The Medicinal Supplements Summit runs September 12 -19 and is dedicated to helping you learn the latest in supplement customization to boost energy, lose weight, beat stress, improve brain function and heal your body!
My interview addresses amino acids for both anxiety and depression – I talk about GABA, tryptophan, 5-HTP (and when not to use it), DPA, glutamine and tyrosine.
Wendy asks me to share more about DPA for the low endorphins kind of depression, comfort eating, emotional pain, weepiness and physical pain. Here are some snippets on this topic from my interview:
DPA is D-phenylalanine. It’s an amino acid that actually destroys the enzyme that breaks down endorphins. Endorphins are feel-good chemicals that we may relate to when you hear about getting an endorphin rush, when you go for a run or when someone gives you a big hug or when you do something nice for someone or someone does something nice for you, you get that nice sort of feel good feeling, like you’ve got this big hug kind of feeling. So taking this amino acid, DPA, helps, in essence, to raise your endorphins.
There are different kinds of depression. I mentioned the low serotonin depression, which is more the anxiety kind of depression. With the low endorphin kind of depression, you’re very weepy. You may be overly emotional. So if you watched a TV ad or you watched a really sad movie, you may be more prone to crying than the average person. As well as being sensitive to emotional pain, which is the crying and the weepiness, you also tend to be sensitive to physical pain.
So we know that doing acupuncture raises your endorphin levels. And in that way it helps with pain. So taking this amino acid will help with that emotional sadness that you often feel when you’ve got low endorphins. And it is very, very helpful for physical pain as well. I find a number of clients with physical pain that is related to low endorphins. Pain can be related to low oxalates or nightshades, something physical, or even osteoarthritis. So you’ve got some kind of physical issue. But if it’s related to low endorphins you’ll actually see a really nice pain reduction effect from it.
Now, the big thing with low endorphins is this comfort eating. So I mentioned earlier with low serotonin you have the anxiety and the depression and the afternoon and the evening cravings. With low endorphins, as well as this emotional aspect and the pain aspect, the cravings part is very much a comfort kind of craving.
It’s like, “This is my reward. This is my treat. I deserve it.” And when you consume those carbohydrates, that bowl of ice cream, that bowl of cereal, that chocolate chip cookie, you feel like this is my reward. I deserve it. So a lot of people will resonate with the low endorphins kind of emotional eating. And when they get on DPA their mood improves, and this comfort eating goes away.
Tune in to hear my entire interview and all the other great speakers!
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And use this link to purchase at pre-summit special prices:
I am a 68 year old male that is having a difficult time with anxiety, depression and insomnia. I need professional guidance. I live in the San Luis Obispo area of California. Can you recommend someone that is familiar with your work?
Sorry to hear this – I don’t have a recommendation for someone there. Perhaps you would consider working long distance with someone like Dr Josh Friedman
Trudy, I have Pyroluria. My weepiness and anxiety ARE BAD. Am I allow to take DPA/Endorphigen as it is an Omega 3? Thank you, Irene
DPA/Endorphigen is not an omega-3, it’s an amino acid so I’m not clear about the question?
Many of my clients with pyroluria do very well with endorphin support (assuming they had low enedophin symptoms)
Hi, I want to clear the confusion between DPA (Docosapentaenoic Acid), which comes in supplement formulas with Omega 3, and DPA (D- Phenylalanine) which is the catecholamine precursor being discussed by Mrs. Trudy.
Isian – correct DPA (D- Phenylalanine)
Trudy: I have heard your presentations on a few summits lately and you always have wonderful information.
I have suffered from depression for many years and also anxiety the past few years. I am on Effexor, Wellbutrin and Lorazepam. I have been on so many antidepressant combinations, but nothing works. How do I know if I have low Serotonin depression or low Endorphin depression? I just got GABA and it calmed me today. I am hoping this will get me off the benzo. I also have heterogenous 677 and 1298 MTHFR and fibromyalgia, as well as osteoarthritis and so much pain. I tried Deplin but it didn’t help. I also have a stiff neck and almost daily migraines which I use Imitrex for. I just started a 21-day cleanse (Dr. Brady’s). I am desperate to feel better. Thank you.
