Dr. Peter Bongiorno ND, author of Holistic Therapies for Anxiety and Depression is interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Serotonin and Anxiety, Happiness, Digestion and our Hormones
- What is serotonin and why is it often considered the molecule of happiness
- The role of serotonin when it comes to anxiety?
- How serotonin was first discovered and the 5-HT1A receptor/oxytocin connection
- Serotonin’s strong relationship to the digestive tract
- The connection between inflammation and serotonin
- How to naturopathically support serotonin and the overall neurotransmitter system for optimal mood support: 5-HTP, L-tryptophan and its vitamin co-factors
- Serotonin’s effects on our hormones, other neurotransmitters and whole body
Here are some snippets from our interview:
In modern medicine we tend to focus on one thing and tend to work it to death, almost to the point that we believe we are doing things that will be helpful. Many studies have shown that antidepressants are not working any better than placebos in most people and yet we’re still treating it [depression/anxiety] the same way
In naturopathy we look at things from all angles. There can be multiple factors involved and why someone has anxiety. How you’re going to work through these factors successfully is going to be very different for each person.
Here is the 2010 JAMA paper: The Antidepressant Drug Effects and Depression Severity A Patient-Level Meta-analysis
The magnitude of benefit of antidepressant medication compared with placebo increases with severity of depression symptoms and may be minimal or nonexistent, on average, in patients with mild or moderate symptoms. For patients with very severe depression, the benefit of medications over placebo is substantial.
Dr. Bongiorno shares how using 5-HTP and tryptophan leads to quicker results for his patients, and unlike drugs you don’t get side-effects. He likes to use acupuncture for this too.
He discusses the co-factors that are needed for making neurotransmitters: the B vitamins like riboflavin, niacinamide and vitamin B6, plus the need for a good multivitamin. Here is a recent Psychology Today article: Multiple Vitamins for Anxiety
Here are Dr. Bongiorno’s two books:
How Come They’re Happy and I’m Not – The Complete Natural Program for Healing Depression for Good
You can download his free gift here: 10 Ways to Boost Serotonin Naturally. Once you sign up you’re taken to a page that has the free ebook about serotonin.
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here: www.theAnxietySummit.com
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts and listen when it suits you.
You can find your purchasing options here: Anxiety Summit Season 1, Anxiety Summit Season 2, and Anxiety Summit Season 3.
I am using tryptophan for insomnia. At what dose can u get up to? And if I have adrenal have high cortisol with fatigue from not sleeping good will this help? Thank you for all the info, great seminar.
I typically start with 500mg (unless someone is sensitive and then less would be used) and have had clients go up to 2000mg mid-afternoon and at bed time.
I like to use Seriphos for lowering high cortisol.
If the insomnia is only due to high cortisol then the tryptophan will likely not help
Trudy, Yes, I completely agree with Dr. Bongiorno, you do make so make so many connections and are helping me do the same! Plus you can clearly hear your enjoyment. This season is so fun for me, maybe because I understand so much more this time around. Thanks for increasing joy and knowledge!
I am enjoying all the interviews and love sharing all this amazing expertise from my fantastic speakers. And I’m learning as I go! And we get to help people like you and it just doesn’t get better than that!
Aw thanks, I’m so glad – big smile
This comment made my day so thank you!
what form of zinc should i be looking for and what is a good daily dose?
I like Optizinc/zinc monomethione and 30mg to start. I use the zinc challenge and alk phos as clues to the need for zinc, plus the pyroluria questionnaire symptoms
I’ll ask Dr B to come and comment too, as I’m sure he has his favorite form
Hi Eileen – thank you so much for the note. Studies generally recommend 500mg up to 2000mg of tryptophan before bedtime. As far as high cortisol, it may be helpful, but typically, I like to think about other ways to support the circadian rhythm of the body. If cortisol is too high at night, it is often low during the day. Using light box therapy and outdoor exercise early in the day can be helpful. Also, working with phophatidylserine or possible casein decapeptides at night can help. Of course, working on any underlying stress concerns may be the key, proper foods and food timing too. yours, dr. p
hair analysis said my lithium was way high…urine was low normal…does this mean i’m dumping lithium or I have too much in my tissues.
Where is Dr Bongiorno’s free gift? I followed the link but I don’t see any downloads there… just links to his books for sale.
The link is there right below the link to sign up for his newsletter – enjoy!
