One of my three interviews on The Anxiety Summit 5: Gut-Brain Axis is: Collagen Can Cause Anxiety and Insomnia. In this interview, I’m interviewed by my colleague and friend Dr. Nicole Beurkens, PhD, and you’ll learn:
- How acute tryptophan depletion lowers serotonin
- How to figure out if you may be susceptible to serotonin-lowering effects of collagen or gelatin
- About other factors to consider: Oxalates, glutamates, arginine, glyphosate and histamine
Collagen and gelatin are an excellent source of these amino acids: proline, glycine, glutamine and arginine BUT they do not contain the amino acid tryptophan. This can cause increased anxiety, worsening insomnia and even a low mood in individuals who are susceptible to the fact that both collagen and gelatin can lower serotonin levels.
We talk about some of this in a short in-person interview I recently did in San Diego, with my friend and colleague Tara Hunkin (who also happens to be speaking on the summit – on the topic of mitochondrial dysfunction and anxiety).
I actually blogged about this topic in Sept 2017 and updated the blog with a number of studies in Dec 2017. You can read about this and all the feedback from folks who have observed similar issues when consuming collagen and/or gelatin – Collagen and gelatin lower serotonin: does this increase your anxiety and depression? (there are also quite a few naysayers)
This will get you up to speed for the summit interview if you’re hearing this for the first time or if you read this back in 2017.
In the summit interview (Dr. Nicole Beurkens is my interviewer for this one) I review the theory and serotonin-depleting mechanisms, the 3 different effects folks are noticing and share some feedback from real people, as well as my story and what I experienced.
I also discuss a new paper that further supports this very probable connection: Use of tryptophan fortified hydrolyzed collagen for nutritional support. I share this about the study: “they were using hydrolyzed collagen – because the collagen is very well digested,- for people that were very severely nutritionally depleted. But they added in tryptophan to make it more of a complete protein” and presumably also prevent these mood and sleep issues.
The authors share this about hydrolyzed collagen and the addition of tryptophan for this population:
Standard hydrolyzed collagen is not a perfect amino acid according to the established standards because it does not contain the amino acid tryptophan. A tryptophan-fortified liquid hydrolyzed collagen supplement is, in fact, considered a complete protein. Forms of hydrolyzed collagen have been utilized for several decades as a dietary supplement. Collagen hydrolysate has been of interest as a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
Closer investigation of this product will reveal that it may indeed meet the protein requirements of a malnourished individual, containing an optimal amino acid composition, high bioavailability, and high digestibility.
In the summit interview we also talk about bone broths and a step-by-step approach to figure out if your issue with collagen is one of the following and what to do about it:
- low serotonin
- oxalates
- a histamine reaction
- a reaction to glutamates or glycine
- arginine
This is one of 4 interviews I do on the summit. My other 3 interviews are:
- GABA & Tryptophan: The Gut-Anxiety Connections (here is the blog for this one)
- Simple Solutions for Anxiety and Gut Health (I’ll share highlights from this ones in another email/blog)
- Glutamine, DPA and Tyrosine for Anxiety and Sugar Cravings
Please join us and listen to this interview and all the others on The Anxiety Summit 5: Gut-Brain Axis.
If you’d like to give feedback or ask a question, please post in the comments below.
I’d love to hear from you once you’ve listened in to my interview.
Until then let us know how you do use collagen or gelatin and if you’ve noticed any mood issues, increased anxiety or insomnia? And if it was due to low serotonin or something else?
Hi Trudy, I take a complete collagen that has added vitamin c and L-tryptophan in that instance should I still be concerned about possible side effects?? Thanks!!
We are all unique so trying it and seeing how one does is the best way to know. Keep in mind that some folks don’t need the added tryptophan and depending on the amount and timing could be an issue with someone using an SSRI. Some susceptible folks may need more tryptophan than what is found in a combo product (collagen and tryptophan).
I’m curious what product you’re using and if they actually call it a complete collagen?
Hi Trudy ,
I use a powdered “complete collagen “ from Progressive.. I’ve stopped using it this week but have also started the super evening primrose and zinc and my anxiety is much better so I am not sure what is having the effect! Perhaps all!?
Thanks for your reply Glyphosate is dangerous because it mimics glycine – Samsel and Seneff Glycine is the most important amino-acid in collagen. Could this be the reason for the behavior changes?
I just bought a jar of Dr. Axe Collagen for my arthritis. I saw this info on the FB page which made me remember I had taken collagen capsules about 3 years ago and found it made my insomnia worse. I had asked my doctor about it but she said she didn’t think it’d have that side effect. I quit taking it anyway…But, I thought I’d try it again, now I’m not so sure.
Please let us know the outcome. And remember I’m not saying don’t use collagen but to assess for low serotonin if you use it and feel anxious, depressed or can’t sleep
How long should it take for it to get out of your system…to go back to normal. (If there is an issue.) I feel pretty good right now, hate to mess anything up.
