Just a quick reminder that “Betrayal – the Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You” Episode 6 and 7 are coming up. This docu-series is hosted by Dr. Tom O’Bryan, author of the bestselling new book The Autoimmune Fix.
The wonderful Kelly Brogan on Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s amazing Betrayal docu-series on autoimmunity shares:
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s postpartum about nine months after my first pregnancy and had never had a health condition in my life. I’ve been living really, largely recklessly from a health perspective, literally eating McDonald’s, drinking Red Bull, and eating candy every day, and never exercised. As a resident, never sleeping. Not only never sleeping, but then I would go out clubbing several nights a week.
It was through simple changes going, gluten and dairy-free, taking a number of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, for example, and then beginning to recommit to exercise that I watched my numbers go from the high 2000s and turning the antibodies to the normal range in a period of months. I watched my TSH go from 20 to normal in that same time frame.
So powerful! wow! I so often see these kinds of results in my clients
Dr. Tom asks Dr. Steven Masley about elevated antibodies to the cerebellum:
We found in our practice that 26% of everyone that had elevated antibodies to wheat, any of the peptides of wheat, 26% of them had elevated antibodies to their cerebellum. 22% of them had elevated antibodies to Milo. That’s the mechanism of MS. When we got them off of the foods that they were sensitive to, wait six months or a year, go back and recheck, the elevated antibodies have come down to normal. You stop the deterioration of the brain and shrinking of the brain.
This is the response from Dr. Masley:
Neurodegeneration, yes. I see that too because when we do gluten testing, I’ll see that many people, especially if they have anxiety or depression or really bad cognitive dysfunction, they have the antibodies light up on the test that are specific for brain antibodies [that would be transglutaminase 6]
They both share how by applying lifestyle principles it takes just a couple of weeks to a month for people start seeing changes.
I’d like to add my contribution to the discussion because it’s a question I hear all the time and it wasn’t addressed in the docu-series:
How do you use endorphin-boosting DPA with gluten and casein withdrawals? And do you use anything else for the addictive component of these gluteomorphins and caseomorphins?
As always I would say do the amino questionnaire, and tell me how much you LOVE bread or cookies whatever it is, and how sad you’ll be to give it up (from 1-10, with 10 being the worst i.e. devastated).
Do a trial chewing a DPA / Endorphigen or opening it on to the tongue and decide how many notches it improved. If it’s working you should be able to say
I can take it or leave it and I no longer feel so emotionally attached to the need for bread
You would then take 1-3 of 500mg DPA between meals and as needed at other times when you feel the need for comfort or a reward or treat. A free form amino with tryptophan helps boost endorphins too and makes the DPA more effective.
If you score high in other sections of the amino acid questionnaire you would do the same with each amino acid – maybe you also eat bread/cheese to destress (then it’s GABA) or to feel happy (then it’s tryptophan) or for blood sugar control (then it’s glutamine) or for energy (then it’s tyrosine).
The amino acids, when used in a targeted way like this, make it easy to quit so no willpower is required and you don’t feel deprived.
Coming up there are these final episodes:
Nov 19th: Episode 6- Autoimmune Diseases of the Brain: A New Approach to Neurology
Nov 20th: Episode 7- Case Studies: Bringing it All Together
UPDATE: The event is now over but you can check out Episode 1 here
Hi, I am 44 years old and I have had RRMS for 18 years, I also have PCOS and I suffered a severe head injury in a road traffic accident over 10 years ago which caused depression and anxiety. Now I am fighting fit, my arthritis pain has reduced significantly, my neurological pain has virtually gone, my eczema and asthma have gone, I have no more brain fog and don’t suffer with fatigue any more. I improved my overall health by changing what I eat, I gave up gluten and dairy and removed the majority of sugar from my diet. I also keep carbohydrates to a minimum. I have been following this diet since March 2016 and it’s now November. I am more autoimmune paleo diet these days as I find that suits me the best. I have also lost around 50lbs in weight and have more energy and a new wardrobe. I can’t actually recommend removing gluten, dairy and sugar from your diet highly enough, especially keeping carbohydrates to a minimum, along with the balance of low bad fats and lots of good fats and omega 3! I am not a 100% diet follower as our lifestyle these days prevents it, but I would say I am following it to the best of my ability, making sure I never touch gluten and keep dairy and sugar minimal on my journey.
I wish more general medicine doctors would search for answers to health problems in diet, and not push drugs, I say this as I have also stopped taking over 10 prescription drugs on my journey and hope one day I can reduce the drugs I take further. I still take metformin for my blood sugars as I suffer with insulin resistance which I can overcome, and pain killers for my arthritis and then my Tecfidera I will always take to try and keep my MS in remission. I am more on my feet now and not my wheelchair, so more people need to figure out there own diet and stop lining the pockets of pharmaceutical companies.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful results – I’m so happy for you! Your story is inspirational just like Dr Terry Wahls (you were actually in a wheelchair? that is amazing!)
I’d like to encourage you to be 100% – you can do it and it’ll allow you to reduce the meds you take even sooner, especially the metformin (and yes you can overcome insulin resistance). Check out Joe Tatta and his work for arthritis and pain information https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/balance-neurotransmitters-pain-anxiety/ From what I’ve learned from Dr Wahls, many of her patients are able to stop their MS medications too.
Food and nutrients are so powerful and the body has an amazing ability to heal – as you have seen!
Hi Trudy
Thank you for your work. Like your previous email I am gluten free , low dairy and sugar my labs look good with only ANA antibodies raised and Il 8 about 10 times normal. Suffer huge pain to beige of nose and right eye most indoor air. Also got several months of breathlessness and Oxygen sat. Had to stop using car and not visit any houses. Also developed macular degeneration in last 2 years in both eyes also cataract and Acne rosacea in eye lids. Any suggestions very welcome
Hi Trudy,
I have read through your book and consider it to be a wonderful resource! In it (and it some blog posts) you suggest taking a free-form amino acid with DPA, but recommend taking DPA away from food and the free-from amino acid with food.
The directions on the free-form aminos bottle instructs you to take it without food (and you’ve mentioned in your book that food that compete with absorption of aminos) so I’m confused as to why you recommend taking the free-form amino acid with food. Is it just that the DPA needs to be taken with the full suite of amino acids?
Thank you!