The host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution closes the Anxiety Summit Season 4.
Anxiety Summit closing: Neurotransmitter testing, amino acid questions, hyperflexibility/EDS and pet anxiety
- Ehlers Danlos Syndrome/EDS, hyperflexibility, connective tissue problems and the connection to pyroluria/social anxiety
- Natural anxiety solutions for cats, dogs and horses
- Neurotransmitter and pyroluria testing: what works and what doesn’t
- Amino acid questions I get asked and my feedback
- Questions from you, the summit attendees
If this is your first summit and this nutritional info is new to you and you feel overwhelmed start at the beginning and take baby steps and start with the basics: switch to eating a real whole foods diet and dump the junk/processed food, eat to control blood sugar get off the sugar and get off the gluten and caffeine.
You can come back to the advanced topics like oxytocin and fluroquinoline toxicty and Lyme disease and heavy metals and Ehlers Danlos syndrome (and all the rest) later.
I shared these 60+ Nutritional & Biochemical Causes of Anxiety on my closing call of The Anxiety Summit season 3. I hope they will help you put the puzzle pieces together to resolve your anxiety.
Here is some of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and anxiety/social anxiety/pyroluria information from the blog I posted late last year: Joint hypermobility / Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and pyroluria?
Here is what we know from the research: disorder of connective tissue, premature osteoarthritis, intestinal dysmotility, and laxity in other tissues causing hernias or uterine or rectal prolapse, chronic pain some with serious disability
Here is the feedback I received from my blog reader: much higher than expected incidences of anxiety, depression, chronic pain which is often labelled as fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal problems, pyroluria, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), leaky gut, less than ideal responses to nutrient therapies, many on cocktails of medications for pain, sleep, anxiety, depression, reflux, IBS, menstrual disorders etc. [I appreciate her for posing the question]
There are a number of papers published in 2014 and 2015 linking EDS / Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with psychiatric disorders, in one Swedish paper anxiety was as high as 74.8%. In another paper they found preliminary connections with depression, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and OCD.
I have had many people with pyroluria confirm the connection and a number who get on the pyroluria protocol see their symptoms improve. One person found a connection to Thin Basement Membrane Disease (an inherited collagen/connective tissue disorder diagnosed via kidney biopsy) and pyroluria and saw an improvement in both on the pyroluria protocol.
Here is the pyroluria questionnaire
Please see the above blog for links to the research I discussed and all the comments
Lisa Bloomquist shared this in the blog comments of her interview: Antibiotic Induced Anxiety – How Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Induce Psychiatric Illness Symptoms
I agree completely, both that people with EDS should never be given fluoroquinolones (check this out ), and that fluoroquinolones can also exacerbate and cause EDS symptoms (and maybe EDS itself). Fluoroquinolones definitely cause connective tissue problems. They even have a black box warning on them noting the damage they can do to tendons. In addition to tendons, they can also damage cartilage, muscles, and collagen. I’m not sure whether the FQs trigger symptoms of EDS, or if they trigger epigenetic changes that lead to EDS. There are an unfortunately large number of people who have EDS symptoms post-exposure to these drugs.
The person who posed the question to me is a member of a FB group called: Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Polysaccharide
I haven’t had a chance to look into everything they recommend but I’ve been super impressed with what I’ve seen on this online forum.
Let us know if this resonates with you and if you have you been diagnosed with joint hypermobility or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? If you have pyroluria to let us know if the pyroluria protocol of zinc, vitamin B6, evening primrose oil and a good copper-free multi has helped?
Pets and anxiety:
- Anxitane, tryptophan, gluten-free diet and a Thundershirt (here’s an example of one)
- Check with your vet about Rescue Remedy and pyroluria protocol (I’ve had feedback from people using both approaches)
- Researchers have found that vets who were given pet dogs showed significant improvement in their PTSD symptoms. Here is the article
New research just out: Antidepressive treatment during pregnancy can affect newborn brain activity
New Medscape article – Fluoroquinolones: Not First-Line Treatment
Inspiring words of wisdom from a listener:
It was very helpful to hear of Tricia and her family’s journey with lyme, anxiety, pylouria, GABA, etc. I am hoping that other parents will try “natural” remedies first for anxiety, panic, etc. I was put on antidepressants in my early teens and thus began a life long battle of trying to get my life back.
My parents didn’t know the repercussions of the medications I was on. I went from being an A student to being completely zoned out for a while in school, along with other problems from the prescription medications. Then came the thoughts of suicide and more. I had no idea what was going on with me.
Years later, a psychiatrist who seemed more open to natural remedies and who couldn’t find a medication that could help me or keep me from completely losing it, had an “enlightened moment” and when he went back over my history realized the “issues” I was having was most likely related to my hormones. I would indeed find out later that this was the case and that it had to do a lot with what we were eating growing up. My hormones were a mess as a young teenager and what we were eating a home was not at all healthy for us and filled with hormones, antibiotics, etc.
I want to impress on people that these prescription medications will ALWAYS do more damage than good. And my heart breaks when I hear of the young people around me being put on these medications. I just recently learned ECT (shock treatment) is now being used on the young.
Some time back, I cannot remember, I learned of you, Trudy, and your work. Even though I knew some of what you taught, I was still afraid to completely let go of the meds. It took some time, a great deal of struggle, patience and trust, but I eventually made the switch to a WAY MORE healthier diet, L-tryptophan, GABA calm and GABA, and have slowly begun to reclaim my life.
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You can find your purchasing options here.: Anxiety Summit Season 1, Anxiety Summit Season 2, Anxiety Summit Season 3, and Anxiety Summit Season 4.