Dr Mikell S. Parsons, DC. Certified Clinical Nutritionist was interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Conquering those yeastie beasties (candida) once and for all
- Yeastie beasties/ candida: what it is and how common it is
- How to assess if you have it and symptoms of overgrowth
- Why craving sugar is a HUGE sign of a yeast overgrowth
- How yeast can be a cause of weight gain
- How do we get it and is it contagious
- Protocols for getting rid of the yeastie beasties
- Methylation and mercury toxicity and candida?
Here are some snippets from our interview:
We’ve got a lot of different microbes in the gut, and we’re supposed to have them, but they’re all supposed to be in the right balance. It’s when the body gets out of balance, yeast is opportunistic. I tell my patients yeast is like a covert spy. It’s laying in the background, doing its thing, acting like everything is cool until the body gets out of balance. And then it can just grow like crazy. And that’s when people start to get symptoms. So we’re all supposed to have it, but the question is will your body provide the opportunity for yeast to kind of take over.
I’ve found it in people who may not have had antibiotics in the last five years or so. But they’re eating a lot of food that is higher in sugar, and they’re not eating vegetables and even good sources of protein. So if you coat your body from the inside with a lot of sugar, that candida starts to kick up their heels, and it’s like a fire. If you want a fire to build, keep putting wood on the fire. If you want to put the fire out, you take the wood away and you cover it with water.
Candida can cause anxiety, depression, leaky gut, reflux and heartburn, brain fog, irritability, low libido, chronic fatigue, weight gain and the feeling of where is my next sugar fix.
Here is the 2013 study we discussed: Could yeast infections impair recovery from mental illness? A case study using micronutrients and olive leaf extract for the treatment of ADHD and depression.
Micronutrients are increasingly used to treat psychiatric disorders including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), mood disorders, stress, and anxiety. However, a number of factors influence optimal response and absorption of nutrients, including the health of the gut, particularly the presence of yeast infections, such as Candida. As part of a wider investigation into the impact of micronutrients on psychiatric symptoms, many participants who experienced a yeast infection during their treatment showed a diminished response to the micronutrients. One case was followed systematically over a period of 3 y with documentation of deterioration in psychiatric symptoms (ADHD and mood) when infected with Candida and then symptom improvement following successful treatment of the infection with olive leaf extract (OLE) and probiotics.
You can get a copy of her fun and educational video here Sexy from the Inside Out: The Art of Poop.
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here www.theAnxietySummit.com
I have been doing a candida cleanse and been doing a strict candida diet. No fruit, sugar or carbs. I have been on it from 4 weeks and I was doing okay but now I am extremely fatigued and my adrenals are having a hard time. I started to incorporate more of the starchy veggies and some gluten free oats. Is gluten free oats okay to help me have some energy?
Hi Jennifer
I can’t give you specific advice and it’s really very different for each person – some people can tolerate small amounts of carbs, some can’t have any fruit, some do ok on a little fruit. A clue that you are not doing ok with the carbs could be that your cravings increase again. I’ll have Dr Mikell pop on and comment too
Hi Jennifer
Often when we are doing any type of cleanse the importance of protein and healthy fats gets overlooked. Be sure you are getting plenty of healthy sources. From a Yeastie Beastie standpoint all complex carbs and grains will be a food source for them. It might be time to connect with a practitioner who can help you get back into balance.
Do taking digestive enzymes help through the process of cleansing from candida?
Hi Jennifer
Yes enzymes help make the internal environment less hospitable for candida and other “bugs” in the gut
I thought I would just throw this out there…why not take the medicine like Diflocan to kill off some or several of the yeasts and then continue with the candida diet and follow up with herbs? Would that help to decrease the amount of yeast at first and then can you follow up with natural medicine and probiotics to continue to have relief from the yeast? And then heal the gut as well. Would it make it easier on the body to do it this way?
Hi Jennifer
I’m going to have Mikell come and comment on this. I personally don’t like the list of side-effects of Diflucan and why not do it all naturally if we can?
Hi Jennifer
For some people, it comes down to which is worse….the side effects of a medication or the current suffering from the yeast. There are pro’s and con’s to each. I have had some of my patients opt to take a medication then follow up with a more holistic approach which would then also include things to support a healthy detox system. You must do what your inner wisdom is tell you to do.
I have tried some natural yeast killers and I do get really bad die off. I went to my doctor and she said I just need one pill of Diflucan and that is it. Is it that strong and am I going to get really bad die off since I am experiencing die off already with the natural remedies not taking a full dose? If it is only one pill, when do I follow up with the antifungal herbs to keep the yeast at bay?
I am Hashimoto’s thyroid, celiac, fibromyalgia, 2 copies of MTHFR (one that starts with a C), and know I have leaky gut and think I have candida. I have pains in my legs and an increase in them after I poop. Could that have to do with toxins in my gut? It’s weird because I should feel better.
