Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution. presents during the Anxiety Summit Season 3.
Pyroluria, Amino Acids and Anxiety: Troubleshooting when you are not getting results
- Pyroluria and the effects of leaky gut, oxalates and low oxytocin levels
- CFS, ADHD, autism, alcoholism, Lyme disease: the pyroluria connection
- Introversion and musician’s dystonia: an update on the pyroluria connection
- Troubleshooting the pyroluria protocol and mistakes I see
- Testing for pyroluria, zinc, vitamin B6 and fatty acids
- The 8 factors that make the targeted individual amino acids more effective
- What to do when the amino acids are not working
- Concerns about quinolinic acid and tryptophan?
Pyroluria/social anxiety/introversion protocol: trouble-shooting
This is the blog I mentioned that summarizes a number of prior blog posts on the topic: Pyroluria, social anxiety, introversion: a summary
We discussed factors to consider when you are not getting results on the pyroluria protocol. Here is the blog with the 21 we talked about during the interview plus additional factors that I’ve added.
Pyroluria protocol: why aren’t I getting results – trouble-shooting checklist
Here are the oxytocin blogs that discuss social anxiety, testing, the oxytocin receptor gene and connections to autism and depression:
Oxytocin, social anxiety, pyroluria and autism
Dr. Woeller shares how helpful oxytocin is for social anxiety, facial recognition and voice recognition in individuals with autism and Asperger’s syndrome
Oxytocin and social anxiety, pyroluria and depression?
Genetic variation in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) has been implicated in anxiety, depression and related stress phenotypes
I mentioned my aminos and pyroluria interview with Sean Croxton on the upcoming Depression Sessions (an online video series) in June. He is an introvert and is fascinated with pyroluria-introversion connection. I said I’d share a link to the Depression Sessions but the site isn’t quite ready so please stay tuned. I’ll share it in a few days. This one is not to be missed.
Targeted individual amino acid supplements for anxiety: trouble-shooting
This is the blog I mentioned that summarizes a number of prior blog posts on the topic: Anxiety and targeted individual amino acid supplements: a summary
Here are the categories I discussed, together with the associated amino acid/s
- low blood sugar: glutamine
- low GABA: GABA (I prefer GABA to Phenibut or pharmaGABA)
- low serotonin: tryptophan or 5-HTP
- low endorphins: DPA (d-phenylalanine)
- low catecholamines: tyrosine
Here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution. I encourage you to do and see which sections may be an issue for you (or see how much you’ve improved if you’ve been using amino acids)
I discussed why Urinary neurotransmitter testing falls short and why I use the above questionnaire instead
There are some precautions to be aware of when taking supplemental amino acids. Here are the Amino Acid Precautions
The 8 factors that make the amino acids more effective:
- addressing blood sugar issues and eating real whole food
- the brand and quality
- timing i.e. between meals and away from protein
- your unique amount for your own need
- addressing bipolar or bipolar-type symptoms
- using the pyroluria protocol at the same time (if needed)
- addressing thyroid health and hormonal health
- taking the amino acids opened up
Thanks to Dr. Josh Friedman, Integrative Psychotherapist, for the interview. As I mentioned, I interviewed him on season 1 of the Anxiety summit on: “Integrative Psychotherapy: My Journey from Psychoanalysis to Whole Person Mental Health.” If you missed it, I highly recommend it. Dr. Friedman is dear friend, colleague and integrative psychotherapist who uses amino acids and other nutritional approaches in his practice. During our season 1 interview I asked him if he uses GABA with his patients and I love his answer:
it is definitely something I use. I am not a biochemist, so I actually don’t really know whether it crosses the blood/brain barrier, nor do I care actually. the first question should be, is it harmful? Are any of these things going to cause harm? And the answer with all the amino acids are no, they’re not going to cause harm, especially when compared to psychiatric medicines. The second question is, does it work? Is it helpful for our patients that we see in our practice?
Here is a link to my book: The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings
As we mentioned, it has the amino acid questionnaire, pyroluria questionnaire and all the protocols BUT does not contain the 21+ pyroluria touble-shooting checklist (see the separate blog post for this)
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here: www.theAnxietySummit.com
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts and listen when it suits you.
You can find your purchasing options here: Anxiety Summit Season 1, Anxiety Summit Season 2, and Anxiety Summit Season 3.
Does a doctor have to order a fatty acids test, or can one order on their own? Ty!
This is a functional test that a lab such as Genova/Metametrix would offer. A functional medicine/integrative doctor or nutritionist would be able to order it for you.
You can also order it yourself via Directlabs (https://www.directlabs.com/TestDetail.aspx?testid=903)
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for addressing pyroluria on this summit! Not many practitioners, let alone people are familiar with pyroluria so you are doing great work getting the word out! I first heard of pyroluria through your book, YouTube presentation, and talks on other summits. I immediately identified with almost all of the symptoms on your pyroluria questionairre, and ordered the test through Direct Health Care (the lab Dr. Walsh recommends). I ended up getting a mild positive urinary kryptopyrrole result.
My naturopath was unfamiliar with treating pyroluria so he recommended Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt’s pyroluria protocol to me. I have been on it for five months now but have not experienced substantial improvement in social anxiety symptoms. I’m on high dose zinc (90 mg/day), evening primrose oil (2600 mg/day), a B6 complex, P5P, B5, B3, B12/folate (for a compound heterozygous MTHFR mutation), biotin, and take I take minerals separately as well (a liquid multimineral, electrolytes, molybdenum 1 mg, manganese 15 mg, lithium 10 mg, silicon 10 mg, chromium 600 mcg, magnesium 144 mg, selenium 200 mcg daily) as Dr. Klinghardt says all minerals are excreted with pyroluria and recommends supplementing with these. I also take 800 mg vitamin E a day as per his protocol.
Through conventional physicians and allopathic specialists, I also have been diagnosed with mast cell activation disorder (MCAD) and autoimmune disease (lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, celiac disease, Raynaud’s, interstitial cystitis), and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type 3. Through numerous functional medicine doctors and naturopaths, I’ve been diagnosed with Lyme disease (and a co-infection mycoplasma pneumoniae), heavy metals (high blood mercury, high urinary lead and cadmium), Candida overgrowth, suspected SIBO (markers on urinary organic acids test), stage 3 adrenal fatigue, low ferritin, and chemical reactivity to BPA and trimellitic and phthalic anhydrides (through Cyrex testing). I had high whole blood histamine but my SAM:SAH ratio to test for under/over methylation was normal. My functional medicine practitioner does not seem to think pyroluria is important; he said that it’s just “another way to say methylation problems”. I have lots of SNPs but he didn’t seem well versed in addressing them as a whole and instead just prescribed Orthomolecular’s Methyl CpG.