Glad to hear about the calming GABA and thanks for the kind feedback.
I have my clients do the amino acid questionnaire ( and a trial of the related amino acid
Please keep in mind that with anxiety, depression, migraines it’s always more than taking supplements. We need to look at diet, blood sugar control, gluten removal, no caffeine or sugar, gut health, pyroluria etc.
My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” maps out all 9 steps (the amino acids is just one step) and this blog is a wealth of information so use the search box to find more relevant information
I looked at the amino acids questionnaire and I fit into several categories. Will your Anti-Anxiety Food Solution book give the corresponding amino acids or am I missing that on your website somewhere? Thank you
Yes my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” ( has a whole chapter on the amino acids with detailed specifics on timing and dosing. There is also a lot here on the blog but it’s in many articles (use the search to find blogs on GABA for example).
My book also has chapters on diet, blood sugar control, the adrenals, gluten issues, the gut, pyroluria and more. People love that they have everything at their fingertips and in one place.
I was not permitted to use product names in the book – you can find these here
Thank you again.
Hi Wendy
I got the AntiAnxiety Food Solution 2 weeks ago and love it. It’s given me lots of info about how nutrition affects mood. The questionnaires are easy to follow,and Trudy gives straightforward solutions to regulating the systems that become unbalanced. I’ve tried a few already.
Fabulous Anne! thanks for sharing!
Trudy, any hints on using DPA with a child? (7 yo, 50 lb)
I would look at other things first – like gluten and/or dairy issues, not getting enough exercise and not getting enough animal protein, and digestive/gut health. And with the amino acids I use 120lbs as adult weight and half the starting dose of 500mg for 60lbs
May I ask what symptoms he/she has in each section of the amino acid questionnaire?
Thank you so much for your reply. Pretty much every symptom in every category.
Scores are as follows
Gaba. 6
Serotonin 15
Catechlomines 8
Endorphins 6
Blood sugar 4
He is very active, gets lots of animal protein, does not have gluten but does have fermented or raw goat dairy. Gut health is not optimal–constipation is an issue. Our last round of major testing revealed candida, SIBO, pyroluria, under methylation and non hashis hypothyroid. Have followed protocols for all of these, as well as 4 aminos, from many different angles with no obvious results.
A few thoughts – focus on gut health and digestive enzymes especially Hcl so protein is digested well (and will also help with candida), try sublingual amino acids (open the capsule or trial chewables)
Hi Trudy, I am trying to come off anti-depressants (SSRI – for the second time).So far I am on 30mg 4 x week – down from 60mg every day. On the days that I don’t take the anti-depressant, i take Felix (Saffron. My question is have you done any research on Felix, & as I will always need something to help me – can I carry on indefinately with Felix?
Thank you, & please contact me on my e-mail address.
I have not used Felix/saffron with clients so I’m afraid I can’t comment on this. I can say that many of clients are able to reduce and/or stop the amino acids (GABA/tryptophan/DPA etc) once they address diet, blood sugar control, the adrenals, gluten issues, inflammation, the gut and so on. I list 60+ possible causes here – they can be different for each person
I actually have my clients address all of the above BEFORE working with their doctor on a SSRI taper.
Hi Trudy,
I high anxiety with panic attacks. I show GABA symptoms the most. My body muscles are stiff (especially neck, jaw and lower back), running thoughts I can’t turn off,worry, ect. I have low blood pressure and just finished radiation for breast cancer which I see in your precaution list. I went in Klonapan (spelling) out of desperation because the holistic supplements including an adrenal with bovine did not work. Have not tried amino acids. What are my choices now? I have not tested. I believe my adrenals have been hit hard and obviously there is a cortisol issue. I don’t think the adrenal supplement I was on helped. I wake up a few time every night. I am done with menopause. I eat Paleo. Recovered from Lyme, Babesia and Bartenella after treating naturally for 3 years, last September. I live in NJ USA.