If it’s the low serotonin issue it’s typically a matter of days. If it’s the oxalate issues it can take longer and same with histamine
I’ve noticed more anxiety with bone broth, and especially when doing a mimicking fast with bone broth as my only protein. I was thinking I’m sensitive to the bone broth, but now I’m increasing my usual dose of tryptophan which was just 500mg bid.
I’ll have to let you know how that goes.
Thank you for this enlightening presentation!
You are amazing!
Glad you enjoyed it and please do keep us posted. Is this is what is recommended as a protein source? It should not be as it’s not a complete protein
I did another day of bone broth mimicking diet, with taking 1 cap in AM and 2 in PM, and no anxiety!
So I’m thinking more tryptophan was the answer!
So glad you spoke of this in your summit!
I’m looking forward to May 2020, for summit #6!
Hello Trudy,
I have mixed connective tissue disease and presenting with scleroderma symptoms, which of course lays down collagen excessively in certain parts of the skin. Does this mean that, in spite of my condition, I should still use it if I have anxiety around my illness?
I would suspect that using collagen would not be a good idea with someone with scleroderma but would have the person check with their doctor. Keep in mind that scleroderma is an autoimmune condition so focusing on nutritional factors that lower autoimmunity is key. Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s books are an excellent resource
Hello~I so appreciate you! I have been drinking bone broth (while fasting) for over a year now and my insomnia just got worse and worse~then anxiety kicked in and I started really digging into my diet to see what was different. The hard part for me to figure out was this: It wasn’t an immediate reaction. It was much more gradual. I think that’s important to note…
thank you so much for the work you have done on this. You really helped me!
Trudy, I started taking collagen 3 months ago in a pill form( Organika bio cell brand). I noticed that I developed insomnia. I have tried melatonin and other natural sleep aids, but nothing seems to help. I was not sure if there was a correlation between collagen and insomnia until I read your blog. I stopped taking it for two weeks but have not seen a big improvement as of yet. I truly enjoyed the benefits to my skin, hair and energy levels, but I am not sure if it is causing the sleep issues. Would appreciate your thoughts or feedback or from anyone else experiencing the same. Many thanks
As mentioned in the blog the cause can be it’s impacts on serotonin or due to histamines, glutamates, oxalates and it may be a matter of trying to figure out which one is the issue. Doing a trial of tryptophan (assuming other low serotonin symptoms are present) is the quickest way to confirm or rule out the serotonin effects
Thank you Trudy for your prompt response. I do have some follow up questions and would really appreciate your feedback. Approximately, how long would it take to clear the collagen from the system? Also, are there any specific medical tests to determine the levels of serotonin, histamine etc In the body and finally, is there a specific brand of Tryptophan one should consider?
Many thanks again!
It’s not a matter of clearing collagen but rather addressing the effects. I suggest reading the comments – so folks find symptoms resolve quickly and others it can take a week or so.
I use the amino acid questionnaire to assess for low serotonin and trials of tryptophan or 5-HTP There is also a platelet serotonin test but I seldom use it.
Whole blood histamine is a valuable test.
I recommend Lidtke tryptophan. You can see all the supps I recommend here
When taking collagen, I notice anxiety symptoms, I’m started taking Prozac for anxiety (so I cannot take tryptophan or 5htp). Does that mean I could still take collagen without anxiety symptoms?
Trudy, another issue about collagen, at least for some of us, is the blood pressure connection. I wonder if you’re familiar with some of the research that claims people with high blood pressure have excess collagen in their blood? I don’t think this BP issue was due to supplemental collagen — but am not sure about that. To be safe, I have decided to stop my collagen supplements. I also discovered, thanks to research and finding your blog, that collagen may have caused a spike in my anxiety and heart palpitations. I noticed an increase in both — a serious increase — after I started a collagen supplement for hair, skin, and joint improvement. The added concern about high blood pressure really concerns me as well. Would love to know your thoughts.
I’m not sure about a blood pressure connection. Could you share a link to the research? I assume you noticed a spike in yours when taking collagen? How high did it go and did it drop when you stopped collagen?
Hi Trudy — Here’s one of the articles:
I’d be interested in your response to this. Also, I realize the collagen discussed in the Science Daily piece probably isn’t supplemental collagen, but I am guessing there must be a connection?
New to me – the connection and testing collagen in blood for this purpose. I am intrigued and don’t even know if using collagen would raise blood collagen levels. Some research supports marine collagen for diabetes and hypertension: Therapeutic Effects of Marine Collagen Peptides on Chinese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Primary Hypertension so it seems to be individualized, as with everything.
I would also consider other possible mechanisms like the effects of oxalates and glutamates in collagen.
I assume you noticed a spike in your blood pressure when taking collagen? How high did it go and did it drop when you stopped collagen (and how quickly)?
