3/27/20: Updated with a good blog post on elderberry (addressing cytokine storm concerns); an excellent video on “The Coronavirus Explained”; 3 new and promising coronavirus/COVID-19 studies on gut health and melatonin; an excellent hand-washing video I encourage you to watch with your families; a recap on using GABA, tryptophan, DPA, glutamine and tyrosine for emotional support
3/20/20: Updated with webinar information so you can post your questions.
3/12/20: Updated as a result of the situation in Italy and the WHO pandemic declaration – Italy overwhelmed with not enough ICU beds and ventilators; predictions the USA healthcare system (and other countries) will likely not be able to handle a similar situation; stay home and immune-boosting advice from Dr. David Brady; additional resources from Dr. Elisa Song; and more on hand-washing
1/31/20: Originally published – vitamin C and foundational nutrients; my other immune boosting nutrients and first aid kit; GABA or tryptophan if you are worried, overly anxious or fearful
UPDATES 3/27/20:
Coronavirus explained, gut health, elderberry, melatonin and more
So much is changing so quickly and there is so much to learn about the coronavirus. I am spending all my time pouring through the literature, learning from other practitioners, reaching out to researchers and trying to connect some of the dots for you. For this reason I’ve decided to do an update each week to this blog and add new findings and relevant information for you.
I’ve updated this blog again TODAY with a good blog post on elderberry, an excellent video on “The Coronavirus Explained” and 3 new and promising coronavirus/COVID-19 studies on gut health and melatonin. I will be taking a deeper dive into these studies, sharing my perspectives related to the anxiety nutrition work I do. I also share an excellent hand-washing video I encourage you to watch with your families! And a recap on using GABA, tryptophan, DPA, glutamine and tyrosine for emotional support.
Elderberry concerns about it triggering a cytokine storm – put to rest
There have been many questions about elderberry and concerns about it possibly triggering a cytokine storm. Suzy Cohen addresses all these concerns here: In Defense of Precious Elderberries
The misinformation you’re getting was based upon a research article that evaluated blood cells in test tubes. It was not a well-designed, placebo-controlled clinical trial. It was not even done on real live people (in vivo).
A number of my respected colleagues agree with her conclusions: “compounds from elderberries can directly inhibit the [flu] virus’s entry and replication in human cells, and can help strengthen a person’s immune response to the virus.” More here.
Understanding the Coronavirus
I found this video very helpful for understanding the coronavirus: The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do
New and promising coronavirus/COVID-19 studies on gut health
Here are two new coronavirus/COVID-19 gut health studies. I will be taking a deeper dive into these studies in a future blog post, sharing my perspectives related to the anxiety nutrition work I do. For now, here are the links. It’s very preliminary research but if you tuned in to the recent Anxiety Summit 5: Gut-Brain Axis, you know how promising this is:
Although no specific antiviral treatment has been recommended to date, we speculate that probiotics may modulate the gut microbiota to alter the gastrointestinal symptoms favorably and may also protect the respiratory system
Nutritional and gastrointestinal function should be assessed for all patients. Nutritional support and application of prebiotics or probiotics were suggested to regulate the balance of intestinal microbiota and reduce the risk of secondary infection due to bacterial translocation.
Anxiety and fear were common in patients with COVID-19. Therefore, we established dynamic assessment and warning for psychological crisis.
I address anxiety in all the work I do an agree it needs to be at the forefront for everyone. I take a deeper dive into GABA and theanine and the anxiety/sleep/immunity connections in this recent blog: GABA and theanine for easing anxiety, improving sleep and supporting immunity.
Melatonin as a potential treatment: new research
This in press and pre-proof paper on melatonin is also very promising: COVID-19: Melatonin as a potential adjuvant treatment:
Melatonin, a well-known anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative molecule, is protective against ALI/ARDS [acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome] caused by viral and other pathogens. Melatonin is effective in critical care patients by reducing vessel permeability, anxiety, sedation use, and improving sleeping quality, which might also be beneficial for better clinical outcomes for COVID-19 patients. Notably, melatonin has a high safety profile.
I will also be taking a deeper dive into this study in a future blog post, sharing my perspectives on serotonin, melatonin, anxiety and sleep.
THE best hand-washing video!
This is THE best hand-washing video I’ve come across. It was even retweeted and acknowledged by WHO Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
I’m pretty sure I may have been missing my thumbs! What about you?
I don’t know how to share a video from twitter other than share the twitter link so I hope you can watch it.
We’re using soap at home and have one designated person in our household of four adults going out to pick up food items. This is the time we use hand-sanitizer (and gloves). Here is another blog on How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer in case you’re in a similar situation to us and can’t find ingredients to make more. Suzy mentions vinegar and colloidal silver in this one and shares a number of practical recipes.
IV vitamin C, oxalates, anti-malarial drugs and losss of smell and taste
It’s so encouraging that New York hospitals are treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C. There are, however, concerns for folks who have dietary oxalate issues (with both oral and IV vitamin C). I’ve been gathering feedback and research on this topic and will hopefully have more to share next week.
I also have some major concerns about the anti-malarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine and will share those, together with my perspectives on the loss of smell and taste as a possible marker of infection.
Until then, here is another little “bouquet of hope” from our garden to you … My darling mom-in-law brought this lovely little arrangement to me in my home office earlier this week! Aren’t I a lucky girl!?
Amino acids for emotional support, good sleep and to prevent comfort-eating
Finally, don’t forget about the amino acids for added emotional and nutritional support (our needs are higher at a time like this):
- GABA for physical tension and anxiety (more here)
- tryptophan for excessive worrying and feeling fearful (more here)
- glutamine if you’re not eating well and getting blood sugar crashes, and for gut healing (more here)
- tyrosine if you just can’t focus and want to curl up in bed (more here)
- and DPA if you’re feeling overly emotional and weepy, comfort-eating is your support right now (more here)
This blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the products that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
Please feel free to comment on any of the above new developments and share what you are learning too. And do let me know if this format is helpful for you.
Keeping you in my thoughts! And keeping you informed and empowered so anxiety is less of an issue.
UPDATES 3/20/2020:
I’m planning a series of webinars to get your coronavirus questions answered:
- I’m planning to interview a health coach/colleague living in Italy/Germany right now and have her share her experiences about living in lock-down and more about the situation in Europe
- I’m planning to interview Dr. David Brady to share his patient protocols for immunity, testing and much more
- I’ll be doing one with me talking about best how to deal with the anxiety, worry and laying awake until 3am fearful. Anxiety and lack of sleep adversely impact immunity so we have to sort that out. I’ll also cover the many nutrients for anxiety that also support immunity
- I’m looking for an expert to talk about vitamin C and the risks for those with dietary oxalate issues, and other viable and safe options instead of vitamin C
- I’ll be interviewing a doctor on the role of melatonin in counteracting severe inflammatory responses such as pro-inflammatory cytokines. It’s being theorized that older individuals are being more impacted because of low melatonin levels and it’s because children have higher levels of melatonin they are less impacted.
I hope these will be helpful for you? What questions do you have for each webinar (please list the webinar # and the question/s when you comment below. Please don’t send your questions via email – as you can imagine we are receiving a large number of emails!) Let me know what other information you are looking for.
UPDATES 3/12/2020:
The situation in Italy has me concerned
At the time of initial publication of this blog at the end of January, I was in agreement with what the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service were suggesting – we were reading a lot of media hype.
I am not one for fear-mongering, but after reading this very sobering account by two Italian doctors 2 days ago, I am now much more concerned about the coronavirus for the folks who will be most severely impacted – the elderly and the immune-compromised.
In Italy they do not have enough ventilators or ICU beds. Dr. Jason Van Schoor shared warnings from a colleague working in Northern Italy:
I feel the pressure to give you a quick personal update about what is happening in Italy, and also give some quick direct advice about what you should do.
First, Lombardy is the most developed region in Italy and it has a extraordinary good healthcare, I have worked in Italy, UK and Aus and don’t make the mistake to think that what is happening is happening in a 3rd world country.
The current situation is difficult to imagine and numbers do not explain things at all. Our hospitals are overwhelmed by Covid-19, they are running 200% capacity
We’ve stopped all routine, all ORs have been converted to ITUs and they are now diverting or not treating all other emergencies like trauma or strokes. There are hundreds of pts with severe resp failure and many of them do not have access to anything above a reservoir mask.
Patients above 65 or younger with comorbidities are not even assessed by ITU, I am not saying not tubed, I’m saying not assessed and no ITU staff attends when they arrest.
We have seen the same pattern in different areas a week apart, and there is no reason that in a few weeks it won’t be the same everywhere
You can read the entire thread on Twitter here. At first glance there is skepticism and disbelief this could be happening but a trusted colleague in San Francisco has heard similar accounts from doctors she knows in Italy. It’s thanks to her that I started digging deeper into the situation in Italy and had my mind changed.
