I’ve been sharing about early registration for my next summit… Anxiety Summit 6: Toxins/Meds/Infections! (I’m the host of this one!)
I’ll continue to share interview snippets leading up to the summit but I want to make sure you know about another one of the summit registrations gifts: 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies eGuide
Here is one of the 27 anxiety-busting tips …#3 Take a cold shower!
Taking a cold shower or turning the hot water off after your shower and getting under the cold water for a minute or two activates the calming parasympathetic system because it has an impact on the vagus nerve.
I always do the 2 minute cold shower after my regular shower – in summer and winter – and I highly recommend it! You’d think it would be a no-no in the middle of winter but even though there is the initial shock, you feel so good afterwards. It’s such a simple intervention! Try it and let me know how you feel!
We cover this and many other ways to activate the vagus nerve in the interview with Dr. Eva Detko – Vagus Nerve Infection and Anxiety. It’s an in-depth interview and we cover:
- VanElzakker’s CFS/vagus nerve infection research
- the vagus nerve role in brain-gut axis
- lactobacillus and GABA
- the vagus nerve and globus pharyngeus (lump in the throat when anxious)
- how antidepressants may adversely impact the vagus nerve
- psychosensory havening and more
Another related interview is the one with Melissa Gallico – Fluoride: Neurotoxicity, Anxiety, Acne and Hypothyroidism. We talk about concerns about fluoride in your shower water. You’ll also learn about other surprising sources of fluoride such as black tea, kombucha and wine!
Some questions for you:
- Have you used this approach with success and how do you feel afterwards?
- Do you continue through winter or would you consider this?
- Have you used variations of this, such as swimming in the ocean or pool in cool or cold weather?
- What other vagus nerve activation approaches do you use?
Here’s to no more anxiety and you feeling on top of the world again! And getting value out of other 26 tips starting today.
You’ve heard me say the Anxiety Summit has been called “a bouquet of hope!” My wish for you is that this summit is your bouquet of hope!
I hope you’ll join me and these incredible speakers, be enlightened and find YOUR solutions!
When you download the eGuide you’ll get automatic access to the summit.
Get the 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies eGuide
And do stay tuned for the summit roadmap – it’s almost ready and will be a great cross-reference of root-causes/triggers, solutions and conditions.
Hello Trudy
I had a very bad fall and severe concussion about three years ago. At the time, I was very successfully retired, happy and practically carefree. I enjoyed all foods, especially highly seasoned, hot flavored dishes. (My favorite spice was red pepper.)
After the fall, I occasionally become edgy or jumpy for no specific reason. It comes on suddenly and fortunately does last very long.
My appetite has decreased significantly and my food preferences have almost reversed. I have no interest whatsoever in hot, spicy foods.
Based on your excellent book and advice, I’ve being using Liposomal NeuroCalm(GABA and L-theanine) and CBD with varying effectiveness. GABA 750mg/ day
L-Theanine 300mg/ day
PureKana CBD 250mg/day.
Do you think the vagus nerve activation can help me manage this more effectively?
Thank you for all you do.
Sorry to hear but good to hear the GABA, theanine and CBD are somewhat helping – I assume with the edginess/jumpiness? Since serotonin is also often depleted after a concussion this may also be worth looking into
Vagus nerve support is very much helpful after a concussion. So is doing neurorehab with a functional neurologist. Dr. Kharrazian shares more about this here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/fix-the-brain-to-fix-the-gut-with-dr-datis-kharrazian-on-the-anxiety-summit-5/
They should be able to do a full functional workup and also look for low levels of vitamin D, low omega3-s, low/high cortisol, low progesterone, leaky gut etc. More on this here – Functional Medicine Approach to Traumatic Brain Injury https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC5580364/
Great tips for activating the vagus nerve and reducing anxiety! I recently read an article that also explored how cold exposure can calm the nervous system and improve mental well-being. It’s amazing how simple practices like cold showers can have such a powerful impact.
Do you think cold therapy could become a go-to tool for managing stress and anxiety? Would love to hear your thoughts!
Yes I’m a big fan of cold exposure /cold plunges and would add it to the toolbox of one of many approaches to implement