Thanks for your response, Trudy. My BP spiked from 130/80 (my usual normal, with medication) to 180/90 — first noticed at the dentist office, which sent me to the doctor’s office immediately afterward. That was last spring. I had been taking collagen supplements (capsules) throughout the day for several weeks prior to that episode, regularly. (I was taking them for hair, skin, and nails.) My BP dropped back to normal about 3 weeks after stopping the supplements. At the time, I also had a sudden, unexplained increase in anxiety symptoms and arthritis pain — but I did not attribute any of that to taking collagen supplements around that time. My doctor had simply told me to stop taking any other supplements I was taking at the time, besides a multivitamin.
It might be worth noting that I am a hyperthyroid patient, taking a low dose of methimazole, an anti-thyroid drug. I am especially sensitive to anything that raises anxiety, due to my hyperthyroidism. It could be this reaction to collagen has something to do with my thyroid condition — because the BP issue is linked to it as well.
I should also add that I tried collagen supplements again more recently this year, to help with nail growth, finding that I was OK with them for a week or so, but then noticed the symptoms of heart palpitations, dizziness, general anxiety, etc about two weeks after starting them again. I thought that may have been due to pandemic anxiety. Then I found your information here on this site, and a light dawned. The common thread seemed to be the collagen supplements.
I should add that I was taking bovine collagen supplements — and I wonder if I would have had the same outcome with MARINE collagen instead … or is there no difference? I thought I saw a comment on this on your site, re marine collagen. Or do both types of collagen have the same effect?
Hi, I do have osteoarthritis and hate the aging process. With these in mind about 18 days ago I started taking three capsules a day of Multi Collagen Plus, by Dr Emil Nutrition, to help with painful joints and in the hope that they would improve my skin, hair, and nails. There has been no improvement, but what I am experiencing is a lot of anxiety and seeing problems where there are none, and generally making mountains out of molehills. Yesterday I didn’t take any and have woken up this morning feeling happy and ready to face the day. I ordered this through Amazon and so many people recommend this product. Where am I going wrong? I do find that if I have foods containing tryptophan such as turkey meat, I want to fall asleep! In the past I’ve tried both bovine and fish based collagens and they give me brain fog. Where am I going wrong? I’d be interested to learn your thoughts on all of this.
Best wishes
Per the blog I have folks assess if low serotonin is a factor so they can continue with their collagen by also using tryptophan or 5-HTP. For susceptible folks dietary tryptophan is not enough. Other factors could be oxalate or glutamate related
About two weeks after I started taking collagen supplements (daily), I too noticed an odd increase in anxiety and overall feelings of unease. I had no idea — at first — that there was a connection to the collagen supplements. (I was taking them for hair, skin and nails improvements.) I blamed it on worries over the pandemic.
Then I happened to Google the topic of collagen and discovered this website, and was amazed to read about so many others who’d experienced the same issues. A few days after I stopped taking the collagen, I felt so much better. I’ve decided that I don’t want to take additional supplements in order to be able to take collagen without side effects.
I believe it because I just Googled if collagen can cause insomnia amd according to this report it can. I also feel like my mood is down too. I am going to try taking tryptophan also for a more complete protein. Thanks.
I’ve been wanting to take collagen for bone health so I started taking BOOST for Mobility liquid supplement, as has my husband. I’ve noticed I’m having a very hard time getting to sleep, actually, no sleep at all last night and periods of dizziness too. I was hoping I’d get used to it but it’s been nearly a week. I’m only drinking 1/2 bottle per day, so about 2500 mg of collagen. I have no trouble with bone broth but not sure it helps my bones that much. I feel I need to stop the BOOST because I feel like crap today. Hubby takes it for achy joints but no relief yet either, at least he can sleep. Is collagen something you have to get used to? I have CFS and take low dose doxepin for that which usually helps get me to sleep but not now.
Glad to see this as a topic. I have been taking collagen for about 3. months now and am having very broken nights sleep – which is not like me. Intuitively I could only think it was a supplement I was taking as I had no external reasons to wake me up many times in the night. Im so gutted as I could feel improvements in my hair and nails…but nothing is worth losing sleep over.
But i was confused when I saw many articles about collagen improving sleep… but from this i can see its the missing tryptophan?
The ingredients are 65% hydrolysed marine collagen, water, preservative, citric acid, lemon flavor, stevia
So I just want to confirm from what you say in the above that with the above ingredients, this would carry no tryptophan and therefore could cause insomnia?
I had a kinesiology session in order to help the insomnia – just today, and she picked up on my body needing to detox something…think this could be related to the collagen?
Many thanks in advance
Correct – for most people it’s the fact that collagen doesn’t contain tryptophan and leads to lowered serotonin and adversely impacting sleep (and increasing anxiety in some).
I don’t think the detox need relates to this but can’t be sure
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
I am on an SSRI but am experiencing intense anxiety and stimulation from the collagen. I don’t think I can take tryptophan or 5-HTP because of SSRI. Will this go away on it’s own after discontinuing the collagen? Do I need to talk to my psychiatrist? Do I need to take pharmagaba or GABA? Kind of freaking out right now with fear.
