This is day 8 of the Anxiety Summit. Dr Corey Schuler, MS, DC – Board-certified nutrition specialist, chiropractic physician and known as the “good mood dude” is interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Roots, Leaves and Vitamin Bs for Anxiety
- Oral lavender for anxiety: safety, research and mechanism of action
- 4 key B vitamins for anxiety and HPA dysregulation
- 3 types of sex hormone dysregulation in women and the role of Femmenessence
- Unique non-supplement approaches for anxiety
Here is are a few gems from my interview with Corey:
- My favorite herb lavender now has research supporting oral use for anxiety and Corey shared some of the very interesting research on how it can serve as a natural alternative to Paxil. Here is a great blog post Corey wrote on the Integrative Therapeutics site: New Study on the Efficacy of Oral Lavender Oil
- You’ll learn more about maca for hormonal balance in women
- And lovely tips for stress reduction – these will rock your busy world!
Get your free gift from Dr Corey Schuler: “Balancing Hormones in an Unbalanced World”
And be sure to find him on Facebook here:
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here
UPDATE: the summit concluded on Tues 6/24 – season 2 of The Anxiety Summit will be in November 2014. If you’d like to be on the notification list just sign up here
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts + interview highlights and listen when it suits you
Great job on the summit. Thankyou!
Just following up on the link to oral lavender oil, was not working…..could you please send in another format.
Thank you,
Warm regards,
Hi Nina
Glad you’re enjoying it! the link is now working
The link to the E-book on balancing hormones is not working. I tried it from this page as well as the page for linking to the seminar. Thanks.
Hi Lori
This is the link and it’s working for me
If you’re still having problems please email and let us know what error you’re getting
What brand is the oral lavender
Integrative Therapeutics Lavela WS is the one in the study we link to
I wish I could ask him if maca is safe if someone has high dhea
Very interesting info on the lavender. When he mentioned it’s use for muscle pain, is the dosage the same as for anxiety?
Hi Susan
I’ll ask Corey to hop on and provide feedback as I have not used it for this purpose
I’d like to add a few other things for pain: addressing low GABA, low serotonin and considering if oxalates may be an issue.
Femmenessence can be used with high DHEA. I routinely use it with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which is characterized by high androgens including DHEA.
Thanks for the question
The link to Cory’ s e book does not work. It takes to his site, but no workable link to e book..
Hi Elise
If you enter your name and email, the eBook will be emailed to you. If you are having a tech issue please email
Oral lavender’s mechanism is promising for pain syndromes.
Has Dr Shuler found the lavender oil to be helpful with the anxiety component of OCD?
I’ll have him hop on and comment.
In the meantime I’ll add other approaches for anxiety and OCD – tryptophan and inositol are great and GABA can also help too. Gluten, caffeine and sugar have to go. I’d also consider PANDAs and the gut. Do listen to Dr Greenblatt’s OCD interview tomorrow
Is there a direct link leading to the Femmenescence company that Dr Shuler works with?
Heather – here you are
What brand of Silexan do you recommend? Do you need to work with a practioner to use it? Not sure I can find someone in Colo Spgs., CO who can really help with it and the other supplements I am using. Thanks!
Integrative Therapeutics Lavela is a good one. Let me know if I can help.
Thanks so much for the wonderful information. I am an Integrative Medicine GP in Australia, and already applying these new concepts with my patients with exciting results. So glad to be learning many tools to further assist people on their journey to regain and maintain well-being.
Hi Merran
So pleased to have you here and helping your patients! we love Integrative Medicine GPs! I’d love you to post your website and location as a resource for folks in your area
Many thanks Dr Corey and Trudy,
Very helpful and clear explanation of the B vitamins re adrenals.
re H-P-A axis: what can cause the ACTH to be low?
I am post-menopausal w/ <1 ACTH & 7 Cortisol (blood testing)
Currently take Balanced B100, vitamin D, Cortef 10mg/day.
What nutritional supplements would you recommend b/c I would like to eliminate the last (Rx)
thanks, Mary
Hi Mary – I’ll have Dr Corey hop on and comment – glad you enjoyed the interview
Thank you so much Trudy and Dr. Schuler. I learned a lot from this interview.
Deedee – great!
There haven’t been studies on Silexan and OCD, but it is something I would definitely consider along with all of the other key things that Dr. Greenblatt discusses and Trudy mentioned.
Hi Mary,
Cortef suppresses ACTH which is a product of the pituitary. ACTH is also associated with fibromyalgia. Low dose Cortef is often very helpful but it has consequences. An additional supplement like CortiVive from Integrative Therapeutics is often what I would use in this sort of situation. You may need 4 capsules per day but use your best judgement on dosing given your body’s response.