Bonnie passed away August 26, 2011 after battling autoimmune hepatitis for four months. She was comfortable and surrounded by her loving husband Howard, her three loving daughters Rachael, Leah and Merrill, and other family members.
There was a wonderful memorial service and potluck reception held in Point Reyes Station at the Dance Palace. And in the words of another dear friend, Grace: “Dance palace– what a perfect venue to celebrate the life of someone special”.
These organizations were very near and dear to Bonnie. And the family asked that in lieu of flowers (for those who wish to send), donations can be made to: West Marin Senior Services ( and CLAM / Community Land Trust Association of West Marin (
Bonnie was a very special friend to me …we met in 2004 at the first NANP / National Association of Nutrition Professionals ( conference, chatted voraciously all weekend and continued to share, encourage and support each other from then onwards. We would meet for walks, lunches and at conferences around the country, and spend hours on the phone discussing new books, new research and anything food and nutrition-related.
Bonnie was an amazingly passionate nutritionist who went back to nutrition school in her 60s. She was very active in the NANP and served as a director on the board, headed up the Publications committee and helped design the conference program and other NANP materials (she was a very talented graphic artist too!) Her daughter Merrill shared this with me: “Mom told me recently when I asked what she was most proud of in her life that it was her nutrition career…”
Some of the feedback from fellow nutrition colleagues:
“Bonnie was always such a delight to see at each seminar and nutrition meeting. I am so glad I knew her”…Anasuya
“Please tell Bonnie’s family that we are receiving numerous emails about Bonnie. She made a huge impact on our members at the conferences. Many remember her passion for nutrition and willingness to share her knowledge – and just being a lovely person.” …Jane
“I am so saddened to see such a young spirit go, but at least she is not in any more pain and suffering. May your heart be filled with fond memories of Bonnie and that you keep her close in your heart”… Karen
Bonnie was also a HUGE supporter of me as a new author and I was honored that she agreed to be a peer reviewer of my book The Antianxiety Food Solution. As I write this, I’m smiling and remembering her honest and very useful feedback after she heard me present a large Vegas conference…“Trudy, it was a great talk and very informative and your enthusiasm and passion for the subject is obvious BUT you used the word HUGE too much! Low blood sugar has a HUGE impact on anxiety …sugar addiction is a HUGE problem…having a good breakfast makes a HUGE difference to how you feel the rest of the day…” Great advice and as a result, I try to tone down my use of the word HUGE when I present.
Bonnie – you will be sadly missed by your family, friends, colleagues and clients. I am missing you already… I really regret not coming to see you in those last few weeks…and you will always have HUGE place in my heart
Thank you Trudy for writing this about Bonnie. I did not know her as well as you did, but I am honoured to have had the privilege of making friends.
She will be missed, but she is now looking out over us, and will be our divine help in our fight to keep Nutritionists strong!
Thanks Karen, just lovely!