And this article in the New York Times was also just published confirming much of this: Italy’s Health Care System Groans Under Coronavirus — a Warning to the World. They they do mention doctors being muzzled which is very concerning. We need transparency if we are to learn.
Predictions the USA healthcare system (and other countries) will likely not be able to handle a similar situation
This article supports what is happening in Italy, with serious predictions for the USA (and presumably other countries too) – What does the coronavirus mean for the U.S. healthcare system? Some simple math offers alarming answers
What does an avalanche of uncharacteristically severe respiratory viral illness cases mean for our health care system? How much excess capacity currently exists, and how quickly could Covid-19 cases saturate and overwhelm the number of available hospital beds, face masks, and other resources …
….like in Italy where this is happening right now!
This is why I am now fully behind social distancing and staying home
I’m still of the opinion I need to focus on healthy living/eating and boosting my immunity (and it’s what me and my family are currently doing) but I am now fully behind social distancing, staying home, not attending big events and not traveling – so this virus can be contained as much as possible. Knowing what I now know about Italy makes this an easy decision which is why I’m sharing it here today – even if it is frightening.
Dr. David Brady, ND, author of The Fibro Fix, provides some basic advice on staying as healthy as possible in this recent video posted on Facebook. His is the calm voice of reason, sharing precautions to take during the COVID-19 pandemic and also fully supporting the social isolation and stay home message. He does mention andrographis for antiviral support, garlic, elderberry, vitamin C, lauric acid (monolaurin), vitamin D, preformed vitamin A (as opposed to beta-carotene), zinc and echinacea as all good nutrients to consider for his patients and family.
Unfortunately, many of my colleagues are still saying it’s media hype, out of control fear-mongering, is not as bad as the flu and there is no way this could happen in a country like the USA, Australia, UK and elsewhere. I know they’ll get on board with all this once they have this information too.
I sincerely hope I am wrong about this and things don’t get as bad as Italy. For now I’m playing it safe.
My hand-washing research
I got called out for not mentioning hand-washing when I first published this blog. My focus was to share my first-aid kit i.e. nutraceuticals I use but KT was is absolutely right
Hand hygiene is the single most important intervention for reducing healthcare associated infections and preventing the spread of antimicrobial resistance.
My assumption was that this is common knowledge but based on this statement in the same paper, perhaps this isn’t the case?
while tremendous progress has certainly been made in this field, a significant amount of work is yet to be done in both strengthening the evidence regarding the impact of hand hygiene and maximizing its implementation
With regard to what to use: antibacterial soap showed little added benefit compared with regular soap
Interestingly this paper also states “Hand hygiene is clearly effective against gastrointestinal and, to a lesser extent, respiratory infections. Studies examining hygiene practices during respiratory illness and interventions targeting aerosol transmission are needed.” I’m not sure of the implications of this for the coronavirus. For now I’m following the guidelines outlined in Dr. Song’s blog (below).
This 2017 Time article, Washing Hands In Cold Water Works As Well As Hot Against Germs, clears up what they say is often conflicting data and has some good guidelines from a study published the same year (it was looking at E. coli bacteria and not viruses): wash hands in cold water, at least 10 secs of lathering and use regular soap. Hand lotion afterwards seems to help too.
Additional resources
I’ve also got some blogs from colleagues to share with you so you have additional resources:
- My friend and colleague Dr. Elisa Song MD shares this very comprehensive blog – Coronavirus (COVID-19): What a Pediatrician Wants You to Know (published late Feb so a little out of date with some of the stats). I’m so pleased to see Dr. Song write about IV Vitamin C and look forward to the outcome of the clinical trial she refers to: Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia.
It’s an approach the physicians of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service are recommending and it’s gives me a higher level of comfort in these days ahead.
As I mentioned above I do have some questions and concerns about this vitamin C IV approach (and high doses of oral vitamin C) for folks with oxalate issues (myself included) and for folks with G6PD deficiencies and hemochromatosis. I’ll share more as I learn more.
- And this one from Dr. Song too – Handwashing and Coronavirus: Are you doing it the right way? I encourage you to watch the hand-washing demo videos she links to and show them to your children! This fact is astounding: “If 60% rather than 20% of air travelers maintained clean hands, it could slow down the spread of infections by almost 70%“
- Dr. Song also shares How to Make a 60% Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer. “Washing hands with soap and water is the #1 recommended way to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. But if you don’t have access to soap and water, what can you do? The CDC recommends using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.“
- A blog from Paleohacks: Thieves Oil What It Is, Benefits & How to Make It. Use Thieves oil as a natural disinfectant around your home. “It’s great for wiping down counters, cleaning toys, disinfecting cutting boards, removing stale odors, freshening trash cans and gym bags, and even cleaning veggies.”
Originally published 1/31/20:
How are you handling all the coronavirus news? Worried? Anxious? Fearful? Or are calmly watching and listening and making sure your immune system is in good shape and you have natural antivirals on hand if necessary? (and updated 3/12/20 – are you taking the stay at home message seriously? much more on that below)
There are still many unknowns but I’ve been gathering some articles and resources for my own personal use. I’m not an expert in infections but since folks in my community are asking I promised to share my first-aid kit and rationale in a blog post.
I can help with the anxiety and fear aspect if all this doesn’t put your mind at ease. I cover how I use individual amino acids with my clients at the end of this blog post.
Vitamin C and other foundational nutrients
This newly published blog by Andrew Saul PhD, Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus, offers sage foundational advice that resonates with what I already know:
The physicians of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine urge a nutrient-based method to prevent or minimize symptoms for future viral infection. The following inexpensive supplemental levels are recommended for adults; for children reduce these in proportion to body weight:
Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) daily, in divided doses.
Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)
Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)
Zinc: 20 mg daily
Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily
Vitamin C, Vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and selenium have been shown to strengthen the immune system against viruses.
Additional rationale for vitamin C
In another blog by Andrew Saul PhD, Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus, offers additional rationale for vitamin C: “Abundant clinical evidence confirms vitamin C’s powerful antiviral effect when used in sufficient quantity” and states that the “physicians on the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service review board specifically recommend at least 3,000 milligrams (or more) of vitamin C daily, in divided doses. Vitamin C empowers the immune system and can directly denature many viruses.”
It’s very encouraging to read that just 200mg a day“given to the elderly resulted in improvement in respiratory symptoms in the most severely ill, hospitalized patients.”
This statement from the above blog puts much of what is considered to be media hype and fear-mongering into perspective: (see below why I no longer feel this is media hype)
“The common cold is a coronavirus, and SARS is a coronavirus, so they are the same viral type” ~ David Jenkins, MD, Professor of Medicine and Nutritional Science, University of Toronto.
I do have some questions and concerns about using high doses of oral vitamin C and vitamin C IV for folks with oxalate issues (myself included). I’m actively seeking answers.
Vitamin D, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, elderberry, NAC and diet
Here are some additional links that I have found or were shared with me (thank you if you shared one of these with me!):
- Vitamin D and the anti-viral state “These results support the hypothesis that vitamin D … may play a major role in the inhibition of viruses.” I’m very aware of the immune-boosting properties of vitamin D.
- Olive leaf extract “decreased the duration of upper respiratory illness in high school athletes.” We always have this on hand and it appears to work well for me and my family so I’ll make sure to keep this in mind.
- Oregano oil – per this article on Holistic Primary care “A number of preliminary in vitro or animal studies have shown that compounds in oregano oil are virustatic and virucidal against several viral pathogens.” I always have oregano oil on hand (and especially when flying) and it always works well for me at the first sign of any bug. I was pleased to come across this research even though we don’t yet have a human study.
- Black elderberry liquid extract “displays an inhibitory effect on the propagation of human pathogenic influenza viruses” and has antimicrobial effects against bacteria responsible for infections of the upper respiratory tract. This is also a firm favorite in our household in the winter months and I seldom need more than one or two doses at the first sign of the sniffles.
- N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) “antioxidants like NAC represent a potential additional treatment option that could be considered in the case of an influenza A virus pandemic.” I’ll be giving NAC more consideration.
- Here are some well-balanced perspectives from Peter D’Adamo on Facebook mentions drinking plenty of water, stocks, garlic (freshly crushed), onions, leeks, elderberry and Andrographis paniculata. He does say “Keep in mind these are just my opinions and observations over a thin veneer of facts.”
Consider lomatium?
Lomatium is not my first choice but I’m listing it here out of interest. Lomatium by Barlow Herbals “During the flu pandemic of 1917-1918, the root came into extensive use by the two Washoe Indian tribes near Carson City, Nevada.” I have yet to try this one but have heard Jane from Barlow Herbals talk about lomatium on a number of summits and I’m intrigued.
