Today I share how the amino acid D-phenylalanine (DPA), used as a supplement multiple times a day, and opened on to my tongue, eased both the physical tooth pain I experienced for 14 days and the emotional pain I was feeling over the holidays.
In this blog I share more about DPA and endorphins when it comes to pain – both physical and emotional. I also share two DPA products I recommend, product label confusion and more about how DPA differs from DLPA (DL-phenylalanine). I am often asked this question and even long time users of DLPA are sometimes surprised to learn how different DPA is. As always, I like to share some research and other related blogs on the topic. Here is my recent and very positive personal experience with DPA, a firm favorite of mine:
I’m just back from the dentist – my crown was re-cemented and I’m a happy camper now. It popped off just before Christmas and I had to wait until now! There was a tiny cavity beneath the crown which is why I was having daily pain.
Thank goodness I always have DPA (the amino acid d-phenylananine) on hand. I gravitate to it for pain relief – sports injuries like muscle sprains, the rare headache and this time for tooth/jaw pain.
I opened a DPA onto my tongue as soon as I could feel the dull ache start and the pain relief lasted a few hours. It works by boosting endorphins to provide pain relief – kind of like acupuncture. I call it “powdered acupuncture”.
Some days I used 3-4 and one day I needed 6. Taking one before bed was wonderful.
I also got bonus benefits for emotional well-being over the holidays. It’s the first Christmas without my darling mom and I really needed the endorphin boost to help with the emotional pain.
The DPA product I used was Doctor’s best (details below) and I opened up the 500 mg capsule onto my tongue each time I needed pain relief.
The number of capsules I needed seemed to vary by how much chewing I was doing (for example, I had more pain after a steak meal vs smoked salmon) and what I was eating or drinking (for example, I had more pain after drinking something cold). I simply used a DPA capsule when the dull pain started, making sure it was away from protein (not always but most of the time).
UPDATE: Sept 13, 2024
DPA has come to my rescue yet again and this time the tooth pain has been very severe. I initially suspected it was the crown again but when I got into the dentist an xray confirmed an abscess at the tip of one of the roots.
It’s a first for me and I’ve never experienced a toothache like this. The pain ramps up from zero to 10 (with 10 being most severe) in a matter of seconds. The only thing that helps right now is DPA. I’m opening a capsule every few hours and have even had to use it every 30 mins when it’s really severe like after drinking or eating something. It brings to pain down to a 3 in a matter of minutes.
I’ve figured out that using a straw to drink liquids helps a ton. I’m also using a soft ice-pack a few times a day too. Strangely it’s worse just before bed, after I take my bedtime supplements. I need the DPA and ice-pack but fortunately I have no pain through the night. Thank goodness for that!
I’m also using a herbal antibiotic and herbal mouth swish from my naturopath while I get a second opinion, learn about my options, and decide next steps.
All this has solidified DPA as my go-to supplement for pain relief.
One of the DPA products I recommend: Doctor’s Best D-Phenylalanine
There are not many d-phenylalanine/DPA products available but of those I have two that I recommend: Doctor’s Best D-Phenylalanine and Lidtke Endorphigen. Both contain 500 mg DPA but the labels can be confusing at first – at least until you’re familiar with them.
Also, this amino acid, DPA, is not to be confused with docosapentaenoic acid (also abbreviated as DPA), an omega-3 fatty acid similar to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
Here is the Doctor’s Best D-Phenylalanine description:
Doctor’s Best D-phenylalanine is a non-protein amino acid that acts as an inhibiting agent to enzymes that degrade enkephalins, naturally occurring peptides in the body that metabolize endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that play a key role in the function of the nervous system and are associated with feelings of pleasure. By limiting production of enzymes that break down endorphins, the supplement can help support a healthy mood and normal functioning of the nervous system.
- Helps support healthy mood
- Helps support endorphin metabolism
- Help support neurotransmitter function
This is the actual product that I used over the past 2 weeks and have used it on and off as needed for a few years. It was one of the nutrients that helped when I sprained my ankle when visiting my brother in Las Vegas. More here
As you can see there is no mention of pain on the label or product description. I share more on the pain/endorphin connection below.
