A very very big welcome to The Anxiety Summit day 1!! Nutritional approaches for eliminating anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks and OCD.
These are the notes for day 1:
Trudy Scott’s talk: “Why the Anxiety Summit? Stats, trends and gems.” Air time is Monday June 9th at 9am PST to Tues June 10th at 8:59 am PST
This is what you’ll learn in the Anxiety Summit – how you can eliminate:
- full blown anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, OCD, phobias
- constant low grade fear, feelings of dread, the racing heart, the busy mind you can’t switch off and the ruminating thoughts
- the constant worry, perfectionism, procrastination, the who-am-I-to-do-this or imposter syndrome
“You can and should feel on top of the world all the time!” ~ Trudy Scott, host of The Anxiety Summit and author of The Antianxiety Food Solution
Julia Ross, MFT – Pioneer in the field of Neuro-nutrient Therapy and the author of the best sellers The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure said this during our interview on “Eliminating Anxiety: Amino Acid Therapy and Adrenal Balancing”….
“On a scale of zero to ten, zero is not an unrealistic goal when it comes to anxiety. It’s really the human potential and GABA and tryptophan give us access to it”
(You can catch Julia’s interview on Friday June 13th. It will air between 9am and 8:59 am PST the next day).
One of the trends we are seeing: Teens are sad and stressed. Here is the Fairfax County Survey. Over 1/3 of seniors: “felt sad or hopeless during the previous year” + they “feel a lot of stress”
Another disturbing article is this one in Scientific American titled: Antianxiety Drugs Successfully Treat Autism
In this article in Scientific American earlier this year: Should Children Take Antipsychotic Drugs? the authors favor antipsychtic drugs because there are “no alternatives: for these kids,
I totally disagree and by the end of The Anxiety Summit you will agree that there are plenty of much better options like real whole food and nutrients and addressing food intolerances. Another one is getting kids outdoors. Here is the green spaces study I mentioned: Exposure to Neighborhood Green Space and Mental Health: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin
“Higher levels of neighborhood green space were associated with significantly lower levels of symptomology for depression, anxiety and stress, after controlling for a wide range of confounding factors.”
There are also these trends among college students. Here are some of the articles I mentioned: Anxiety rampant among college students
And this one in the San Jose Mercury news: Teen health: Depression, anxiety and social phobias rising in kids, educators say
These are the 2 events I mentioned, both of which are coming up soon:
MINDD International Forum 2014 – June 14-15 in Sydney Australia Brain Health for Mental Health, Concentration & IQ: Nutritional & Integrative Treatments for Children & Adults
Beat Anxiety Now Summit begins June 16 When I heard about this event I reached out to the organizer Katherine Johnston and we agreed to share each other’s summits. Do check it out! The focus seems to be more on therapy and behavioral approaches.
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here www.theAnxietySummit.com
UPDATE: the summit concluded on Tues 6/24 – season 2 of The Anxiety Summit will be in November 2014. If you’d like to be on the notification list just sign up here www.theAnxietySummit.com
Missed it or can’t listen live? purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts + interview highlights and listen at your own time.
Due to insomnia I was prescribed zopiclone which was habit forming and groggy side effects which I used for 1-3 years until I weaned myself off gradually and was then on Ativan for over a year, which was worse than zopiclone!
I was not told of side effects or not to quit suddenly. Well, to my horror, quitting Ativan was a nightmare at 1 mg per night, but the side effects both on and off devastated me. I would not recommend either of these to anyone – Beware!
I believe a hormone imbalance is my root cause, with insomnia only one of several symptoms. After Dr’s kept repeatting that my thyroid was NORMAL despite obvious symptoms I became even more DEPRESSED and miserable, having to accept no light at the end of the tunnel. Feeling completely hopeless and discouraged, betrayed by conventional medicine and miserable to boot.
Then Dr’s kept offering me various anti-depressants which I declined, Seriously?
No more prescription meds 4 me!
Still recovering with lifestyle mgmt, adherence to a clean diet, some supplements but again trial and error. Need more advice/info, sooooo pleased to listen to these speakers.
I appreciate this Anxiety Summit with much Gratitude & Blessings ~
Thanks for sharing part of your journey and for your words of appreciation! You will get so much out of this summit.
Be sure to listen to Catherine Pittman’s talk on the benzos – I agree, horrible drugs! Corey Schuler, Amy Day and Anna Cabeca all have great interviews on hormonal health. And Robin Nielsen’s sleep interview is fabulous.
Hey there, Excellent introductory call!! You rocked it!! Can’t wait to hear the rest of the Summit!! Thank you soooo much for putting this together!!
Thanks my friend!! enjoy the rest and keep commenting!
I totally agree with Frances I have never heard such an awesome introductory call Trudy!!! Thank you I am really looking forward with great excitement to listen to all the calls! They all sound wonderful.
Pat – your comment just made my day! thank you
you will love the rest of the series! Enjoy!
Thank You for these amazing calls-I am learning so much.
Thanks Teresa – so pleased to hear this!
It’s so great that you’re doing this Trudy!
