The movie that Big Pharma, the Vaccine Industry, the Medical Establishment and Big Ag DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!
Watch it at NO CHARGE between February 20th – March 6th (details are below)
UPDATE 3/6/15: FREE VIEWING HAS BEEN EXTENDED THRU SUNDAY MARCH 15th – ENJOY! (the drawing will be done after this so keeping sharing and adding your WOWs in the comments!)
I’m thrilled to be able to share this incredible movie viewing with you. Jeff Hayes, producer of the new film BOUGHT, is a man on a mission, and he is making it available to view at no charge for a limited time.
BOUGHT is a groundbreaking documentary that exposes the shocking truth behind drugs, vaccines and GMOs. It’s all about Big Food, Big Ag, and Big Pharma and is all about money and profits.
The movie subtitle is perfect: “Your health – now brought to you by Wall Street.”
Watch this film and hear from acclaimed experts in science, medicine, and the law, plus the activists who are raising awareness to help protect their families and will help you protect your family.
Big Pharma funding medical education
You may recognize Dr. Kelly Brogan MD., integrative psychiatrist. I interviewed her on both season 1 and season 2 of the Anxiety Summit. She talks about how Big Pharma funded her medical education. She shared how she was heavily courted by the drug industry and taken to first class restaurants. Of course, she questioned all of this and now educates her patients about real food, gut health, inflammation, curcumin, low vitamin B12 etc.
Selling a drug (the antidepressant Paxil) off-label to children
Former drug sales rep (and now whistleblower) Blair Hamrick, was fired from GlaxoSmithKline when he reported that the company was selling a drug (the antidepressant Paxil) off-label to children. The drug was indicated for 18 years and above.
In July 2012, James Cole, Deputy Attorney General announced that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) had to pay $3 billion dollars in fines. Carmen Ortiz, US Attorney, MA, shared that GlaxoSmithKline “bribed physicians to prescribe GSK drugs using every imaginable form high-priced entertainment.”
Here is a snippet about this from the New York Times
Prosecutors said the company had tried to win over doctors by paying for trips to Jamaica and Bermuda, as well as spa treatments and hunting excursions. In the case of Paxil, prosecutors claim GlaxoSmithKline employed several tactics aimed at promoting the use of the drug in children, including helping to publish a medical journal article that misreported data from a clinical trial.
A warning was later added to the drug that Paxil, like other antidepressants, might increase the risk of suicidal thoughts in teenagers.
Prosecutors said the company had marketed Wellbutrin for conditions like weight loss and sexual dysfunction when it was approved only to treat major depressive disorder.
Blair Hamrick shared this in the movie: “I have a new respect for doctors that didn’t want drug reps in their office.” Reps are given 3 week crash courses and are taught exactly what to say to the doctors. They are persuading doctors to make decisions about patient care.
Shocking Paxil study 329
One of my favorite integrative doctors, Dr. Tami Meraglia MD., talks more about the Paxil study 329. It found that suicide ideation tripled in adolescents who were on this antidepressant. The study authors omitted – yes omitted! – these parts from the study saying the adolescents were non-compliant, instead of reporting this as a side-effect! Had this been reported in the study, Paxil would not have been approved for use in adolescents.
A message of hope and empowerment
I love that it’s a movie with a mission and also with a message of hope and empowerment. It’s bringing these issues to light so we can make sure things get changed!
Brad and I watched the movie earlier this week and we were riveted to our seats! I highly recommend it! You may not agree with everything and much of this is controversial (especially the vaccine information) but I encourage you to simply be open to listening to both sides.
Watch it at NO CHARGE
Just sign up HERE to get access to the full video viewing – enter your name and email and you’ll receive an email with a link to watch it at your leisure
Save your spot, enjoy the video, and do tell others about it!
You can also buy copies of the DVD and transcript (as a hardcopy booklet). There are discounts for volume sales – for schools, organizations, clubs etc. or if you’d like to buy a copy for family and friends.
Addition 2/25/15: Let’s get this message out in a REALLY big way!
- Watch it and make a note of 1-3 things that made you go “Wow! I have to tell my sister/mother/husband/wife/best friend/daughter/son this right now!” Also make note of the time elapsed (e.g. 13 minute mark)
- For each of the 1-3 things/facts that made you go wow, come back and comment on the blog with each “wow fact” + the corresponding minute mark for each one.
- Here is an example: “Wow! Dr. Tami Meraglia – Paxil study – suicide ideation tripled in children – they omitted these parts from the study… 15 min mark”
- This will inspire others to go and watch these sections and will give a great synopsis with minute marks each of us can go back to.