You can purchase this online from their website or from iherb. If you use my iherb link you’ll save 5%. This is a good option if you’re not in the USA and already use iherb for one-stop shopping of quality products.
The other DPA product I recommend: Lidtke Endorphigen
The other product I recommend is Lidtke Endorphigen which also contains 500 mg DPA and a small amount of vitamin B6 and riboflavin (vitamin B2). As you can see, this product does mention pain but not the emotional support/mood benefits on the front label.
Here is the Lidtke Endorphigen description
Ease Minor Pain & Feel Good with Healthy Endorphin Level Maintenance
Endorphins are nature’s way to relieve common minor pain and promote a cheerful mood. Research shows that endorphins are released in response to pain and stress, bringing relief. The second wind and runner’s high during and after a vigorous run are results of endorphins. Acting as an analgesic and sedative, endorphins diminish our perception of pain…. But there is more.
Recovery centers report that endorphins promote recovery from a wide variety of unhealthy cravings.
Low endorphin symptoms and typical dosing of DPA
I use the symptoms questionnaire to help clients identify if they have low endorphin symptoms (you can see that here).
Typical dosing is 500 mg to 1000 mg DPA 3-4 x day between meals/away from protein. I do find having clients open the capsule onto their tongue to be more effective for quick pain relief – with results as quickly as 5-10 minutes.
DPA vs DLPA: they are quite different but have some overlaps
I am often asked if DPA and DLPA are the same – they are quite different but have some overlaps as outlined in this blog post on the topic: What is the difference between DPA and DLPA (amino acids) and which one do I use for weepiness, heart-ache, pain and energy?
The precautions are also not the same so I always review contraindications with all my clients and encourage you to do the same.
DPA for MS pain, weepiness, emotional pain and more
Here are a few blog posts illustrating the use of DPA in multiple sclerosis, weepiness, physical pain, emotional pain and resilience, cravings/emotional eating and even helping to wean off prescription pain medication:
- Multiple sclerosis: low endorphin research and the amino acid DPA (d-phenylalanine) for pain, depression, comfort and trauma support “The endogenous opioid system is …well known to play a role in the development of chronic pain and negative affect [i.e. depression], both of which are common comorbidities in MS.”
- DPA for weepiness, pain and comfort and reward eating
- The individual amino acids glutamine, GABA, tryptophan (or 5-HTP), DPA and tyrosine are powerful for eliminating sugar cravings, often within 5 minutes
- When using the amino acid DPA (d-phenylalanine) I have more resilience and more buffer in the caregiving work I do, and just the oops’s of life As I mentioned above, using DPA over these holidays also gave me more resilience and the endorphin boost I needed help with the emotional pain of losing my mom.
- Wean off prescription pain medication, improve sleep and reduce emotional eating with DPA (an endorphin-boosting amino acid)
Be sure to use the search feature on the blog to find additional applications of DPA.
DPA research on pain and depression
The use of DPA is not new as you can read in this paper from 1982 – D-phenylalanine and other enkephalinase inhibitors as pharmacological agents: implications for some important therapeutic application
A number of compounds have been shown to inhibit the degradation of enkephalins. As expected, these compounds produce naloxone reversible analgesia and potentiate the analgesia produced by enkephalins and by acupuncture.
One of these, D-phenylalanine, is also anti-inflammatory.
D-phenylalanine has proven to be beneficial in many human patients with chronic, intractable pain. It is proposed the enkephalinase inhibitors may be effective in a number of human “endorphin deficiency diseases” such as depression, schizophrenia, convulsive disorders and arthritis.
Additional resources when you are new to using DPA and the other amino acids as supplements
We use the symptoms questionnaire to figure out if low endorphins or other neurotransmitter imbalances may be an issue for you.
If you suspect low levels of any of the neurotransmitters and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids on your own so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the practitioner/health team you or your loved one is working with.
There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and they are discussed throughout the book in the sections on gut health, gluten, blood sugar control, sugar cravings, anxiety and mood issues.
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the amino acids that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs. You can find them all – including the Lidtke Endorphigen 500 mg that I mentioned above.
Also mentioned above is Doctor’s Best D-Phenylalanine which can be purchased on iherb.
