Trevor King’s interview about his journey with depression – on That Vitamin Summit – is not to be missed if you are depressed, have ever suffered with depression or if you have a loved one or friend with depression. He shares how he feels a sense of complete hopelessness at times:
It descends like a black cloud that makes me almost sort of retreat into myself. And my eyes will know and I don’t want to take the world in. I don’t want to get out of bed at times. Actually, that’s one of the things that … one of the only things that actually helps me, is going to bed and lying down.
Winston Churchill famously described it as this black dog who’d come in and lay beside him at night.
“From the moment my eyes opened in the morning, I am engaged in a battle. I must protect myself with armor against ongoing, negative, intrusive thoughts that flood into my brain, while sending my prefrontal cortex, which is the home of logical thought, the green light to make decisions and take charge of my brain’s limbic system. That is, before the fear center completely spazzes out. I spend more time and energy chasing and maintaining good health than I do in any other aspect of my life. My marriage, family or work. Because I know that everything meaningful and good around me depends on a stable base. And I hope and pray that one day, I don’t have to fight so hard for my sanity.”
He talks about how he is affected by sugar and low blood sugar, and how he’s found some benefits with niacin, chromium, magnesium and tryptophan (when he’s consistent with taking them!).
Trevor actually talks about the GABA interview I did with him a few days earlier and how he’s very interested in what he learned. He is planning to do a trial of GABA to see if it can help him further.
Here is a snippet from my interview on GABA (so do tune in to this interview if you’re new to my work and the targeted amino acids):
GABA is really quite profound. When I had my anxiety, GABA was my lifesaver. It completely turned my life around. Within three days of using GABA, the panic attacks stopped and the anxiety started to go down, and then I had to look for all the other root causes. It worked immediately so I’m a complete believer, just because I’ve experienced it myself. You’ll hear a lot of people say GABA won’t work. It doesn’t cross the blood/brain barrier so it’s not going to have an impact.
We’ve now got research showing that there may be ways that it crosses the blood/brain barrier. We’ve also got research showing that we have GABA receptors in various parts of our body. We’ve got a lot in our muscles, and with low GABA symptoms you’ll have physical tension.
The beautiful thing is it works. It works quickly, and if you have these low GABA symptoms, which is the physical anxiety, which could be panic attacks. It could be stress eating, it could be drinking to calm down. If you are the kind of person who needs wine to wind down at the end of the day, that’s a big sign that you may need GABA. You take the GABA and you just feel this physical tension release from you, you know you’re onto something good.
I just wish I’d known about his struggles with depression at the time of our interview – I would have talked more about tyrosine for dopamine support (for curl up in bed depression) and DPA for endorphin boosting (for low endorphins weepy depression).
I did discuss gluten and would consider this especially since his daughter has issues with it. I talked about low serotonin and mentioned Lidtke tryptophan. If someone doesn’t do well on another brand I’d have them trial the Lidtke brand. I’d also look into SIBO – I have SIBO and rice and grains make me feel flat and low and I see this often with clients. Finally I’d look into lithium orotate for keeping an even mood.
Trevor shares these wise words at the end of his interview:
You do find that when you actually bite the bullet and share it with people,
people are very, very understanding. And actually, you’re amazed that many people have been there themselves.
I could not agree more which is why I’ve always shared my journey with anxiety. I appreciate him for being willing to share his story with depression!
If you’re not already registered here is the registration link for That Vitamin Summit
Feel free to post questions or feedback below – and share your story with anxiety or depression if you feel drawn to do so
Hi, Trudy!
Thanks for all the great work you do and share! My son suffers from extreme anxiety and has not responded well to medication, so I’m always interested in natural solutions. My questions today concerns GABA. What are the most effective brands, and how much should he take? He is six feet tall and ways about 210 pounds.
Thank you, and keep up the wonderful work!
Here are the supplements I use with clients Here is an overview of how I use them The key is to do a trial based on symptoms and the amount varies and is not based on weight and height.
I do recommend being an informed consumer and looking at a comprehensive approach incorporating diet, gut health, adrenal health, low zinc, pyroluria etc. It’s all outlined in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
Sounds like an amazing way to handle anxiety and depression. Where do you find the right form of GABA, Tyrosine, and DPA?
Here are the supplements I use with clients Here is an overview of how I use them I recommend being an informed consumer and looking at a comprehensive approach incorporating diet, gut health, adrenal health etc. It’s all outlined in my book
Thanks for highlighting and sharing this Trudy. Yes, I found Trevor’s interview very profound and this could literally be me a lot of the time:
“From the moment my eyes opened in the morning, I am engaged in a battle. I must protect myself with armor against ongoing, negative, intrusive thoughts that flood into my brain, while sending my prefrontal cortex, which is the home of logical thought, the green light to make decisions and take charge of my brain’s limbic system. That is, before the fear center completely spazzes out. I spend more time and energy chasing and maintaining good health than I do in any other aspect of my life. My marriage, family or work. Because I know that everything meaningful and good around me depends on a stable base. And I hope and pray that one day, I don’t have to fight so hard for my sanity.”