Oh it disappeared! it was there earlier! please email support@everywomanover29.com and we’ll look into it – sorry about that tech glitch
Once you sign up for his newsletter you’ll see the page with serotonin gift (same page but it now has a new link – a little confusing I agree )
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for another wonderful summit! I have signed up for Dr. Bongiorno’s newsletter several times but still cannot access the e-book.
Also, re:the Low Histamine Chef’s podcast-did I understand correctly that she does not recommend the testing that is currently available?
The ebook is found on the sign up page right after you signup.
She does have a whole section on her site discussing testing so I suggest looking there
Your talk is very informative. However, not any fault of yours, I would like to recommend visual aids for this summit, especially for the speakers that have a lot of specific details.
I am a family physician myself and am very interested in your recommendations. Will refer to your website. Thanks.
Hi Maria
Thanks for this suggestion and I’m so pleased you’re interested in Dr Bongiorno’s recommendations!
There are transcripts for each interview and they are available for purchase. I’d love to be able to make them available to everyone at no charge, however doing a summit like this is a huge and costly undertaking. Those who can’t afford to purchase the audios/transcripts (or who choose not to), get to listen and learn for free and this is my gift to them!
Dr Bongiorno’s books would also be a great resource for you
Re: Tryptophan and 5 http
I have tried both numerous times over many years in my quest, hoping they would work for sleep, etc. Neither of these (and other aminos) have had any noticeable effect. GABA can make me anxious.
Dr. Bongiorno mentions 200-300 mg. of trypto for those who can’t stay asleep. I took up to 1000 at night, always away from protein, and it did not help at all. I was under the care of an integrative psychiatrist at the time. I AM chronically ill, so perhaps there are too many factors at play. Trudy, I assume you have had clients for whom amino are not the answer? Acupuncture did not work either.
Thanks for all the information. I will continue searching for gems and solutions.
Yes some people don’t respond to the amino acids simply because they don’t need them. It may also be the quality/brand of tryptophan or too much GABA. It could also be a thyroid issue or parasites or hormonal imbalances or high cortisol or SIBO (so many factors to consider so do listen to all the other speakers too and my final talk on Tuesday when I go through 65+ possible biochemical causes that you can use as a checklist). Don’t give up hope! there is an answer! You just need to find it!
Dr Bongiorno will be coming and commenting too
I enjoyed the seminar. I am not familiar with a term that was used. It was “C-BO” (not sure of it’s spelling either). Could you give me the proper spelling and briefly explain what this digestive issue involves?
Thanks so much.
SIBO is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth – see the interview I did with Dr. Allison Siebecker
Love the information in this summit.
Looking for the brands/forms of some of the supplements you prefer for quality.
Zinc (picolinate?), tryptophan, gaba, etc
I tried a capsule of tryptophan and found it worked better if I dissolved it in my mouth. Not real tasty. I thought you used a dissolvable one.
Looking forward to the rest of the summit. You do a great job interviewing.
Thanks Candy – I’d love to know what dissolving tryptophan you found?
I will be sharing a supps blog
Trudy and Dr. Bongiorno, thank you both so much for this fantastic interview. All of them have been so good, but tonight as I listened, I felt such gratitude for all of your time, effort and energy in giving this extremely valuable information to those of us who so desperately want to get well. I am so thankful that there is a growing number of doctors who are using the functional approach and who are also willing to participate in these wonderful online summits. The compassion you feel for your patients came through as you exchanged such technical information. Much of it is above my head, but I always find a valuable action item to take away. I am working with a nutritionist to get SIBO under control, and will discuss with her Dr. Bongiorno’s tip that 400-500 mg of tryptophan at bedtime could help me stay asleep at night instead of waking at 2,3 or 4. May all that you have invested for us return to you a hundred fold.
Thanks for your lovely message and may you get to sleep restfully through the night!
If tryptophan isn’t for you, do also consider other possible causes of insomnia – many of the same ones we see for anxiety https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/
Thanks, Trudy, for doing these Summits! I haven’t been able to catch all the speakers, but have learned so much from those I do. It’s encouraging for me to hear that YOU are still learning, too!
I was able to get off Prozac a decade ago by taking 5HTP–more benefits, less side effects. I started taking the Lithium Orotate 1-2 yrs. ago–might have been on your 1st Summit I heard about it–and lowered the 5htp. It keeps me on a pretty even keel:) Your info. also helped me to kick Sugar Addiction, and now I’m working on healing my gut (and my young adult daughter’s, who has way too many health issues for her age). My first attempt at sauerkraut was a flop, but I’ll keep trying!
