economical affordable!
But this Heater too is overwhelmingly affecting my brain and body with pain and nauseous feeling!
At least it does not affect me as much when I go in the other room. But still does!
When I use the TriField Meter, barely anything goes up!
I do belief that I might have a microship and also nanotechnology in my body. And I feel that it makes me more vulnerable.
I have been EMF sensitive for the longest time, and take precaution. I also take a lot of supplements to protect my brain.
But now with the gas space heater I am really puzzled! What is going on?
They are also laying a Smart Meter grid at the Mobile Home Park where I live at this time. I feel I am done for!
NanoSensors all around!
Can EMF protection clothing truly protect I wonder?
Also I wonder if you know something about the bio-neurology and genetic engineering that is being done?
I also came upon this webpage:
Thank you for your great work and sharing!
I didn’t know this about space heaters or bio-neurology – thank you for sharing. I’ve added it to my list to look into as I start digging in to this huge topic.
I’d love to hear about the EMF clothing? which type and does it seem to help? and how does it help? I have a colleague who wore EMF-protective clothing and it helped her get through the crisis stage. She looked like she was wearing a bee-keepers outfit but it was sort of mesh-like. I’m going to ask her to pop on here and comment.
These would all be great questions to ask Dr Klinghardt on his speaker page during the summit.
How about TMS for depression? Do you recommend it? Is it safe??
Excellent question that I don’t have an answer for. This paper “A review of the safety of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation as a clinical treatment for depression” has a section on TMS and EMFs and states: “It is unknown whether cumulative dose or the parameters of stimulation [e.g. intensity, frequency (Hz)] is the most important factor in terms of the risks of EMF exposure from TMS. Overall it is unclear if the high intensity, pulsed stimulation involved in TMS has the same biological implications as the chronic, low-intensity household and occupational exposure which has been mainly studied.” https://academic.oup.com/ijnp/article/11/1/131/647218/A-review-of-the-safety-of-repetitive-transcranial
It’s a paper from 2008 so I’d hope more research has been done since then
This would be a great question to post to Dr Klinghardt on his speaker page during the summit
wondering what protection there is from a wi-fi router if it needs to be active in a BR, with the claim that is the only room in the house it will work
If BR is bedroom I’d start by definately having it turned off at night. Next I’d look into using wired internet access.
I am no expert on protection (yet!) but have added this to my project list. Even though I have much awareness about these issues this interview has me fired up to do more and share more resources. I believe it could be a hidden underlying issue with anxiety, ADHD, fatigue, overall inflammation and immune suppression and much more. There is much evidence on how it impacts heart disease, MS, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, fertility and cancer.
Dr. Klinghardt shares more in the interview and you’ll have an opportunity to post questions on his speaker page so be sure to signup for the summit and tune in
Thank you so much for all the great information! I have 2 teenage daughters who have school issued laptop computers that they are required to do their homework on. Is there a product they can set their laptop on that would help block or cut down on rays?
Thank you,
Hi Trudy, Lloyd Burrell of Electrical Sense rec using caution with EMF protecting devices as they can actually draw more EMF. Recently Ben Lynch rec a system called an extender that actually helps reduce wifi. I personally have two household plugs, things on our devices and we turn off our router which is set on a timer each night from 11-7. I do think EMF sensitvity is very real and a concern when it comes to our health, especially if already compromised. Thanks for helping to get the message out.
Hi Trudy, I have had cell phone emf/ emr protection from Tachyon for several years, and recently got a pendant from Hedron Shields which protects the person that wears it. Was considering buying a whole-house protector from Life Energy Solutions, which lots of people say has helped with insomnia. But there really doesn’t appear to be a way to test to see if any of these devices are actually working to neutralize emf and emr. I find it to be a very confusing field that seems to be burgeoning right now, so there are bound to be low quality products out there, and no way for us to know what is best.
For now, I learned how to turn my router off wireless (which the internet service company initially said would be impossible for me to do myself, but persistence paid off and they taught me how – its not a matter of just flipping a switch) , I bought an ethernet cable, and installed it myself (!) I don’t know how much it’s helping with my insomnia, but I do feel that the bodily tension I almost always feel has lessened a lot since going wired. I still use gaba, tryptophan, melatonin and magnesium, plus some cbd oil which have helped some with sleep. I was hoping getting off wireless internet would be the one final thing I needed to do for sleep issues, but…not so far. Of course I have neighbors with wireless so I’m affected by that, surrounded like most of us are.
I really look forward to Dr. Klinghardt’s interview. And hope the products he recommends aren’t too expensive so those of us on low fixed incomes can afford them. Thanks for alerting us to his interview! I admire the doctor very much. And I have much admiration for you, thanks for all you do. Blessings, Kristin
I signed up for the Immune Defense summit but have not received any word. Has it begun? If yes, how may I access it, given that I have already signed up.
Hello Dr. Trudy Scott
What do you think about WaveRider ?
Hi Alfred
I have not heard this device but am intrigued and will be looking further into this technology – thanks for sharing
The WaveRider sounds great, not cheap though at $1,780!