Do you have any recommendations for me? I’ve been on the paleo autoimmune protocol for a couple years now and have not introduced any of the eliminated foods. My diet is restricted to cooked veggies, healthy fats, wild-caught seafood and grass-fed meats but my digestion is still bad despite Betaine HCl with pepsin (6 per meal), enzymes, and a DAO at meals for MCAD. I take anti-inflammatory herbs (curcumin, resveratrol), fat soluble vitamins (cod liver oil, vitamin D/K), glutathione precursors (alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C), supplements for mitochondrial dysfunction (ubiquinol, acetyl-L-carnitine), supplements for dysbiosis (S. boulardii, soil based probiotics), compounded natural desiccated thyroid hormone, and low dose naltrexone. I have not yet treated the SIBO or Candida with antifungals or antibiotics (besides being on a low sugar, fruit-free diet and eliminating some FODMAPS) because my functional medicine practitioner thinks the die-off I would experience would overwhelm my system.
I was wondering about your take on what issue is most important to address first and how to go about it. Dr. Klinghardt says for pyroluria you will need to increase the zinc dosage to 250-300 mg a day initially to restore zinc sufficiency which far exceeds what you recommend. Would you recommend increasing beyond what I’m currently taking (90mg of zinc a day) since I still don’t experience a strong taste during the zinc tally test? I do the zinc tally test weekly and it has started to taste a little stronger (sweet, mineral-y, puts tongue on edge, kind of tastes to me faintly like mozzarella cheese) but not repulsive by any means. My serum zinc and copper are normal but my NutraEval showed I had a moderate need for zinc supplementation. Dr. Klinghardt also says you need metal binders on board because as you increase zinc it will displace heavy metals from binding sites so I was wondering about your take on that.
I apologize for writing a novel here! I am just at my wits end as I’ve seen dozens of doctors across many states and while I’ve experienced some improvement in physical symptoms like POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), my social anxiety has persisted. My most troublesome symptoms are temperature dysregulation (profuse drenching sweats and flushing, especially worse in social situations), anxiety, fatigue, extreme bloating and brain fog. My NutraEval showed markers for low serotonin and I think I have low serotonin, GABA, and endorphins based on your questionairres so I am interested in amino acid supplementation. However, I think I would fall into the category of a “pixie” person because I’m acutely sensitive. I’m already taking so many supplements that it’s hard to identify which are helping and I’d love to pare them down to only the most necessary.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in knowing more or using me as a case study! I’ve been struggling with physical health problems since I was 19 (I’m 27) now and the pyroluria component my whole life. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on functional medicine testing and have hundreds of pages of conventional medicine testing too. I would love for someone to put the puzzle pieces together and get some relief!
Thanks for your fabulous summit and speakers! It provides real hope to so many people.
I’m so pleased you’ve learned about pyroluria.
You have a lot going on and I think the place to start right now is with the new checklist I posted https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-protocol-why-arent-i-getting-results-trouble-shooting-checklist/ (please paste into the comments of this blog and answer each one to help me help you and learn)
I actually think a one-one-one consult with me may be best because of the complexity of your issues. I can be another set of eye putting the puzzle pieces together
Do you have a link to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt’s pyroluria protocol? I have not had anyone go above 90mg of zinc
Trudy, thanks so much for taking the time to reply!!
I appreciate any guidance at all that you can give me.
The link to Dr. Klinghardt’s presentation on his pyroluria protocol are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z3kRDYcvhA (Treatment Protocol around 1:14:00)
The powerpoint from his presentation is here (Treatment Protocol on Slide 18):
And his pyroluria protocol is summarized here as well: http://www.buzznutrition.com/BuzzNutrition/Pyroluria_files/buzznutrition%20protocol%20notes-pyroluria_for%20website.pdf
1. I’m taking Pure Encapsulations Zinc Picolinate (30 mg), Dr. Mercola Zinc Complex as Zinc Gluconate, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, and Zinc Citrate (30 mg), and 2 Seeking Health ZCG 500 as zinc L-carnosine complex (17 mg) daily – these are all copper free and I have been taking this amount daily (90 mg total) for four months
2. There is no copper in any of my supplements except a liquid mineral supplement (BioPure Micro Minerals) which contains all major and trace minerals and elements, so it contains a small amount of copper (I take 1 tbsp per day).
3. I’ve taken 2 Orthomolecular Products Evening Primrose Oil a day (total of 2,600 mg evening primrose seed oil and 236 mg gamma-linolenic acid a day) for the past four months
4. According to a recent NutraEval my omega 6/omega 3 ratio was low at 2.7 (normal 3.4-10.7) and my AA/EPA ratio was low at 5 (normal 12-125). I had low levels of most omega 6s, normal levels of most omega 3s, normal levels of omega 9s, and saturated fatty acids varied (some low, some normal, some high).
5. My alkaline phosphatase has been 56, 66, and 62 when it’s been measured.
6. I’ve done the zinc tally test each week for the past 4 months since starting the pyroluria protocol. It initially tasted like water, then progressed to taste like mineral water, and now tastes like string cheese, sweet, with a mild mineral-y flavor that puts my tongue on edge like the sensation you get after eating spinach. It definitely does not taste really bad or repulsive.
7. My serum copper and zinc have been in normal range when tested through regular labs. I have not tested ceruloplasmin. My serum copper was 0.83 mcg/mL most recently (serum zinc was 1 mcg/mL). Before I began the pyroluria protocol, serum zinc was 0.77 mcg/mL (normal), serum copper was 0.99 mcg/mL (normal), RBC zinc was 7.9 mg/L (low) and RBC copper was 0.72 mg/L (normal). (By the way, my recent NutraEval showed borderline need for Zn, Mb, Mn, B9, B12, and vitamin C, and high need for vitamin A, vitamin E, alpha lipoic acid, B1, B2, B3, and B6).