A trial of the respective amino acids would be my approach initially – GABA and tryptophan (since you mention running thoughts I can’t turn off). I’d also check for high night time cortisol.
It’s me Rita again. I’m re-reading this again as the sadness and weep ones caught my eye. I’m on your pyroloria protocol as you may remember. It seems our family has one thing happening after another. First our house fire, my elderly mother with dementia, my boys needs, my daughter lost her fiancée in a terrible crash. Just so much loss that sadness is always around the corner. I keep asking myself is my sadness excessive? My crying that I can’t stop is it too much? Then I seen this post.
It doesn’t help that I have adrenal issues that I’m always watching out for. What do you think Trudy? Is this DPA the answer? When you have real life loss is it indicated or maybe for a time? Does it have any side effects like anxiety? (I’ve mostly cured that thanks to you but it leaves a terrible scar)
I’d appreciate any help you might suggest.
Thank you!!
(With 3 boys with autism, and a house fire, remember?) lol
Lovely to hear from you! and of course I remember you!
So sorry to hear about your daughter’s fiance and hope your mom is doing better and your 3 boys are doing well.
The easiest and quickest way to know is to do a trial of DPA – you will know in a day if it’s helping. And yes even with loss and sadness it can help. I have not had anyone report issue with increased anxiety when using DPA. DLPA is similar in that it boosts both endorphins (which helps with weepiness) and catecholamines (which may increase anxiety) so I use DPA with clients for this reason
Trudy: I listened to your talk on the supplement summit twice and it was wonderful. I have just started to read your “anti-anxiety food solution” book. I also got DPA, and wondering what dosage to take daily and when should it be taken, daytime, evening? Thank you so much.
So glad to hear you enjoyed it! There is an entire chapter in my book on the amino acids and a section of DPA and how to use it. 500mg is a typical starting amount, taken 3 times a day.
I’d love to hear why you are drawn to DPA and what symptoms you have? Please keep us posted how you go?
Hi Trudy:
I absolutely devoured your Anti-Anxiety food solution book as soon as I got it.
I have suffered from major depression for years and none of the anti-depressant/anxiety combinations have really helped. I have arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, gut problems, and am exhausted and have no desire to do anything. I am currently on Effexor 150 mg, Bupropion 150 mg, and Ativan 2mg. for the depression and anxiety. I never knew how dangerous benzos. are until your anxiety summit and your teaching. I have been on the Ativan for a little over two years. I started two days ago cutting the evening dose to .5 and left the morning dose at 1mg. I had such body aching last night it was difficult to sleep, even with the supplements.
The reason I chose DPA was because I had been so weepy at the smallest thing, I eat to self medicate/soothe, and really crave sweets and ice cream, as well as the physical pain. On your quiz I was 5 out of 5. I started it a few days ago. I am no longer weepy.
I am completing three weeks on Dr. Brady’s cleanse, so have been off all gluten, sugar, dairy, soy, caffeine, etc. I really didn’t feel much better except for losing 11 pounds and less bloated. I have had more energy the past week.
The rest of the quiz results are:
Low GABA: 6 of 6
Low Serotonin: 14 of 21
Low Catecholamines: 7 of 8
Low Blood Sugar – not a problem
Pyroluria: I do not have many of those symptoms
I also started on GABA about a week ago and this does calm me. I started Lidtke’s L-Tryptophan two days ago and am starting slow and being careful about the Serotonin Syndrome possibility.
My thyroid score was low normal and so was Free 4, so I am not sure about Thyroid. I’ve been in almost constant fight or flight due to several traumatic situations over the past 8 years. According to Dr. Alan Christianson’s Adrenal test, my adrenals are crashed.
My goal is to feel better mentally and physically and get off the depression/anxiety drugs and benzo. I would love to take Tyrosine, but with chronic migraines that sounds unwise.
After hearing Dr. Blair, I really want to try hemp CBD oil, but can’t spend that kind of money right now.