I am going to give the high dose Niacin (Niacitol) a go to see if it may help a bit whilst unraveling everything else, mould, builders, gut and I am very interested in
I’m pleased to hear this resonated with you and am sorry this could be you a lot of the time. Glad you found the niacin interview helpful (posting link here for other blog readers
Keep in mind that Niacitol is inositol nicotinate. I have not used this form with clients but have used niacinamide with good results.
Viome looks interesting – new to me but I like that they look at the stool and genes
Thanks Trudy, that is most helpful – will explore Niacinamide – which brand/product have you had good results with?
On a different topic, this caught my attention from Dr C – kind of turning the sat fat thing on its head. I have always been cautious and weary of fats and have pulled back a lot as my cholesterol levels sky rocketed when I increased fats and sat fats 3 years ago when the fad was that lots of fat was now all the rage and ok. I’m looking forward to his in-depth article on the 10th:
Dogs, cats, other animals and people do not LAY down — they LIE down. People LIE if they do not speak the truth. When humans and animals have sex (wanted or unwanted), they get LAID. Have you got the usage of the words LIE, LAID. and LAY clear, now???? Please check your usage of the American English Language before perpetrating such ghastly and incorrect usage. Thank you.
I was actually simply quoting the speaker word for word and these things happen. You’re not the only person who has called me out on this and I had no idea it pushed buttons. But thank you so much for the correction! You must be an English teacher! I googled it and there are so many sites offering advice – this one is very helpful a
The above site also states: “lay and lie have been tripping up English speakers for 700 years, and no one should be judged harshly for being among the confused. The pair is a doozy.” So it seems both Trevor and I can be forgiven. But I’ll get it right next time!
Having grammar/ortography errors seems to me to be a very innocuous defect compared to being rude and upset because someone made such a “mistake”. Respect and kindness should go hand in hand with giving advice or correction. Trudy, which supplements and aminoacids do you recommend to someone who is over-reactive to others’ little defects?
P.S. Sorry for all my writing erros, I’m a Spanish speaker.
Thanks Ana! GABA is calming and tryptophan helps perfectionism, irritability and agitation/anger
Hi Trudy,
I loved your interview with Trevor and signed up with your site. As it happens, I had a burnout about 7-8 years ago, and realized that I have a chronic anxiety that becomes more pronounced when under the stress, or just when life happens….(which is rather regularly!)
I decided to try GABA and L-Tyrosine, starting with small doses as you’ve suggested (I undid the capsule of each and am taking just a small portion under the tongue).
I did some research, but couldn’t find any specific recommendations as to when – what time of the day- is it better to take GABA, and when L-Tyrosine.
I decided to take L-Tyrosine in the morning, 15-20 minutes before breakfast, and GABA in the evening, an hour or two before going to bed.
I would really appreciate if you could let me know if this is the right way to take them, or recommend a better one.
Thanks a lot, Esther
So pleased you enjoyed my interview with Trevor. GABA can be taken throughout the day and tyrosine before 3pm or before noon if sleep is an issue. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” (here on Amazon has an entire chapter on the amino acids with all the details and dosage information as well as precautions.
In just new to leaving a comment. I was told years ago that I had depression, at the time it was that I just had nothing to say to the people around me ie my mother. Nothing I said to her about my thoughts or feelings was accepted so it was better b not to say anything. It makes you stay silent. Doesn’t meant you have depression justcneans there is no pint in voicing anything.
My situation is severe oppression , aggression by a man who claims to be my partner. How do you suggest coping with someone who just screans at you, doesn’t converse. I’m tikd I have depression, yes Im depressed, sick of hurting myself by drugging myself with scrip medication to withstand mother and P.
I totally accept nutritional depletion that depleted your capacity to bodily and mind stand the stress enslaught.
I’m so exhausted. I don’t dare go to a doctor. The psych drugs gave me massive fat weight gain and a confused mind. Its a state in. Which you are dying.
I have a tooth infection, OK d root canal trratmrnt that has failed. The dentists tries to tell me its OK but it isn’t, it swells periodically. I have had swelling fingers, hands and forearm s for three years….. Doctors have either discountef it, told ne yo stop eatibg junk food, which I never have, I have protein in the urine, am now prediabetic, fat and tired. I have been do depressed for the last twelve months that I haven’t showered or washed my hair.
Depression us many things. It’s being bullied, its being gaslighted where you trust yourself anymore.
I had a farm , lived life and lived it two years ago.
Away from mother’s house I feel a semblance of self, sort of.
I don’t know what to write really. Its demoralising. Staying at my mother’s, 90 year old who selective remembers things about me, always critical or soppy.