My first-aid kit
In summary, here is my first-aid kit: Vitamin C, zinc, extra selenium, vitamin D, magnesium, oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, black elderberry and Biocidin Throat Spray and Xlear Nasal Spray (the latter two are always on hand and I always also travel with them).
I also always have essential oils on hand: tea tree oil, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, lavender and others. I’ll be adding sage per Dr. Elisa Song’s blog (see below).
This is pretty much what I always use other than adding in extra selenium, so it was very affirming to gather all this research.

GABA or tryptophan: if worried or overly anxious or fearful
If you’re feeling worried or overly anxious or fearful, the best way is to be informed and prepared. Interestingly, some of the very same nutrients mentioned above also help ease anxiety – vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D, magnesium and selenium and B vitamins – because they are co-factors for making neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA and dopamine.
If all this information and being prepared isn’t enough to calm you down, then don’t forget the individual amino acids for quick relief. I use GABA for clients who are feeling physically tense and tryptophan or 5-HTP for worry-type of anxiety and if they are imagining the worst and can’t switch off their busy mind off.
We use the trial method to find the ideal amount for each person, starting low and titrating up based on symptoms and then down if not added benefits are seen.
You can find my most popular amino acid products on the supplements blog here (and with details for how to set up an account for my online store). You can find everything else I write about in the store too. Just be sure to work with your practitioner.
My thoughts are with you and all of those currently ill and those who will get ill. We will get through this together.
My hope is that you are less anxious and fearful as you become more informed.
Please share your immune-boosting remedies and your thoughts and plans.
As I mentioned above, these are resources and information I’ve gathered for my own personal use, and are in no way intended to be recommendations.
Thanks for your wonderful information as always! I grew up in Zimbabwe and my mom was always dosing me up with what she called a wonder drug, for colds, sniffles, etc. I think it was called Essentiale? Have you heard of a North American equivalent?
You’re welcome! I’m not familiar with that product but I’m a big fan of using what I know has worked for me in the past. What are the ingredients of Essentiale?
Great Work, Thanks
I also find herbal “Cats Claw” for Viruses to be very helpful.
Thanks for the kind words and sharing what you find to be helpful. I’ve not ever personally used cat’s claw but per this research it has immunoregulatory and antiviral activities against Dengue Virus https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18279801
This is a nice summary “Cat’s claw is an herbal medicine derived from the bark of the Uncaria tomentosa vine which is used for its antiinflammatory and immune modulating effects in the treatment of fever, fatigue, muscle and joint aches and the symptoms of chronic inflammatory conditions” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK548323/#CatsClaw.OVERVIEW
Thank you for this! How do you use oregano oil when flying? Do you take it prior to, during or at the onset of symptoms? I’m getting ready to fly cross country with my toddler NY->CA and want to be prepared as much as possible!
When I fly I always use Xlear nasal spray and Biocidin Throat Spray before getting on the plane and a few times during the flight (depending on the length) and this tends to keep me from catching anything.
I only use oregano oil if I do happen to pick up something or get exposed to something from food. My favorite product is Designs for Health Oil of Oregano. I’ve used this product as part of my first-aid kit for over 12 years, they are gel caps and when I use them it nips things in the bud right away!
I fall into the 10% of people who can’t tolerate GABA. I get weepy and depressed. A substitute?
If GABA doesn’t work for someone it most often means the issue isn’t low GABA or too much is being used. With the latter it’s often dizziness, flushing and sometimes increased anxiety and insomnia – seldom weepiness and depression so this is unusual.
I have my clients do the amino acid questionnaire and we use this to to trials of each amino acid one by one. Ocassionally someone has a paradoxical reaction but most of the time symptoms correlate with successful trials. If there are low GABA symptoms ie physical tension we may trial theanine (more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/theanine-for-easing-stress-and-anxiety-and-improving-cognition-and-sleep-in-healthy-adults/) or taurine too.
If it’s not low GABA we look at low serotonin and low blood sugar and also low endoprhins, low catecholamines, low zinc, low B6, low iron, digestive health, the microbiome, high cortisol, gluten, caffeine, sugar, low stomach acid etc
I’m curious who said this or where you read this: “10% of people can’t tolerate GABA”?
I know you are a big proponent of GABA and I was able to use it a few years ago to ground me back to my life. But I have had another bout of anxiety and dizziness and disconnect from my life. I tried GABA again twice and both times I had a full body flush about 15 mins after taking it. Do you have any idea why this is now happening?
Thank you -Lisa
Too much GABA can cause these effects. I would use less with a client with anxiety or look for other root causes of the anxiety.
Hi Trudy,
What to you think about bicarbonate (baking soda) for viral and other infections? Dr. Mark Sircus has a book on medicinal use of baking soda, and Dr. Mercola has several articles on baking soda specifically as a flu remedy.
“In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the ‘flu’ with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.” Dr. Volney S. Cheney
Thanks for sharing this – I love baking soda for natural cleaning and as a natural deodorant when camping but this application is new to me and I look forward to digging further into this. Sharing the Mercola article here https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/08/27/baking-soda-natural-remedy.aspx
Have you used this approach with success during cold and flu season?
If I feel a cold starting, I take Bicarb Formula, almost the same as baking soda. Stops the cold and gets rid of it. Klaire Labs has this. Easier than using the powdered baking soda.
Also good for stopping allergic reactions. Better than benadryl, even for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity reactions. Has worked miracles for my son.
“Can assist in reestablishing the acid/base balance when the body’s own bicarbonate reserves are depleted as a result of metabolic acidosis caused by reactions to food or other environmental exposures.”
We use it daily in brushing.
Coronavirus is pH dependent.
Dr. Sircus cites this:
“The avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus undergoes direct low-pH-dependent fusion activation during entry into host cells.” J Virol. 2006 Apr;80(7):3180-8.
Therefore baking soda would inhibit the virus, make the body more alkaline rather than acidic to fight off the virus.
Hi Sophie,
How would one take the bi-carb? I have HI and chemical sensitivity plus a few auto immune conditions.
Thanks Salome
Hi Sofie and Trudy,
I’m wondering if the Bicarb Formula you take Sofie has any mechanism for delivering the baking soda past the stomach and to the cells? Is it in a double capsule or something? Since the stomach needs to be very acidic to efficiently break down and digest our food (especially protein) to prevent leaky gut, etc, there are dangers to making the stomach too alkaline. This is probably why the alkaline water machines are controversial. The cells need to be alkaline to prevent and kill disease (which thrives in acidic environments), so from what I’ve read, it’s very important to get that baking soda/alkalinity past the stomach and into the cells. I’ve heard of baking soda treatments done for cancer (and other chronic) patients, but I can’t remember the method of delivery!
Thanks. I did peruse his site briefly and find it intriguing. However this blog of his has me concerned – bicarb side-effects and contraindications https://drsircus.com/sodium-bicarbonate-baking-soda/side-effects-contraindications/
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for all your great advice.
I’m no expert; just thought you might want to look into “cistus incanus” (hoary rock-rose) as a potential candidate to this list. It seems to target viral envelope proteins, and coronaviruses are enveloped viruses. So maybe… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4735868/
Thanks for sharing. This one is new to me and I love the name. Is it commercially available and do you have personal experience using it?
Dr Klinghardt recommends cistus incanus tea with stevia for those with Lyme or insect borne illness as he prefers to call it. His product is too expensive for me as Aus. pensioner so I purchased some grown in Turkey but purchased through Poland. He may have changed his mind recently about stevia.
The supplement recommendations are most helpful. Thanks!
I’m glad to see we have been more or less on the right track re amounts.
I’m blown away by the fact that you didn’t mention in your first paragraph the NUMBER ONE proven prevention for this disease; HANDWASHING. If you want to talk about natural antiviral soaps , that would make sense. (Obviously, the synthetic antimicrobials are a horrible idea for many reasons). But when you don’t mention the one thing that’s had a bigger impact on disease transmission than anything else in human history, it discredits your authority as an advisor on health.
If I seem rude, it’s because the failure to give crucial safety advice to people who trust you can set people up for life-threatening illness. It makes me angry because bad information kills people and I feel protective.
My focus in the blog was to share my first-aid kit i.e. nutraceuticals I use.
But you are absolutely right – “Hand hygiene is the single most important intervention for reducing healthcare associated infections and preventing the spread of antimicrobial resistance” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21861619). My assumption is that this is common knowledge but based on this statement in the same paper, perhaps this isn’t the case: “while tremendous progress has certainly been made in this field, a significant amount of work is yet to be done in both strengthening the evidence regarding the impact of hand hygiene and maximizing its implementation.”
