It’s good to get in the habit of doing a detoxification program at least twice a year – early in the year and Fall being the perfect times. Why detox? We are exposed to so much pollution, heavy metals and so many chemicals, we often eat a less-than-perfect diet and more often than not, we are stressed out.
Consider these great detox tips:
- Participate in a guided gentle 3-4 week detox program – enjoy the group support and benefit from the expertise of a nutritionist (healthy eating, nourishing whey protein shakes/smoothies and liver-supporting nutrients make it safe and enjoyable)
- Quit the junk food, sugar, caffeine (and dairy and gluten while on the detox program)
- Nourish yourself with alkaline mineral-rich veggie broths
- Try a sauna session or Bikram yoga class – and sweat away those toxins
- Try a rebounder or mini-trampoline – and get your lymph drainage going
- Use a dry skin brush before you bath or shower
- Enjoy a warm Epsom salts bath – and relax and wind down
- And drink plenty of water!
Your body will thank you with increased energy and focus, a great mood, less cravings, less aches, less allergy symptoms, improved digestion and overall better health. Our bodies have an amazing ability to restore and renew, given the right resources. A big plus for many of us doing a detox program is weight-loss, and although this is not the main objective, it’s often a big motivating factor! Detox, get healthy and lose weight!
Thanks, Trudy! Great reminders plus some things I never knew/thought of… like the trampoline idea. Pretty cool and sounds fun, too! ♥
Katherine – trampoline is fun, good for a detox AND a great workout too!
Great advice!
I’m actually starting a ‘creativity cleanse’ soon to accompany my nutritional self care.
I have a few questions….
is sugar in itself bad? or is it just something to have in moderation?
Do you have any advice about letting go of sugar?
Laura – Good for you! (I love that term “creativity cleanse”). Yes sugar is bad – it has no nutrients, depletes us of B vitamins and other important nutrients important for handling stress, lowers immunity, affects our mood and the list goes on. Letting go of sugar is a huge topic… #1 eat breakfast and include protein – sets you up for the rest of the day. Will have to blog on this topic next….as there is more…
Oooo Trudy, that salad fairly leaped off the screen at me! Looks soooo delish. And it’s amazing how energetic and positive one feels after a de-tox. Keep on encouraging people Trudy, good job.
Lynn Moore
Absolutely true about how great you feel! – thanks Lynne
Such good advice, especially after the year I’ve had!
I’ve been wanting to try a gentle cleanse and bikram yoga. I am going to look into both, so thank you for the great post!
Spring time is such a great time to do this – check out – I’ll be offering my awesome 28-day group program “EveryWoman Detox” in March as a teleseminar series. I’m doing the detox with my January group right now and feel fab! and yes check out Bikram yoga – many other health benefits too, including stress.
In the US we don’t do the cleanse thing as much as elsewhere in the world. But it’s a great idea, and certainly will help health and clarity.
Sue P.
Sue – so true, cleansing and detoxing has a rich history worldwide for being so beneficial for health
Thanks again for a great post! I love how I feel after a cleanse. I’m not doing one because I’m still nursing. What’s your take on cleansing during breastfeeding? I eat lots of greens and always do dry brushing before my shower though:-)
Oh yes, what a great feeling after a cleanse or detox! I’m just finishing up one now and feel soooo good! I don’t recommend doing a cleanse/detox while pregnant or breastfeeding so baby isn’t exposed to the toxins being eliminated. But greens and dry brushing are fine.
Trudy – this was a great post – I often do detoxes, but this is a great reminder of things we can incorporate into each day – and it is all about lifestyle, right?
That salad looks gorgeous – I’d LOVE the recipe!!!
Patricia – oh, yes all about lifestyle and prevention! Here’s the recipe: leafy greens like romaine/spinach/arugula, snowpeas, yellow peppers, radishes, zucchini, carrots (all raw), sesame seeds and home-made alfalfa sprouts – with dressing of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and tahini. I ate this with a small serving of salmon. Enjoy!
Trudy – I have really enjoyed the last couple of posts and think I probably should be your “poster boy” for what not to do with diet/cleansing. One question that keeps coming up for me is “what if you don’t like seafood?”
I have tried numerous times, but just don’t like most kinds of fish/seafood. It’s some weird texture/smell/taste combo. Any recommendations (such as supplements or alternative foods) to get the same benefits without the fishy taste?
Phil – grass-fed beef and lamb has a great omega-3 profile so I’d go for this rather than commercial corn-fed meat.
Trudy – Thanks so much…that helps. Looks like it’s Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s for the beef…
I’ve done a few cleanse programs and always felt great but have never really been able to give up the caffeine. Any suggestions?
Lisa – you need to figure out why you need caffeine and address that – if it’s for energy, perhaps your adrenals or thyroid need support. Until you figure it out, make sure your coffee is organic as coffee is heavily spayed with pesticides.