As you can read from others here, once the collagen is stopped the anxiety symptoms fade quite quickly. Hoping you already figured this out.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi Trudy, I’ve been taking collagen supplements for several months and I’m also on an antidepressant. I have been experiencing high anxiety and insomnia, I expect that I should stop the collagen? I was taking it for my skin, hair and nails but my mental health is more important.
I love the benefits of collagen for my joints, hair, bones and nails. BUT I had 2 incidents of when I was taking collagen. Both times I had to call 911. The anxiety, the increased heart rate and symptoms that caused me to believe a stroke was going to happen. The first time I was taking the collagen every day. The 2nd time, I thought perhaps I could take it twice a week. I still had to call emergency services. Is there something else I can benefit from besides the collagen?
Thanks for sharing. Wow what a severe reaction! I would want to figure out what the cause it and address it if possible (if it’s not an anaphalytic reaction) – is low serotonin, oxalates, glutamates, arginine?
In the blog ( I share this for the serotonin solution – do the low serotonin questionnaire and a trial of tryptophan (after checking the precautions) to see if this prevents this reaction when using collagen
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hello. I am confused about the use of collagen powder. I have Hashimoto’s and rheumatoid arthritis. I take an ssri antidepressant for anxiety . When I look at the ingredients for collagen powder, they all list glutamic acid as an ingredient. Doesn’t glutamic acid/glutamate worsen anxiety and ocd issues?
Thank you
The adverse effects can be due to too much glutamic acid or too much oxalates or even too much glycine or arginine (in addition to lowering serotonin)
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
I took Vital Proteins Collagen for the first time two days ago. I had some mild/moderate anxiety the first two nights. I was taking only half the recommended dose. By the third night I had severe anxiety, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, headache, shortness of breath, flushing, inability to regulate my temperature, and insomnia. I also had rushes of Adrenalin when trying to sleep that basically kept me up all night. Also, feelings of doom and that something was terribly wrong even though nothing in my life was really any different. The only new supplement I took was the collagen. I was searching for others with the same experience and came across this website. I was taking the collagen because I had read about the many benefits, but never again! Thank you for publishing this information so that I can see that I am not alone. The side effects are real, and for me quite severe.
You are welcome and thank you for contributing to the discussion. Your effects were quite severe even with half a dose! It’s possible you experienced low serotonin effects (“feelings of doom”, anxiety, insomnia) + a histamine and/or glutamate reaction (“severe anxiety, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, headache, shortness of breath, flushing, inability to regulate my temperature, and insomnia”, “rushes of adrenalin”).
The only way to know is to use something to counter the effects – tryptophan or 5-HTP, an anti-histamine (possibly quercetin) or GABA – but I’m sure you don’t want to experiment.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
How long did it take for you to feel normal again, after stopping the collagen supplements ??
I had a very similar reaction !! I stopped 2 days ago but, still feeling anxious !
I too had experienced all of these symptoms within an hour of taking the Metagenics Collagen. What an absolute nightmare. I thought something was seriously wrong.
I wouldn’t wish this reaction on anyone.
And yet, I wonder why my body reacts so negatively to collagen?!
Sorry to hear. It could be low serotonin, oxalates, glutamates or a histamine reaction
I’ve been using Vital Proteins with the added HA & Vit C to help with hair loss from Covid, stress, aging.
I have anxiety and occasional panic attacks that are all managed by an SNRI.
I’m having what my provider thinks are hypnic jerks or nocturnal panic attacks regularly which is severely impacting my sleep. I saw a natural dr who ran a lot of salvia tests and said my Gylcine level was off that charts. Would this be a result of the collagen powder?
If a client describes anxiety and panic and sleep problems since starting collagen it’s the first thing we suspect – either too much serotonin depletion or too much glycine which can affect sleep.
I am curious to hear which lab and test your doctor ran to measure glycine and what he/she suspects?
Is it possible for collagen supplementation to cause a sensitivity to sulfur? I know of someone who became sensitive to foods high in sulfur after supplementing with collagen for a few months. The sensitivity decreased once collagen was discontinued and high sulfur foods were avoided, but it took quite some time.
This could be related to dietary oxalate issues since oxalates share transport channels with sulfur and “hydroxyproline, a component amino acid of collagen, is a potential glyoxylate precursor” with the potential to increase oxalates
It’s possible the collagen consumption is increasing oxalate levels which then affects sulfur metabolism contributing to sulfur sensitivity.
It is recognized that oxalate and sulfur issues often go hand in hand (but not always), however this is the first time I’ve heard that collagen consumption caused a sensitivity to sulfur and that stopping it resolved the issue.
Keep in mind that oxalate and sulfur metabolism is not my area of expertise so I may be missing something here too. This would be a good question for Susan Ownens TLO/Trying Low Oxalates FB group
Do you know if this person also had dietary oxalate issues? More on that here
You say “The sensitivity decreased once collagen was discontinued and high sulfur foods were avoided, but it took quite some time.” – can you share how long it took?