I’m just getting dissolutioned writing even.
I can take handfuls if vitamin and hormone pills… But it doesn’t change P screaming at me, that I have left my life to be imprisoned in my mibdxatvmy mother’s.
Thank you for reading if you would. I don’t trust myself or anyone else anymore. All my friends I have pushed away. I wa a highly educated, skilled human being with wonderful friends, eventually my iwm farm after an academic career. Now what’m…a drivelling mess at my mother s who won’t c even each my hair. Mother spent c weeks deriding me, discounting all my self worth. I’m s shell with a crapped out body…is that depression. I don’t want yo see counsellors, they cannot help and I am sicknof bring told I’m mentally ill.
Sick if bring labelled mentally ull when you seek help.
I was a female farmer running a large property on my own, all good till previous partner turned up again.
We are told here in Australia to seek out help if we feel fine or depressed….. Fool me when things got really bad with P, I rang a crisis line and they promptly followed my phone line back and rang the firearms board and confiscated my license that I needed as a farmer. The distress in losibg it without consultation was horrendous. I hsf no thoughts if harming myself or others, itcwad needed for fox control and putting injured stock dien if necessary. I am do angry at the Australian mental health crap. Don’t ask for assistance, vthey immediately labrlbyiuvax mentally ill, but to no furtgef help. And if you go to a doctor its horrendous medication.
My mind ir brain was not sick, i was being psychologically attacked by a male partner. There is a difference. Domestic violence us different to mental illness. And mental illness’s us just metabolic exhaustion.
Sorry I’m so muddled because I’m so tired of abuse and attacks by P. He distorts the truth, uses threats, belittles my every action, denies my right ad the landholder over my affairs and if i were to protest or report him I will be labelled mentally insufficient because the psychiatrist who saw me said domestic violence is just the figment of clinically depressed women.
No need to post this I’m just a stupid woman who has let domestic violence impede her capacity to function. It gets tovth point where you can’t even seek assistance , because you are just a stupid woman with self worth.
You are NOT “just a stupid woman who has let domestic violence impede her capacity to function”. Domestic violence is very serious and it’s very unfortunate you are not getting the support you need and deserve! A psychiatrist who says “domestic violence is just the figment of clinically depressed women” should be reported.
You really need to find a good support system that includes a community to help you get out the domestic abuse situation you are in (I’m not sure what’s available in Australia and see what I can find and come back and post additional information) and a functional medicine doctor/naturopathic doctor/nutritionist to help guide you with a real foods diet, nutrients to support your mood, the PTSD you’re likely experiencing, possible adrenal and hormonal issues and immune support for the tooth infection.
I’m so glad you reached out and shared here – I just wish I had more to offer you. Just know you deserve a happy calm life free from verbal and physical abuse!
(I edited your name and your partner’s name because this is a public “forum” and others can read the blog comments)
I’ve received these resources from my community. I don’t know anything about these organizations so I just encourage you to check them out and see if they could be a fit for you
1800respect / 1800737732 is a help line for domestic violence (it’s a free call from anywhere in Australia)
Try this website – it has numerous amount of info and where to call for help
Friends with Dignity facebook group and website
I hope this helps
I am a 54 yr. old woman who had a nervous breakdown two years ago and now have “treatment resistant” depression. It all started when my youngest sister died of an overdose. It severely traumatized me.
I had an episode of depression over 25 yrs. ago that was treated with antidepressants. So, I don’t think I have any genetic mutations. I am going through “the change” and the hot flashes and night sweats are miserable.
I keep trying to find an alternative to treat this horrible darkness. My doctor recommends ECT which I don’t want. I seem to be low on serotonin & dopomaine. I also have migraines. Can aminos work for someone like me? I take a full vitamin B supplement, niacin, liquid vitamins, coconut oil, vitamin c, mag & calcium. I was thinking of trying ltrypothan & dlpa but I read that if you have a lot of inflammation you can’t get ltryopthan to the brain.
We don’t have naturopathic doctors in our area. Can these aminos only help people wean off drugs or help treat depression? I’ve read many of the reviews on The Mood Cure but haven’t read the book. I’m so afraid.
Does CBD oil help depression or just anxiety?
I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through and am sorry for your loss. To me the term treatment-resistant depression means the root cause has not been identified and addressed. I always use a comprehensive approach that includes dietary changes (real whole food, quality animal protein, no gluten and sometimes no grains, eating for blood sugar balance) and trials of tryptophan, tyrosine and DPA (I find this to be more effective for low endorphin depression).
There are many practitioners who work long-distance and I’d encourage further reading and then finding a practitioner to guide you. These books: “The Mood Cure” is excellent, my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” covers my entire program, and Kelly Brogan’s book “A Mind of Your Own” is a dietary approach.
Here is my interview with Kelly on med tapering It is very do-able so have hope