With regard to what to use… “The most beneficial intervention was hand-hygiene education with use of nonantibacterial soap. Use of antibacterial soap showed little added benefit compared with use of nonantibacterial soap.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18556606). Interestingly this paper also states “Hand hygiene is clearly effective against gastrointestinal and, to a lesser extent, respiratory infections. Studies examining hygiene practices during respiratory illness and interventions targeting aerosol transmission are needed.”
This 2017 Time article (https://time.com/4800412/wash-hands-cold-water/) clears up what they say is often conflicting data and has some good guidelines from a study published the same year (it was looking at E. coli bacteria and not viruses): wash hands in cold water, at least 10 secs of lathering and use regular soap. Hand lotion afterwards seems to help.
As I look into the research it seems this could be an entire blog post!
Based on your passion for the subject, feel free to add your insights.
Hi Trudy, thank you for your insights. Just wondering what your thoughts are on colloidal silver as a preventative?
I personally haven’t used colloidal silver much, for no other reason than the other nutraceuticals I use have been so helpful for me. I have heard good feedback on the Designs for Health Silvercillin Liquid product (I like DFH products a lot).
Do you use colloidal silver with success?
replying to a couple posts here:
On colloidal silver, I discovered it after a stint with strep throat and excaberated breathing (I’m asthmatic) that traditional antibiotics (3-3 week courses) did NOT improve my breathing. I used colloidal silver and symptoms cleared in days! I bought a colloidal silver generator and make my own now for pennies and have used both internally and topically on some very bad burns.
Kitchen herbs: sage, thyme and peppermint will cut a cough when used as a tea and are easy to find; Ginger, a wee bit of cloves, lemon and honey- even children will take both of these. Also do not underestimate the benefit of good old chicken soup-if you add turmeric, sage, thyme and rosemary you’ve got ‘one-pot’, wonderfully tasting antiviral ‘medicine’!
Vitamin C- orthomolecular biologist Andrew Saul recommends high dose Vit. C in divided doses as both preventive and useful once ill. Crystalline vitamin C is inexpensive in up to 5000 mg a teaspoon doses.
Oil of oregano, lomatium tincture and boneset are all of great value in fighting respiratory illness. I’m 62, haven’t needed to be hospitalized for asthma in over ten years and am I firm believer in food as medicine and herbs over pharmaceuticals if at all possible.
Last word: don’t buy into the hysteria surrounding Coronavirus 19, be instead prepared to eat well, rest well and instead lower your stress levels for better health.
Rev. Kristyne
Thanks for adding to the conversation – it sounds like you are covered! Fabulous about how much all this has helped your asthma.
Love that you mention kitchen herbs, the ginger drink and chicken soup – I agree, all this is foundational together with eating quality real whole foods that are home-cooked. We could add broths, fermented foods and home-grown sprouts too. (You’ve inspired my next blog
so thanks)
There is so much to support the benefits of vitamin C, however ascorbic acid is an issue for those with oxalate issues and I’ll be digging further into this in the near future
Re your comment “don’t buy into the hysteria surrounding Coronavirus 19”, you posted this comment before my recent updated over concerns about what is happening in Italy. As you can see I no longer consider it hysteria.
Hi Trudy,
Yes, it’s relatively easy to find in organic/health shops across Europe, and on Amazon. I buy the 100g loose tea leaves by Salus. I’ve been using it since last year’s winter when my wife and kids got the flu.
The kids actually enjoy as it has an appealing taste. My oldest son has very sensitive allergies, yet seems to do very well with Cistus (not a scientific observation, just a father’s biased anecdote).
There is quiet a bit of research going on around Cistus, as it seems to be significantly helping people suffering with Lyme disease. I’ve gone over a few of them, but it’s way out of my field of expertise (which is not medical at all).
Hope this helps,
Francis – thanks for sharing further. And yes I have seen the Lymne research
Great article, thank you! Lomatium has been a go to antiviral for us for many years. It seems pretty broad spectrum and is known to be life saving during the 1918 flu pandemic. But keep in mind, the millions of deaths from that flu occured before we know about vitamins and had fresh fruits and vegetables, sanitation/ airconditioning etc. And there was a war on, so that means famine. Malnourished, stressed people don’t do well with illness.
Other antivirals include Isatis, Houttuyna, Licorice Root, Chinese Skullcap and Japanese Knotweed. You can get blends with some of these herbs in ‘Infuenza” blends. Or mix your own. Camu Camu and Aercola berry are very good as a vitamin C sources and I have found the freeze dried forms particularly effective in prevention and shortening the duration of illness. Vitamin C is antiviral. You also want to protect the lungs, lymphatic system, spleen etc with things like cordyceps mushroom, astragalus which are food herbs and can be included in the diet regularly. TCM has many gifts.
Thanks for sharing all this. Good points about malnourishment in 1918 – with all the junk food being consumed these days we may well be as malnourished!
How do you use Lomatium?
You seem well-informed on different sources vitamin C such as Camu Camu and Aercola berry. Can you share more about the freeze dried forms and some actual products you’ve found helpful? I’m also looking into forms other than ascorbic acid because they can be problematic for folks who have oxalate issues and kidney stones.
Trudy, I buy Wild C natural vit. C powder by Eden health foods in Australia. It contains Gogi berry, acerola cherry, Rosehips, camu camu and last but not least Gubinge (Kakadu Plum). I prefer this to ascorbic acid vit. c which I believe most of the global supply is made in China.
Frances – I also use this one!
What are your thoughts on vitamin c flush?
It’s not something I have experience with and have not seen any of my colleagues write about this in the context of support for a viral infection
They are successfully using high dose vitamin C in China……intravenously and orally.
See – https://thevaccinereaction.org/2020/03/high-doses-of-vitamin-c-used-to-prevent-and-treat-coronavirus-infections-in-china/
This was a great topic and I enjoyed reading, thanks for the research and sharing! But…where is the love for Sesame Oil? Antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, used in Ayurveda for centuries upon centuries and pretty widely available in cold pressed organic form in many grocery stores these days. For this latest virus I will be swabbing it in my nose and gargling with it before leaving the house and have the children do same as this should prevent airborne virus from entering those ways. Will rub some on hands after washing them just for extra measure. Maybe even swab it in ears and apply lightly to face if things gets bad locally to us.
When my youngest picked up coxsackie virus ( hand-foot-mouth disease )a couple winters ago from another child at a play area and I picked it up from my child, it was Sesame Oil to the rescue. Bonus that I had some on hand because it is a wonderful alternative to “supermarket mouthwash “. Neither of us lost any fingernails because of the coxsackie since once the Pediatrician diagnosed us, I started the internet research and a few hours later was slathering the oil on us both. You could see almost immediate reaction, most notably in less itch and reduction in size of boils. Within days, it was almost completely cleared although I did continue to apply the oil for several more days.
If there are folks reading who may be allergic to Sesame then perhaps Coconut Oil would be for them. It has same qualities. I used coconut oil to kill ringworm on one of my children years ago and it has never returned as it sometimes known to do.
Thanks for sharing about sesame oil – I am familiar with it’s use in Ayurveda but wasn’t familiar with antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial properties. This article states: “Known in some dietary circles as the “queen” of oils, sesame oil is believed to have natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties.” https://www.ucf.edu/news/sesame-oil-extracts-shown-reduce-heart-disease-risk/
This paper mentions a number of oils and their benefits – olive oil, olive pomace oil, sunflower seed oil, coconut oil, safflower seed oil, argan oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, avocado oil, borage oil, jojoba oil, oat oil, pomegranate seed oil, almond oil, bitter apricot oil, rose hip oil, German chamomile oil, and shea butter. It states coconut oil has monolaurin which exhibits antiviral and antifungal activity https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5796020/
Thanks for sharing all the ways you use it. May I ask how you learned about all this?
I’m glad you point out the possible allergy aspect. I wonder too if someone with oxalate issues would have trouble with topical application.
What about coconut oil and particularly, monolaurin capsules?
Yes this is on Dr. Brady’s list
Thanks Trudy
Excellent Information. Particularly if travelling. A good strong immune system is key and a healthy tool box.
Nutritional Digest Broome WAustralia.
Dear Trudy. Many thanks for your list of essential vitamins to take.
What are the dosages of Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Vit C and D3 for children age 11-13 years old?
It’s best to work with own practitioner but I typically use half the adult dose for kids who weigh 60lbs.
Bee Pollen is also an excellent supplement to take to boost immunity. Bee Pollen is a superfood which can have a tremendously positive impact on your immune system, stress levels and overall functioning. According to many studies, pollen interacts with other types of cells, resulting in an increase in the functioning of your immunity to certain illnesses and a suppression of allergic symptoms.
Just one tablespoon of bee pollen comes loaded with an array of over 250 different vitamins and flavonoids, and you can add the pollen to other foods in order to get a healthy dose every morning. Bee pollen contains 35% protein, and is high in B complex vitamins and vitamins A, C, D and E. It also contains beta-carotene and selenium, which creates a powerful combination of elements that supports anti-aging. The actual dosage varies, depending on if you are a child or adult, but it is recommended that adults get 3-5 tablespoons every day, while kids stick to a lower dosage of 1-2 tablespoons per day.