I plan to keep my diet healthy and challenge a few things like wheat and dairy. Before the cleanse I craved sweets all day, every day and was never satisfied. I am sure sugar is bad for me.
Is it really possible to feel normal without debilitating depression? The drugs don’t really seem to have helped much if at all, so I am hopeful with diet, supplements and I don’t know about the CBD oil, meditation, etc.
Thank you Trudy. Sorry for my long answer.
Wendy, I don’t mean to over reach, but please cut your Ativan slowly, and by that I man in teeny tiny increments. Last year I had taken 2mg Ativan daily for 5 months. When decreasing my dose, with my MD’s approval, I suffered sweating,lightheadedness, and brain zaps. The most disconcerting was the increased anxiety and depression.
I went to, and received SO much helpful, relevant info. Trudy mentions them in another post. Though the moderators don’t buy into supplement usage, there is a section devoted to just that. The most important thing I learned was that I had to decrease my dose by 0.1mg (not a typo) every 2-3 weeks. I accomplished this by taking their advice and going to a compounding pharmacy which made me an elixir that equaled 0.1mg per drop. Took me 5 months,but I haven’t had any Ativan since December. My insurance even covered it!
Again, I don’t mean to butt in, but discontinuing Genesis is rough, and bnzobuddies was a complete God send. Also, I got the Mood Cure by Julia Ross from the library, and will be getting my own. A fabulous, very relevant read that delves into mood disorders and nutrition. Hoping you have peace and good health.
Trudy, I also have both the 677 and 1298 MTHFR mutations.
Thanks, Wendy
Yes once you address the underlying cause with food and nutrients you can feel back to your old self – really!
Thank you so much! I am so anxious to get off these meds. I was going to try to go faster. Very good advice. I am finding I ache all over. I will check out those sites. Thanks again
You bet! Trudy’s talk on the Detox Project yesterday talks about benzos. If you have any questions or just need some support, I’d be happy to help.
I agree with what Anne is saying – super super super slow. I use nutrients with great results but my clients build up first before even starting to taper.
The support groups are often not in favor of supps during a taper and it’s unfortunate they continue to say this.
Julia’s book is great. Get both hers and mine (The Antianxiety Food Solution) so you’re prepared and well-informed. And this blog has tons on info on benzos so use the search button
Thanks Anne for helping!
Do you find that L-phenylalanine works as well as D-phenylalanine (which we have been unable to find). Many thanks!
DPA works much better than LPA. You can purchase it directly from the Lidtke site or from my online store
Thank you Trudy. I will order it from you, in the meantime is there any caution against LPA?
It has the same precautions as tyrosine
Hi Trudy!
I have read this blog post with great interest, but have a couple of questions for you. In your book you mention that if one is supplementing with DPA to take a free-form amino acid blend with all 9 essential amino acids including tryptophan to support your body’s production of endorphins.
Is this free-form amino acid blend in tablet or powder form and how, when and how much do you recommend taking? Do you have a brand that you could recommend as I am not familiar with this at all?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Both powder of capsules. You can find products I use here With the capsules it’s typically 1-3 per meal
Hi Trudy,
Hope you enjoyed your conference! I have diligently read your book, and started an “action plan” including two supplements you recommend, DPA and L Tryptophan. I tolerated the first dose of DPA, but when I took it Monday, I broke out in hives and intense itching. I’m disappointed because I feel it helped with my intense evening carb and sweets craving. The L Tryptophan sometimes gives me a headache and nausea, yet other times no s/e’s at all. Should I reduce the dose of Tryptophan? They are the only new supps I’m taking,though the day I got the hives, I took it at the same time as my black seed oil. Could it have interacted? Also, I’m using Litke brand.
Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Your site is an invaluable resource for me as I navigate my way through holistic mental health wellness! Also, are you planning on any more books in the future? I loved the Anti Anxiety Food Solution,and am trying to get my son’s gf to try it.
I’ve not heard about anyone reacting to DPA with hives and itching so can’t help. It you are willing I’d say to try it again to be sure.
