Dr Jay Davidson, host The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2 shares the powerful story of how he became a Lyme expert because of his own wife’s crash with Lyme disease when their daughter was born. I just love that he offers hope:
there is actually hope out there no matter how much crud you’ve been through and how many crazy things you went through
He shares the 5 steps from his book: 5 Steps to Restoring Health Protocol
- Step one is detect, and that’s all about figuring out what are all the pieces to the puzzle. Because if we can’t figure out what the pieces are, we can’t create a road map of where we need to go, right.
- The second step is drain. And I want to talk a lot about that today, because that’s something I believe that can improve any protocol, any treatment that you’re going through; drainage, drainage, drainage.
- Step three is elimination or pathogen elimination or if you just want to think of it as like killing pathogens.
- Step four is about rebuilding tissues, and it’s very dependent on what’s going on with your body as to where we need to focus with rebuilding the tissues.
- Step five is detoxification.
And goes into what drainage is and why it’s so important when it comes to Lyme disease, heavy metal detox and healing in general:
Drainage, I think more of the pathways. So you could say, okay, what are the pathways? I think of the colon, like going number two, pooping, that’s a pathway. So if you are not going number two at least once a day, if not twice a day, and having good bowel movements then that’s a sign that drainage pathway is not open.
The kidneys are drainers; the skin, just the ability to sweat; the liver-bile duct system; the brain; lymphatic system; these are all drainers.
And so if we focus on the idea of draining just to make sure these pathways are open and moving. Then when we get to a point where we’re going to kill bugs or kill pathogens and/or detoxify toxins, heavy metals – get these things out of our body – if the drainage pathways are open, the body does well.
If the drainage pathways are clogged, then that’s when these things can’t move – like the metals, these pathogens like Lyme – they can’t move out of the body. So therefore, the debris or the chemical creates inflammation, and that’s what makes us to have these reactions. We call them Herxheimer reactions.
Dr Jay goes into more detail on the number one drainage area he focuses on with his patients – the liver-bile duct-gallbladder area and how it impacts:
- the lymphatic system
- stomach acid and digestion
- exposure to pathogens
And he shares how to use ox bile, dandelion tea, activated charcoal, coffee enemas and castor oil packs to support the liver-bile duct-gallbladder area and improve drainage.
He’s also excited to share a liver support product that is new to me. It’s called TUDCA or tauroursodeoxycholic acid and I certainly look forward to learning more about it!
The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2 runs June 19-26, 2017 and Dr Jay’s interview airs on day 1 of the summit.
Lyme disease is quickly spreading across the entire globe – very few are enlightened on this troublesome condition! We know that 300,000+ people per year contract Lyme, and 2017 is predicted by some to be an incredibly risky year! And according to the CDC, every single year there are more people affected with Lyme disease than breast cancer. That’s why Dr. Jay Davidson is hosting the second summit on this topic with only 2 repeat speakers from 2016.
Last year I was interviewed on Lyme anxiety and how to use GABA and other amino acids to ease the anxiety while you are working on addressing the Lyme disease. I’m not speaking this year but last year’s summit was so good and very popular with my community so I want you to know about it in case your health challenges are due to Lyme disease. I’ve seen the line-up this year and I’m excited to learn from these experts.
This summit will help you understand symptoms (common and rare), diagnosis and testing, practical at-home health tips, healing protocol explanations and more!
So much of what you’ll learn on this summit is applicable for you if you have Lyme BUT much of it will be valuable if you’re dealing with any health issue (like this drainage interview).
Register here for The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2
Feel free to post questions or feedback below.
I have Lyme disease and want you to know how wonderful it is to see natural remedies and guidance for this awful illness! I was not aware that I had been bitten and it took my gp almost 7 months to get a positive Lyme test. The earlier test came back negative. I was so depleted in every area of my body’s needs, lost lots of weight, couldn’t eat hardly at all, I couldn’t sleep, was exhausted, had lots of brain fog, was so very depressed and on and on! Finally, when the Lyme test came back positive it was a relief to know what was causing all the awful illness that was started with awful flu-like illness that went into pneumonia. It took 3 months to realize that a flem sack was lodged in my left lung. However, the exhaustion, no sleep, brain-fog, and loss of weight continued until after the antibiotics for two months. I finally found a great doctor that is a naturopath who has helped me so much using natural remedies. This has been a long, hard year and the healing is finally coming – slow but sure.
Thank you for letting others know about this up coming summit!! The information has to get out to others!!
You are most welcome – so glad you have found a great doctor and are getting resolution. Your story is not uncommon – for many people it can take years to get a diagnosis and even testing can be challenging but there are some amazing practitioners doing this work.
I always refer out for the Lyme work but help clients with the anxiety that so often comes with Lyme disease. The amino acid GABA helps so much with anxiety and tryptophan/5-HTP help with both anxiety and depression that the Lyme can trigger (because of how it impacts the neurotransmitters, zinc levels, the gut etc)
Hi Trudy, can I take TUDCA during coffee enemas? Thank you. Great article.
Glad you enjoyed it. I’m afraid I don’t know – I’d suggest checking with Dr. Jay Davidson who seems to be an expert on this