The Anxiety Summit: May 6 – 20, 2015
Nutritional Solutions for Anxiety
Hosted by Trudy Scott,
Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Here are all the speakers, their topics and blog posts with additional information, links to studies and more. Each speaker title below links to the respective speaker blog.
Trudy Scott CN, “New 2015 Food/Nutrient Research on Anxiety and Speaker Highlights”
Dr. Daniel Amen MD, “The Brain Warriors Way to Attacking Anxiety, Depression and Aging”
Julia Rucklidge PhD, “What if… Nutrition could Treat Anxiety and Depression?”
Rebecca Katz MS, “Your Brain on Food: The Science and Alchemy of Yum for Alleviating Anxiety!”
Summer Bock, “Sauerkraut for Gut Healing and Reducing Anxiety”
Dr. Peter Osborne DC, “Grainflammation – How Grain Consumption Contributes to Anxiety and other Mood Disorders”
Lierre Keith, “Anxiety, Depression, and the Vegetarian Diet”
Kaayla T. Daniel PhD, “Real Food for Anxiety: Butter, Broth and Beyond”
Dr. Allison Siebecker ND, “Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Anxiety”
Ann Louise Gittleman PhD, CNS, “The Parasite/Anxiety Connection”
Dr. Eva Selhub MD, “How to Heal Anxiety with Nature and the Body, not just with the Mind”
Dr. Jill Carnahan MD, “Is Toxic Mold the Hidden Cause of Your Anxiety?”
Joe Tatta DPT, “Nutritional Influences on Anxiety and Musculoskeletal Pain”
Magdalena Wszelaki, “Foods to balance your hormones and ease anxiety – part 1 and part 2”
Dr. Benjamin Lynch ND, “How Methylfolate can make you Feel Worse and even Cause Anxiety, and What to do about it”
Mira Calton CN and Jayson Calton PhD, “Micronutrients for Eliminating Anxiety”
Yasmina Ykelenstam, “Histamine-containing Foods: their Role in Anxiety, Depression and Schizophrenia”
Dr. Peter Bongiorno ND, “Serotonin and Anxiety, Happiness, Digestion and our Hormones”
Karla A Maree CNC, “Pyroluria, Amino Acids and Anxiety: Real Cases, Real Solutions”
Trudy Scott CN, “Pyroluria, Amino Acids and Anxiety: Troubleshooting when you are not getting results”
Dr. Kim D’Eramo DO, “How to use MindBody Medicine to Reverse Anxiety in 3 Minutes or Less”
Lebby Salinas, The Fooducator®, “How Gluten Elimination Healed Me and Eliminated my Anxiety”
Dan Stradford, “My Anxiety Story and the Message of Hope We Offer“
Trudy Scott CN, “Closing call: 60+ Nutritional & Biochemical Causes of Anxiety and Recommended Supplements”
Thank you for joining us on The Anxiety Summit Season 3! I hope you’ll join us again in fall for the season 4 of The Anxiety Summit!
Want these incredible interviews for your learning library? or did you miss the summit?
Purchase the season 3 MP3s or MP3s + transcripts and listen when it suits you.
You can find your other purchasing options here: Anxiety Summit Season 2, and Anxiety Summit Season 3.
Remember don’t tolerate how you feel. You deserve to feel your absolute best, and you can and should feel on top of the world always. You can completely eliminate your anxiety symptoms. Don’t give up hope, and just keep looking for answers until you have zero anxiety ~ Trudy
I need help! I am feeling very overwhelmed and need a place to start. My children and I between us have so many intolerances, allergies and symptoms, (ADHD, anxiety/panic attacks, stuttering, IBS, brain fog, diabetes, migraines, gluten/wheat/yeast/dairy/soy/corn:dairy reactions) and before I make such a huge dietary change for us all, I want to start with the right one. I am new to all this. I’m loving what I’m hearing in the seminars, but it is also so much as once, I’m not sure which book and diet to start with first. I also want it to taste good, so I will have less push-back from my family. The chef you had on a few days ago (YUM) sounded like her book would be great, but I’m not sure if it’s dairy and gluten free, or that it’s the best for us. What diet and recipes would you recommend, since you know and understand all that out there?