With adverse effects like headache I recommend trying less
So glad to hear you like the site and book. And yes I’m working on book #2 and book #3 (both related to anxiety). Curious what topics you would be interested in
I would love to hear additional information regarding depression, especially MDD, and how nutrition can heal, and improve symptoms. The use of essential oils would also be interesting, as I’ve been using Bergamot topically 2x a day and have seen improvement with my morning anxiety, so I think it’s working. Also, after following the CBD oil thread, I’m actually going to do more research into this.
Hope your move is going as smoothly as possible!
Feel free to search this site for information on depression. Also my colleague Josh Friedman just wrote a great blog post on this topic
Also search the blog for essential oils – plenty of posts. Here is one
Glad to hear Bergamot is helping!
Keep us posted on this and CBD
Thanks – we’re almost ready and still have 3 weeks before we leave
Hi Trudy,
Just want to let everyone know that if using Bergamot oil to lower cortisol, use the type that contains bergaptene. From my research, this type, which is green, provides better therapeutic benefits. Also, I purchased Veriditas, based on your recommendation.
Hi Anne, where do you get the Bergamot oil that contains bergatene? How do you know other than its green that it has it in it? Ive been using DoTerra brand and its not green. Thank you girl….
Hi Kaye!
I purchased my oil online from Veriditas. Also, Simplest Botanicals and Vibrant Blue are two other companies Trudy recommended in the comments section of the art Bergamot is Better than Valium. I wish I could remember where I read about it, but studies indicate the bergapten contributes to the beneficial effects. I guess it can make you extra sensitive to sunburns, but honestly, I app!y it to my hands and never had a problem.
Hope you’re doing well!!
Hello Anne, my Bergamot Essential Oil from Neal’s Yard Remedies (UK) does not contain bergaptene and I notice you say this ingredient has some essential benefits, what are they? I wonder why some manufacturers remove it? Any ideas?
Hi Anne,
Thank you so much for your reply. So your oil is green? Ya know I haven’t read her section on Bergamot. So I will do that. I haven’t noticed anything with the Bergamot I’m using as well as lavender, balance and serentity from doterra. I am using peppermint oil for tinnitus and vertigo and it really has helped. Weird? So, has your brand of Bergamot helped you noticeably? Thank you again…..
I have tinnitus. Would you please tell me what you are doing? Is the ringing softer? Thank you
Drew Todd,I’m going to re-research this and find the info again so I can share it here. Please bear with me.
Here is the reply from the proprietor of the online store where I purchase Veriditas essential oils—-
Hello Anne. The Veriditas Bergamot is whole oil including the bergapten. When removing the bergapten, you remove some of the active constituents. Veriditas has been selling their Bergamot for 12 years and have never had a report of it causing a dermal burn. Wishing you the very best.
But I know I also read an article stating the same. If you go to Veriditas website, there is a place to click to buy online and it directs you to the Rosemary’s Garden site.
Yes, I feel it has in the sense that I’m not waking up anxious. It might wax and wane over the course of a day or so, but I don’t wake up with heart pounding anxiety. Also, I mix it with a carrier oil(sweet almond) and rub on my hands. Hope you get on the right track soon!! XO
Oh thank you Anne, that’s what I hate waking to the anxiety. Yeah GOOD MORNING Kaye!! Hahah….I live in the NW of USA and really don’t have to worry about sunburn!! Will try to find the Veriditas… does amazon carry it do you know? Also has anyone tried oral lavender gel caps for anxiety?
Kaye and Drew, here’s the link to where I purchase the Bergamot.
I used lavender caps for anxiety and did not find them helpful. Maybe try using lavender oil mixed in a carrier and applied to skin?
Thanks so much Anne…
Great discussion!