8. My kryptopyrrole urine result through Direct Health Care Access Inc. was high at 12.14 (normal 0-9 mcg/dL).
9. My score on the pyroluria questionnaire is 38 out of 42 (all the symptoms apply except #6, 10, 11, and 27)
10. I scored 20 out of 23 on the introversion questionnaire (all apply except #2, 11, 12)
11. Before starting the protocol I did not have pleasant dreams and rarely remembered my dreams unless they were nightmares. Since starting the protocol I dream most nights (some pleasant, but most stressful, and some vivid nightmares still). I’m taking 250 mg vitamin B6 as pyridoxine HCl and 43.8 mg activated B6 as pyridoxal 5’ phosphate per day (a combination of Thorne P5P and Pure Encapsulations B6 complex).
12. On a scale of 1-10, my social anxiety before was 10 and now is 7-8.
13. I think my stomach acid is low because I have had perpetually loose stools, undigested food in my stools, and chronic bloating (where I look 6 months pregnant after eating!). I’ve tried the betaine HCl with pepsin challenge and I’ve increased to 6 betaine capsules per meal without any sensation of burning but have been reluctant to increase beyond that. It has firmed up my stool somewhat. Total protein in blood has been normal.
14. I eat grass-fed and finished meat daily, as well as wild-caught fish (not much poultry). I animal protein at every meal.
15. I don’t eat any sugar or processed food or use sweeteners of any kind. The only fruit I eat are lemons. After eating only vegetables, meats, and seafood for the past year, I added back some starchy carbs (plantains, sweet potatoes, beets, squash) and have 1-1.5 cups total of carbs per day. Surprisingly, my last blood work indicated high fasting blood glucose and moderately elevated insulin.
16. I don’t eat any nuts or seeds (not permitted on autoimmune paleo protocol).
17. No copper IUD or pots but I do have copper pipes. I just use a PUR filter on the tap water and use the filter that came with the fridge.
18. I have not had a hair analysis. Most recently my serum copper was 0.83 mcg/mL (while serum zinc was 1 mcg/mL). Before I began the pyroluria protocol, serum zinc was 0.77 mcg/mL (normal), serum copper was 0.99 mcg/mL (normal), RBC zinc was 7.9 mg/L (low) and RBC copper was 0.72 mg/L (normal).
19. Exercise – yoga classes 2x/week, tai chi classes 3x/week, and a couple of walks around the neighborhood at a leisurely/moderate pace per week. However, I sweat and flush profusely even at rest and I feel like I lose a lot of minerals that way (doctors told me sweating is due to mast cell activation disorder and hyperadrenergic POTS – hyperadrenergic part was diagnosed on the basis of high circulating blood levels of norepinephrine and dopamine and overactivation of my sympathetic nervous system). I also feel dehydrated a lot of the time despite drinking several liters of water a day.
20. I have not used any of the amino acids you recommend besides L-glutamine (for leaky gut). I felt like this bloated me so I discontinued it.
21. I do not eat any gluten – I’m so acutely sensitive to it that I can’t eat out at restaurants at all because of cross contamination so I have to prepare all meals at home. But, I do not think I have healed my gut due to latent infections and mast cell activation disorder.
22. I am completely grain-free.
23. No amalgams/silver fillings but I have heavy metals as revealed on conventional blood tests and urine tests ordered by my allopathic doctor (they said this is very rare for it to show up on these). I had high blood mercury (also confirmed on my NutraEval) and high lead and cadmium in my urine. I have not done any detox besides far infrared sauna regularly, eating cilantro, and taking supplements like broccoli seed extract, alpha lipoic acid, and glutathione. My functional medicine doctor just prescribed Metagenics MetalloClear which I have not yet started.
24. I am heterozygous for MTHFR C677T and heterozygous for MTHFR A1298C. I take 1200 mcg each of folate and B12 daily for this but I’m not sure if it’s helping or hurting.
25. I have borderline high whole blood histamine (mine is 68.7 ng/mL while the diagnostic criteria for histadelia according to Carl Pfeiffer is over 70 ng/mL)
26. No benzodiazepines currently, however VERY bad reactions and side effects from these in the past
27. I have been diagnosed with Candida overgrowth and suspect SIBO (high fungal and bacterial metabolites on a Microbial Organic Acids Test and on the Genova NutraEval). I also have bacterial dysbiosis markers and malabsorption indicated on the NutraEval. I have had many episodes of food poisoning that I feel caused SIBO due to the autoimmune process Dr. Siebecker described.
28. I have seen an ILADS Lyme practitioner who feels I have Lyme due to a number of indirect markers (CD57, C4a, many positive bands on IgeneX testing and Western Blot). I also have a chronic infection with Mycoplasma pneumoniae which apparently is the most frequent co-infection in Lyme disease.
29. I have many food sensitivities and unresolved GI symptoms despite eliminating all grains including gluten, legumes, dairy, corn, soy, nuts/seeds, eggs, nightshades, caffeine, alcohol, and chocolate for the past two years. I have so many lingering symptoms that I feel like it’s hard to identify any food reactions with any reintroductions I’ve attempted. My diet is severely limited. I only eat cooked vegetables, grass fed meats, wild caught seafood, and healthy paleo fats like coconut oil, olive oil, tallow, duck fat, and lard (I recently added in a few starch tubers).
30. I do have problems with fermented foods of any kind (causes a TON of unbearable itching, cystic acne) due to yeast sensitivity and histamine intolerance. I have not tried to implement a low histamine diet since my diet is already very restricted and a lot of what I eat is high histamine (spinach, avocado, sardines).
31. I don’t have any issues with oxalates that I know of.
32. I may have mold exposure due to pipes that have burst in the walls of my condo and leaks under my dishwasher. I know I am allergic to mold because of regular IgE skin prick allergy testing. I am sensitive to chemicals/fragrances so I think the threshold of my toxic burden is low.
33. I haven’t had my oxytocin levels tested and I’m unsure about my OXTR status.
34. I don’t have a particularly high level of stress in my life but I think I have an extremely low stress tolerance compared to most people. I do try to incorporate stress management techniques (acupuncture, tai chi, yoga, meditation) but could do better!
35. My ZRT adrenal salivary index showed normal cortisol first thing in the morning but it was low at the three other times of day it was tested. My functional medicine practitioner told me this indicated stage 3 adrenal fatigue. We tried to correct with sublingual DHEA and pregnenolone, but this produced bad side effects. I also tried sublingual licorice root, adrenal cortex, and other adaptogens but these were over-stimulating.
36. I do have PMS and irregular period. On my Meridian Valley Comprehensive Hormone Panel I had low DHEA, low testosterone, low aldosterone, and low progesterone relative to estrogen (was on hormonal contraceptive for years but discontinued it two years ago).