Hi Carrie
Firstly, well done for taking this on! It’s a big change but can be done.
My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is short and easy to read and starts with the basics so I suggest starting there. I will be talking more about where to start in my final closing call of the summit so do listen to this. It does not have recipes.
For recipes….Rebecca’s book is wonderful so I’d get that. I suggest also getting some Paleo cookbooks: Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is great ( and so are the books by Hayley and Bill Staley ( Margaret Floyd’s Eat Naked is also excellent (
Sign up for their newsletters and just start soaking it all up and taking baby steps. This is powerful stuff and can have a huge impact but if it doesn’t happen in one day that’s ok
Try to just take in what you can and do one thing at a time.
Do keep us posted on how you’re doing
Thank you so much! I will
Carrie Phelps kudos to you for beginning. I can’t imagine doing it for more than just myself – I was afraid and kept putting off marriage and family until I could get healthy but the nutrition/integrative medicine revolution took most of my lifetime. I applaud your courage to take it on step by step to help your whole family recover so that you all don’t lose valuable years living life without these impediments dogging your ambitions. Proud of you !
Hi Trudy – I just listened to your interview with Ann Louise Gittleman – that was so amazing about parasites. I would like to try the parasite cleanse – and I would like to follow her protocol and use her two products she talked about (Para-key and Verma-plus (sp?); but I couldn’t see anything on her website to obtain information/help about this? Thank you Melanie
Hi Melanie
The product link is on the blog
Just scroll down to this section….
Here is the parasite testing and products we discussed:
The Expanded GI panel (for testing)
Colon Cleaning kit with Verma-Plus and Para- Key (together with a probiotic)
Also, if you sign up for her gift you’ll see them listed on that page too
So scroll further down to :
Here is her gift: a 50-Page Report on Parasites – Still the Greatest Masqueraders of All Time
Hi Trudy
Good work. I bought Summit 2 and have mentioned both 2 and the current summit to many people.
I’m missing 2 things:
I don’t see a schedule on the site, some way to know who is speaking when.
I also could not find the speakers & topics page (I could only get to by googling). And when I did find it I didn’t see links to the articles or videos that you said we’d find linked from each speakers bio. Are those coming? Joe Tatta & Dr Amen were the two I just looked for now.
Hi Ed
Wonderful! The schedule is below the speakers on
The links to the speaker blogs are here on this blog – one for each speaker with gems, research, videos, books and more
Trudy, If at all possible, could you extend the special price until June 5 for those of us on fixed incomes who receive our funds the first week of the month ? I do understand this is your business and this probably can not be negotiated and that the speakers blogs and books are available. Thanks.
Please send an email to and we’ll be in touch about this
This is a wealth of information around treating anxiety with nutrition! I’d never even heard of a lot of this before! Thank you for all the work you do, Trudy. This make a huge difference.
Yes PJ, anxiety can be caused by so many different factors. We just have to find those that are affecting us – it may be one or may be a number of factors
Trudy, I hope the Summit goes great. You have an all-star lineup. I really like what you say about always insisting on feeling your best. I would love to hear your tips (or please provide links) for better sleep.
thanks Mary Ellen Miller – so much of what we cover in the summit affects both anxiety and sleep…low serotonin, low GABA, gluten, SIBO, parasites, mold, methylation…..
Wow Trudy, you really do find amazing people and resources. It’s incredible all the options there are for anxiety and depression. Great job finding all these treasures!
Thanks Michele – they really are treasures (I just love that word!)
Great line up of topics and speakers!! I hope the summit goes great!
Thanks Patricia!