Win a copy of The Anxiety Summit
As a thank you, once the free viewing ends, I’ll do a drawing and 3 lucky winners will each win a copy of either season 1 or season 2 of The Anxiety Summit, 25+ hours of expert interviews on nutritional solutions for anxiety. If you already own a copy you’ll get a season 3 when it airs in May.
UPDATE: 4/17/15 – the winners have been selected – congratulations to Peace, Theresa and Susan! Thanks to everyone for comments and shares!
Thanks Trudy. Look forward to seeing this.
Enjoy and come back and let us know what you found interesting
Wow! Never even heard of this but I’ll plan to look it up.
Enjoy Sue – with your background in massage I know you’ll enjoy it
Fascinating movie – up there with Zeitgeist in shedding light on truth – thanks for sharing Trudy
Glad you enjoyed it Heidi! I have not seen Zeitgeist and will check it out – thanks
When I click on the link a message comes up that there are issues with the security of the site.
Is this good to go?
I never vaccinated my dogs or my kids. I still feel that I made the right decision.
Hi Carol
I am not getting this security message and haven’t heard from anyone else having issues with it. It may be related to how you have security set up on your computer i.e. your rules may be stricter. I can vouch for Jeff Hays and his team but it’s really your call. I do hope you can figure it out – it’s such a good watch.
I’ll also contact them and let them know – we don’t want this affecting views
Thanks too for sharing about your kids and dogs
Appreciate you sharing this link with me.
I plan to watch the movie this week. The
topic sounds quite interesting.
Let us know what you find interesting Mitch
Wow! I am so very glad you put this in your newsletter for me!It’s so well done; it’s just the best compliation of expert interviews and evidence. I have been very interested and convinced of the correlation between vaccines and autism and chronic disease. I sincerely grieve for the many many children who have suffered from the poisons and life-changing destruction placed upon what was once a healthy body. I witnessed a beautiful, normal healthy baby boy about 18 months old quickly become a listless, glaze eyed little guy, then watched the stuggles for him and his parents as he grew up autistic and disabled. I know that I know it was vaccines that did this to him.
The video brought out so much more evidence of harm that I didn’t know enough about, such as GMOs and the Gardasil vaccine, but especially the cover-ups and manipulation of data. Thank you again, Trudy, and a huge thank you to all who were involved in this video and those who have made a stand against the anti-health campaign that has taken over.
So glad you have enjoyed it Kim! A movie like this is such a great way to get the info out and I agree, the cover-ups and manipulation of data are quite shocking!
Wholeheartedly agree – superb job all around! Jeff Hays is quite amazing and so are all his experts!
(1) Wow! Dr. Tami Meraglia – Paxil study – suicide ideation tripled in teens – they omitted these parts from the study… 15 min mark
(2) Wow! whistleblower Allen Jones (fraud inspector) – Risperdal research by Johnson and Johnson was all based on fraudulent and manipulated data and when he wanted to report it he was told to back off. 16:58 minute mark
(3) Wow! the HPV vaccine study used aluminum as the placebo (I think it’s around the 40 minute mark)
This is my contribution to kick things off
Nice find Trudy! I haven’t seen this film yet, but I think it’s important for people to gather data from a variety of sources when they make decisions.
I love how they did it in this movie – researchers, moms, activists, doctors, nutritionists, lawyers, whistle-blowers and more
Thanks for sharing Trudy! I didn’t know of this movie.