Wow! Was this helpful for you to see all the possible roadblocks?
My quick synopsis: Copper in your mineral (you want zero); copper pipes; low omega-6 – so you need more?; Sweating losing zinc (addressing adrenals may help); heavy metals; history of benzos (could be residual anxiety); candida/SIBO/malabsorption – address & find something to heal the gut; Lyme; mold – address; stress reduction – do more; you have to heal the adrenals – it makes the stresses that much worse; GABA for low progesterone/anxiety and look into tryptophan for some of the anxiety too
With the ridiculous number of things you’re taking, you should be taking and antifungals and probiotics. Forget about die off, if it happens it happens. If you have SIBO/candida, the diet won’t do anything (IMO). That’s probably why you still have anxiety. A strong antifungal like Candibactin AR/BR. Don’t take it without probiotics. Find good probiotics as well, low histamine/D-lactate combinations. Gutpro is one, here is another: http://thegutinstitute.com/2015/10/new-the-gut-institute-custom-probiotic-ultra-potency-its-called-bm.html.
Other stuff to consider, reducing inflammation (what does the organic acids test show for ‘Neurotransmitter Metabolites’?), colostrum (surthrival) for the gut, igg 2000 etc.
Note: I’m not a doctor or a professional, just from personal experience, the antifungals do help (in combination with other things).
I scored 25 out of the questions for porlorua..i can not take pills 9 times out of 10. I use food stuff to addressing all as came off my meds last summit. Doing well as can be expected and only inten to get better.Can i use a powered supplement and get same results. Thank you so much for the Summit truly Greatfull
With pyroluria you do need to supplement and yes if you find a powdered or liquid supplement that would work well
Thank you for both the interviews about pyroluria. I had never heard of it. But now it makes sense that the nutrients mentioned to correct it, have helped me. I gravitate toward those substances and will pay even more attention to them now.
And thank you for the entire summit. It’s been amazingly helpful. I appreciate all your effort and good will in sharing this information.
So pleased to hear this!
You recommend Solaray Optizinc as a product that seems to work well.
1. What are your concerns with Magnesium Stearate and the Whole Rice Concentrate (since you are grain free)?
2. Is it effective because it’s in the form Monomethionine and/or because it has B6 Pyridoxine HCl?
3. Do you take additional B6 (what form) or a multi B vitamin with B6 as well?
4. Can bad dreams be from a different b vitamin deficiency?
Thank you!!
1. What are your concerns with Magnesium Stearate and the Whole Rice Concentrate (since you are grain free)? it doesn’t seem to be a problem
2. Is it effective because it’s in the form Monomethionine and/or because it has B6 Pyridoxine HCl?
3. Do you take additional B6 (what form) or a multi B vitamin with B6 as well?
Yes – B6 and P5P in my multi and B complex
4. Can bad dreams be from a different b vitamin deficiency? Not that I’m aware of
Thank you!
Regarding magnesium stearate there is a lot of info online but here’s just one link from Mercola:
“However, previous research has shown that stearic acid suppresses T cells—your natural killer cells—which are a key component of your immune systemi. According to that study, stearic acid causes the collapse of cell membrane integrity—an effect that was found to be time and dose dependent—which, ultimately, can destroy cell function.
In my view, if you’re taking a supplement, making sure it’s a high quality, natural food-based supplement that does not include potentially harmful fillers and additives such as magnesium stearate.”
One follow-up question on Pyroluria: Do you explain anywhere why having all sisters is a factor or can you point me to a source that explains it? Cheers!
It was an observation Carl Pfeiffer made. We now know that in pyroluric families boys are often miscarried
Hi Trudy,
I was tested for pyroluria and it came back positive. Strangely enough I have high zinc levels. Do you know why that would be the case? Also, I have a heavy metal burden and Lyme disease. According to Dr. Klinghardt one should detox heavy metals before beginning the pyroluria protocol because these metals bind to places where zinc should be and once you start supplementing with zinc, the metals will be dislodged. Do you have any opinion on this?
This has been an amazing summit and I have learned so much from you and all of the speakers!
I start with the pyroluria protocol and can’t say much about this
Curious how you know you have high zinc levels?
Any ideas for countering high dopamine?
I should say… to correct high dopamine and bring it down. What amino acids would do this?
First I’d ask how do you know it’s high and what symptoms do you have?
And what is your scores on the amino acid questionnaire for each of the 5 areas
Also, have you tested cortisol levels in saliva and what are the results?
Trudy: this interview is so helpful! I learned so much.
I am starting the pyroluria protocol asap, however, I think I first need to solve my SIBO problems which has been very difficult. (I heard your interview with Dr. Siebecker.)
1) do you have experience in treating children for pyroluria? Do you start them at lower levels? How do you get an 8 year old who can’t really swallow and hates the taste of supplements to take all the supplements?
2) I have been diagnosed with pernicious anemia, which makes B-12 hard to absorb. So I take B-12 with intrinsic factor. Should I take the B-6 with the B-12 and intrinsic factor, or is this a different issue?
Thank you for your work!
Hi Shire
Super! I do start children at lower levels – 120lbs is considered adult, 60 -120 lbs would half the amount. Many moms open the supps into a shake or use liquids.
One doesn’t need to take vitamin B6 with the B12
Hi Trudy. First of all, Thank you so much for your presentation and answering all these emails!! I have 3 questions:
1. I would like to try your approach To help a family member, but could not find liquid since sulfate. I was wondering if you ever test serum or plasma zinc levels beforehand on your patients?
If so, do you ever have someone still respond who starts with a serum, plasma, or SpectraCell zinc within normal limits?
2. Is there a difference in response if a liquid borage oil is used instead of evening primrose oil as the source of GLA? If not, do you know how much of the former would be equivalent to the recommended daily dose of 1300mg evening primrose oil?
1. I’ll be sharing a blog with a link to the supps I use – I get DFH Zinc Tally. I don’t use test serum or plasma zinc levels as they’re not terribly accurate
2. Borage oil could work and you just need more – I’m not sure how much. Doing fatty acid testing would help
Also, are there any risks related to taking 100mg Vit 6 (5000%RDI) in someone with diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangits? (Currently liver enzymes only slightly elevated.)
I am not familiar with this condition that affects the gallbladder/bile production so can’t comment. I suggest checking with your doctor
Great info!!! I’m so excited to try this on me and my husband. If we prove to have a great outcome, what would you suggest for our children? Our girl 3.5 yrs old has acid reflux from birth but is extremely anxious and worrisome. Our boy is shy and so far barely talking at 2.5 yr old.
