This is day 14 of the Anxiety Summit. Meme Grant is interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Meme had anxiety, had panic attacks, didn’t enjoy speaking in public, had insomnia and was an emotional eater. She found answers with the amazing aminos acids and the pyroluria protocol. Hear how:
- glutamine allowed her to walk past the gluten and dairy free junk foods
- tyrosine helped her flutterby mind, gave her energy, focus and a desire to do things again
- DPA stopped her comfort eating for too much of the “healthy” sweeteners
- Tryptophan stopped her mind talk, got her sleeping through the night for the first time in 11 years and helped reduce the frequency of her panic attacks
- GABA was the best amino acid and how the panic attacks disappeared
- zinc, vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil helped her pyroluria symptoms. Here is the pyroluria questionnaire we discussed.
Here is a great gem from my interview with Meme:
No matter how bad you feel, know that there is a natural solution out there
Natural solutions come naturally so keep looking
Meme is a GAPS Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist, FNTP, and fellow African.
You can find out more about Meme at
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here
UPDATE: the summit concluded on Tues 6/24 – season 2 of The Anxiety Summit will be in November 2014. If you’d like to be on the notification list just sign up here
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WOW! What an amazing story. Meme is a truly inspiring lady. And, again, the idea of never giving up and little by little diet and supps can make huge differences to health.
It is an amazing story and Meme is quite an amazing person! I’m so pleased you find it inspiring and yes, never give up!
Bless your heart and your husbands too… Thankyou for wanting to help others… You are a phenomel person
I’ll pass this on to Meme and have her pop on here and comment
Another phenomenal & inspiring story of healing & cure.
Were the trigger chemical toxins on the boat identified?
Is mold implicated?
How often do you see severe disabling chemical sensitivity, Trudy?
Yes, I love Meme’s wonderful success and her quest to continue to look for answers. I haven’t worked with anyone with severe disabling chemical sensitivity
She posted this on the replay page: “Toluene Diisocyanate. Used in all soft foams, when they powder or burn they are horrendously toxic”
I don’t know if mold was an issue but very possibly since she was around water a lot
Meme will hop on and comment too
Hi Trudy,
What an amazing summit! Thank you so much for your work!
You mentioned in that talk that some people can have high cortisol level at night. My husband does. What kind of adrenals support you usually recommend?
Thank you and Meme for a wonderful interview!
Hi Gala
I like Interplexus Seriphos for lowering high cortisol. I also like to add other nutrients to support the adrenals – B complex, extra pantothenic acid, vitamin C and rhodiola.
Dr Amy Day talked about the adrenals in her interview and she uses phosphatidyl serine. She also mentioned other great adaptogenic herbs.
thank you for the kind comments,
Carole, do not give up, with the net we now have a much better chance of finding the healing protocol we need,diet is phenomenal but sometimes our gut needs a little help with the supplements.
Thank you Leanna,all blessings are gratefully received, not sure about being a phenomenal person, just doing what is needed to cure myself, my husband and as many others as I can reach.
Fazia, it was the Toluene Diisocyanate in the polyurethane foam that caused the problem, the professor of Chemistry at the local university who specializes in foams said “it is not as poisonous as cyanide”. Mold was not an issue on that boat and as our present boat has the mold monster and I am to date unaffected I think we can rule that one out. I do my best to tame the monster using natural substances but it is a difficult one on the boat.
Gala, Trudy can answer your question, I have used some substances myself which have proved effective.
Hope all you ladies obtain great health soon…Bless u all.
Thanks for jumping on and commenting! and thanks again for an awesome interview! so many people where so inspired and hopeful
So so glad you have come such a long way with your health
Are all of these supplements/amino acids safe to use if you are currently taking an SSRI?
Hi Gloria
Tryptophan and 5-HTP should not be taken when on a SSRI because of the possibility of serotonin syndrome.
How do you start with glutamine to help with blood sugar? Would it likely help with awakening in the night which I’ve heard can be related to a drop in blood sugar?
Glutamine is great for low blood sugar (500mg a few times a day between meals is the starting amount) but I’d focus on breakfast with protein first. And yes, low blood sugar can cause someone to wake – a snack just before bed may help: half a banana and nut butter is often good. I also look at low serotonin, high cortisol, SIBO, gluten, parasites etc for sleep issues.