Hi Wendy, Umm I think I can say it isn’t as intense or angry! I saw a blip on a website where this guy had vertigo from a head injury and he said he diffused peppermint oil at night and used it around his ears during the day and it controlled it. So I thought why not? It has helped the verigo and has toned down the tinnitus. BUT aren’t you the the gal that has high cortisol too? I’m thinking these symptoms have a lot to do with that too. Makes life not so fun which is putting it mildly. I did have a consult with Dr. Blair. I asked him if cbd helps with tinnitus and he said yes in some instances. So I’m hoping that when my cortisol goes down this should go away too. I have not found my dose however as its not helping with anxiety yet. He suggested using Omega3s too but I break out when taking them. Sigh…..hope this helps honey.
Hi Kaye: Glad it is helping you some. I don’t think I have high cortisol although I haven’t done the testing. Mostly everything I have is low. Low GABA, low serotonin, Low endorphins, low catecholimines, for while I am now taking the supps. Trudy suggested. I have Fibromyalgia, migraines, osteoarthritis (bad in hands and feet), treatment resistant depression and anxiety. I am hoping to use the CBD to get off my anti-depressants and benzos, and for pain and for sleep. The supplements have already after about six weeks helped me lower some of the anti-depressant.
I will get a diffuser and also try to rub the peppermint oil in a carrier around my ears and see if that helps at all with the tinnitus. That would be wonderful!
What form of CBD are you using? I just ordered the Elixinol 300 mg. liposome spray so I should have that within a week.
Did you find the consult with Dr. Blair beneficial? He seems great from all he has written and from his talk on the summit.
Can you eat walnuts or things like that for your Omega 3’s? Hopefully your body can then convert them. Thanks
I’d also look at low B12 and gluten when it comes to tinnitus.
Hi Wendy, 1st off DO THE TESTING!!! SO important. its about $120. from Diagnostics in Washington for a whole panel, a spit test. About a two week turn around. I wouldn’t treat any adrenal issues without it. Both high and low can have similar symptoms. Although, it seems to be harder to treat adrenal fatique in some ways. 2nd. have you considered Meriva by Thorne, for your fibromyalgia? Its a patented form of curcumin. I take 2-500mg caps a day and it really HELPS with the pain in the muscles. Beware not all curcumin is the same. I have found only this form works for pain for me. Was recommended but Dr. Martin Milner of Portland Oregon. Somewhere I read that fibro. can be a thyroid symptom. I know when mine is low I can hardly get up from seated position but the Meriva has helped sooo much with that. 3. I think what helped me with his consult was he recommended me to increase my dose til the anxiety was gone. Then that’s my dose and then find a cheaper way to get it, like vaping. I am using the 300 liposome pump. Like I think I said previously, I have been using it since the 1st of Oct with no success for anxiety, our local health food store carries it so I didn’t have to wait. I did try a different brand but nada nothing. I have a hard time with nuts cuz of the high arginine in them. I love them tho. Almonds are the worst with herpes. Yeah not sure what to do about the Omega3s. He really didn’t say how much either. I will be reporting back to him. He answered the phone himself with no reception desk to deal with. Odd? But great cuz we immediately started talking and I didn’t have to wait for appt. I have a friend who is using the elixinol too and having success with it, with sleep and angst. She too is tapering off benzos.
Also, just a thought, how much magnesium are you using? Anxiety chews it up like butta!!!! get as much as you can oil, tabs, soaks etc. I’m doing that now too. hope this helps girl. Also, try downloading some meditation music and play before during and after sleep…..I have morning angst so it listen before I get up. hope this helps, girl. you are not alone, EVER!!! There a few of gals out here cheering each other onto health….Luv, K
Hi Kaye:
I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I would love to have the Cortisol testing done, but I just can’t afford it right now. With all the supplements I have purchased and now I’m waiting for the Liposome CBD from Elixinol to arive, I just don’t have any more money, especially $120. I understand from what you are saying and from what I have read it is very important to know. I wonder if there is a less expensive way to have it done.
I haven’t tried that brand of curcumin, but I am currently using a good one, although nothing much is helping with the Fibro pain some days. I was completely off dairy and gluten, sugar, etc. and still got the fibro pains. I do believe my leaky gut is healing though since I did Dr. David Brady’s cleanse ( and stayed away from the foods, plus taking the supps.