Dear Trudy my husband and I sat dow to what Bougtht last that night and have not stopped talking about it. When I was pregnant with my 3rd child I had gone back to school to take some pre-req course I needed to take. One was an English course. I remember the assignment was to take an article written in the local paper and research it further. I found a really interesting article on child who had been vaccinated and then had gotten very ill as a result. I chose this article as I was due to have a baby soon and it seemed very interesting at the time. I was shocked at the information I was finding. I had always thought immunizations were safe otherwise why would our pediatricians give them to your youngest babies. I showed this information to my husband at the time and he was just as upset as I was at Big Pharmas influence in the decision to vaccinate and also on the increase of vaccinations given to babies. At that time there was a talk of a super vaccine that would have had at least 5 vaccines in them to be given at birth. It was a challenging paper for me to write. I was going against all I had been to taught. My parents went on to tell me how much it did for polio and other diseases but I had the most unusual reaction. Every time I even thought of having our son immunized I would here (in my head) a blood curdling scream NO!!!. Every time. I was aware my intuition had improved after my NDE experience with the birth of my daughter 4 years earlier but after I heard the scream of NO I really did not get any more information. I told my husband of my experiences and told him I had no real explanation for them except I felt that if I did vaccinate him something awful would happen. It wasn’t like I could only vaccinate a little. I just KNEW that any vaccine would hurt my son. It is not until 18 years later and epigenetics is now being talked about that I understand that knwo. It turns out that I passed on Lyme disease to my son who when he was bitten at 10 had a very bad reaction leading us to eventually move to AZ to be in better weather and with a more understanding school system. I also passed on Lyme to my daughter who is 21 years of age.She was immunized but got very illl at one MMR given at 18 months and has been struggling with one chronic illness after another for her whole life. Most recently Christian and I had 23 an and check our genetic make up and it turns out that we both have the gene mutation for C677T mutation along with others. We don’t deotx well. I look back on that voice heard every time I was asked by a family member, friend or doctor if I was gong to immunize my son and I remember “hearing the scream” I am proud that I listened to my mothers intuition and refused to have him immunized. I did not make this decision lightly. I read every book I could get my hand on and in the end we decided in to sign a price of paper that would allow him not to be immunized yet still attend school. I am grateful I listened to my gut. If I hadn’t given him a shot with his history we may have been living with a very different boy. I would ask that mothers become educated and know that they do have choices as to the timing of each shot and as to whether or not they have to have more than one shot at a time and please don’t listen to any doctor who says it is just find for your child to have a shot if hey don’t feel well. RESCHEDULE. Mothers need to demand he best care available for their children. This movie should be shown to all children who are in science class so that conversations may start up around the subject and to young women in college. We have not had any trouble getting to son into school, camps or any other event that may require immunizations.We show them out exemption and there is no questioning. Mothers need to know they have a choice and there needs to be more transparency around the side effects. I for one am glad I listened to that loud voice. All it would have taken was one shot. It gives me much to be grateful for . Cat LeVasseur
Thanks for sharing this and bravo for listening to that voice in your head and trusting your gut! So pleased you and your husband enjoyed it so much!
Since you are reading my blog I assume you are familiar with the world of natural health and the nutritional and biochemical approaches to help your daughter and son. Even if they have Lyme disease there is so much that can be done – so they should be able to live completely healthy lives.
I do think the genetic testing is an excellent idea and I am now recommending it to all my clients
WOW – scary! I watched last night and forwarded information about watching to others. We all need to have this information and work together for change.
Sharon – yes scary is the word – thanks for sharing! Knowing about this and working together and demanding change is key
This was a great movie and I learned so much from it. It’s really challenging for people to understand how the system works and how consumer unfriendly it can be. Hearing these real-life stories can be the key to opening awareness of how important these issues really are. Not just for us, but for future generations as well.
I agree, the real life stories are a very powerful way to get this message to more people. I feel this was done so well in this movie – real people with real stories!
Dear Cat,
Thank you for your wonderful post. I read it and immediately forwarded Trudy’s blogpost to my friend’s son & wife, who just had their first baby. They need to know there is choice and thank you for pointing that fact out. I didn’t realize you could just say no to childhood vaccines.
Just as an FYI: your daughter (and son?) does not have to struggle for the rest of her life, there is help & hope. I have been following the GAPS diet for almost 2 years and have gotten a lot of healing done with auto-immune issues. (Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride had a son who was born with autism. No doctor could give her a satisfactory answer so she went back to school for another doctorate and ended up designing the “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” Diet. She has helped many, may families with an autistic child …as well as many of us adults with auto-immune issues). See:
(Read Baden’s GAP book, too; an excellent addition to reading Dr. C-M’s book.)
There is a great Yahoo list for GAPS and there are local practicioner’s to help you along (see her website for names).
I would also google the “autoimmune paleo diet.” Here are several great websites:
Here is a great Boston doctor (psychiatrist) who was a GAPS practicioner and has now shifted to an Auto-Immune Paleo perspective:
There is hope for your daughter! I so wish all this info was out there when I was 20 and struggling with, what I now know is, auto-immunity. Food is absolutely the key!!!
And, of course, Trudy’s website and book and summits are goldmines!
PS Maybe Trudy could comment about the Lyme Disease issue? I have pyroluria (Trudy has been extremely helpful!) and I have bumped into many comments on the web about a connection between Lyme disease and pyroluria. I know nothing about this …but it is worth ruling it out. Trudy’s pyroluria protocol and her book and blogposts have been lifesavers for me as re. pyroluria.
How lovely of you to share this with Cat! Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is amazing and the GAPs diet is fabulous. I’m not familiar with the work of Baden or the Boston doctor you mention and will be sure to check them out myself. I learn new stuff every day (and love it!) I need to take a deeper dive into pyroluria-Lyme. I’ve also heard this but have not personally seen clients with both conditions
I’m so pleased to read you are doing so well! Good for you for digging and finding answers
Thanks too for your lovely words – I love the goldmine comment
and am so glad my pyroluria protocol, book and pyroluria blogposts have been lifesavers for you. Reading this just makes my day!