If, after reading this blog and my book, you don’t feel comfortable figuring things out on your own (i.e. doing the symptoms questionnaire and respective amino acids trials), a good place to get help is the GABA QuickStart Program (if you have low GABA symptoms too). This is a paid online/virtual group program where you get my guidance and community support.
If you are a practitioner, join us in The Balancing Neurotransmitters: the Fundamentals program. This is also a paid online/virtual program with an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
Have you had success using DPA for toothache, dental abscess or your other pain issues – what kind of pain has it helped and how much has helped you?
Has DPA also helped with emotional pain and weepiness? And cravings/emotional eating?
If you’re a practitioner do you have success using DPA with your clients/patients?
Feel free to share and ask your questions below.
I’ve been really curious about the Doctor’s Best product. Does it affect sleep at all or have any kind of stimulant effect? You mention taking it before bed, so I’m assuming you slept okay – ?
Several years ago I took a product (I can’t remember if it was DPA or DLPA) and after a few days I started feeling really crazy, kind of jacked up, so I’ve been wary of trying the DPA, but I’ve also been dealing with pain and have been wondering about it.
Thank you!
I would not expect DPA to affect sleep but do expect DLPA to – because of it’s affects on dopamine support as well as endorphin support – so best to use DLPA no later than 3pm or noon if sleep issues are severe. Read the link I share under this heading – DPA vs DLPA: they are quite different but have some overlaps.
Hearing jacked up /crazy feelings I’d suspect DLPA (a side note and suggestion – always log all supplements and effects)
Personally, DPA did not affect my sleep at all and actually helped because I could fall asleep more easily with no pain and had no pain for the next few hours. Because of not eating and no jaw movement the pain-relief effects lasted all night.
What kind of pain are you dealing with and what has been helping?
Thank you so much for this information!
I’ve been dealing with various pain issues, some of it sudden, random, sharp, short duration (not known whether it’s nerve-related or tendon/ligament, despite imaging and seeing many practitioners), and other that’s more achy, irritated, or sore muscles (specific areas not all over). Nothing worked for the first (including ibuprofen and gabapentin) but I sometimes take aspirin for the latter.
And sometimes I just have a low mood and feel weepy, and it sounds like DPA may be good for that.
With pain and low mood/weepiness DPA is always worth a trial.
One other thing to consider with tendon/ligament issues is pyroluria – symptoms questionnaire here
I’m curious to hear if you used DPA and had any success? If yes please share how much and how it helps?
Hi Trudy,many well wishes to you during this trying time of year and loosing your mum
Can I please ask this question in relation to GABA.I have purchased and used the source naturals lozenges before but needed at least three ,which took a long time to dissolve.So I purchased one of your recommended Now GABA PURE POWDER through I herb living in Oz, and wanted to try the 500mg powder on the tongue.It still wasn’t enough and through one of your blogs you suggested higher doses for relentless anxiety of over 750mg.I then purchased the 750mg capsules from NOW GABA again, except when I opened it to put on my tongue it is not the pure white powder that was in the powder GABA,it’s brown colour and a little lumpy.I just wanted to know whether these brown coloured powder filled capsules are still pure GABA or not.I thought I was getting the same thing but just in a more convenient pre measured 750,mg dose which seemed ideal to me
I don’t mind the taste,but didn’t take anymore as was worried it is not the same thing and concerned of other ingredients.Taking antidepressants for 30 years this month,gaba is the only thing that does not interact with my tricyclic antidepressant that is taken nightly(dothiepin) and want to use when my anxiety is off the scales and I am searching for the correct dose.Any help would be really appreciated.
Great question that I don’t have an answer to. Lumpiness may indicate no fillers (a good thing). One question to consider is if it worked in the same way but I wouldn’t expect it to be brown and would be wary of it.
Regarding ease of dosing with powder, a mini measuring spoon set like this one (my Amazon link) helps and is so easy and convenient.
Thanks for your kind words about my mom
Great article!
Doctor’s Best, D-Phenylalanine says: “Warnings: Phenylalanine supplements should not be taken by children, pregnant, nursing, individual with phenylketonuria (PKU), high blood pressure, taking anti-psychotic medications or MAO inhibitors. Consult your physician before use.”