I also have the 1298 and 677 MTHFR gene mutations and that is so complicated also without a lot of testing.
Hope things go better for you. I am a bit discouraged by the lack of CBD helping your anxiety. Really, it’s just too expensive to take a high dose. At least for me. Take care and glad we are all here to support each other.
My adrenals are crashed (according to Dr. Alan Christianson’s quiz. He has a summit starting on 11/7 on Adrenal Fatigue with tons of speakers by the way if you haven’t heard about it.
As far as magnesium, I forgot to answer you. I have been taking Remag from Dr. Carolyn Dean, because I get the runs from other magnesiums. It is a liquid and tastes horrible, but it is good stuff. I am getting ready to go soak my feet in epsom salts now.
Wendy .. wondered where you went?
Um, I don’t think there is a cheaper saliva test. BUT you could check out Life Extension, I know they do testing with blood and are extremely cheap!! Like really cheap….so they might have a saliva test for cortisol. About the magnesium, I know about the loose stools!! That’s why I use a magnesium glycinate. it doesn’t do that at all unless you take higher doses at a time. It comes in 200mg. I told you I was using meriva turmeric by thorne and found that it is getting really expensive so switched to meriva by thorne, 1/2 the price. will keep you updated on how it works. I am signed up for the summit too. I don’t remember have you had your thyroid checked? Stop the thyroid madness is a good site to help with that.
glad to hear from you girl. believe me I know what you are going thru….I’m there….
Hi Kaye:
Thanks for the ideas. I just checked Life Extension and their saliva test is $175. I didn’t check blood test because I understand you really need to know highs and lows throughout the day. I would really like to have it done, but it’s just not possible right now.
I will try the type of magnesium you are using after mine is gone. Take care
Kaye, funny you mention meriva. I researched curcumin for arthritis in my dogs. Came across a great article that mentioned the different types, and I learned that different types of curcumin treat different conditions. I was able to buy the meriva brand at Nordic Naturals. Also, the following links discuss the types of curcumin, what they treat,and the best brands. Unfortunately, I’m sensitive to tumeric so had to stop taking it,but after reading the article, I realized I’d been taking the wrong kind!
Oops forgot to list k to the sight…
Hi Anne, thank you again for all your info. I did go to their website. They charge $10 for 5ml. I checked with doterra and they are in 15ml. bottles, for $30.25. I then poured out a few drops of my doterra and it is green to!! When I first looked didn’t think it was but it is. So sad I have not noticed much. How often do you use it a day? I do use lavender and I even diffuse it in the air. NADA!! This is my first experience with EO though so don’t know much about them esp. for therapeutic use. Thank you for the info on turmeric, it is really good info. Looks like I’m on the right one as it does reduce the pain of fibro symptoms from low thyroid. I also read a new article from Dr. Axe about Omega 3s, he says plankton is a good source, so I will be researching that next. Thank you Anne, sincerely from the heart…:)
Good afternoon Kaye
I have been watching and reading the comments here and I saw that you are relatively new EOs. First off I want to suggest that you research the different companies that produce and sell EOs because they are all different. Some have a basic processing and supply of the plants and flowers used and are suggested for aroma therapy only, while others
Are more selective of their ingredients and have very highly developed procedures and processing techniques for a higher quality oil that can be used aromatically, topically and internally. I have been using Young Living Essential Oils for two years for various reasons and I have been highly impressed with the quality of the oils as well as the openness of the company and representatives to help with any questions or concerns. I really hope you find something that helps you.
Hi Julie, thank you for your reply. I have done some research on EO but use doterra cuz easier to get! It is a good brand. I’m just not sure how much to use for anxiety of the bergamot. I keep putting it on but haven’t noticed much. I have noticed peppermint works on the ears for verigo and for headaches. I haven’t purchased any of the more expensive EO like frankincense yet. I do diffuse lavender and peppermint and other oils most of the day and even in our bedroom at night. I know they do a lot more but just haven’t used them yet. Thank you again …if you can think of something let me know.