Hi Trudy, I was using Lorna Vanderhaeghe’s hydroylzed Fish collagen and feeling great on it for the past 3 months or so. Then I ran out and tried genuine health Fish collagen for the past week and have had terrible insomnia and crazy blood sugar issues and some anxiety. Why do you think there would be such a difference in reaction if they are such similar products? Neither seem to have the tryptophan added to them…
I don’t get that there would be a difference. Two thoughts – reach out to each company and ask for detailed nutritional profile and toxins analysis, and trial it again as it could have been related to something else
I think I’ve commented here already, but I too am relieved to read that I’m not the only one who has experienced negative effects of collagen supplements. Everything I’m reading here makes perfect sense. I stopped taking collagen a while back and felt MUCH better after I did. At the same time, I’ve been researching probiotic supplements that help with anxiety and have been amazed at how finding the *right* probiotics for your own digestive issues can make all the difference in your feelings of well being and health.
When should you take your collagen, if you have anxiety.
Sorry to hear. Please do keep in mind that if it’s because of the serotonin effects, tryptophan and/or 5-HTP can resolve the issues with sleep and anxiety.
I do suffer from anxiety as well. I do not take a ssri or snri. I take buspirone. I started taking collagen, and could not figure out why my anxiety went through the roof. I asked my doctors and my pharmacist, and they all thought i was nuts. I knew the collagen was causing it, but they never heard of such a thing. After researching i discovered it was the collagen. It took 3 days after stopping it for my anxietyvto calm down. I did love love the benefits of it, but my anxiety gets the best of me. I spoke with the dietician at my health food store,. She suggested that i mix protien into my collagen. What is your thought? Oh i just ordered your book, I’m looking forward to a healthier diet.
Thanks for sharing and unfortunately there is little awareness – and be sure to share with your doctors and pharmacist!
I find folks who have this issue (if it is related to serotonin depletion) do better with tryptophan or 5-HTP but adding protein powder to the collagen may help. Let us know how it goes if you decide to do this.
I have been using collagen a little over a month, I noticed about 3 weeks ago depression and anxiety setting in, but did not put it with collagen, today I literally have been contemplating suicide, I couldn’t understand but a light bulb went off and collagen popped into my head, now I know. I have 2 MTHFR mutations, could that be part of the issue? MTHFR mutations are new to me so I’m still learning.
Thank you for sharing. MTHFR polymorphisms (if it’s an issue i.e expressing) can definately play a role when it comes to anxiety and depression because L-methylfolate plays an important role in making neurotransmitters such as serotonin and others. More here: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and psychiatric diseases Which mutations do you have?
Please let us know how you do when you stop the collagen or add tryptophan. And which collagen product you used and how much? Are you prone to low serotonin and anxiety or depression and have any of the other risk factors listed in the blog?
Please also talk to a loved one and mental health porfessional/support system about your suicidal thoughts.
I take quite a big dose of tricyclic antidepressants everyday for OCD and anxiety. I would like to start using a collagen cream on my skin for it to become less saggy. Would this increase anxiety or cause insomnia?
I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you but I would advise checking out other ingredients for toxicity on EWG Skindeep site
Trudy –
I have always had some manageable anxiety/depressive type symptoms on and off throughout my life. Always manageable and have never actually considered myself to have anxiety or depression clinically.
Recently, at 4 months post partum, I began experiencing panic attacks and insomnia at night (despite my terrible lack of sleep with a new baby who doesn’t sleep well). They are getting more frequent. I’ve been battling strange thoughts and anxiousness throughout my days, as well.
My husband questioned a couple weeks ago if it could be the collagen I started on since the timing seems to correlate. I brushed him off bc it didn’t seem like that would be related.
I got to thinking today, maybe it is the collagen. Why am I having all of this out of the blue the last month, etc. A quick google search led me to this article/video. I am mind blown.
Likely, this is exactly the root of what’s happening to me. Mixed with poor sleep that was already making me a bit anxious to begin with. I’ve never had panic attacks in my entire life or struggled with these profound, unrealistic, intrusive thoughts. I’m sure it is a serotonin issue. My OB prescribed me an SSRI which I am reluctant to start taking. Now, I’m SO excited to get off the new collagen supplement and see if the symptoms dissipate. I have such a sense of relief knowing this could be such a simple fix.
You are a Godsend. Thank you for your work.
Thanks for sharing and good for your husband! If you’re breastfeeding your baby may also start to sleep better once your serotonin levels rebound (assuming it is a serotonin issue). Please do keep us posted on the outcome.
Wanted to update you – I had almost immediate relief from my extreme symptoms 24 hours after stopping the collagen!!
Throughout the following months, I started to get more and more back to normal. Even now, I struggle here and there with some anxiety I didn’t have before but I assume it takes some time for the brain to stop going down those pathways it learned.
It couldn’t be more clear the collagen somehow caused these extreme symptoms for me!
