The SIBO SOS Summit starts today June 24th and runs to June 28th.
SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) is the #1 leading cause of IBS and other digestive problems and can cause bloating, chronic constipation or diarrhea (or both!!), anxiety, depression, pain and a host of other symptoms.
Shivan Sarna and co-host Dr. Allison Siebecker (a SIBO expert and hero of mine), are bringing some of the foremost experts in the country together to discuss this potentially life altering disease. Over 5 full days of expert interviews Shivan will take a deep dive into the causes, treatment options and expert opinions on everything from diet, to medication you need to know about to regain your optimal health and how to beat SIBO (even if you didn’t know you had it!)
You’ll also meet a host of patients who have lived with SIBO and have learned how to heal themselves… their passionate stories will give you the hope you need.
In her SIBO treatment interview Dr. Siebecker shares the following:
There’s several layers that we can aim our treatments at. I would say the top layer is the symptoms. And of course we want to get somebody feeling symptomatically better as soon as we can. And this is in regards to SIBO, it could apply to other diseases but specifically SIBO. The next layer down would be the bacteria. That’s the actual SIBO, the accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine aiming at eliminating those bacteria. And then the bottom layer would be the underlying cause of the SIBO. And that’s really where most of us probably want to focus our treatment because if we can get rid of the underlying cause well then we can get rid of SIBO and we can cure it, but that isn’t so easy.
I love these 2 tips she shares for the painful bloating:
something that helps a lot is charcoal, activated charcoal because it actually absorbs… gas into its little pockets and chambers inside the charcoal. That can really help people, especially if you’re having pain from the bloating that can really help.
Another thing is you can lie face down on your stomach and it puts the anatomy in a position where it can allow gas to be burped out and you can get some relief that way.
I’ve used the latter face down position but didn’t know about the charcoal tip, which is why I love these summits – I always learn something new!
Dr. Siebecker goes on to share in detail about
- pharmaceutical antibiotics
- herbal antibiotics (you would need to add in the allicin/Alimed if you had constipation type of SIBO or high methane)
- prokinetics like triphala, MotilPro and Iberogast (and some pharmaceutical prokinetics) to assist motility
- the elemental diet
- visceral manipulation, massage and acupuncture
She ends with how important stress reduction is and that’s where my work comes in!
I hope you can join us. You can register for SIBO SOS here
Have pryolle and Lyme, Mono for over 2 years as well as other viral components; i’m 63 and i’ve done every leaky gut protocol there is,
RE: the B6, i can’t seem to tolerate, i’ve been told it can be excitatory in some of our brains??? Any help here is greatly appreciated, Have gone financially down badly from functional docs, and every protocol under the sun.
Tried the Source Naturals Gaba Calm, it has taurine and other stuff in it, Didn’t work but i think made me more excitatory, panic attacks all the time, day and night, am using the Lidtke L Tryptophan, w some success and Magetine form of Magnesium.
Still constipated, got the Motilipro, i don’t know, i think it helped the constipation, but not sure i can tolerate the 5 HTP.
What a mess. Any help with B,s ??? taking a quarter tsp. bee pollen, local; on very tight budget…
thanks so much
Any idea how
I can’t offer specific advice via the blog can can share that tyrosine in GABA Calm can be stimulating for some and so can 5-HTP (especially if cortisol is high). Some people do have issues with certain B vitamins and often less or a different form works (B6 vs P5P). If SIBO is causing the constipation (high methane on breath test) the SIBO would need to be addressed – Motil-pro will only help so much and works more on motor migrating complex. Higher amounts of magnesium can often do the trick in the meantime.
I hope you can tune in to the summit – I’m sure you’ll get some valuable insights
Thanks, Trudy, i thought i remembered you saying that in the last summit where i first ‘met’ you. About the tyrosine. I was doing a little better on opening the lain Now GABA 500 and just wetting my finger;
Taking 800 mg of the magnesium. Trying to get to your book which is right here on my bed, hadn’t been able to read for over 3 years due to all this yuck!
I have my name on your waiting list, the thoughts are so intrusive; its very tormenting!! Thinking you get that since you’ve been through it , also the Pyroluria. Ditto. Then there’s supposed Lyme (since a child?) Sometimes i don’t know how i get through a day, an hour, sometimes one moment,
Thanks and have a great day, i’m NOT getting the link for the SUMMIT!!
Maybe hiding somewhere in all the emails.
Thanks again,
Yes I get it although not the Lyme part – that makes it so much more challenging. Many people do better listening to the summits rather than reading.
Hi. I registered yesterday and did not receive an email and it’s not in my spam folder. I re-registered this afternoon and still have not received anything that will take me to today’s talk.
Any help would be great. Thank you
I registered yesterday and just got my day 1 email in the last 20 minutes. Please check to see if you’ve received yours. I’ll also let them know there seems to be delay
I’ve forwarded your details to the hosts. This email will work for any other issues
Hi Trudy I would love to hear the SIBO SOS Summit but It won’t let me enter my email to get signed up. A white box shows up but won’t let me enter info. Can you help with this?
Sorry about this – it works for me so I can’t help but I’ve forwarded your details to the hosts. This email will work for any other issues
Thank you, Trudy.