Are all these amino acids safe for children and at what dosage?
Hi Amy
It really depends on the results of the questionnaires and symptoms.
I would start with basics first with kids that young – real whole food, only organic produce (pesticides can be a factor), Feingold diet (no additives, colors etc), protein at breakfast, no sugar, no gluten etc.
With reflux I always look at gluten first and just removing this can clear up anxiety issues.
Also blood work can show a lot – one young girl I worked with was very low in iron and addressing this helped a lot
That being said I have had great results with 100mg chewable tryptophan with kids. I have not worked with any kids as young as 2.5 or 3.5 though
Hello Trudy, I so much enjoyed this interview. I particularly appreciated your final comments that starting a person who is suffering and has already tried different protocols and seen several practitioners on aminoacids and make them feel hopeful, is the best strategy to follow!!! So since they feel better and have hope, they now have the time to consider digging deeper into their condition!
I’m totally new to this subject of pyroluria, I listened to it out of curiosity and now I think it totally concerns me as well.
It’s so difficult to find practitioners in Europe who share your approach. Are you available for distance consultations?
Thank you for this amazing summit!
Hi Rita
Thanks for your feedback on my final comments – having hope and feeling better right away does help so much!
That interesting about pyroluria – now I’m curious why you were curious?
Yes I do distance consulting – we start with a 15-minute Complimentary Initial Assessment (no charge). You can find all the details here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html
Glad you’re enjoying the summit
Thank you, Trudy, for your kind response. I was led to this Summit by Dr Ben Lynch as I have an MTHFR issue and he had informed his readers about his talk on the Anxiety Summit. Then I was drawn to your talk on pyroluria as I had never heard about this condition and I was intrigued. Now I’m hooked into this Summit and I intend to listen to all the Replay talks.
I very much appreciate your way of explaining things, in a very clear, calm and composed way. Thank you for the wonderful work!
thanks for your kind words! glad you’re hooked!
I left this on an older post and thought I would put it here in case someone else had these questions. I do not know if I will get an email notification of response or have to check back. I love that you are following up with the comments. It is great to get some answers to questions that we have as we listen to the interviews.
Do you recommend starting with one and then adding the others….one at a time or just go for all at the same time…
Tryptophan with GABA or one at a time?
Zinc with B6 or start with one and add the other?
I have been in tears learning these things.
I have struggled all my life as an only child and being terribly shy etc. I took up drinking to be ‘social’ in my late teens and early 20’s. Then I seemed to ‘grow out of it’ a bit with raising my children. Then at about 52 my life went down hill fast. I lost my father then 18 months later lost my mother. Six months later I was under a great deal of stress dealing with another problem and I instantly started with panic attacks. I know exactly what was happening when it started…the exact moment. I have not been right since. I never dreamed or at least didn’t recall them. My husband thought that was odd. But was told that was because I had Apnea. After being treated for that I was told to watch out for the nightmares. Now that is all I have. My dreams are very stressful. I wake up in the morning with anxiety and thoughts that I have a hard time controlling. I have always been a worrier but it is worse now. I am scared most of the time and hate being alone. I am now 59 and live in hell. I had a back surgery last year that has started a chain of events that just won’t stop. I was just diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos, some form of dysautonomia, TMJ, have MTHFR homo 1298 (having trouble with folate and b12) and now my neck is coming apart. I am trying to start mindfulness practice but it is difficult with this level of stress, depression, and anxiety. But I am trying. I am starting to see a psychologist this week but after our first meeting I don’t expect much. I did take some Tryptophan a couple of evenings and it was great (broke open a capsule and took it till it calmed me down-it took about a third of the 500mg) but not doing regularly. I am occasionally doing some Quicksilver GABA when I am anxious in the morning. I do not usually have a desire for breakfast but have started trying to get some protein as early as I can. I find that I can’t take even the slightest amount of stress such as getting ready to leave the house, pressure to do chores, etc.
I know exactly the day this started. I just crashed. My PCP says that if I don’t take the antidepressant that she has prescribed she can’t help me. I don’t take pills well and don’t want to get addicted to any of it. I have had drs do things to me that would make anyone anxious to go see them. Just a mess here. I hope to try your Pyroluria program in the next week after gathering the supplements. Do you know anyone in the Cincinnati area that understands like you do as I prefer some hand holding….probably due to my fear/trust issues (oxytocin etc)?
Thanks for the summit. I look forward to the depression summit.
When working on your own it’s helpful to do one at a time so you know the effects
My apologies – I had planned to come back and add to this comment but the time got away from me. I am sorry to hear you’re having such a heard time. I hope you had had some success with the amino acids and pyroluria supplements?
I’m afraid I don’t know anyone in the Cincinnati area that understands this and I’m not taking on new phone clients at the moment but do have a waiting list.
With regards to fear/trust issues, this is often low serotonin so starting with tryptophan often helps.
Tryptophan can and does become inflammatory to the brain,when one is either B6 deficient or is already in a situation of bodily inflammation, especially in the GI tract.
helpful info
Hi Roseann
Thanks – can you please share a reference or resource for this. I’m familiar with the inflammation part but not the B6 deficiency
Learned this pathway “detour” for Tryptophan>greater inflammation>greater anxiety from Genova “ION + 40” test interpretation & guide. So seems important to first check B6 and GI inflammation levels before Tryptophan; if either/both are not at normal levels, Tryptophan can then go down the ‘wrong’ pathway and result in increased inflammation and therefore, increased anxiety, rather than calm.
Thanks Roseann
I found this document and was not aware of the vitamin B6 link. It’s interesting that they have a diagram with the quinolinate information but nothing about this in the tryptophan written section
I’m going to contact them and see if someone from the lab would like to speak on the next summit
I had my urine and some blood tested for zinc,copper and ceruloplasmin. But nothing jumps out. There was undetectable level of copper in urine, zinc urine was 307mcg/24hr (100-1200), and mercury was <4. Blood serum copper 121 (70-175) mcg/dL, ceruloplasmin 26 (18-53), and zinc 70 (60-130). My pcp says all is well.
But I don't think so. How do I know if I should proceed with zinc etc to treat my pyroluria symptoms with anxiety and depression?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have my clients do the pyroluria questionnaire and start on the supplements if they score higher than 15. We monitor social anxiety and I also use the zinc challenge/tally/taste and check for dream recall.