I buy my pollen from Saxonbee Enterprises. There is loads of information on their webpage. Order here https://saxonbee.com.au/order-page/
Thanks for sharing. I do hope they were not affected by the bush fires in Australia. And yes “Bee pollen is a valuable apitherapeutic product greatly appreciated by the natural medicine because of its potential medical and nutritional applications. It demonstrates a series of actions such as antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anticancer immunostimulating, and local analgesic.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4377380/)
I don’t have anything new to add to the discussion but I wanted to write that I really enjoyed reading your article and all of the comments. I love that you responded directly to the comments and added your insights. I find your honest replies with regards to sometimes not knowing about different vitamins/oils, etc. refreshing. Too often bloggers take offense when corrected or when given new information.
I am a big proponent of having my medicine chest full of natural supplements and oils. My husband, 3 children, and I have been using elderberry, vitamin C, and, vitamin D3 for years. My children have very strong immune systems and tend to fight off viruses quickly. With my two older children now in college, I am thankful for the years I was able to help them build their immune systems naturally. I have a cousin who is a naturopath and she has guided me for years. She has gotten us through septic shock (when my son’s appendix burst…he was actually fine until the doctor’s opened him up! Long, story there.), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breast cancer, and Tourette’s (when Johns Hopkins and Children’s National gave us no hope) and the common cold, flu, etc. I am excited to try some of the supplements mentioned here and thankful people added links and companies they trust.
I love to engage and learn so much from my wonderful community and yes I’m not afraid to admit I’m wrong or don’t have the answer
Thanks for the delightful feedback for me – big smile here
You sound like you have things covered with you and your family which is wonderful! My hope is that more and more families can become as educated, empowered and healthy. Your naturopath sounds wonderful too.
I would love to hear what the septic shock and Tourette’s solutions were if you’re willing to share?
Such a helpful post, thank you.
I see you mention oxalates. I have major oxalate issues and when I take too much Vit C, I get terrible cystitis that lasts for weeks. I totally believe Vit C is helpful for the Coronavirus, but what is one to do if they have oxalate issues??
Yes vitamin C is an issue with folks with oxalate issues. I have oxalate issues and do have problems with the ascorbic acid form of vitamin C. I have been experimenting with small daily amounts (200mg) of a blend of natural sources of vitamin C and seem to be tolerating it (even though some of these can be medium and high oxalate in large quantities) so I’ll keep increasing the amount very slowly. The blend I have contains goji berry, acerola cherry, rosehips, camu camu, kakadu plum, acai berry, maqui berry, coriander leaf and parsley leaf. A colleague who has oxalate issues also recently mentioned she does ok with small amounts of amla (Indian gooseberry). And yet 1/2 cup of regular fresh gooseberries are high oxalate.
High doses of ascorbic acid in IV form has so much promise for sepsis and pneumonia but I am concerned about it’s use for those with known oxalate issues (and folks who may not be aware they have oxalate issues). I also recently learned about the G6PD issue too.
All this is on my list to dig into further.
For now I’m using the natural vitamin C in small amounts and focusing on other immune boosting nutrients.
Thank you! I’ll keep my eyes peeled for your future ideas about oxalates and Vit. C.
Thank again for all your great work!
Hi Syd
May I share your cystitis feedback in the oxalates blog please? Could you also share how much vitamin C causes the cystitis, what form/s of vitamin C, any other symptoms you experience (like pain), how quickly the cystitis starts once you add vitamin C and how quickly symptoms ease when you stop? Does anything help while in the midst of it – like calcium citrate or vitamin B6? Also, are these symptoms the same type of symptoms you experience with high oxalate foods like spinach, nuts, kiwi fruit, chocolate, carob, berries etc.? Thanks!
Hi Trudy, I haven’t read much about oxalate issues and the science behind that in detail. Is it an acidosis problem that occurs with high-dose ascorbic acid? Do you have any good links on the details behind oxalate issue? Is this worse for people with COPD, high blood pressure, or cell wall permeability issues?
Have you tried liposomal sodium ascorbate (this is what is formed by mixing ascorbic acid with sodium bicarbonate to “buffer” it and raise the PH to almost neutral)? From what I’ve read, ascorbic acid is very acidic. Liposomal makes it very absorbable to the cells, and buffering it with baking soda makes it much closer to the body’s neutral PH, therefore reducing the body’s need to use its calcium to balance its ph. However it’s still slightly acidic, so perhaps if not buffered enough and at very high doses, it could still be a problem? Perhaps this would be a good question for the #4 webinar.
I just researched best methodologies, ordered an ultrasonic machine, glass beaker, sunflower lecithin, and sodium ascorbate to start making liposomal buffered vitamin c (in the form of liposomal sodium ascorbate) at home. I want to be able to make it for my immediate and extended family to boost their immune systems right now. My dad has COPD (it should help reduce adrenal fatigue and boost energy as well), my Grandma has Alzheimer’s, and my sister-in-law is due to give birth in less than 2 weeks, so I’m hoping this can really help them. However, I would like to know more about these oxalate issues, how to know if one has them, and if sodium ascorbate is still a problem for those people or not. Thanks for all your hard work and great advice!
See this study re grapefruit seed extract (GSE). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12165191 Please note, I do not know about its use in the corona virus. This is information only, not a recommendation, ask your naturopathic physician about this. Please note that this was tested in the petri dish, not in the human body, which is a different terrain. The thing that people need to know is that when GSE even at very dilute concentrations, may melt down the viral or bacterial cell wall in a period of 15 minutes (in the petri dish, according to this study above) at even very dilute concentrations, it may do exactly the same with your own native gut bacteria. So GSE is one of those natural things that like antibiotics, may kill all bacteria, friendly and unfriendly alike. Also because it may liberate the insides of the bacteria, virus or protozoa by melting down their exoskeleton, by definition this may mean a strong die off response with a fair amount of toxicity liberated by the dying microorganism.
Paul Pitchford in his book Healing with Whole Foods, says that GSE may not be the right fit for people who have a weak constitution. Detox challenged people should also take note, again ask your doctor who is knowledgeable about natural supplements. But for people with an otherwise stronger constitution prior to infection, it may be useful. GSE is extraordinarily bitter, dilute it in juice to make it half palatable or use it in capsules where they exist. Better yet, Use the drops diluted in juice or water at low doses, see the study, some doses are not good for us, but small doses may still be effective and safe too, according to this study.
Garlic does not kill friendly bacteria, according to Stephen Buhner in the first edition of his book Herbal Antibiotics. He says it may be even stronger than GSE, however higher doses are needed where with GSE, low doses may be useful. See also his book Herbal Antivirals, but note that blending of herbs is key, where his book lists the single herbs. Know-how in herbal blending is very important. I suggest that his books be used to understand already formulated products for sale in the healthfood stores.
Thanks for sharing about GSE. The study you refer too mentions it’s antibacterial properties which it is well-known for. I just found this one on it’s antiviral effects: Inhibitory effect of grapefruit seed extract (GSE) on avian pathogens https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30713281
Interestingly it’s not one of the nutrients I’ve seen discussed by my colleagues at this time. I’m not sure why. Maybe someone will offer feedback.
I’m a big fan of GSE otherwise and love to travel with it
Thank you Trudy! I read in the beginning the mention of viruses and bacteria alike…oh well, brain fart. Thankyou for the link you posted! So exciting to see research ongoing in the natural health field (any doctor who says it is not happening, either doesn’t know or is just plain being lazy, they need only go to Pubmed.gov to have a look!) In any case, I wanted to suggest that when using GSE if infected, that to accompany it with apple pectin or bentonite clay to bind toxins in the gut released by dying microbes, and to also use echinacea or red root to cleanse the lymph as microbes die off, might be important considering GSE’s melting of the exoskeletons of microbes and the release of their inner contents (ugh!) Milk thistle and liver cleansing herbs might not be a bad idea either, and drink lots of fluids to thin out any toxins during the die-off period of microbes. I hope this helps someone!
I understand your reaction to what is happening in Italy, but would there be such overwhelm if they were using vitamin C as a treatment and as a preventative? I keep hearing there are no treatments when there is one….a good one. Vitamin C has never failed me against a virus. I also use grapefruit seed extract as part of my protocol at the first sign of illness along with echinacea and zinc.
Thanks for sharing the information.
It would lovely if this was widely used in hospitals in Italy to speed recovery/prevent severe pneumonia but based on what I’m hearing I suspect there would still be issues with the sheer numbers of folks needing help at the same time and the shortage of beds and staff. Hopefully with the new research and more people asking for it this approach will become more common-place in USA and elsewhere. I have a colleague who had to really fight to get this treatment for her daughter. There is also the issue with oxalates – which I don’t yet have answers for – so it’s not a solution for everyone.