I wonder if a lower dosage can be tried when on High Blood Pressure Medications.
Also, what would be the best way to test for phenylketonuria in adults?
Thank you!
I’m surprised they have this warning as d-phenylalanine (DPA) is is very different from l-phenylalanine (LPA) and dl-phenylalanine (DLPA). The latter two do need this warning but not DPA.
The doctor can test for phenylketonuria
Would DPA before a medical or dental procedure (no anesthesia) be helpful?
No, I would not use it for this purpose i.e. to avoid anesthesia, but would use it to help reduce pain before and after a procedure (with the doctor/dentist approval)
Thanks for your quick reply.
Just to clarify, I didn’t mean to suggest using DPA in lieu of anesthesia. I was asking about DPA for procedures where anesthesia is NOT used.
I understand your answer to be that DPA might be helpful if taken before and again after the procedure, assuming your doctor is informed and agreeable.
Could you share some examples of procedures?
this is an helpful article.! I have been using Bio Gaia’s probiotics for oral health. I also have a crown problem but more now discovered its a root canal problem. normally I wait till I get to bed, and pop a capsule under the tongue rather between the gum and the teeth. it works. I get to sleep.
Bio Gaia ia a Swedish probiotic company. they make even for osteoporosis/ bone support probiotics. cardiologist Dr William Li first mentioned re the oral probiotic. Lactobacilus Reuteri. amazing it works. since than I have referred to several people for thier pain/ root canal.
it works because it curbs the spirochaetes that hides in the gum/ teeth. and lives in the blood stream. infections/ inflammation takes over. dental problems cause inflammations causing other problems. heart gum and brain problems. lots of funtional/ holistics dentist are now educating people on utube . gut microbiomes alters, if you are on too long on antibiotics. iherb , stocks bio Gaia’s probiotics. also, I found tic borne disease cause similar spirochaetes that are in your mouth/ and gut . test fr lyme/ tic borne inflammations. herbal microbial work well with this infections.
keep checking on parasites protocol. overall your health will improve. ..
Thanks for sharing about probiotics for oral health – a very important approach and glad to hear it’s helping you and others you’ve told about it.
Sharing this paper on Lactobacilus Reuteri for mouth ulcers: Effect of lactobacillus reuteri-derived probiotic nano-formulation on recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial
Research shows it also has potential when a root canal is done (during irrigation): The potential of reuterin derived from Indonesian strain of Lactobacillus reuteri against endodontic pathogen biofilms in vitro and ex vivo
I’d be interested to see if there is research for an infected tooth/abscess in order to prevent the need for root canal treatment or extraction.
so grateful for your generous sharing of such valuable knowledge, helping so many, making healing and relief from pain available to all
Your mom is proud and we are grateful for our healing, truly amazing, earth angel
Thanks Trudy
Thanks for saying this. Your comment about my mom being proud is so heartwarming
wondering if any at all can be used with children
The amino acids have not been researched for use in children but they typically do very well with them. Working with a practitioner is advised and it’s best to start with dietary changes (no gluten/sugar/caffeine), intake of quality animal protein, addressing blood sugar issues and gut health and then considering amino acids.
My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” offers foundational information for parents and a good starting point for discussions with a practitioner. More here
There are also many blog posts with success case studies. Here is one:
– GABA, Rescue Remedy & essential oils for eliminating dental anxiety
Others can ne found under this blog category –
Can you share why the interest in amino acids i.e. which symptoms and what has been tried?
The child I am raising was born addicted to drugs and has gone through a lot of trauma since birth, homeopathy has worked for most things, essential oils and herbs am always looking for more remedies, especially since CPS force vaccinated him, need detox
There is a place for amino acids with both trauma and fetal alcohol syndrome (or born with other drug addictions)
You may find these blogs helpful:
– Rage, anxiety, cravings & insomnia in 11-year old girl with RAD/reactive attachment disorder: chewable tryptophan turns things around
– 5-HTP benefits both adopted daughters who had prenatal exposure to alcohol: they are happier, more focused and can stay on task
Hi Trudy,
I posted to another of your DPA blogs, but am re-posting here since this link came in today’s email. Doctor’s Best D-Phenylalanine is discontinued. I just talked to the company 2 days ago, after I ran out and couldn’t find it ANYWHERE. Apparently it has been out of production for a while. I have used it every day for years.