I thought I’d grab some of my facebook comments/feedback and post them here as a comment – I just love how many people are watching and sharing!!!
Here is the FB link
OMG ignorance is a choice! Thanks for sharing
Free viewing until March 6!! Get the news out there!!
Great movie everyone should watch this one.
Trials and studies with unfavorable results are omitted all the time. Its not that there are no studies, It’s that those studies get burned. … [my reply: you and I may know this but many people don’t and I hope this movie helps to change this]
Fascinating movie – reminds me of Zeitgeist
Don’t even get me started. Medicine can be used for good but it ALWAYS has bigger side effects than we imagine.
Thanks for making this readily available. I’ve watched it and sent it on to others to watch.
thanks so much for sharing this amazing movie. I watched it this afternoon and it mimics the information I’ve been reading out the last month. EVERYONE should watch this film.
I watched it with my hubby & daughter! Very informative
Thank you for sharing this, Trudy. It’s encouraging to see so many “likes” for this post. You have wise clients and followers. That’s a testament to the work you do. [my reply: yes I have wise clients and followers just like you!]
I am watching it again, as there is so much relative info.
This film is a keeper!
Riveting, shocking, eye opening film ~
The film is approx. 1.5 hrs but flies by.
I was particularly stunned at the vaccine Gardasil, which was FALSELY marketed to PREVENT cervical cancer. This claim was never supported through clinical trials 1:12.
So many young girls are targeted with Merk’s 93 Billion dollar campaign to promote this UNPROVEN vaccine.
1:13 Aluminum content is high in vaccine
WOW>>>>We are to AVOID aluminum in underarm deodorants, but inject high doses into our bloodstream that has not been proven to prevent cervical cancer….
WOW….Aluminum is TOXIC
1:14 serious side effects of Gardasil vaccine include coma and death, among several other
1:15 Gardasil is the MOST EXPENSIVE VACCINE to date, which specifically targets young girls
It makes me so sad for our daughters and sisters and nieces and mothers and aunts….
It makes me so mad at Big Pharma for prioritizing $$$ over health, and charging US the people to be used as human experiments with detrimental consequences….
Thank U Jeff Hay 4 making this documentary to educate us on possible consequences of our decisions in our own health.
Its OUR HEALTH, and trusting Big Pharma because of tv and magazine ads does not guarantee their claims are true, on the contrary…their claims may be unfounded and data manipulated.
Big Pharma does not equal blind faith.
Side effects of pharmaceuticals…..tend to compete & complicate their efficacy.
I believe Our bodies have the ability to heal under the right circumstances, with proper nutrition & lifestyle, and avoidance of chemicals is key.
Chemicals pollute the environment, both internal & external.
What excellent WOWs you have shared! Also related to the whole awful Gardasil study was that they used aluminum in the control group!
I thank Jeff Hays too – and the fabulous people in the movie! and people like you who watch and share!
A few people have had issues with the video buffering i.e. stopping and starting
This is an issue on your end – here is a nice blog post with some info on how to resolve this
The entire movie was incredible and eye opening. I was not aware of the three types of GMO’s. I would like to find that info in a written format to share with others.
I want to learn more about what you have to offer regarding anxiety and depression as it may relate to GMOs vaccines ect.
What is the best format to share the movie viewing opportunity with others?
Thank you Trudy for all you provide for us. I have alot to learn!
Excellent Theresa and you’re most welcome
The BOUGHT folks are set up for making it easy to share this information. On the page with the video (see the link in the above blog) you will see a book version of the movie, and they have DVD buying options that include discounts for buying various volumes. Let me know if you have trouble finding any of this.
Regarding GMOs and anxiety and depression: I interviewed Jeffrey Smith on the Anxiety Summit and he shared how GMOs affect the shikimate pathway, thereby affecting serotonin levels – more here It was a great interview. His website is also a wealth of information.
Regarding vaccines and and anxiety and depression I don’t have anything specific. The closest information would be the mercury interviews (also Anxiety Summit)
I was able to watch only 35 minutes before the system froze and I haven’t been able to watch the rest of the movie. My comments are based on the first part of the movie.
While I think alerting people to harmful medicines is important, I don’t think the interview format was the best way to do it. Most of it was showing how bad things are, bashing drug companies. I prefer facts and evidence.