Do you start everything at once or add things in one at a time for several days and then add other supplements?
Do you know anyone in the Cincinnati area?
Thanks so much for your feedback.
One at a time
I don’t know anyone in the Cincinnati area
I missed the test you mentioned to test for copper. What test do you suggest? Is it the copper RBC blood test?
Copper and ceruloplasmin – serum
How does supplementing with Black Current Seed Oil (GLA) work in comparison to Evening Primrose Oil?
Do you know the best way to test zinc and copper (in lieu of the taste test for zinc) and what ways are not very accurate? I tested normal range for both on the Genova RBC markers but I know I have a need based off of the taste test, questionaire etc…
You also mentioned testing ceruloplasmin – is this serum blood for copper?
I have listened to all of your talks, read your book and your posts on Pyroluria, Trudy. It’s great because each time I am able to fine tune things and understand more and you also go more in depth. Thank you!
So pleased you’re able to fine tune things as I go more in depth!
I find EPO is more effective than Black Current Seed Oil or Borage.
Alk phos <70 is an indication of low zinc. Serum copper and ceruloplasmin.
I just found my blood report from last year and found my Alk phos to be 40. So I guess that is pretty low even though it was in their range. Doctors always tell me all my blood results are good. Obviously the ranges are too broad. I remember you mentioning connective tissue disorders. I’ve never had any diagnosis but my joints, mainly my hips, click when I move. Not painful so I just ignore it but I did hear it could be low Vit K, now from you I discover low zinc. I think I’ve gathered enough info now that I should start taking more zinc! Thank you for all your information on this topic.
You mention only a few of your preferred brands for the different amino acids and supplements. Do you have a recommended brand for Evening Primrose Oil, HCl, and a multi vitamin without copper? The multi without copper is almost impossible to find at an actual retail store. You can find lots of brands online to choose from, but don’t know how to choose a quality source. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Great Summit, as usual!
Hi Kim
I’m in the process of writing a blog post with links to all the amino acids and pyroluria products I use with my clients. I’ll be back with a link likely tomorrow
With you being SO INCREDIBLE, I should have figured you would provide a link with a list, at some point. Yeah! You are so very generous to share all your wisdom with everyone.
I have a question related to the body’s ability to process the amino acids and supplements that are taken. Is healthy cholesterol related/necessary for proper function in any way? My son who is 19yrs, 5’8″ weighing 130#, after a fasting blood test, had a total cholesterol of 111, HDL = 42, LDL = 69 and Triglycerides < 45. I have read that low cholesterol is problematic in many areas. Do you have any knowledge regarding this issue and if so, any recommendations on how to increase his overall cholesterol? He is currently being treated for Pyroluria with Mensah Medical.
Yes and I will be talking about this in my final call – low total cholesterol is not healthy. Below 150 is cause for concern as it increases your risk for stroke, depression and suicide.
A product called Sonic can be used to raise cholesterol. You can read more about it here http://getsoniccholesterol.com/drkurtwoeller/
I’d also look at why it may be low and consider additional enzymes to enhance fat digestion, leaky gut, gluten sensitivity and other causes of malabsorption.
Hi. Can you tell me what type of zinc again you recommend? I’m on zinc polynicocinate. Is that acceptable? Ty!! Love this summit!!!
If zinc picolinate is working for someone then that’s fine. The other form I like is Optizinc/zinc monomethionine
I was wondering whether you’d found a link between pyroluria and iodine deficiency? I seem to need to supplement with some iodine to keep dandruff away and it also seems to help my acne a bit. Have searched for a link with pyroluria, but not come up with anything. There was some mention about pyroluria resulting in reduced production of TSH from the pituitary, and then some secondary hypothyroidism despite TSH levels being under 2. I haven’t had my heavy metals checked, or my actual iodine status. Was wondering whether reduced metallothionines might make it harder for us to get rid of other halides, especially fluoride and bromide… What blog would you like me to post it on?
I have not Catriona, but zinc and B6 is important for both pyroluria and the thyroid
I’m not familiar with this: pyroluria resulting in reduced production of TSH
I could not wait until your lecture about pyroluria. I’m listening right now. Somehow, I came across the word a few years ago, trying to find a reason for my SILs baffling behavior. But I also “fit the bill,” resonating with virtually the entire list of pyroluria signs. I was painfully shy as a child. This is the answer! THANK YOU.
Wonderful MaryLiz!
I’d love to know what you feel the connection to SILs and what SILs is please
Oh I’m sorry Trudy. It’s an abbreviation. SIL is my sister in law, who became very socially withdrawn after the birth of her second child, and has basically kidnapped my brother and her children into isolation from the rest of our family. They moved far away and we have not been able to speak to any of them for years.
I always suspected that my sister in law had some kind of social anxiety, then somehow I came across a list of Pyroluria symptoms on the internet. I thought, wow, that sounds just like my sister in law. I wish I could contact her to give her this information, but that is another matter…
It turns out I have almost every single Pyroluria sign myself. I was extremely shy as a child, but have gradually come out of my shell over the years. So that’s why I was not concerned about learning more about Pyroluria for myself. I was not isolating myself, so what possible problem could there be?
As I was becoming more social, I was also becoming more and more and more fatigued by stress and injuries (including RSD, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which miraculously went into remission) and a run-in with cancer. As I approach 50, I promised myself that I would pay more attention to myself and my health. I have been so tired for so long. And it seems that Pyroluria might be the reason. Finally, some kind of answer!
After listening to your Pyroluria interview, I realize how much my energy levels are being affected by the overwhelming lack of nutrients, despite a diet that I had thought very healthy until I started listening to all the interviews these past two weeks. At least I have a lot of good ideas and have begun to implement them already.
I’m hoping that B6 and zinc will give me some of my energy back. I’m trying to find a local functional medicine practitioner. I’ve hit two dead ends already but I’ll keep looking. It has been very frustrating to know all these years that something is wrong, only to be told by doctors that I am just fine, or maybe just need an antidepressant. Been there, done that. Antidepressant only make me depressed!
I’m not anxious and depressed so much as fatigued and frustrated. But maybe I’ll finally reverse this downhill slide. THANK YOU for hosting all these speakers!
Re: Trudy’s interview by Dr. Friedman
I have commented in numerous places on the Summit (excellent work). I was tested by Mensah Medical for methylation problems, knowing I have two 1298s. A serum histamine test was used, and the result was that I am not over or under methylated. I was also tested for pyrole disorder. I’m pretty sure the result was negative. My zinc was low at 85, copper normal at 82, and %Free Copper high at 36%.