Thanks for the update and glad to hear you’re doing so much better. I find folks can address residual anxiety by addressing the cause (often low serotonin with collagen). They do so with tryptophan or 5-HTP or exercise or full spectrum light therapy
Hello! I was about to start taking Collagen (Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Capsules) for hair, skin and nails, when I ran across this discussion. Can you clarify for me about the heart palpitations? I’ve had some PVCs my whole life (structurally normal heart, just annoying little buggers). Are you saying collagen supplementation can cause heart palpitations? If so, I’m going to take these back! Thank you!
Collagen can lower serotonin in susceptible folks. This causes anxiety and heart palpitations in some folks.
Please check your sources:
That low serotonin is bad, that you want it to be high because = happy hormone is a myth.
Please stop reinforcing this myth.
All it takes is to read legit science sources.
As I mention in this blog post, I actually blogged about this topic in Sept 2017 and updated the original blog with a number of studies in Dec 2017. You can read about this and all the feedback from folks who have observed issues when consuming collagen and/or gelatin – Collagen and gelatin lower serotonin: does this increase your anxiety and depression?
I even mention there are also quite a few naysayers. Hopefully once you read the extensive research and comments from actual users who have experienced this you’ll be open to this mechanism
Until then feel free to provide links to your sources and do let us know your qualifications and interest in this topic.
Thank you so very much for this Trudy! You may have helped me understand why I am struggling with sudden extreme insomnia.
I have been taking an SSRI (escitalopram/Lexapro) for 3 years for anxiety and depression and it has been hugely beneficial for me. However, as a perimenopausal woman with increasingly saggy skin and lacklustre hair, I started taking a Starpowa collagen supplement (vitamin pill form) three weeks ago. I didn’t make any correlation at all initially, but I have been struggling with extreme insomnia during that time. The lightbulb moment for me came when I sat and asked myself what I had changed in that time. The only thing I could think of is the collagen supplement. I started to research any links between collagen supplements and insomnia and found you! Of course, I will not know if this is a genuine issue until I stop taking the supplement- which I will immediately!
Thank you for your guidance!
Please do let us know
I lost my hair due to covid 19 . So i started Vital Proteins collagen , methylated b-12 (im mthfr c677t) and hair skin nail biotin (b7) vitamins in the morning . I’ve been waking up at 2/3 AM every night & getting very broken sleep , not feeling tired at night. Is it the collagen, or all 3 ???? Should I stop taking all 3 at once & is there a collagen with added Tryptophan out there?!?!
I’d suspect the collagen and consider a trial of tryptophan in order to confirm. There are some collagen products with tryptophan but I prefer using tryptophan separately so doses can be controlled and adjusted up or down.
Hi Trudy,
I took collagen powder for a couple of weeks and all of a sudden started a worry about my eye health.
I’ve had this eye condition called keratoconus for over 20 years and never thought about is as a major issue i wear my glasses and live with it even though eye sight in my right eye is not perfectly corrected. Now I’m obsessing about it all the time and checking my sight all day long. I had two doctor controls that confirmed that my eye sight hasn’t deteriorated but I keep focusing on it to the point of becoming really depressed.
I have a history of taking ssris and other anti anxiety medication but I’ve been fine for a long time now and this came out of the blue.
What neurotransmitters do you think are out of balance? What amino acids could help? Thank you so much
With worry, obsessing and feeling depressed it’s often related to low serotonin and tryptophan or 5-HTP helps.
Hi Trudy,
I ended up with super low blood pressure with shortness of breath, fatigue and body tremors after taking collagen.
Is there anything I can take to reverse this?
Can you share which product and how long you’d been using it/how much? And how long before you noticed the effects and how long since you stopped?
I’d suspect a possible histamine reaction or glutamate reaction more than low serotonin effects but the above info would be a clue. And do you react in a similar way to high histamine foods like sauerkraut or MSG?
Hi Trudy
A product called gelatinheath collagen.
I took 2-3 tablespoons in orange juice for months but then I started getting really low blood pressure and breathing issues. I stopped a few months back and tried it again a week ago, same issue. I get the same symptoms from yoghurt, sourdough bread, probiotics, sauerkraut ect. Oddly, b12 supplements do it too, particularly methylcobalamin…
Thanks heaps for replying
All this is a clue it’s likely a histamine reaction. These are all fermented – including B12. I’d look into histamine intolerance and MCAS. I have one blog post with some information and have additional blog posts planned
I am curious to hear if anxiety and insomnia were also symptoms? (often also experienced by folks with histamine issues)
Absolutely! Anxiety like crazy. Insomnia not so bad, I do wake a lot during the night.
What can I do to help with this, I also feel weak in the legs, almost like unbalanced with muscle loss. Recent blood test indicated everything was right but I haven’t felt right for a long time

Kind regards
As I mentioned above, look into histamine intolerance and MCAS and address these if they are the root cause. Anxiety and waking in the night is common
Some good resources other than the blog above are posts by Dr. Jill Carnahan ( and Beth O’Hara (
I’m so glad I found this page! I started taking collagen for its effect on skin and hair (both badly affected by ageing) and so would like to keep taking it, but it’s very noticeable that even though I normally sleep quite well (waking only one in the night normally) since the collagen I’ve been waking every two hours or so, all through the night! I wake up feeling very thick headed and not all all rested.
