Karla A Maree CNC, Neuronutrient Therapy Specialist, is interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Pyroluria, Amino Acids and Anxiety: Real Cases, Real Solutions
- How pyroluria affects mood and anxiety and introversion
- Amino acids GABA and tryptophan: how they can help you feel less anxious and happier in as little as 5 minutes
- What is a pixie dust person
- Gina, case study 1: social anxiety/pyroluria, birth control pill, vegetarian, low GABA, low serotonin and low iron
- Mark, case study 2: social anxiety, pyroluria, claustrophobia, low serotonin, very sensitive to noise, gluten sensitivity
Here are some snippets from our interview:
When we do a trail of an amino acid, you open the capsule into water and hold this in your mouth for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. It bypasses the digestive system and you can expect results in 5 minutes or less
“Pixie dust” people are very sensitive to the environment or vitamins and we have them do finger touches of the opened capsule [of an amino acid] and that small amount can literally shift their brain chemistry
Here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution. I encourage you to do it and see which sections may be an issue for you. And as Karla mentioned re-do it frequently to see how much you’ve improved if you’ve been using amino acids.
We discussed why Urinary neurotransmitter testing falls short and why we use the above questionnaire instead.
Here is the Pyroluria Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution. Karla has pyroluria and having it helps her identify with her clients. She also used to be an introvert but when she is on the pyroluria protocol she can easily walk up to people and talk to them.
[please stay tuned for the Dalai Lama vegetarian article]
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What results have you found with someone who has been diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder?
Firstly Trudy, thank you so much for this summit I have learnt so much. I certainly had an ah-ha moment learning about Pyroluria and how it might be affecting me and other members of my family.
Secondly, I have a question:
If some one scores highly on your Pyroluria test and wants to start taking the recommended supplements but has coeliac disease as well, so tends to be short of many micro nutrients, how would they take multivitamins and the Pyroluria supplements in a way that avoids competition of the micronutrients (as discussed in the Carlton’s interview)?
This is an amazing summit, this is my first time listening and I am learning so much, thank you soon much! I have Hashimoto’s thyroid disorder, Pernicious Anemia, and acid reflux. I don’t know if I have Pyroluria, but I do have some of the symptoms. I missed the thyroid talk and am listening to Karla now. How do I find someone to help me?
What was the brand of tryptophan mentioned? I use Lidtke but would appreciate a less expensive but as beneficial one.
Doctor’s Best. They sell it in iHerb.com and others….
I appreciate Karla sharing a lower cost option, but imo think the trade-off in price for the fillers is not worth it.
Doctor’s Best Tryptophan other Ingredients: Modified Cellulose (Vegetarian Capsule), Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate (Vegetable Source), Silicon Dioxide
I’ve been listening to the recording with Karla Maree talking about Pyroluria and oh my gosh this sounds so much like me!
I was put on birth control pills in my late teens to help balance hormones from heavy periods. It fixed that problem but maybe was stealing nutrients.
Later during a time in my early 40’s going through a divorce, I started taking medication for anxiety, which I’d been suffering from for years, social anxiety included.
At 51 I’m on medication for hypothyroidism and am still taking low doses of the meds for anxiety. I’m still socially anxious, highly functional but low self-esteem, low energy, poor short term memory, about twenty pounds over weight and kind of a loner.
Can you recommend anyone in Houston, TX who I may contact to have some tests done?
Trudy- I have a six year old daughter with ADD non hyper and is on adderall for which she responds to well- however I would like to get her off of these. I was reading some info on Pyrrole disorder and she fits 75% of the symptoms. I called her Dr to request a urine pyrrole test. She left me a message back stating that there is no scientific evidence for this disorder and if I find something she would be glad to look it over and give me her opinion. Are there any scientific papers confirming this disorder or should I persue different avenues? Any opinion is appreciated. TIA
Thank you for the great information.
What is the gaba product> I heard it referenced as True Calm and Gaba Calm.