Glad you have your immune protocols – thanks for sharing
I’m not sure this is still valid as it is from 2013…..http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v09n05.shtml. Seems vitamin C is OK to use.
I guess my point is that if people were told to increase their vitamin C to protect themselves from infection, fewer people would require hospitalization. Surely it would reduce the number becoming seriously ill. I’ve got to believe that the slowing of the virus in China and Korea has to do with their use of vitamin C for treatment and prevention. Sadly, this information is being labeled “fake news” on social media.
I’ve printed out Dr. Saul’s protocol for intravenous vitamin C, shared it with others, and carry it with me. I will demand it if I ever need it at the hospital. Shouldn’t have to fight for it. Maybe this crisis will change some minds……we can hope.
I live in Milan the epicenter of the epidemy in ITALY and I can report that the situation is very, very dreadful getting worse day by day as the tolls of seriously ill people and deaths increase and the health system is close to be overwhelmed. Even if I and my family are healthy I am in a deep state of angst. I have been using vit C, D, zink, quercitin and echinacea to boost immunity.
Thank you for taking the time to comment at this dreadful time. Our hearts go out to you, your family, friends and all of Italy.
Immune support is so key at a time like this but so is easing the angst because that in itself can suppress immunity. My first choices are calming amino acids such as GABA, tryptophan, 5-HTP, theanine (and even taurine). Also adrenal support like Seriphos (for high cortisol) and adaptogenic herbs like rhodiola, licorice, ashwaghanda; and calming herbs like lemonbalm, chamomile and lavender; essential oils like lavender, neroli and roman chamomile (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/lavender-roman-chamomile-neroli-essential-oils-anxiety-sleep/).
If there is no access to stores yoga, meditation, EFT (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/tapping-or-eft-for-reducing-anxiety-depression-pain-and-cravings-plus-physiological-changes-in-cortisol-heart-rate-blood-pressure-and-siga/) and heartmath are wonderful too.
And as hard as it may seem, try to make the time to enjoy family time, reading, playing card games and sleeping. Even smiling and laughing can help – “Laughter may reduce stress and improve NK (natural killer) cell activity” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12652882
And singing – Singing modulates mood, stress, cortisol, cytokine and neuropeptide activity in cancer patients and carers (https://ecancer.org/en/journal/article/631-singing-modulates-mood-stress-cortisol-cytokine-and-neuropeptide-activity-in-cancer-patients-and-carers/abstract). I’m sure you’ve seen this uplifting video of of your fellow Italians joining together to sing from balconies during lockdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_rLw6SCSmE. The world is watching and cares.
Vittorio, you wrote words to the effect that no matter how serious the situation is in Italy, that you and your family are staying healthy, despite your fears. YAY!!!!!! It sounds like the regimens you are using may be working, and that you will be one of the ones to walk through the war zone coming out untouched. Psalm 91:7: “A thousand shall fall by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you” https://biblehub.com/psalms/91-7.htm
I live in the USA…..I am praying for you and your family. Some friends I know in Italy are doing a 24 hour prayer and worship time for your country. Feel free to ask for prayer there, too. Valerie Roth
As before I do not know of the use of these herbs with the corona virus specifically. Ask your naturopathic physician about this: Has anybody mentioned grindelia, osha, lomatium, coleus forshkolii, lobelia, mullein? These all have lung affinity and may have antiviral properties. Grindelia is an herb from which asthma medication was once made, relaxing the bronchial airways which may enable them to dilate, coleus forshkolii and lobelia to a lesser extent but also. Osha as antiviral may have lung affinity, lomatium ditto, and mullein is soothing as mucilaginous herb with lung affinity. Oregano oil, colloidal silver where tolerated.
GAIA Herbs and HerbPharm have products with various blends of some of these and other herbs (but not using colloidal silver).
And also, monolaurin capsules, ask your naturopathic physician about this.
And now I have some rather disconcerting questions. And I am sorry for the impact of this, and understand if there is any reaction to it. But this is bothering me, and I must put this out as questions.
A) how does a novel virus just very suddenly appear? Out of eons of time, something just brand new magically comes to be? Nothing that evolved over eons…just suddenly, brand new?
B) Why is this virus so ill tolerated and spreading so rapidly? If it is true that the immune system memorizes the bugs that it has fought off, recognizing them in the future so they are better fought off thereafter, then why is it that there is no collective or “herd” immunity to this brand new virus?
Sorry folks, I am suspicious.
We live in the days of genetic engineering.
Anybody who says this is conspiracy theory should consider that sin is as old as Adam and Eve, and that people will do all kinds of things they would otherwise not do, if they want to make a profit. Food for thought? Might they want to scare us now, so they come up with a mandated vaccine, in the near future?
The nature of our human psyche, when facing painful realities or possibilities, is to block them out with a strong reaction that says NO! This can’t possibly be. It is called denial, which sadly, while protecting us from pain in the short run, also only enables the dynamics to spiral out unchecked. We must accept the truth and face it bravely, and swing into action (are class action lawsuits in order at this point in time?)
In this Corona virus article, Dr Mercola starts with his own opinions first, but then goes deeper into thought provoking facts as the article goes on, there is a lot of evidence of genetic engineering and even pre-planning of this outbreak. Doubt it? See here https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/02/04/novel-coronavirus.aspx
Something much more hope-based and heartening, to dispel fear and stay in reality, without going into denial, here https://www.swiss-biohealth.com/en/special-newsletter-to-inform-about-the-coronavirus/
Drina – This is not a “new” virus. It’s been circulating in animals for many, many years. What is new is that it made the leap from animals to humans quite recently. The most likely pathway is that it moved from bats to pangolins, then pangolins to humans. Once in humans, it evolved the hook part of the spike to be able to target ACE2 receptors in human cells, and from there it took off.
Because it has only spread out into the human population within the last couple of months, we haven’t built up any immunity to it yet. Developing herd immunity will take time, at least 12 – 18 months, until either >50% of the population has been exposed or an effective vaccine is developed.
Spreading conspiracy theories, misinformation, and fearmongering just fans the flames (and anxiety is bad for the immune system). Nobody developed this in a lab. This isn’t some nefarious attempt at biowarfare or “culling the herd”. It’s a natural phenomenon, like an earthquake. EVERYONE is susceptible. We’re all in this together.
That being said, it’s high time we as a species considered curtailing activities that are bringing us into close contact with these viruses, such as wet markets, unsafe slaughtering practices, and rainforest logging. One epidemiologist was recently quoted as saying he believes there are 600-800,000 viruses carried by animals that are capable of infecting us. Next time we may not be so “lucky”.
Thanks so much for a well written article. I feel better prepared to keep my family well through all this. One question though, you mentioned using preformed vitamin A (as opposed to beta-carotene). I’m not sure what this is and have tried looking for performed Vitamin A and am not finding it. Also, I would like to hear your thoughts on liposomal vitamin C and the idea of making it using an ultrasonic cleaner.
I’m glad it’s helpful! The advice re preformed vitamin A as opposed to beta-carotene comes from Dr. Brady. I’ll check with on his rationale.
I’m afraid I can’t answer your question about making liposomal vitamin C using an ultrasonic cleaner. Please do share what you know and if you are doing this?
Thanks for sharing this article about H2O2/hydrogen peroxide/oxidative therapy using a nebulizer. It’s not something I know anything about and I’m hoping someone reading this will comment. I did find this article/study: Inhaling hydrogen may help reduce lung damage in critically ill patients, animal study suggests https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110516141546.htm
I’m curious if Dr. Shallenberger is your doctor and if you’ve used this with success with the flu?
Thank you for all the information you have cput together in one place. I live in North Italy. Everyone should be aware that the political and public denial you are seeing now is wasting precious time. We all go through it to some extent. I didn’t want to believe it would get as bad as China here in Italy, but it did! People are dying now in the US, the virus IS spreading. you Have to believe that it’s already serious even if you can’t see it. Listen to what people are doing here in Italy and other countries where people have come through the denial phase. You can act by starting to putting into practice distancing behavour and avoid going out, take all precautions within your power. The Italian government is racing against time to set up life saving ICU before the existing ones run out. I was shocked yesterday when the news spoke about funeral parlors/cemeteries not being able to cope in the hard hit area of Bergamo (they were performing a burial every half an hour, and have had to call on funeral parlors in other provinces)
Thank you for taking the time to comment here at this dreadful time – it’s heartbreaking seeing what is happening in Italy! And thanks for the wisdom about how “political and public denial you are seeing now is wasting precious time.” I agree, it’s so hard to comprehend. It almost like the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I also think many folks are waiting for direction from their governments but I believe we need to decide for ourselves.