Hi Linda
I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you and will have Mikell pop on and comment for you
Hi Linda
It is clear that certain species of yeast produce a toxin that is released which causes problems inside us. It seems that your immune system is very challenged with all that you have going on. Getting your gut in balance will be critical for you to improve your health, and yes, you have a higher likelihood of having candida. I would strongly suggest that you work with a practitioner who has skills in the issues that you listed so you can thrive (even after pooping!).If you need help in locating one, Trudy and I can help you find someone.
Yes, I need help in finding a practitioner in the Los Angeles area. I would appreciate several choices. Thanks a lot and for this informational summit.
Thank you so much for having this summit. It helping me uncover what is ailing me. Thanks to Dr. Parsons for her Candida information. I think I have an overgrowth. I was craving sugar and carbs plenty. I have heavy metals and presently having chelation therapy. I was bruising from acupuncture and chelation. My body seems to be rejecting it. I recently had surgery on my finger from a scissors accident. I am on antibiotics and a medrol dose pak for swelling. I started JJ Virgins sugar impact diet and think I am experiencing die off. Should I take Capryllic Acid or is it possible to get a phone consultation?
Hi Leslie
I am able to do phone consultations as your “health coach”, but I can not assume the roll of your doctor. For that I would need to see you in person. Before adding in anything else I would wait for your die off response to settle down. You body is already “complaining”, it will need some time to settle down. Be sure to discuss the bruising issue with you chelating doctor so they can address that. You are on the right track with all that you are doing!
Listening to all this, I believe I have some yeast although I have never had any physical (on the outside of my body) evidence. I do not have weight problems either but I do get heartburn and short term memory loss(both started recently) and some bloating. I do not have a Dr, insurance or money. What would be my best course of action to at least reduce yeast besides cutting caffeine and good tasting food/sugary??
Hi Jennie,
If you go to my website http://www.naturalpathfresno.com there is a tremendous amount of information there. When you sign up for my newsletter I discuss a different health topic every 2 weeks….with my perky sense of humor! Making dietary changes are also important. It isn’t just about stopping sugar, but the complex carbs often need to be eliminated while on the bug killing journey!
How does one go about finding a health practitioner with your level of insight? The idea of killing off my beasties alone, then rebuilding with supplementation gives me anxiety.
I’ve done a lot in the last two years via diet, but need to do some proper testing & supplementation. I’ve gone to professionals in the past who have pushed 20+ supplements, taken several times a day. After months of feeling like cash cow and NOT any better I stopped. That was two years ago. Since then I’ve concentrated on diet. Eliminated gluten, gone sugar with many more nutrient-dense foods.
Hi Valerie
I have an online program for the Yeastie Beasties or I can be your “health coach”. That means I am not taking on the roll of your doctor but will be able to give you clarity about your current health condition. The office email is info@naturalpathfresno.com and the number is (559) 447-1404. I may also be able to connect you with someone in your local area too.
Bad news, I somehow missed your talk on Candida…and I currently have it full-blown! Will this be replayed this week? How else might I be able to hear your talk? Thank you so much!
Jeni Kay
Miserable Candida Suferer (!)
Hi Jeni
Sorry to hear this. You will be able to vote for replays later this week. The mp3s and transcripts are also available for purchase at a big discount until the 16th.
I enjoyed listening to your interview for the summit and was really excited to hear you have your practice in my town!
I thought I heard you mention a probiotic which helps the body produce folate. I have a genetic issue (two copies of MTHFR mutation) and have been taking a methyl folate supplement during my pregnancies. It’d be nice to get these naturally if I could. I also have celiac disease.
I’m also interested in becoming a patient. Does your office bill insurance?
Thank you!
Hi Alicia
I am a cash based practitioner because it is important that you get what you need vs what your insurance will allow. You can call my office at (559) 447-1404. When you come in we will be able to get clarity around your health challenges.
Hi Dr Parsons
I ‘ve heard about taking apple cider vinegar to help with digestion and also absorption of thyroid hormone – I seem to have resistance to natural desiccated thyroid hormone. However I have mild candida per a stool test and am taking candida drops (immunotherapy) to stop my immune system overreacting to candida.
Do you recommend staying away from vinegar which is supposed to feed the yeast? Yet I hear low stomach acid is an issue for us. Would love some clarification
Hello Aisling,
Any vinegar will contribute to the feeding of yeast. You may want to talk to your health care practitioner if it is safe for you to use hydrochloric acid in the form of a supplement to help with digestion. This is a “no no” if you have currently or have a history of stomach or duodenal ulcers.
I do not like to sound critical but, one stand-out flaw with Trudy’s interview with Dr. Parsons. The use of acronyms without being specifically defined, can be very misleading and confusing at best. The acronym “GABA”. ( My example dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA). Could you please define “GABA”?