It seems like in our culture, we’re programmed to think it’s normal to feel less than totally energetic, cheerful and vibrant. And if you feel too bad, well, there’s probably a pill for you to take!
It’s great to know that there’s a healthier, saner way to deal with these issues.
Thanks PJ – you’re so right – too many people tolerate not feeling awesome!
Wow! Once again the information you are sharing here is startling and shocking. Thanks for this eye opener Trudy.
You’re right, so much of this is eye-opening and just mind-boggling – and yet totally preventable!
I so agree with PJ! So many people feel like crap, it is just unfortunately accepted as normal. And if you don’t like it, take a pill!
You know your stuff and the world is very fortunate that you are sharing this info! Very grateful to you for this, as I’m sure many others are.
Thanks Miranda – its a wonderful opportunity to share this info with so many people!
God Bless you for doing this summit. Trudy the question I have is any one of the speakers going to talk about someone who has gotten off of benzos and is now going through the withdrawal if any of the amino acids would be beneficial? Thank you both my wife and I are really enjoying this.
Hi Bobby
Thanks and so pleased you’re enjoying it! I’m enjoying hosting it!
Dr Catherine Pittman will be talking about benzos in detail on Wednesday 18th June: “Benzodiazepines in the Treatment of Anxiety: Weighing Risks and Benefits.” Her talk is more about the issues and concerns with getting on benzos in the first place.
Did you hear Julia Ross’ talk “Eliminating Anxiety: Amino Acid Therapy and Adrenal Balancing”? She talks about benzos and GABA and vitamin C at the end.
If you did hear this and are looking for more in depth information on this topic please let me know and perhaps we can arrange a deeper dive into this topic shortly after the summit or during the next one in November.
It’s on the list but there was only so much we could fit in this summit as I wanted to get some of the foundational concepts in place
This is such a great summit Trudy. I’m really amazed at all of the information and the vast array of information related to what can affect anxiety (and more). Great job!!!!
Thanks Mira! I’ve so enjoyed finding great speakers and topics (like yours on Additives and Anxiety) and have been getting wonderful feedback from thousands of people “hungry” for this info.
There is just so much we can talk about and I’m excited to planning the follow-up summit for November!
Thanks for being a valued speaker and for your support!
Every week there is another study or report
stating how there is an increase in medications
people are taking across the board. For you to offer
natural methods instead of what is currently being taken
is a great service.
Congratulations Trudy on all you are creating, sharing and innovating for the health of people today and the future.
It’s amazing and actually rather startling to see what one can learn by listening in to experts who know so much more than what a Western-trained physician will be able to share. I’m glad this information is getting out to people on a mass scale through your summit.
It really is Sue – doing an online summit like this means I get to share amazing thought leaders with people all over the world – on a much-needed topic
You are doing really important work. Great job, Trudy! I am really enjoying the summit.
awesome Tiffany – thanks!
Love! I’ve been off all toxic meds for ten years thanks to Dr. Hyla Cass MD, Dr. Peter Breggin and Donna Gates’ Body Ecology Diet…it can be done. I took back the truth, my power of choice and trusted the briliiance of my body and brain to guide me back to thriving. It worked.
This is wonderful! I’m so happy for you!
Thanks for sharing this little piece of inspiration for others coming to this blog!
Hi Trudy; I am learning so much from your anxiety summit – thank you. Gaba has been mentioned – I am wandering do you write about Gaba in your book? And is there a brand of Gaba you suggest, and how much should one start with? Thank you
Hi Melanie
I have a whole chapter on the amino acids with sections on
– GABA for low GABA
– tryptophan and 5-HTP for low serotonin
– tyrosine/low catecholamines and
– DPA or Endorphigen for low endorphins (which I’ll talk about in the final call – big for comfort and emotional eating)
I start my clients on 125mg sublingual GABA called GABA Calm and increase from there. I prefer GABA to PharmGABA and 500mg and 750 mg tends to be too high to start with.
You mentioned you’ve ordered my book ‘The Antianxiety Food Solution’ – everything is detailed in there.
Julia Ross’ book the ‘Mood Cure’ is also a great resource.
All the presentations are brilliant….and i am enjoying them all.
Can you give your thoughts on kinesiology testing for food/mineral intolerances.
‘Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.’
Great Carole – I don’t use muscle testing as I feel it can be subjective. I know some people find good results with it
Hi Trudy,
Thank u so much for the replay, reading the comments and making suggestions. I feel a found a group of like-minded professionals who are really on a mission with love to help humnanity.
May U and all the doctors in your summit be showered with love, success and abundant health to help spread the message of hope and reversing mental health illness the natural way, specially starting with Nutrition.
Thank you for your lovely lovely message! beautiful!
Do share what you do ….you say like-minded professionals
Thanks for your thoughts. Me too!
