I’ve got some great gift ideas for you for the anxious person in your life, and for you too because you deserve a gift (or two) too!
A national tradition of Iceland is called Jolabokaflod or the “Christmas Book Flood”. It involves giving books as presents on the night of the 24th and people spend the night reading. I love books and just love this so I’m starting with some book ideas for you:
(1) A wonderful new book by my friend and colleague Susan Albers, PsyD: 50 More Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food: Mindfulness Strategies to Cope with Stress and End Emotional Eating. It is wonderful and includes many techniques that are new to me – like Skull-Shining Breath, Madras, Power-posing, Mala Bead Meditation (and more) and so many of my favorites like smiling, forest bathing, yoga, and thalassotherapy (the therapeutic use of seawater). There are 50 of them! I love it!
(2) An excellent new book edited by Dr. Kelly Brogan MD, Holistic Psychiatrist and Dr. James Greenblatt MD: Integrative Therapies for Depression: Redefining Models for Assessment, Treatment and Prevention. There are contributions from some of my other favorite integrative/holistic practitioners: Dr. Kat Toups MD, Julia Rucklidge PhD, Dr. William Shaw (Exposure to Toxic Chemicals as a Cause of Depression), Dr. Sara Gottfried MD (The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Mood Disorders), and Dr. Peter Bongiorno ND (Stress, Fear, Trauma, and Distress: Underlying Factors in Depression). I have not yet read it but based on the table of contents I can’t wait and I’ve placed my preorder. Great for you as a practitioner or as a gift for your favorite practitioner! [you can also get it here – use promo code AMQ21 and SAVE 25% plus FREE Shipping Worldwide]
(3) A new book by Anxiety Summit speaker Dr. Peter Bongiorno ND: Put Anxiety Behind You – The Complete Drug-Free Program. I have a copy and it’s excellent! This blurb sums it up so well: “he offers his holistic approach to healing anxiety and avoiding relapse, with a toolkit that includes foods and plant-based medicines, plus anxiety-reducing yoga poses, massage techniques, and acupressure points you can try on your own for lasting relief.” He also “tackles how to safely wean from anti-anxiety medication.”
(4) Here is a new book that will be released in early January – Smart Fat: Eat More Fat. Lose More Weight. Get Healthy Now by Dr. Steven Masley MD and Jonny Bowden PhD. Here is some information from the summary blurb: “The innovative guide that reveals how eating more fat – the smart kind – is the key to health, longevity, and permanent weight loss” and they explain “the amazing properties of healthy fat, including its ability to balance hormones for increased energy and appetite control, and its incredible anti-inflammatory benefits” all of which is key for a good mood and reducing anxiety.
(5) And of course my book: The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings. It’s remarkable how much the foods we eat can impact our brain chemistry and emotions. What and when we eat can make the difference between feeling anxious and staying calm and in control. But most of us don’t realize how much our diets influence our moods, thoughts, and feelings until we make a change. It also contains whole chapters on brain chemicals and pyroluria, with detailed protocols.
(6) If you’re looking for a digital gift, the Anxiety Summit season 1, season 2 and season 3 is on sale for the holidays. Learn about nutritional and biochemical causes of anxiety: gut health and the microbiome, hormone imbalance, methylation issues, low neurotransmitter levels (amino acids are amazing for this), pyroluria (causing social anxiety), oxalates/gluten (special diets), pyschoneuroendocrinology, heavy metals, poor liver health, adrenal issues like high cortisol, mold, candida, parasites and much more. Note: We extended the holiday 54% off prices until Wednesday December 16th at 12 midnight eastern time.
Check out your purchase options here: https://www.theanxietysummit.com/holiday2015/
(7) For the gadget-loving person check out the new Nima sensor, a portable device that tests liquid and solid foods for the presence of gluten in about two minutes. It’s an “easy, fast, chemistry test for your food that can be done at the table, discreetly.” They’re taking pre-orders for the Nima sensor and should start shipping sometime in Spring of 2016.
(8) This is one of my favorite tech tools for stress reduction: HeartMath. It’s cool meditation tool that “scientifically monitors your emotional and physical health – and helps you improve it.” There is the Inner Balance™ for iPhone & iPad (pictured below) or emWave2® in hand or at your computer (perfect for the busy person who is on the computer a lot). Heartmath is offering 25% off products through December 31, 2015.

(9) If you’re looking for a yummy edible gift, here are the highest quality organic spices from Primal Palate. This says it all: “These are the highest quality spices available. Period. Our spices are certified USDA-Organic, Whole30 Approved, Certified Gluten-Free, Kosher, Non-GMO, and Non-Irradiated. In other words, they are un-messed-around-with, and just as nature intended!” Beautiful! This one is our favorites – Meat & Potatoes Seasoning, their “signature blend for seasoning home fries and meatballs. It adds wonderful flavor to just about anything. Unsure how to season a certain dish? Try this!” Check out the ingredients: Pink Himalayan Salt, Paprika, Onion, Garlic, Black Pepper, Oregano.
(10) How about a gift card from a non-profit? KIVA is a wonderful non-profit that offers microfinancing that “helps to empower women, thus promoting gender-equity and improving household well-being.” My passion is educating women about how important real whole food is, so I choose to lend money to women who have businesses related to food and farming. You can read more about KIVA here and some of the women I have chosen to support here and get information about gift KIVA cards here.

(11) And finally how about fostering a baby elephant? I’m a born and bred African (born in Zimbabwe and grew up in South Africa) so I can’t resist adding this one: Foster an Orphan Elephant as a Christmas Gift – from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. As they say on the site it’s a “truly unique and novel gift that can be enjoyed throughout the year.” And contributes to the future of these magnificent creatures!

I hope this has given you some ideas for gift-giving this holiday season! Happy shopping!