I do hope you and yours are doing well and continue to stay safe.
I just now found out that according to the US Census of 2019, we have 330 million Americans. Given that, the otherwise frightening numbers come into perspective. With the combined work of everybody flattening the curve, I have faith that we are all going to be okay. It won’t touch us, to begin with. Further, if it does, I suggest here is something to keep in mind: Coronavirus=death sentence? Methinks, not necessarily. T his may be a mental exaggeration, the very nature of fear itself. Fear uses a grain of truth to base its cognitive distortions, which take us into the field of exaggeation of the possibilities, based on realities that are however, sadly true. In any case, let’s say we even did become infected. The CDC says that the illness can be mild-moderate, in fact in 84% of the cases! The severe illness is with those who are immune compromised. But I suggest for those in that category, or friends and family of those with vulnerablities, to consider that even the vulnerabilities may not necessarily, stand on their own. Instead, it may be, hopefully, an interactive loop with other elements. If we take good care of the body and support the immune system, eat well, exercise, meditate and do uplifting things, tell someone you love or like them every day, then….???? I would think and hope, that the chances of wellness are increased, even with medical vulnerabilities. Of course, that is never any guarantee statement, and we are all mortal beings in the end, the truth. I think that if we believe in the worlds beyond, we have much more comfort. Regardless, back to the drawing board, I think given the numbers of Americans, the chances of infection are smaller than the media wants to play Boo with us about. Not to underestimate the seriousness of this virus or the rapid spread, please know. But, let’s also find a way to keep this in perspective. See the whole picture, not one part of it glaring in our face, in isolation from other things. Life is an interactive loop, and elements interact. We must always remember that. Therein lies our hope. Hope, peace and wellbeing to all!
While I do believe that good immune status can protect many of us we still need to take this seriously. Many governments are not doing enough. Unfortunately many people are not staying in and not flattening the curve because they are waiting to be told to do so.
I don’t see this as media hype and them playing “boo.”
I encourage you to check out this site by John Hopkins University for current stats https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
These articles are heavy reading but extremely helpful to get things in perspective:
Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca
Coronavirus: Why it’s so deadly in Italy https://medium.com/@andreasbackhausab/coronavirus-why-its-so-deadly-in-italy-c4200a15a7bf
Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-the-hammer-and-the-dance-be9337092b56
And 2 articles from concerned physicians:
A COVID-19 coronavirus update from concerned physicians (in the USA) https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2020/03/a-covid-19-coronavirus-update-from-concerned-physicians.html
Australian doctors issue urgent plea for governments to ramp up coronavirus response https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-17/australia-doctors-coronavirus-letter-pleading-government-action/12062368
This quote in the USA physician article above stands out:
“Everything we do before a pandemic will seem alarmist. Everything we do after will seem inadequate.” – Michael Leavitt
Hi Trudy
We are living, and speaking, within the context of a very emotionally charged climate. I understand that, and keep that in mind. I believe I have been misunderstood. I give this bug a healthy respect, I stress the need for precautions, for hand washing, hygiene, self care for good immune status, and please note my having said that we are all working together to flatten the curve.
Fear has a way of distorting the realities at hand. No matter how frightening this bug is, which I believe is very suspicious given no herd immunity, being brand new and why the heck no testing here in the USA???? testing is available all over Europe, said a friend….Wow….well, no matter how frightening, no matter how rapid the spread, since we have right here at this present moment, here in the USA, the numbers of people we do have and the stated numbers of infection, even if blown up by 100 times, is still currently in a low enough ratio that we can overcome this.
I refuse to be manipulated (by the powers that be) by fear and please note that I am by far the only one. My god. Talking to people at the grocery checkout counter, etc and they too have been watching the news. I think it is easy, and an evil, calloused game, for the powers that be to say “look! Here is the worst case! Stare it in the face! Be hypnotized by it! Think of nothing but it!” It is a cognitive distortion and a fear game. Disgusting. Most people of conscience couldn’t do that.
The worst case scenario is true, it happens. But there is a broader context here, the virus does Not always spin out to something lethal, and we have an early stage in the game of its spread. Time to stop playing the fear game and I believe that profiteering misisons are afoot. Watch out for world wide mandated vaccines, and them sweeping the numbers of autism and death under the carpet. Some people belong in jail.
Question for webinar #5
How about melatonin inhalers for those of us with damaged lung tissue? I’ve heard there is a study about this, that it helps tremendously with immunity. Are there possible side effects? Downside? Dosage?
I’m afraid I know nothing about melatonin inhalers. Can you please share a link to the study? Perhaps you’re referring to this? “In an animal model of acute lung injury, melatonin markedly reduced lung damage. How? Melatonin inhibited NLRP3 inflammasomes” from Dr. Berkson’s blog? (https://drlindseyberkson.com/coronavirus-update-integrative-natural-answers/)
I’m trying to arrange an interview with Dr. Berkson to discuss all this
question for webinar 4 about vitamin C; My husband refuses to take any vitamin C above about 150 mg let alone the mega-doses I originally suggested because he has moderately advanced kidney failure at age 67 and he’s read vitamin C can be very problematic in this condition. I cannot find a whole lot supporting this, but there is a little out there. Please comment. Thanks
Right now I do have concerns about high dose vitamin C for folks with kidney disease and dietary oxalate issues. I’m gathering some case studies and research and reaching out to experts for commentary but it’s challenging as it’s not well understood by many practitioners, even those in the functional medicine world.
Please share links to what resources you have found
Can you also share which form he uses and what advice he’s been given by his doctor? And does he tolerate the 150mg?
Thank you Trudy I have followed your recommendations about tryptophan and it has help me so much. Thank you, as I see the difference in my life with this amino acid, and I know very little about other amino acids I wonder is there could ever be a Summit that could tell all the benefits and how to take all the other amino acids, essential and nonessential!!! I would love to learn more from professionals, or is here a site you can redirect me to learn more about all 21 amino acids, I figure, if Tryptophan has helped me so much, what else can the rest of the other 20 amino acids can to better my life.
Thank you so much for your kind response.
Ana from Mexico.
Wonderful to hear that tryptophan has helped you so much. I’d love to hear how and how much helps?
I love that you want to learn more! I have an upcoming Anxiety Summit planned that will be covering neurotransmitters, amino acids and hormones! It was going to be in 2021 but I am revisiting my plans and may now do it Nov 2020 instead, given the additional need for emotional support in these times. Until then The Healing Nutrients Within – Facts, Findings, and New Research on Amino Acids by Eric Braverman is excellent (my Amazon link https://amzn.to/2xr5LRU)
Hi Trudy, as always you are passing it forward and sharing so much handy information – THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! I do have a question about L-Taurine today. I recently started 3000mg Taurine at night, my naturopathic doctor here in NZ recommends it for calming my nervous system after some very stressful times and events. I have only been taking it for 4 nights and find it helps a bit to relax and calm, I’m hoping for even better results to come though, but my question is – am I safe to continue the Taurine in these times. Ie could it compromise my immune system in any way? I want to boost my immune system as much as possible and would be sad to find out that the Taurine could compromise that. Thank you so very much! From an anxious mother of two who is trying to get by day by day over here in lockdown in Christchurch New Zealand. Keep up your amazing work and yes, who ever doesn’t want to read another email about Corona – they can just ignore to open them. It’s as simply as that isn’t it really. Stay safe and all the best/Malin
You’re welcome and thanks for the encouragement about coronavirus emails!
We don’t know about this virus specifically however you may find this study helpful as it discusses immunity and even coronaviruses in general: Important roles of dietary taurine, creatine, carnosine, anserine and 4-hydroxyproline in human nutrition and health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7088015/ I would discuss with your naturopath
Glad to hear it’s helping to relax and calm. I do like clients to use it sublingually or mixed in water and held in the mouth. And as you know GABA is my first choice but taurine can be effective too – often more is needed. I do like taurine for bile support and fat digestion.
Stay safe!
Thank you for your prompt reply
I find it a little hard to read the research article but think I understood it correctly that taurine can actually help your immune system so that’s good. As I said, I hope I understood it correctly. I will continue the taurine and has just then email my naturopathic doctor and asked if I can open the capsules and take the powder sublingually or mix in water and drink. It’s NOW double strength 1000mg capsules I am taking, would you know if these can be opened and drunk instead?
On another note, I’m on Escitalopram 10 mg in the mornings and would love! to taper and come of this “medicine” one day as the side effects are quite hard, though I want to find someone to guide me through such a taper and change with the help of amino acids and nutrients/supplements. Do you know of any good naturopaths or similar who operates in New Zealand preferably on the South Island? Thank you again and take care and stay safe! All the best!