My husband of 50 years, RB, was having difficulty breathing a year ago. After seeing 8 doctors who rolled their eyes, we found an internist who immediately had RB get a chest x-ray and cat scan. There were no tumors, just some spots that could have been there for years, so he sent him for a cardio consultation. Tests determined RB had a Silent Heart Attack at some point in time and he was told to take a beta blocker. I noticed changes in RB. He would stare into space, want to sit and have tea for hours, watch TV and lacked the energy he had previously. By November he had difficulty walking around the block. In December, at an appointment with his vascular surgeon [followup from a TIA three years ago] the surgeon questioned why he was put on a beta blocker. We didn’t have a good answer. RB’s blood pressure and pulse began to drop dramatically. He phoned the cardio and told the nurse his pulse was 50 and her response was, “What is bad about that?” Click! Our internist told him to divide the dose in half and monitor his BP and pulse because the pulse was now down to 44/45. His breathing got worse and he was panting 24/7. When the pulse went down to 40, we started researching beta blockers and learned through Dr. Mercola’s site that an Irish study showed that 800,00 europeans died in a 5 year period from taking it. RB began to slowly wean off the beta blocker without his MDs knowledge. Within 4 days taking 1/2 tablet a day, RB’s sense of humor came back. He lost the fatigue and feeling like he was on Valium. He began to do things around the house and wanting to go places. This week, he was down to 1/8th tablet when he again saw his vascular surgeon who was super concerned that RB’s pulse was only 40. He told RB to STOP the medication immediately!!!!!! Then, in front of us, he informed a young MD in training that beta blockers cause breathing problems in some people. We were stunned!!!! Why did the cardio RB was sent to in the first place because of a breathing issue order that drug? The surgeon wanted to know what the other MDs were doing for the breathing, and our response was, “They won’t address it.” Thankfully, because we are aware of the problems with medication and through people like Trudy Scott, we were able to get the answers we needed. And Spirit guided us to this surgeon who is knowledgeable about the side effects of drugs. We are so lucky and blessed.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story – I am glad RB is doing well again and has his sense of humor back!
I’ve listened to most of the summit, the info is great, not sure how to apply it all but one thing at a time will help. I have a underactive thyroid & am taking synthroid for the last 40 years. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease 12 years ago, so I am GF and for the most part Dairy Free. I just found out that I have “benign essential tremor”. At present I notice a tremor in my face area. To date I have not taken any meds for it. Is there anything natural that I could take. Thanks so much for this wonderful summit.
Glad it’s great. It’s a lot of info so yes, one thing at a time. I’ll be talking about how to apply it in the final call on Tues so do listen in then. I would look into whether you have low B12 (ask your doctor to test b12, MMA/methymalonic acid and homocysteine) and /or low magnesium (ask your doctor to test RBC magnesium) for the tremor.
One that touch me and i can relate too was The Vegetarian Myth, OMG what a wake up call, I will give you I little bit of my background, I had been suffering from mild anxiety and depression throughout my whole life. I had been on antidepressant since 2003 I had been contemplating to become Vegetarian for a while, On February 2015, I started the vegetarian diet, everything was going well, I though and third week of april, I found a bump in my right shoulder, since it was on a weekend, i couldn’t go to my dr until Monday, at that moment i had my first Anxiety attack its started with chills going thru my body then feeling like a burn in my chest, my hands shaking and restless feet, lot of crying spells and that weekend I only slept three hours. Finally, Monday came, The dr saw me and order a ct scan for tuesday all this time i had multiple anxiety attacks, Finnally the results came negative, I suppose to be happy and expected for the anxiety to go away NOT, after that I felt the attack every morning before going to work, i dreaded going to work, It was a nightmare, I went to the psychiatric and I was diagnose with Chronic Anxiety and hypochondriac; he prescribe me Ativan, at first i didn’t want to take but my attacks were so bad that i started to take it but my Dr goal is to be off by memorial day. My goal is someday to off completely off Medication. Enough of this part, my best friend was the one that email me your link for your summits and so great full she found you because she want me to get better . Now I’m eating more meat mainly organic, fish oil my regular vitamins and b12! Thank you so much for doing this, i had learned so much about my condition with this summit and looking forward for more!
Rosana – thanks for sharing – I’m so glad you’ve learned so much!
Trudy I know so many people appreciate and benefit from all the information you share and the other experts share during your summit. You truly are reaching thousands and making the world a different place.
Thanks Sue – that’s part of the plan! Right now close to 35,000 are tuning in to this summit and it’s just so exciting!
Once again you have over-delivered.
Reading through the comments to this
one thread reflects the variety of
issues people are dealing with and
finding answers through the information
being provided and more.
This is wonderful, Trudy! This post alone is full is such valuable resources. Thanks for putting this together!
Thank you for this amazing forum of information!