Lidtke is now the only producer, as far as I know. None of my other vendors offer the “D-only” form.
Thought you should know. Hopefully Lidtke will keep selling it! The D,L form is not an option for a lot of us, I’m sure.
Thanks for re-posting this here. I emailed Doctor’s Best and received a very generic response and emailed again to try and find out if it’s a shortage or has been discontinued.
They replied to my 2nd email with this: “We appreciate your interest in the products that we offer. Unfortunately, our D-phenylalanine is temporarily out of stock and at this time, we do not have a specific restock date available. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We recommend checking back on our website periodically for updates on product availability. As soon as it is restocked, it will be listed on our website, and you’ll be able to place an order.”
Right now Lidtke Endorphigen is the only other company I know that offers DPA. And yes, agreed, DLPA is a problem for many folks (myself included).
Can you share how DPA helps you? And how you feel when using DLPA?
Hi Trudy,
When I spoke to a DB representative on the phone, they told me the product was discontinued due to “supply chain issues,” that they had not been producing it for some time, and that Lidtke was the only place they could re-direct me. Sounds like they don’t even know in-house what the true status is.
I use it for chronic pain. I usually take 2 capsules opened under the tongue, first thing in the morning. (That will be a little more challenging with Endorphigen due to taste and texture, not to mention added expense.) It’s not magic, but it helps. Some days I take another capsule or two later in the day as well.
I sometimes use it for mood, especially if I’m trying to shut down comfort eating. Not sure how much it helps there, but it’s good to have something in the toolbox!
I learned how to use it almost ten years ago…from you.
Glad to hear DPA has helped for so long with chronic pain (and comfort eating/mood) and yay that you learned about it from me. May I ask what is causing the chronic pain as addressing this or at least some of it may reduce the need for DPA.
And yes some folks don’t like the taste and texture of the Lidtke Endorphigen and some do fine with it (I even blogged about it – sharing this blog for other readers )
Thanks for the update from Doctor’s Best. I’m waiting for further clarification from them but hearing this I wonder what I’ll hear. If it has been discontinued I’ll be actively searching for alternatives. Maybe Lidtke can produce a DPA-only product with no fillers and no vitamin B6/B2?
I have a fairly deep cavity very close to the nerve and everyone told me that I had to do endodontics, I have found a place that is going to try to do vital pulp therapy. I don’t eat sweets and I take great care of my diet. The truth is that I have almost no pain, the only thing that happened a couple of days was that I had a lot of discomfort and it went away with the vit.B6 and Vit.B12.
I hope you can find something that solves it for you. Although the truth is that I am quite disgusted with Dentistry, because the materials they give you are a disaster full of plastics… but of course when you have no other choice… A big hug.
All the best with your therapy – please keep us posted on how it goes
I’m with you on dental materials
And thanks for your concern
Is D just as helpful for depression and energy as dlpa? I have no pain. Dlpa can make me more angry and tense.
Also drs best can not be bought anymore it is out of stock everywhere, have you tried your other recommendation often? Does b1 and b6 make it weaker ?
DPA is more helpful for depression and offers no real energy support. It’s not uncommon for DLPA to cause anger and tension – it’s the dopamine effects.
Correct, Doctor’s Best DPA is no longer available – I have updated this blog with the message from the company
Hi Trudy,
I am wondering whether you know of any DPA options that would be more cost-effective than Lidtke, which I understand is high quality but is also too expensive for many of my clients who have been using Doctors’ Best for years. Thanks for your input.
I’m afraid I don’t and am very disappointed Doctor’s Best stopped producing their DPA. If you come across anything please let me know.
I’d love to hear what benefits you’ve seen with your clients?
Doctor’s Best D-phenylalanine is discontinued in iHerb!!!
Do you know where can I buy it in europe??
I’m so sad… why is there so few products of D-phenylalanine?
I cant find the product any more…
Yes unfortunately – Lidtke Endorphigen is the only one I am aware of now and can purchased mail order