I share your info/Newsletter with people all the time, and am so glad you’re offering this, so others can get all the info they need, without the decades of trial/error I went through:)
So lovely to hear your wonderful results – good for you! and thanks for sharing – that’s what we do!
I am unable to download Dr Peter Bongiorno’s
bonus gift. I clicked on sign-up …did that ..went
back to page…no method to download.
We are looking into this and will get it added back – sorry about this
Once you sign up for his newsletter you’ll see the page with serotonin gift (same page but it now has a new link – a little confusing I agree )
You discussed low lithium results on a hair test. What would be suggested for high lithium on a hair test? Mine was .028 in 2006 & .035 in 2013 and the range is .007-.020. Can you recommend a book or article to help understand hair test analysis?
Amy Yasko’s new book has a great chapter on hair analysis testing http://feelgoodbiochem.com/chapter-1/.
I’m taking zinc polynicocinate. Is this a good form? Ty!
Great information!! I’d love to know what Dr. Bongiorno thinks about the histamine connection and mental health.
What is the best way to take Lithium for otpimal result? With food, or empty stomach or at a specific time of day. The discussion about Lithium makes me want to try it!
Hi I listened to your talk & really loved it where can j purchase Dr B recommend Tytophann & Http? Please send me a link as I want to buy them ASAP & what doses shall I take as I’m suffering from depression. Thank you
I have heard different things about 5HTP vs. L Tryptophan. Some say 5HTP, some say Tryptophan, some say both (claiming that 5HTP works faster and Tryptophan slower, so the combination works well).
What do you say?
Some people do better on one vs the other. I typically start with tryptophan and avoid 5-HTP if cortisol is high but even then some people do better on 5-HTP. It’s very individualized
Trudy, I totally agree that you are a wealth of health info and share it beautifully making great connections for a whole body approach. I know that God gave you your health problem knowing you would do something great from healing yourself. You are amazing and I thank you for all your hard effort benefiting so many. You are blessed and loved! I took lots of notes trying to help others through the knowledge I gain
All the speakers were great! Thanks!
aw thanks Laura! love that you are trying to help others too
hi Trudy
I desperately need your help please. I’ve suffered from severe anxiety for at least 25 years but only realized it recently. Mental health was not recognized in my small Indian community in South Africa :((
Thankfully I now live in the U.S and am hell bent on finding a way to heal myself from this horrible illness. It has robbed me of so much. I have read your book and I think I may have Pyroluria and I tested high on the questionnaires for low GABA, low Serotonin, low catecholmines. May have high cortisol too.
Do you know of any nutrionists in the DC/MD/VA area that may be able to help me figure this all out. I am so tired of the constant panick attacks, sleepiness nights, heart racing, hands shaking, loss of appitite( I could go on). sorry to be so long. I am just so desperate right now. My life is at a standstill.
Thanks for all the great work you do!!!
Hi Nesh
I’m sorry to hear you have battled for so long and very sorry to hear that mental health was not recognized in my small Indian community in South Africa (and hello to a fellow South African!).
I don’t have someone I can refer to but you could try and a member from NANP http://nanp.org/find-a-professional. As far as doing this yourself, I would start with the basics in the book ie real food, no gluten, no sugar, no caffeine etc and pick one amino acid to start with. And then look at the pyroluria protocol. That way you’ll know what is helping. I do also have a homestudy program that walks you through each of the amino acids and much of the dietary changes, plus pyroluria http://everywomanover29.com/aminosforanxietyhs/. I’ll be offering it with Q and A again soon.
Hi Trudy
Wow. Thanks for your speedy reply and your advice. After reading your book, I have made some changes to my diet. About Gluten, I’ve had labs done and tested negative for celiac disease. Can gluten still be a cause of my anxiety?
also (after reading your book regarding Pyroluria) I had labs done to check my Vit B6 and Zinc and they both came back within normal range. could I still have Pyroluria ? I checked yes to 26 of the symptoms.
I most definately plan on getting your home study program when its offered with the Q and A.
God bless you for your time and efforts in helping us ” anxious ” souls.
The celiac testing is not conclusive for gluten sensitivity. Go back and read the gluten chapter for more on this. I would encourage a gluten-free trial for sure and right now I’m suggesting everyone stays off gluten always.
The pyroluria chapter also covers testing. I’m afraid blood work for B6 and zinc isn’t accurate.