I have two Questions: 1) I make bone broth that I allow to cook in a crock pot for 3 days so that the bone (partially) dissolves into the broth. Am I over-cooking or harming the broth in anyway?
2) You mention the connection between alcoholism and pylouria very briefly. Where can I get more information about this?
You’ve put together an amazing line up which will help SO many people! Congratulations and thank you for everything you do Trudy!
Thanks for your support Jessica!
Dear Trudy, thank you for wonderful summit – it is so inspiring! Great topics and top speakers, and you are really good host – I learned a lot. Bought 1&2 summits as well, it will be interesting to hear more. Thank you!
Trudy, I can’t wait to go back and read through the individual blogs I missed. Thanks for everything you are doing, Trudy. Your work is so needed in the world.
Thanks Tandy
You have done a masterful job organizing all the Anxiety Summits & speakers! One could hear in the speaker’s voices & comments how amazed & grateful they were that you had taken the responsibility to get so much info. out to all of us. I have one question about the best zinc to buy: You mentioned one in the form of “opti zinc”(?), but I could not hear the name of it. When I checked for “opti zinc” on google, I found quite a few w/ that name, but they all had copper w/ them. Can u give me a brand name? Thank u!!
Super Karen
Solaray makes an optizinc and so does Douglas Labs
Hello Trudy,
The recent anxiety summit really helped me identify not only the possible root of my health problems but also the reality that I need help. Over the last year and a halfe my health problems have gone from gut problems to also anxiety and what feels like panic attacks. Trying to wait it out hasn’t helped as my issues have only gotten worse and I am now at a point of desperation
I am a 19 year old male and am about to leave home for college (which is good because I want nothing more right now than to move on from where I am currently living). I want to use my time away at college as four year “healing journey” of sorts but the problem is I am completely overwhelmed by the amount of factors that I need to consider ( such as local functional medicine practitioners, universities with a good health scene, etc) so I was wondering if you knew of any good locations or practitioners that I should direct my attention towards.
Thank you
I would focus on finding a place where you can cook your own food and shop for healthy food and just start with real whole food, no coffee, no gluten and blood sugar control. And then go deeper and look at low GABA and low serotonin and the amino acids. Gut health needs to be addressed too of course. And remember to play/exercise and get enough sleep
Boulder, CO could be the perfect place – good outdoor living, good stores and many holistic practitioners
I hope it goes well for you!
thank you for the wonderful suggestions! It seems that all roads lead back to Boulder in my functional medicine research. I also have been looking to Europe and australia as they seem to have a good healthy food infrastructure, but international might be too much of a risk. Thanks again
Yay for Boulder!
I have enjoyed the anxiety summit and am going to explore the many avenues that you have opened up for my daughter. She has suffered from hyperhydrosis and anxiety since she was a baby…..anxiety later when she turned a teenager. We have done biofeedback back, iontophoresis treatments and topical and oral medication. I was surprised not to see a connection between sweating as a symptom of pyroluria/anxiety……could you provide me with a better insight into this.
Thanks……please continue your inspirational work into bettering our health and lives!!
I have not seen a connection between pyroluria and hyperhydrosis. Does she score high on the questionnaire?
And you’re most welcome!
Hi Trudy,
I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19, I’m 47 now. I also have suffered from anxiety most of my life. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder at 21 and tried several medications for this. Burpropion HCL XL was what worked best for me and I’ve been on that twice since my diagnosis.
I have bad allergies and live on antihistamines and recently found out my internal inflammation is high.
Then my sister, a PA, sent me the info for your Anxiety Summit. I was interested right away, but never imagined the flood of information I was to gain! I know it might sound like an over reaction on my part, but I actually cried after I had listened to several of the speakers. It was if they were talking about me.
I have already started making changes to my diet and feel a real hope. I’ll have a lot to talk with my doctors about now too.
I don’t know how to thank you for the caring you must have to put all this together. I am forever grateful for it!
I hope you have a wonderful day.
With love,
This is so wonderful to hear! I wish you incredible results on your healing journey
Just a FYI, there is a big blood sugar aspect to PCOS and if you haven’t already do look into testosterone
I was put on Bupropion HCL XL back in October of 2014 for depression. Along with Xanax and about mid-October this was replaced with Clonazepam for the anxiety which was made worse by the Bupropion. Within 10 days of starting these drugs the constipation started. I am now using 800 mg. of Magnesium Glycinate and a stool softener to deal with the constipation.