I am writing to give a plug for the Organic Acid Test. I had one after the above tests and am awaiting results of a follow up. This test shows a lot of factors, including high oxalates and candida for me. I am one of those for whom amino do not work.
As someone who has seen a multitude of practitioners over the last 15 years trying to deal with chronic issues, I have learned that very few of them know what to do with this test. It is complex. Dr. Friedman’s comments were very interesting, and I agree that an interview with Dr. Shaw at Great Plains would be great and enlightening. I’m pretty sure Trudy will explore this test now also.
Hi Lynne
Thanks for the plug about the OAT. I will ask Dr Shaw again to speak (last time he wasn’t available).
I find it surprising that you had serum and not whole blood histamine tested by Mensah. I’m curious what your score was/is on the pyroluria questionnaire? And what aminos you tried?
Hi Trudy
I’ve been listening to the anxiety summit this last few days, including the episodes on pyrolluria and methylation. Wow! I’ve had my eyes opened! I’m going to try some of these things on myself and see how they work. But because of you, I’m going to stop using the urine brain chemistry test and start following questionnaires to see which supplements my patients need. I’ve had great success with anxiety throughout my career using Chinese medicine and nutritional supplements, but I think this will add a new dimension for some of my more difficult patients.
Thank you for your excellent work.
Thanks for your lovely feedback. Please do let us know how it goes for you and your more difficult patients. I have heard from a number of practitioners that addressing pyroluria makes a big difference for many of their patients. And of course, the methylation information we learn from Dr Lynch is always invaluable!
Keep up the amazing work you do. I look forward to learning more from you about anxiety and Chinese medicine.
Thanks too for your ongoing support and help in sharing the message
Thank you Trudy for the awesome work you do!! I am LOVING all the messages from the speakers! So helpful!
Hi, Trudy, I would like to try some of the amino acids for pyroluria and Ashe and tyrosine, are any of them not ok to use when breastfeeding? Also do you have suggested doses for kids, my son is 8, and adhd&lethargic, my daughter is 6 and extreme social anxiety .
Thank you
I meant adhd
None have been studied for use during breastfeeding.
I would start with basics first with kids – real whole food, only organic produce (pesticides can be a factor), Feingold diet (no additives, colors etc), protein at breakfast, no sugar, no gluten etc.
Also blood work can show a lot – one young girl I worked with was very low in iron and addressing this helped a lot. It’s a big factor with ADHD and lethargy.
That being said I have had great results with 100mg chewable tryptophan with the same young girl who had anxiety. Zinc would be worth looking into for both of them as it can be factor in both ADHD and anxiety.
I could so relate to the girl above with the HyperPOTS and Mast Cell issues. I too have methylation issues. I’d never heard of this deficiency with zinc and B6. But it sure sounds like issues in our family. I grew up with copper pipes. I will be trying this out as I test a “yes” on nearly all the questions. It may be an answer for our family, we feel that what may be going on with us is epigenetic related and we are predisposed to these things as many in our family has/had issues.
One thing I have found that has greatly improved my health is I became a lowfat, whole foods, Vegan. I was in 3rd stage Chronic Kidney disease and have reversed it to stage one. I had to come off all animal products to do this. I also have Protozoa and co infections related to Lyme. My doc who is a bio-scientist has found that supplementing with concentrated magnesium feeds them. It also makes the biofilm that virus, bacteria and these Protozoa live in stronger. So that is something I only have from my food. May be that some having high protein from animal sources may benefit from a vegan lifestyle and vegetable source proteins. With my kidney issues, I feel for me, It saved my life. Working with my doc to control the Protozoa by addressing my autoimmune system has made not only my POTS but my MCAS better too. Hoping this will be another piece to my puzzle.
I have enjoyed many of the interviews you’ve had here. Thank you for bringing the awareness to others.
Thanks for sharing Issie – I hope this helps you further and pleased about your Chronic Kidney disease
Being vegan I’m sure you’re checking fatty acid levels, B12, iron and zinc to make sure they are sufficient
Hi Trudy, I have struggled with insomnia for the last few years. I don’t want to go back on permanent meds. Can you give me any info on this area?
Do the amino acid questionnaire – for folks who score high in the serotonin and GABA sections, using the related aminos may help. Melatonin may also help
Other areas I look at: high cortisol at night, parasites, low progesterone, SIBO, food sensitivities
I hope this gives you some directions to look into further
Thank you Trudy
Is borage oil ok to use instead of evening primrose? Thanks Trudy!
I prefer EPO
I do have a question. With one if the Protozoa I have, fat makes it thrive. How necessary do you find the evening primrose oil? I try to not add any additional fats to my diet. When I have to many, even with foods, it affects how I feel. I limit nuts and nut milks because if this. I use an algae source of DHA a few times a week. But try to limit my fats to 20 g additional if not from plant foods a day. When I’ve had more, with time, it caused a relapse. So that part of the protocol is crucial.
With research I found that I’m naturally using high plant sources of zinc. I also make sure I get enough plant proteins daily or I don’t feel well. I’ve done this for two years. I can stay upright longer and basically have my life back. At times I don’t qualify, with my heart rate, to have POTS. But it’s still there and at times is limiting. I’m trying to wean off some of my MCAS meds. But have to daily take H1 and H2 blockers due to overactive mast cell degranulation. Trying to stop the stabilizer but crash when I’ve tried before. I also have the trilogy that goes along with the HyperPOTS subset with MCAS – I also have EDS 3 (ehlers danlos).
Also, my alkaline phosphatase levels are high normal.So wondering if I would need the B6. Another genetic thing I’m predisposed to can cause high levels of alk phos. I researched a good bit today and it does seem that zinc and B6 may be helpful. BUT, I do already have neuropathy. So would I not need to do the B6? This is also a family problem. It seems to be passing on to 3 generations and it’s not diabetic related. There are definite autoimmune issues. As I have alopecia and vitiligo.
I would suggest working with someone to get fatty acid testing and some other testing done – you have quite a lot going on
Ive been using the zinc and B6 for a week now – seeing a difference in my mood and energy. Hope it continues. I’m so glad to have heard your interview. I’m using Primrose a few times a week – not daily.
Good to hear! thanks for sharing!