Tomorrow will now be one week since I took the Metagenics Collagenics supplement.
I took as directed. And stopped it immediately because of the negative side effects.
For the last week I have experienced severe anxiety, uncontrolled breathing , chest pain, dizziness, blurred vision, shortness of breath, flushing, being cold and hot in body temperature , sleep issues and high blood pressure every day sporadically throughout the day.
How long will it take for this supplement to leave my body?
Aside from feeling very unwell; my business and my family are all affected.
I took collagen for three weeks two table spoons a day had to stop because of anxiety and high blood pressure and numnes in extremeites and slight blurred vision. Just wondering how long these symptoms will last it’s been two weeks so far. I will never take collagen again.
Hi Trudy,
I took NeoCell Collagen as well and felt anxiety and insomina. I am glad I found this site and your research great help. I have stopped taking it now and hopefully will get back to normal.
Please let us know and keep in mind that adding tryptophan or 5-HTP can help if the collagen is lowering serotonin
Hi Trudy! I haven’t been on collagen but rather on a Collagen generator. It’s ingredients are silicon 5mg (choline stabilized orthosilicic acid) and Choline 100 mg.
Wondering if that would be able to lower my natural serotonin levels. I have been taking it for about two years and then about a year ago I started suffering from anxiety and sleeping issues. So now I’m on SSRI at a maintenance dose, but still get anxious from time to time.
Thank you
This is the first feedback I’ve had about this so I don’t have an answer but I’d suspect not. The easiest test would be to stop the supplements and see how you feel.
Thank you for your prompt response! I do have another question, what brand and how many grams or mg would you recommend for someone who wants to start taking tryptophan?
I recommend Lidtke tryptophan – 500mg is a typical starting dose. More here
I started taking ‘complete gut repair’ as I have an egg white allergy and it can be hidden in many food and drinks so can cause sudden and embarrassing consequences. The product was like a miracle cure but caused me for the first time in my life to suffer from insomnia. Unable to get to sleep then a very light twitchy restless sleep. It was terrible, so I wrote to the company advising them but they said it was unlikely to be their product.
I’m now back to sleeping Normally again but having to be mindful of my diet. It’s been amazingly informative reading comments and responses here for confirmation of my suspicions for which I am very grateful
I’m sorry to hear but glad you made the connection and appreciate you sharing here. Do you think it was impacting your serotonin or causing a histamine or glutamate or oxalate reaction?
May I ask What happens when you are exposed to egg white – diarrhea? Could you clarify which product from what company (you’re welcome to post a link) and why was it a miracle cure? Ad what you’re using now instead?
I’m sorry the company dismissed your concerns.
I’m not sure why glutamates or glutamine is even being considered. An overwhelming 43% of collagen is made up of glycine, proline and hydroxyproline.
Those are the aminos that help lower serotonin. Glutamine/Glutamate makes up only 9%, and is much, much higher in muscle meats, etc.. If it were a problem, those meats, eggs, dairy, etc., would be causing massive problems.
Actually, my mistake. Turns out glycine can indeed RAISE serotonin. A google search will turn up more info.
So, it’s a possibility that many who experienced severe anxiety, panic attacks, etc., were actually experiencing serotonin syndrome.
Glycine can raise serotonin but I am not aware of glycine contributing to serotonin syndrome.
You may find this collagen blog useful as I share much of the tryptophan depletion research
Good day Judy. I came here with a question. Will consuming bone broth have similar effects in serotonin levels as consuming collagen?
Thank you in advance for your attention.
Denisse Mendez
One study reports that bone broth doesn’t contain enough collagen to do this but I suspect it’s very individual and depends how much is consumed. Have you observed any adverse low serotonin type effects when consuming bone broth?
Bone broth can cause a histamine and/or glutamate reaction in susceptible folks and lead to anxiety/insomnia via these mechanisms.
Hi Trudy,
About a year ago, I started taking collagen, and shortly after, I noticed that I began to get involuntary muscle jerks, especially when falling asleep and waking up. It would last hours and every single night to the point where even a single part of my body, like my leg, would start to seize uncontrollably. As well as day involuntarily jerks. Long story short, I had a craniotomy when I was younger due to a cavernous malformation. I have had seizures up until I was 23; now I’m 28 and thankfully don’t have any. However, due to these new involuntary jerks, I went to a neurologist, and they said that I had generalized seizures. I didn’t believe it, so I researched and found this page about collagen and how it can affect sleep. As soon as i stopped taking collagen, they decreased by about 90%. Can collagen affect someone that severely? Also, I’ve always had issues with taking certain supplements and specific amino acids. As an athlete, I always tried to improve my performance—certain things like creatine, Alanine, arginine, citrulline, and glutamine would give me feelings, like the slightest noise would make me want to scream from it being so loud, as well as when someone would touch me it almost felt like i was being stabbed. I felt the urge to cry or scream. Most of my senses were very off when taking these. Are there any reasons I would have these symptoms with these supplements? On the bright side, taking taurine, Tyrosine, and leucine had no bad reactions. I would like to know why I can’t tolerate some but seem okay with others.