Within about 6 weeks of starting these drugs ( end of Nov. 2014 ) my nasal allergies, which had been under good control, were out of control, I had developed Eczema after about the 5th week and in early Dec. 2014 I broke out in hives after eating tomatoes.
I stopped eating tomatoes. And also noticed vinegar and cinnamon aggravated my allergies so I stopped eating them. And I started taking Loratadine ( Claritin) every day for the nasal allergies.
All my family doctor and dermatologist had to offer for the Eczema was a steroid ointment.
In January 2015 I ordered a HappyLight Liberty from and started using it as soon as I received it. I went to my doctor and ask how to wean off the antidepressant. On February 5, I took my last antidepressant and the used the Happylight every morning as soon as I got up. No depression after a short time of using the Happylight
In January 2015 I went to a Naturopathic doctor who told me to eliminate gluten, dairy, eggs and peanuts from my diet. If that didn’t offer relief from the Eczema I was also to eliminate fish, seafood, citrus and chocolate. Eliminating the first 4 items made a huge difference and the Eczema improved greatly. I also recently ate a good bit of citrus in the form of lemon juice and the Eczema flared up so no more lemon juice for now.
The Naturopath told me to use Florasone Cream for the Eczema rather than the steroid ointment.
I believe Wellbutrin ( Bupropion ) is a very bad choice of antidepressant for anyone who has allergies. And in the final analysis the Happylight took care of the Depression so an antidepressant was a bad choice. I had ask my doctor about Light Therapy and she made it sound like it was Rocket Science but in the end it was very simple… the light, plug it in and turn it on and sit near it for about 1/2 hour every morning. Very simple.
I hope this helps someone.
Thanks for sharing your story. I have not heard of the allergy connection to Wellbutrin.
And I agree that light therapy can be very effective for so many people!
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with others! This was my first anxiety summit and I have learned so much. It was the first time I have ever heard about pyroluria and I think this will be life changing for me and my family. I have already taken the test for myself and answered yes to 25 of the items, ordered your book and have begun the recommended protocol. After I have sorted things out for myself I am planning to talk to others in my family whom I’m suspecting might have the condition as well about taking the test. This may involve both my children, my husband and my 2 nephews. I come from an all girl family and my sisters and I look very much alike and my husband’s mother and her sister also resembled each other.
Now for my questions. Does the zinc status test have to be done with liquid zinc or can I just taste the powder in a zinc veg cap. Actually I’ve already done this and there is no taste at all. Also I cannot find the Solaray zinc that you recommended in Canada. Instead I am taking a 30 mg. zinc veg cap made by Sisu, it says zinc citrate, has no copper. Wondering if you have any recommendations for a brand I can buy in Canada?
Again thank you so very much!
Good for you for figuring this out and wanting to help your family. It does have to be the zinc sulfate to do the test. And zinc citrate may work as long as there is no zinc
What are alternative brands for good zinc supplements that you would recommend which might be found in Canada. I cannot find opti zinc by Solaray in Canada.
Hi Trudy – I have a question about histamine. I have never been tested; but I do have seasonal allergies and I can’t tolerate wine – so don’t drink it – so feel I most likely have a histamine intolerance. I have recently been making fermented food – sauerkraut and eating about 1/2 c per day – but I am noticing that I am lately feeling worse – my symptoms seem aggravated – which are multiple – so I won’t get into it – I just thought that fermented food (sauerkraut) – would make me feel better or enhance my health. But I read an article saying that people with histamine intolerance should not eat fermented food (I guess this means Kombucha too – as I was going to learn how to make this – but I think I will put this on hold). Also, there are certain probiotics that are noted to reduce histamine and some probiotics that should be avoided. Do you have any comments regarding the above. Thank you Trudy. Melanie
I always say: listen to your body and if you react don’t eat it. With fermented foods it could be histamine and/or too much good bacteria too soon. Also some people need to start really low – 1/2 Tablespoon a few times a week
Thank you so much Trudy – maybe I was eating too much to quickly – so will cut it back as you suggested and try again. Namaste, Melanie