Do you crave sugar all the time, use willpower and feel deprived?
? Are your sugar cravings out of control?
? Are you the queen of willpower – sometimes – and then you slip up?
? Do you feel guilty when you do slip up and indulge?
? Do you feel deprived when you aren’t eating sugar?
? Do you feel awful when you are eating sugar?
? Is sugar comforting for you and do you LOVE certain foods?
? Does the mention of chocolate or ice-cream bring a smile to your face?
? Do you find yourself substituting “healthier” sweeteners like agave, stevia, honey, dried fruits etc? (sugar is sugar! If you crave that sweet taste you have an issue – really!)
? Do you use sugar for an energy pick-up and mood boost?
? Do you eat sugar to calm down?
If you answer yes to at least three of the above questions then it’s very probable that you have sugar and carb cravings that could be the result of one of the following:
? what you eat – so skip the junk food, processed food and even healthy whole wheat bread if you have an intolerance to it. Eat real whole food instead.
? when you eat – so don’t skip breakfast and eat frequently enough to keep your blood sugar stable
? how much protein you eat – have protein at breakfast and at each meal and snack (about a palm-sized portion at each meal)
? low zinc levels (which are very common) – assess and address with supplements and/or a zinc-rich diet (red meat and oysters are a great source)
? burned out adrenals – do a saliva test to assess and address nutrient-wise, slow down and de-stress
? low levels of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin or endorphins – assess and address with the amazing amino acids like tryptophan, 5-HTP or DPA
? candida and yeast infections – assess and get on an anti-candida program
? toxins and pollution – do a detox at least twice a year
The first place I often start with my sugar-addicted clients is with the amazing amino acids and they see really dramatic results in few days, often in 24 hours! And they have more energy and focus, they sleep better, their mood improves, and worry and anxiety disappear. This way it’s also so much easier to make all the food changes without it having to be a pure will-power thing and so you won’t feel deprived. We do of course also address all the other possible causes, as a holistic approach is the way to go.
If you address the root causes of your cravings then you won’t have to use will-power (really!) and sugar becomes a “take it or leave it” deal (really!) and you won’t feel deprived (really!).
If you need the support and guidance and are ready for this, contact me to set up a complimentary 15 minute consultation. All my programs are listed here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html It’s the perfect time to get your cravings under control before the holidays!
You are so on the money here Trudy – it is as if you are inside everyone’s head!
Keep on doing the fabulous work you are doing – you are truly making a difference in people’s lives!
Heidi Alexandra
Thanks Heidi – it is wonderful to be able to make a difference
Great info, Trudy!! (I also think it is hilarious that Google picked up on the sugar theme for your piece and so put up an ad for high fructose corn syrup!!! LOL!!) XOXO, Katherine.
Sugar cravings are the worst! Your advice works and is timely for the zillions of us who have been on the sugar-wagon. Thanks, Trudy!
Sue P.
Yes, Sue they can certainly rule your life
I certainly answered yes to at least 3 of those questions! I love that you recommend tackling the ROOT of the problem for a long-term solution.
Thanks Carmen, get to the root yes…no band-aids!
Great photo! Thank you for sharing your wealth of information with us.
I love the picture and your content is totally FAB! I have a lot of changes to make. Thank you so much.
Kiyla Fenell
Yes, isn’t the picture just perfect! Glad the content is helpful and let me know if I can help you …