Off tomorrow for my first consult w
Thanks for a very informative summit, Trudy. I was wondering if, in your practice, you recommend hair analysis for toxic minerals and/or nutritive mineral imbalances. There seems to be some controversy about this. I started feeling better, and sleeping better, after adding magnesium. I know that a good balance of minerals is necessary and I take a good multi-mineral supplement, but I’ve read that the balance between specific combinations is as important as individual minerals. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to “let the body sort it out”, that it might be advisable to have concrete numbers. What are your thoughts on hair analysis? Thanks.
Hi William
Hair analysis is very valuable but needs to be interpreted well. For example high levels of metals often indicates they are being excreted which is a good thing. Looking at individual mineral levels and ratios are also very helpful.
I’m glad magnesium is helping – we could do a whole interview on just this mineral – maybe we should on the next summit in November!
Is it possible to get Coleen Walsh’s gifts? My attempt didn’t download. Thank you!
Hi Barbara
We’re looking into this and she’ll make sure everyone who signs up does get the gift
how do I receive my response from Dr Corey S when there is now a different
set of speakers to comunicate on that common site
Thanks for great summit
Trudy, this is such a fantastic summit! Thanks so much for your marvelous speakers and for coordinating this. I love your way of interviewing that keeps the speakers on track. Job well done…
Concerning your talk on pyroluria (which I had never heard of until then) do you recommend taking B6 alone or as a complete panel of B vitamins? I looked at my notes but didn’t see if you had mentioned it. Any brand you recommend depending on your answer? Thanks again, Trudy.
Hi Jo
Glad you’re enjoying it!
B6 is taken alone 100mg to start (any brand) and in combination with either a 50mg B Complex or a good multi with a 50mgs of the Bs
So far, from what I’ve read, this entire online conference looks very interesting. I really wish I could have heard any of it. Thanks to you for your efforts in putting it all together.
You’re welcome! I emailed you so we can help figure out your tech issues
love your accent
Gr8 Anxiety Solutions Summit!
When you spoke of your health challenges, particularly PMS 3 weeks out of the month that you could barely function, I could totally relate :0
To hear that you overcame these challenges is a priceless victory that Inspires me to pursue your healing path to recovery.
I may need to read Louise Gittleman’s book, another FAB female health advocate and Pioneer, perhaps zinc, vit b6 and EPO might work for me too.
I’ve added your book to my cart at Amazon, looking forward to it!
Thank U 4 sharing this eye opening info that touches us all
Many Blessings ~
Thanks Peace. Anne Louise Gittleman’s book is good! get it!
Hi Trudy – thank you for your specific answer regarding Gaba – I also listened the encore interview you did with Julia Ross which was so helpful too. You both have mentioned ‘Gaba Calm’ chewable – who makes this? I called my local health food store and they have a chewable form make by Natural Factors – I just want to try the most effective form from your knowledge. Thank you and very kind regards.
Hi Melanie
Wonderful! Source Naturals GABA Calm
I’m an integrative therapist and functional medicine
practitioner, and I thank you! You put together something
very special here. I picked up quite a few gems!
I plan to make my first IMMH conference this year,
I hope to see you in TX!
Thank you Trudy!
Hi Tiffany
Thank you and glad you picked up quite a few gems! See you at the IMMH conference!
(sharing the link for others who read the blog http://integrativemedicineformentalhealthconference.com/)
The other item i was not able to download was the article from the San Jose Mercury news. Strange combo of what did and didn’t work; mor than this non-techy person can figure out.
CK – this link is working, please try again. It does bring up an advert you will need to close – Trudy
Hi Trudy – I am missing your voice! I actually scheduled a consultation with you (15 min) – later in July – so am looking forward to that. I am reading your book now and going over my notes from the interviews. I am pretty positive I have pyroluria – my score is high. I actually have been quite successful in my life/career – but recognize how I have pushed through; and now have other health issues. I would like to address the pyroluria, with the suggested supplementation; But, I also have low Gaba – as per scoring on the questionnaire. Should I start with supplementing for pyroluria first and then low Gaba – or can I do both at the same time? Or what is best to do?
That’s so sweet Melanie! I look forward to our consult.
I typically start my clients on both at once but it’s often easier to figure things out by doing them separately.
Thank you so much for all this wonderful info.
Is there somewhere I can find dose amounts for children? I’m researching zinc and GABA for a 5 year old.
Hi Laura
It depends on the weight of the child, I would use an adult dose for kids that weigh 120 lbs and above, half for 60 lbs and 1/4 for less than that
Trudy –
Thank you so much for always going above and beyond to make sure we’re always educated and up to date with what is REALLY going on ..
Thank you so much for a great summit Trudy. So much help and information. Learnt that I was taking the GABA in the wrong way for me and have now worked out how it can work for me. Have also found EFT helps me and Jessica Ortner has a couple of great free downloads on her website. Really looking forward to the next summit. Thank you again a wonderful job well done.
Hi Jan
So pleased you enjoyed the summit and that you’ll be back again!
Also glad to hear you learned about GABA and that it’s now working for you. What had you been doing wrong and what are you doing now?
Good to hear about EFT – many people with anxiety get benefits with it. I tried it and nothing
but we are all unique and need to find the right tool for us. Do you think this would be a good topic for the next summit?