Is pyroluria a dynamic disorder? Can a person switch from negative to positive? I tested negative on a urine test through Direct Labs (Mensah Medical) in October 2014. Mensah is now saying stress since then could have moved me to being positive. I took your questionnaire, Trudy, and I have so many symptoms from so many other causes that I do not feel like I have pyroluria. I am extroverted, have good dream recall, no white spots on nails, but do have anxiety, depression and mood swings.
Yes test results and symptoms can shift. If someone doesn’t show a need for zinc and vitamin B6 then I’d look at the amino acids, thyroid health, hormonal health and even low lithium (the mood swings)
And the basics too of course – real whole food, sugar, blood sugar, gluten, caffeine and gut health too
Can amino acids be taken if pregnant or breastfeeding?
Claire – they have not been tested so I suggest working with your doctor on this. That being said if it was me I feel the aminos are preferred over SSRIs and benzos
Your anxiety summit was amazing! Thanks for all the information you share. Both my daughter and I scored in the low 20’s on the pyroluria questionnaire and started the protocol 2 days ago. Today I learned about the zinc taste test, and we both experienced a very strong unpleasant taste. Does that mean we probably don’t have pyroluria? Should we continue with the protocal for several weeks to see if it helps, or should we eliminate just the zinc supplement? I appreciate your thoughts!
Susan Kearney
Glad you enjoyed it Susan
Most people with the low zinc pyroluria symptoms need zinc. If someone doesn’t need zinc (based on no symptoms and a strong zinc taste test) I would not recommend supplementing with zinc. I also look at alk phos and if its less than 70 that could indicate a need for zinc
Could it be the type of zinc used for taste test is wrong? I have trace ionic liquid zinc and everyone here thinks it’s disgusting and nauseating whereas both my husband and daughter have strong pyroluria symptoms. Are there specific low zinc symptoms ?
Thanks so much!!
The zinc challenge is zinc sulfate. The zinc specific symptoms are labeled as such on the pyroluria questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
Hi, first thanks for all the info, going through the website, wow soUch there. Question on testing, what if live in a state that Lab Corp doesn’t operate in? One of those states where they’re still refusing to license naturopathic doctors so not a lot work here compared to other locations. Also not near enough where could get to smother state if that was doable. Need advise on how to get tests, where and at a cost a family can afford.
This is challenging and I’m afraid there is no simple answer. If you can find a functional medicine doctor that would be your best bet. And to push for this to change
Hi Trudy
I’ve done the kryptopyrole urine test and got a negative result.
I get a sweet smelling breath though after certain levels of stress and reckon this has been since childhood. Most of the time I would say my ‘condition’ is under control but emotional stress and prolonged stress cause the smell and then I realise I’ve been having more anxiety. My question is what action would you take with supplements if I know a stressful time is coming up and immediately after a stressful time as that can be unpredictable.
Many thanks
I don’t rely on the urine test. If someone scores above 15 on the questionnaire then they start on the pyroluria protocol. Keep in mind that stress makes symptoms worse and some pyrolurics need higher amounts of the nutrients when times are very stressful
Hi there,
I have a client with anxiety and thinking it may even be Pyroluria. She is already on Zinc and EPO and Bs but not the active form so going to change that.
In terms of EPO though, is it correct that most with Pyroluria have low omega 6 status? And what would you class as low? Hers is 25.0 umol/L for GLA (range 9-42) done with Biolab. It therefore seems ok. Do you need to check this against the omega 3 for the ratio? And would taking fish oils affect her omega 6 status?
I have always been interested in upping the omega 3 as most people’s diets seem to have more omega 6 anyway and 3 is anti-inflammatory. Do people therefore have a mutation or some dysfunction with regards to omega 6? and what is it about the EPO that helps anxiety?
Her omega 3 status just in case is ALA 3.3 umol/L (2.5 – 17.5), EPA 50 (20-120), DHA 68 (35 – 100).
I’d look at omega-6 below the bottom of the range. The EPO helps zinc absorption.
Thanks for wonderful summit! Strange thing – after New Year me, who has been very much extrovert whole life, became quite an introvert and my social life was sett on “pause”. After listening to your summit, I checked zinc levels (taste) and it seems I had a big deficiency. Quite unbelievable – but after few days on strong zinc and 5-HTP I am back to normal again (thank you!!).
Wonderful! thanks for sharing here – I know this will be inspiring and give many people hope!
Hi Trudy,
I have been following you for a couple years now and have done a 180 change in my lifestyle as a result. It all started when I read a book, Anatomy of an Epidemic that illuminates the perils of taking psychotropic drugs. I decided to wean myself off Effexor, which felt like hell on earth, but I did it! And then I stumbled upon you and it felt like a godsent.
I have since read your book, I follow your blog, your social media sites, I read articles that you post from the anxiety summit, and I am a believer of natural remedies now. And as a result I have really changed my lifestyle -what I eat (per your book’s suggestions – no refined sugar, cut out gluten, more animal protein & fermented foods), incorporating cardio exercise and yoga into my day and taking amino acids including 750 mg of Source Nauturals GABA, 500 mg of Lidtke Tryptophan, 100 mg of Vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil. Despite all these changes however, I still struggle with a considerable amount of anxiety on a daily basis.
So I reached out to you on your blog and you kindly gave me the name of Dr Peter Bongiorno in NYC. His CV looked wonderful but sadly he and his partner have such high fees that I cannot afford them. They were unable to alter their fees much, which felt disheartening since I so desperately want to make improvement naturally. For the first time since stopping Effexor I contemplated going to back pharmaceutical medicine out of desperation for symptom relief.
So here I am writing to see if you have any other suggestions. I do think I need to be working with a practitioner since the Tryptophan & GABA have not helped much (despite checking almost ALL of the symptoms for both on your amino acid questionnaire).
Any advice you have would be appreciated beyond words.
Good for you with all the food changes you’ve made. I hate to say this as I don’t want to discourage you but you may still be experiencing the effects of the Effexor.
But I would not give up hope yet especially since you are using really low amounts of the nutrients. I would suggest considering a trial of upping the dose of tryptophan https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/how-to-do-an-amino-acid-trial-for-anxiety/
My pyroluria protocol starts with 100mg, going up to 500mg and sometimes using this and P5P, plus starting with 30mg zinc and increasing if needed. It’s all spelled out in detail in my book The Antianxiety Food Solution and in various places on this blog. There is no one-size fits all and you have to find your ideal protocol.
There are also many factors that can cause anxiety and I suggest exploring this list of 60+ possible causes and rule them out one by one https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/60-nutritional-biochemical-causes-of-anxiety/