Hi Ted
Sorry about that – maybe we need a blog of all the acronyms we used?! GABA is gamma-aminobutyric acid, an amino acid and the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Thank You for promptly clearing up the GABA issue.
Your thought on having a blog to define many more, or not readily understood acronyms, would be positive and a bonus for some listeners, especially if your valuable time permits.
You’re welcome! I think it’s a brilliant idea and will add it to the list for season 3 for sure and will work on creating one for this summit in the next few weeks – stay tuned…
Hello Trudy and Dr. Parsons,
I so love your compassionate hearts and passion to help others get well!!
I have had my own long journey with becoming healthy. Not there yet but determined to get there. Very encouraged by your summit.
Have you ever seen a case of candida in the ears? I have had vaginal infections and thrush in the past and suspect I’ve struggled with yeast for years. My ears keep plugging and won’t drain. Need tubes inserted to hear. I’ve had it done twice in the last 4 years. I need to discover what is the cause. I don’t eat grains, eggs or dairy due to sensitivities. Any thoughts?
This is just the tip of the iceberg for me. Would love to have a consult.
Thank you so much for all the great info. And hard work!
Thank you. Just FYI: The link to “Sexy from the Inside Out: The Art of Poop.” isn’t working. Nor from the replay page. Could you post the correct link? Thanks
thanks Liza – fixed here – it does seem to be working from the replay page
Hi there. You mention that all fermented foods feed candida. In an effort to get more probiotics into my system I have recently embraced fermented vegetables. I’m now torn. Should I give these a rest and just stick to supplements until the candida is under control? And can I assume that once my die-off symptoms have passed that the candida is under control? Thanks so much
How much caprillic acid is recommended to start with and how do you proceed?
Same for black walnut and berbine.
I just found out about this website and am very interested in this topic because I have chronic yeast infections. Is there a way to listen to this interview again? (“Conquering those yeastie beasties (candida) once and for all”) What is your online program for the yeastie beasties?
Hi Kate
The interviews were available during the summit for no charge. They are now available for purchase if this is of interest http://www.theanxietysummit.com/#order
Dr Mikell Parsons will be doing a group candida program in the near future. I suggest getting her free video gift and then I’m sure you’ll hear the details via email. If I get details I’ll post them here
Hello. I was a part of your Anxiety Summit Season 3 that you recently finished. I learned so much! Thank you for your labor of love. Since you are away, Mika asked me to ask my question here that I had emailed to you. I hope your family situation is working out.
I am 46 y.o. and have been suffering from anxiety and insomnia for several years. I am working with a functional medicine nurse practitioner. She found MTHFR (two copies of C677t), hypothyroid, low iron, low serotonin and dopamine, suboptimal sex hormones, Epstein Barr and Candida overgrowth. She has been treating me for nine months and my labs are getting better for everything except Candida. I still pretty much feel the same. She has given me anti-fungals (herbs and Rx) for Candida, but no real direction for a specific diet. Do you recommend a certain diet protocol for Candida?
Thank you
Hi Sheri
Good to hear you’re doing better. Many people with candida do very well on a sugar free (this means no fruit either) and often grain free diet. I like to add in plenty of garlic, onion, and ginger too. Coconut has antifungal properties too. I also like to support with enzymes and probiotics
Thanks for asking about my family – things are better than when I arrived to still not great
Is there an oregano oil available in an enteric coated capsule? I love oregano oil but not able to take very much as it seems to upset my stomach and digestive tract as soon as I take it.
I like the DFH Oregano Oil. It’s tolerated well even when taken in between meals. You can get it from Emerson Ecologics https://www.emersonecologics.com/Products/EmersonMain/PID-ORE15.aspx You will need to set up a customer account under my practitioner account. The access code is calm23 and my zip code 96511.
Hi Trudy,
I do understand everyone, including you, needs money to operate in this system but you tend not to answer to some people with specific questions that may reduce some of your profit by not joining your group or subscription or whatever. When I rang one of the doctors from the Anxiety Summit to consider one of my family members for a treat, that person (i won’t say the name) was extremely rude although he seemed very nice in the programme. I really wonder how much of ‘helping’ people you all really are. So far it seems that there is no difference between mainstream doctors and naturopathic ones only the latter ones really hate not getting what the mainstream doctors do…the money and the widespread exposure. Do not getting too greedy.
I appreciate your feedback and would love to hear who was rude to you
I do my best to answer all blog questions and provide tons of low-cost and free options.
Hello Trudy!
I just want to say I love your website and blog and I just ordered a copy of your book — very excited to receive it and dive in!
I wanted to ask how realistic it is to fully abolish Candida from the body. I read a lot about folks who have struggled with yeast for years, even with strict diet. I have heard when you starve Candida from sugar they go sort of “crazy” and instead migrate to other parts of the body. It just seems like a problem that never really goes away. Do you have any real, lasting successes with your patients?