How about addressing more important issues? For example, examining the germ theory of disease which has resulted in pasteurization, antibiotics, and vaccines.
Thanks for sharing your perspective. It’s interesting that you didn’t think there were facts/evidence. Perhaps the book version of the movie may be more practical for you?
I’m going to have Jeff come and read all these comments and he may well like your idea as to why pasteurization and antibiotics are problematic. Vaccines were covered in the latter half of this video that you were not able to watch.
Sorry to hear you had technical issues – it seems these are user issues and rebooting or sorting out buffering issues may help (see the buffering link I posted in another comment)
I am just so speechless after watching this movie!! I wish there was a way to mandate for everyone to watch. For me it’s a big ‘WOW’ to the entire movie and I will be watching again as their was so much information I want to hear again.
Some definite extra Wow’s for me were:
1. WOW around 13 minutes when Blair Hamrick spoke! Especially a new sales rep. taking 3 week crash course on a drug and then they go and persuade the doctor to give to patient?? All he shared was a big WOW for me!
2. Around the 1 hour 8 minute mark when Dawn Loughborough spoke I was just so teared up by the facts presented thus far. And her adding that the vaccinations long ago used to be to protect the children and now it’s about protecting the program – this is just so heartwrenching and nothing but the truth!
3. Wow – Gary Goldman around 1 hour and 18 minutes. Chart that showed a huge spike in fetal deaths due to double flu shots being administered during this time. WOW WOW!
I have 2 boys – one fully vaccinated and the youngest I stopped around 12 months when staring to research is health and severe asthma. I’m so grateful for the information that is becoming available so that we can make the best decisions for our children and ourselves.
I love your WOWs – they make me want to go back and watch! I think each time we watch and by reading all these great WOWs we’ll pick up new insights!
I agree…I wish there was a way to mandate for everyone to watch. It would be fabulous to get this into schools for parents to watch. And yes we really do need this info to make the best decisions!
I am thrilled that this information is all in one place. I have been doing “independent” research here and there for years – and trying to put it all together. Sometimes I felt like I had so many pieces of the puzzle but couldn’t quite get the whole picture. Well now it is all becoming very clear the truth is coming to light!
Wonderful Cristi – so pleased the puzzle is being completed for you!
Thank you so much for the link to this film! My children have been vaccinated and thank God, have had no adverse side effects that I know of. It did kill me to see my 1 day old daughter get vaccinated in her foot. I asked what were they doing to her and they said they are required by law to vaccinate all infants. I felt helpless and wanted to take that needle out of my newborn daughter’s foot. I didn’t allow the doctors to vaccine with the chicken pox vaccine until I was told that they could not be registered for school without proof from the doctor that they had this vaccine. I was pressured by a doctor to get them vaccinated with Gardisel but I decided against that as well. I feel I’ve had some control in protecting them but not as much as I would have liked. Knowledge is power. I hope everyone gets to see this!
Thanks for your comment Janice – and yes, knowledge is power!
My husband and I were able to watch this last night. I’ve felt all along that doctors were way too pushy with drugs and I figured the reasons behind that partly include money which is a shame. I just went to the doctor last week to get some blood work done because I’ve been feeling so tired, anxious and a number of things, thinking it was blood sugar, thyroid or something. I got a good lecture on a brand new birth control method that you insert under the skin, I was told, you’re just tired, and strongly encouraged…multiple times… to get on some anti anxiety medication! Ugh, I should have known! Not once did she say maybe you should try GABA or 5HTP, it’s absurd. I don’t have a deficiency in prozac!
I was really interested to hear about the different types of GMO’s. My husband has always argued that they are taking certain desirable traits and turning them on in a plant species. But hearing about the other 2 types of GMO’s was fascinating and scary. Of course I loved it whenever they talked about the gut, because we all know that is where most of our seratonin is produced and when that gets upset bad things happen.
Even thought I am a very naturally oriented mom, I’m still not totally anti-vaccine, I realize they have eradicated many terrible diseases, what I disagree with is the schedule children are on and the amount of vaccines being created these days. I feel like it’s driven by money and not the best interests of our children. Sad.
Thanks for sharing – I don’t like the sound of that new birth control – scary!
And you’re spot on with the gut serotonin connection
Hello! Just got back from travel and am wondering if movie is still available for watch. Also, did I miss the announcement of winners for Anxiety Summit? Thank you!
The first 30 minutes is available for free viewing – it’s the same link as above in the blog post.
We’ll be announcing the winners in Friday’s newsletter – stay tuned!
Hello, just wondering if newletter went out with winners? Thank you for this opportunity!!
Hi Susan
I’ll be announcing them on Friday! sorry – I got a little behind…