Thanks for this link. Very informative. I had just read about Meriva through Dr Rhonda Patrick.
Hi wendy, I didn’t mean for you to get your adrenals checked with blood. You are right, a lot endocrinologists use blood but it only checks it once. No I just mentioned that LE was cheap on their bloodtests and thought maybe their saliva if they had one would be cheaper than diagnostics. I will try to find one maybe by googling for u.
Hey another thought for your arthritis. Have you tried MSM supplements? Let me know and I will fill you in on it.
Hi Kaye:
I do use MSM, along with Glusamine and Chondroitin for my arthritis. It’s pretty advanced, and my hands and feet are gnarly, neck is bad, as well as have had a knee replacement. I have the same thing my mom and grandma had so not much helps. Having PT on hands and neck right now.
Thank you! I received my Elixinol CBD 300 liposomal yesterday so tried last night. I slept some solid hours, so hopefully this will help.
Hi Wendy, How much MSM are you taking? You might want to check out Rich’s Distributing in Portland Oregon. They have a high quality MSM and its much cheaper. I know this cuz my whole family and friends use it. My dear friend had rheumatoid artho. and she could not move without it. You also need VC when using it. Its amazing stuff. I use the lotion everyday instead of other moisturizers.
Wow I’m so happy the cbd is helping you. Wish it would work for me!! :(.. praying it will help with pain….fingers crossed.
Hi Kaye: I will check it out thanks. What is VC? I have osteoarthritis, even tho knarled hands and feet not rheumatoid thankfully.
Wendy, its vitamin c. I don’t think it matters what kind of arthritis you have, it just relieves the pain tremendously. My mother used it for her osteo. I think they might have good info on their website, too.
Just got text from my functional medicine doc and she just got back from conference and she said she learned a lot of new info on methylation and I’m to stop all supplements til I see her. So of course I made appt. for this Monday. Pray there is new hope!! Thank you Wendy, do you want me to update you on info from doc?
Cant wait for Trudy to get back with us. Seems weird her not commenting with us.
Hi Kaye!
I would love to know of any new info you learn if you can share here
I’m back online
you have been busy commenting – thanks for helping each other like this. Hope your appt goes well – do come back and share
Trudy! Glad to have you back with us! Hope you are settling in well and enjoying your new home.
Hi Kaye:
Yes please! Hope you get good news! It will be great to have Trudy back. I will look at the site. Thanks.
Hi Trudy, In one of the talks on Anxiety Summit 5, you said that DPA helps with cravings and emotional eating. I read elsewhere online that DPA turns into tyrosine in the body. Does taking tyrosine help also? Do they do different things? Any reason to take one vs the other, take both?
DPA supports endorphin levels. It’s DLPA that supports both endorphins and catecholamines. I like to use DPA for endorphins and tyrosine for catecholamines.
I’ve just heard about something called Low Dose Naltrexone which can help with conditions like CFS, Fibromyalgia, MS etc and was wondering if you know anything about this and how it compares with amino acids and whether you can use alongside aminos?
This is an area I don’t know much about but it’s on my list to look into. From what I do know there are some similarities to DPA (an amino acid) which also raises endorphins (helping with physical pain, emotional pain/depression and comfort/reward eating). I don’t know much about the immune-enhancing effects of DPA but one paper reports an increase in CD4 lymphocytes which improves immunity. This was for alcohol addiction and used together with 5-HTP and glutamine.
I’ve asked a number of practitioners who use LDN but none of them has used DPA enough to be able to share their insights.
I do know LDN is often used by SIBO practitioners with much success but it can increase insomnia and anxiety initially and needs to be started really low and monitored for this reason, and sometimes switched to a morning dose.
Hi Trudy.
Thank you so much for everything!
I would like to test phenylalanine for my weepiness etc.
As i still have higher blood pressure, but getting better, since changing lifestyle an diet, i just want to ask which form i should take.
Last time i have read, that DPA should not effect blood pressure. Can you confirm this from your experience? Would you also choose the DPA over LPA or DLPA?