Also can you give suggested brands for the other aminos :
There are so many poor products out there and I tend to be sensitive to fillers etc.
I appreciate it
Hi Dee
Karla mentioned True Calm (by Now) and we both use Source Naturals GABA Calm (which does have sorbitol and may be an issue for you). I use a variety of products from different companies and will be sharing more about this in my last call – I have a 5 page blog I’m working on so please stay tuned.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for all the information! If we are going to try the pyroluria protocol and we have MTHFR, does that mean we need to use the P5P rather than B6?
My ND tried me on 5HTP with Gabba and it made me more tired and very irritable. I am working on hormonal balancing, fatigue and bone density.You explained my low iron as the blood work to test for food sensitivities included beef (worse), gluten, dairy,pineapple, broccoli, garlic, almonds, eggs of all kinds, kidney beans and honey. So I avoid these in my diet, sort of a vegan who eats some chicken, pork,fish.
My daughter was once treated for Pyuloria in her late teens.
Hi Terri
Thanks for sharing. You mention 5-HTP and GABA made you more tired and very irritable. A few things to think about: too much? not needed? the form of GABA? was it GABA or 5-HTP (doing one at a time is a good idea)? high cortisol? (if yes – tryptophan may be better than 5-HTP)
Did the pyroluria protocol help your daughter? and have you done the questionnaire for you? it does run in families
Trudy and Karla,
Do you see other patterns with Pyroluria cases and EFA RBC markers? (Note: I was able to fix my GLA by adding red meat. I started taking EPO only after testing and reading Trudy’s book.)
For example:
1. After adding in red meat and cutting out chicken, my Omega 6 Eicosadienoic is still really high (.32; ref range <=.26wt%)
2. Omega 3 Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) I have a lot (but don’t think is bad, yes?)
3. Omega 9s Oleic is high (14; ref range 10-13%)
4. Saturated Fatty Acids – Tricosanoic and Stearic are both high (could the latter be from all the magnesium stearate in supplements?)
Hi Karla. Thanks for the great interview! I feel like I’ve found my tribe with you & Trudy.
1. Do you see patients in person and if so where-San Carlos, Marin?
2. Would you please share the supplement brands and amounts you would use for someone similar to your first case study example?
Zinc Piccolinate
Evening Primrose Oil
Digestive enzymes
Welcome to the tribe! I’ll be a new blog with a list of the supplements I use. Please stay tuned.
I’ll have Karla come and comment too
Loving your webinars, they are sooo informative…
I would like to know, im a natural medicine practitioner in cape town south Africa… are there amino acid test or zinc tests like you mention in the talk available in south Africa?
Great summit…with severe anxiety & depression (pyroluria) i could not have changed my diet or lifestyle or commit to the supplement protocol without using the amino acids first to help me get into the necessary rational state of mind and have the mental & physical energy to do it, so i agree with Trudy that the amino acids are a vital first step for anyone suffering from an unbalanced neurotransmitters, and then the underlying cause can be addressed.
Cheryl – thanks for sharing – the aminos are just so powerful! I’m so pleased they worked so well for you!
Thank you so much.This was a very helpful interview for me. I believe I’ve been pyroluric most of my life, but have never had a doctor who knew anything about it. I tested twice and both times the test came back negative and I didn’t find out for years how unreliable the test was.
Finally after 15 years I am hearing people like Trudy and Karla who understand pyroluria first hand and know how to treat it. Thank God!
I am grateful that after so many years of knowing about this and not having any help with it and truly suffering and becoming very isolated and immobilized, I finally have some guidance in doing a protocol to help with this.
I have also been dealing with chronic Lyme, EBV, metal toxicity and chemical sensitivity and have ended up on disability and not able to afford the practitioner who actually know how to help me.
For people like me these talks are invaluable because they can give us some guidance to make at least some small improvements in our health and lives.
Thank you so much
Thanks so much for sharing your story and how wonderful to hear how helpful these talks are for you!