Thank you in advance! Sorry for the long message.
This reaction is new to me and I’m not sure what would cause collagen to cause involuntary muscle jerks, especially when falling asleep and waking up. You mention a similar reaction to glutamine and arginine and collagen contains both so perhaps that is one factor?
Hi, Trudy. Thank you for responding!
I’ve always been extremely sensitive to supplements. Could these muscle jerks come from the serotonin depletion from taking collagen instead?
The other supplements I’ve taken have been single-ingredient supplements. The creatine and citrulline reactions and symptoms are different from the collagen. My sensories become extremely sensitive when taking those two. It’s always been a struggle when taking new supplements. I’ve also always had difficulty explaining these weird sensations to people without sounding crazy.
Thank you!
Hi Trudy,
I was taking Alayna multi collagen for about 2 months and during that time my sleep was gone. Couldn’t fall asleep at all. Thought it was just because of perimenopause and got my hormone levels tested but all seemed fine, nothing crazy.
Was about to get prescription sleeping pills but something made me check if the collagen could be the cause of my severe insomnia (it was so bad, I couldn’t drive!). Stumbled on your article and got L-tryptophan yesterday. Happy to report that I finally got some sleep! Maybe not 8 hours but I only took 2 capsules and they worked like magic. Hoping for better sleep in the future.
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing and so great to hear tryptophan has helped!
I have been experiencing poor sleep, anxiety, and feelings of sadness. I lost my interest in doing things, and blamed it on the crazy world we live in. I started to suspect it was from a supplement, and stopped various ones. I got sadder and sadder. Then, I researched collagen, and read about the possibilities of depression and anxiety. I am going to stop immediately, as I’ve always been a very steady person. I’m almost sure that this will solve my problem. Thank you for all the comments and information I found on this site! So grateful!
Please do share how you feel when you stop collagen and let us know which product you were using and how much (as this helps others and me)
Hey Trudy,
I had read a study that Type 2 Collagen was helpful for ligament recovery, of which I had an injury back in 2022. So I started taking Type 2 Collagen pills and also a Type 1 & 3 powder in protein shakes or oatmeal. Since then I noticed an inability to fall asleep as fast as usual. My mind would be racing with random thoughts at night, whereas my entire life I would hit the pillow and go right out. Then last year, once I turned 35, I started having trouble staying asleep too… I would find myself constantly waking up during the night, sometimes multiple times. This has never happened my entire life, and I’m known for being a heavy sleeper and sleeping huge amounts of hours without waking up. I have since stopped taking any collagen as of last year, but am still affected, so I’m wondering if it was the collagen or not. (I also wasn’t eating many eggs, bananas, or dairy, which I understand help sleep, and I have since started on those again.) Sometimes I do sleep great and fall right asleep, but it’s becoming the minority of times. I’m not sure why it seems so random and it’s been very frustrating.
I realized the collagen was the main thing I was doing differently, and upon looking it up I discovered this post. The amino acid/tryptophan balance is very intriguing, but I have also seen studies saying that collagen helps sleep. I’m not sure what to do. Any advice?
I wouldn’t suspect collagen as folks typically see sleep improve pretty quickly once they stop using it – whether it’s the serotonin, histamines, oxalates or glutamates affecting sleep and mood/anxiety.
Sleep issues can have many root causes and I look at the following with my clients: low serotonin (and tryptophan), low GABA (and GABA), low blood sugar (and glutamine and eating for blood sugar stability), high cortisol (and Seriphos), EMFs, oxalates, gluten, SIBO, liver/gallbladder/bile issues etc
I discontinued collagen and anxiety went away immediately but was having heart issues and prescribed Taurine by my holistic cardiologist.
I found the same thing happened with the Taurine that happened when I was taking collagen. I researched a saw that taurine works on the glycine receptor site, something like that.
I have stopped Taurine but still experiencing anxiety so I need to keep figuring that out but was wondering if you have any insight into Taurine because it is so beneficial to the heart.
Glad to hear your anxiety resolved when stopping collagen but do keep in mind many are able to continue using it by adding tryptophan or GABA.
I have not had feedback that taurine has similar effects to collagen. Can you describe the symptoms and did they start when taurine was started (and nothing else was changed) and an on-off-on-off trial was done to confirm it was taurine? I ask because there are many causes of anxiety (as you know)
I’m struggling with insomnia and had doctor prescribe sleeping pills, anti depression pills. I had never experienced this and after taking collagen powder for 2 months, I noticed my mood change dramatically. Nobody believes me but I know for sure it is the powder that makes me sleepless.