Thank you for your emails. I don’t know if Gaba does me more harm than good… I believe it causes me to flush, but then I am on different meds for different issues and on oxygen for COPD.
I pray this virus is contained and there’s a vaccine, and it’s gone rapidly. So much anxiety and panic attacks in just trying to guess how to get more comfortable listening to the news. I pray there’s a solid answer very fast!
Too much GABA can cause a niacin-like flush. I have clients start with 125mg and increase from there. How much are you using and is it helping with the anxiety and panic attacks? Keep in mind low serotonin can also be a factor in panic attacks but use of tryptophan would need to be medically monitored.
Love your posts and advice. You LOOK like a kind person as well. My go-to preventative has been Zane Hellas oil of Oregano soft gels from Greece, though easily ordered. I am going to add Elderberry to my arsenal as well since reading your advice. Finding something for sleep and anxiety, however… . Not much luck. I will keep trying as maybe it takes time to “build up” ? (Trying Tryinptophan and 5HTP) and also, L-Theanine. I just am realizing — no GABA. Wonder if that’s the problem… .
The amino acids work immediately if they are needed, the right dose is used, they are quality products and used sublingually. I have clients increase based on symptoms until they find the optimal dose for their needs.
Hi Trudy,
Just want to thank you for your research and information! You are one of my most trusted leaders in the natural field. I wanted to ask you about selenium. Dr Klinghardt said to stop taking extra doses. Have you heard about this thought?
Thank you for all you do!
I have not heard this – can you please share a link and more about his rationale? And you are most welcome!
I just emailed you a link, I think. I’m a bit technologyly challenged. It is from info@drchristineschaffner linking me to a webinar replay from sophiaeducate.com with Dr. Klinghardt. The webinar was yesterday. Did the email get to you? I’m so sorry I don’t know how to send the link
I don’t know about other people, but I’m loving your articles
whether on Covid, sleep or others. Thank you for keeping me informed.
Wendy Hill RN
Thanks so much – I appreciate the feedback! How are you doing in terms of supporting your immune system and keeping anxiety at bay?
I see you’re a RN – are you working on the front-lines? In case you missed this here is my newest blog for doctors, nurses and other medical staff https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/the-psychological-trauma-of-coronavirus-nutritional-support-for-doctors-nurses-and-their-loved-ones/
Thank you for another good article Trudy, and for not ignoring the oxalate problems that might come with vit C. I have experienced them first hand and it is not something to take lightly.
About Elderberry I would like to share with you this wonderful extensive article from Chris Masterjohn responding to hose who think Elderberry might be dangerous. It also brakes down the “cytokine storm” in COVID-19 into what is actually happening with this particular virus.
Thanks for the additional elderberry resource from Chris Masterjohn.
Please share your vitamin C oxalate symptoms – how much C, what form? symptoms? how quickly they occur? and how quickly they ease? and what you do to ease them? Also is it the same type of symptoms you experience with high oxalate foods like spinach, nuts, kiwi fruit etc?
Yes of course, I will try.
I gradually decreased my oxalate content in food as recommended in the TLO-group. During that year I experienced periods with a lot of the typical dumping-signs like sandy stools, pain in body and especially in joints and muscles, sand in eyes, bladder pain, peeing a lot, cravings for oxalate foods and a temporary relief in the dumping symptoms when I ate some higher oxalate foods.
I also realized that the painful “fat tissue” that I had all over the body (but mainly around elbows knees and hips) since 10 years was really deposited oxalates with mostly fluid around it, since I lost it more and more while I dumped and had more pain there also when I dumped. Now the deposits are all gone.
Many of the symptoms of dumping where the same as I had previously experienced a few days to weeks after trying to do bowl flushes with vitamin c.
Now after being on Low oxalate diet for 3 years (carnivore the latest year) I have tried taking vitamin c very many times and come to the conclusion that about 200-250 mg per day is what i can take. If I take more I will get a gradual increase of that painful fat-tissue that will start after a few days to weeks depending on how much c I take. I will also get more or a flu feeling and irritated bladder. When I stop taking the vitamin C I will within a day or two get all my typical dumping symptoms and they will continue for days to weeks depending on how much I have taken. Symptoms severity also depend on how much I have been taking.
Thanks for sharing all this. It’s also very helpful to read you’ve tried all these forms of vitamin C. Glad you’ve figured out your optimal dose too. I’d love to share some of this in the oxalate-vitamin C blog I’m working on as it will be very helpful for others to read
Sorry I forgot to answer which forms of vitamin c I have been taking. I have tried ascorbic acid, Calcium ascorbate, multimineral buffered ascorbate and also liposomal vitamin C from Quicksilver Scientific.
Please do share it as much as you want, I want more people to know about oxalates!
Thanks so much – here is the blog where I share your contribution https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/coronavirus-and-vitamin-c-for-immune-support-new-pain-or-more-severe-pain-due-to-oxalate-issues/ Feel free to jump on and comment there and introduce yourself as many folks are struggling
Oh, how good! The only thing is I am a she and not a he
I will update the blog right away. Thank you again for sharing your story – as you can see it’s a very common issue and many of my readers can relate to what you have experienced. I’m going to be sharing this blog with doctors, researchers and other health professionals so we can create more awareness. I’m also really hoping to be able to collaborate with a researcher and get some case studies published. If you’re willing I’ll reach out for additional details. I truly believe this will help us move forward with our understanding and to encourage further research into this area.
Oh gosh I am sorry!
Hi Trudy,
I got to hear about you and the useful info from my friend who tried amino acids and worked for her. I am currently on Sertraline 50 mg once a day. It helps my anxiety and panic attacks ( also depressive mood as per SAD- that is why I started taking it back in September). I would love to come off it and start natural cure of anxiety do you think is possible ? Can you help ? How to start? I worry as covid 19brings lots of anxiety. So not sure how to come off sertraline and switch to amino acids! Can You guide me pls? Thank you so much.
Hi Trudy
Thank you for all this wonderful information.
I was particularly interested in the facts to do with olive leaf extract. It has many uses.
You always give great information, in clear simple dialogue.
Thank you.
I don’t see an update on the use of masks, ventilators, and empty hospitals.
This was in fact overblown, most of what we’ve been instructed to do is wrecking our immune systems.
Fear mongering causes extremely high stress levels which destroys our immune system, staying inside and way from everyone makes our immune systems weaker not stronger, getting less Vitamin D from exposure to the sun weakens our immune system.
So when they do “release” us, with weakened immune systems there will be a spike in illnesses of which most will NOT be COVID-19 but will be reported as COVID-19 none the less.
Ventilators are killing patients. The numbers look to be 80% of those intubated with ventilators die. The forcing of more air into the lungs is far more damaging than helpful. Putting the patients on higher oxygen levels is helping and Dr. Mercola’s video on nebulizing H2O2 would be a much better alternative. Even Ionized Silver in a diffuser helps get something that can help fight the infection in the lungs. That combined with all the anti-inflammatories you can get like turmeric/curcumin and melatonin, anything but ibuprofen.
Dr. Andrew Saul’s protocol is simple and effective and if people just did those few things they would virtually be impenetrable.
If everyone who was exposed to someone with COVID-19 got a 10,000 mg shot of sodium ascorbate like what Dr. Frederick Klenner did, this would be over in a week and we would be back to a real normal, not a “new” normal.
I’ve purposely not worn a mask and I don’t wipe down anything I use. I actually want to get it, let my immune system stop it and create natural life long antibodies so that I don’t have to get their stupid vaccine.
Looking for vaccines as a philosophy is ALWAYS a wrong philosophy as vaccines are always after the fact. What we need is multiple modalities including Naturapaths and Homeopathy so we stay ahead of a pandemic, not locking everything down, social distancing nonsense, wearing masks, destroying our economy and letting people die that shouldn’t be dying while waiting for a vaccine with who knows what’s in it!
Dr. Andrew Saul is very open about the fact that vitamin C has no adverse effects so following his protocol would not be a good idea for folks with these issues. I plan to reach out to him for input once I have gathered more stories and some of the research.
I’m very much with you on naturopathy, homeopathy and immune support, and also getting outside and sun exposure for vitamin D. I blog about vitamin D levels here https://www.everywomanover29.com/coronavirus-new-research-on-vitamin-d-supplementation-possibly-improving-clinical-outcomes/. And I agree: fear and anxiety reduces our immunity.
Ideally we want to prevent the need for a ventilator. Physical therapy and pulse oximeters are very encouraging: Physical therapy could protect COVID-19 patients from pneumonia, researchers find https://komonews.com/news/coronavirus/physical-therapy-could-protect-covid-19-patients-from-pneumonia-researchers-find; The Role Of Home Pulse Oximeters In Treating COVID-19 https://www.npr.org/2020/05/02/849535986/the-role-of-home-pulse-oximeters-in-treating-covid-19