This is day 10 of the Anxiety Summit. Dr. Nicole Beurkens, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified LENS Practitioner, is interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Nutrition as a Foundation for Other Therapies
- Why good nutrition status is important for people with anxiety and other mental health issues
- What kinds of nutrition changes are encouraged
- Challenges with helping parents and families make nutrition changes
Here are some great gems from my interview with Nicole:
Many parents are not even aware that food can affect their kids”
We should keep our minds open to the idea that what you eat can impact how your brain works”.
Here is a recent article from the Horizons website: The Nutrition-Anxiety Link in Children with Learning, Mood, and Behavior Challenges
Get your free gift from Dr Nicole Beurkens: Horizons Healthy Brain Diet (RED/YELLOW/GREEN foods)
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here
UPDATE: the summit concluded on Tues 6/24 – season 2 of The Anxiety Summit will be in November 2014. If you’d like to be on the notification list just sign up here
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts + interview highlights and listen when it suits you
Hello,thank you for all this research: it is soo necessary.
My question: with a non-dairy diet, where is the best calcium source for kids, for persons with thyroid problems?
You’re welcome! here is a good list
I like all the suggestions except 14-18! such a lovely list and then cheerios are added! wow!
I’d like to know if Dr. Beurkens is still in practice… I’m from Michigan. And suffering from apparent Gastroparesis… yet have not been able to find a doctor to actually help me find the root cause… and get better… I refuse to take band aid pills that they want to prescribe me.
Much appreciated for any help to find a helpful doctor…
Hi Dona
Dr Beurkens has a wonderful clinic – you’ll love her!
With gastroparesis I always think gluten, other food intolerances, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and even low serotonin
Brain & body are inter-connected 4 sure, nutrition is essential to balance and optimize our selves.
Gr8 Info!
Parent training for nutrition balancing in children is key for me, consistency is rewarded with a balanced and happy child ~ Win/Win.
I’ve noticed my son needs protein every morning, lunch Especially at school, and supper to keep him emotionally balanced and focused, where
sugar or carbs scatters his brain immediately.
Food is Fuel ~
Its a shame that Teachers blame the child for their behavior when sugar/additives are most likely the real offender.
Awareness & Education is desperately needed in our schools to optimize childrens’ attention, behavior and mood.
We R what we eat ~ Our Health is a Priority
Thank U 4 sharing & promoting this Valuable info!
Thank you for sharing! so glad you enjoyed it! Your son has a smart mom!
And you’re right – we need more awareness in schools – feel free to share this interview and others
Thank you so much Trudy for putting together this summit. It has been wonderful. I have learned so much and I am so grateful for your work and the work of all the presenters.
Do you happen to know of fabulous nutritionists like yourself and functional medicine practioners practicing in Perth, Western Australia? There seem to be so many people in the USA but its challenging trying to find people with this knowledge and experience in Western Australia.
So glad you’re enjoying it! I love the presenters too!
Helen Bense (she may not be seeing clients)
Blake Graham
I think we need a database of anxiety summit practitioners worldwide
If you come across anyone do let us know
PS If you are a practitioner and are reading this please contact us so we can start this list
Thank you Trudy for organising this excellent summit. Have just listened to Dr Nicole Beurkens and was very impressed with the excellent integrative approach that she has managed to adopt in her practice highlighting the crucial importance that correct nutrition plays in optimising every aspect of our wellbeing and especially brain function. There are now so many excellent integrative practices in the US, and many more members of the mainstream medical system are now speaking out, leading by example and actually helping their clients to heal themselves through nutritional and lifestyle changes. Sadly this is not occurring to the same extent in the UK or Australia, where we are based. Ironically, we believe the reason for this may be due to the free health care systems in both countries, which cover visits to conventional doctors but not to ones offering broader based services!
I always like to check what other practitioners are recommending nutritionally, so downloaded Nicole’s 2 page PDF advice listing foods and drink to eat more of, those to reduce and what to avoid. I agree with virtually all her recommendations, though would place greater emphasise on working towards eliminating, not just reducing, as much glucose producing food as possible from one’s diet. However, I was very surprised to see that she advocates whole grain wheat. I would have thought that the evidence contained in the excellent books by Dr David Perlmutter and Dr William Davis should be sufficient proof to all practitioners of the continous damage done to our bodies and brains by gluten – even from organic whole grain wheat. I would be interested to hear your and Nicole’s views on this and as to why anyone is still recommending gluten containing grains in any form, especially when dealing with brain function and also due to gluten’s well established damaging effect on gastro intestinal integrity. Thanks
I am happy to respond to your comment, Tim, as I do not try to get every patient to go gluten-free. It is not reasonable to expect that everyone will do it, and there are people who do fine with gluten. My focus is on getting them to think about healthier food choices – and many of them will shut down to the idea if they feel the “rules” are too restrictive. We have found that the recommendations in this document are a good starting point for getting patients and families to consider changes. Obviously we do recommend specific diet changes, such as avoiding gluten entirely, to some patients. However, as a starting point for most children and families it is too restrictive and completely stops them from being open to diet changes at all. Therefore, we start by getting them to think about less refined and processed foods and move from there. I’d rather they make the shift from white bread to whole grain bread, and then if needed I will help them get off wheat altogether. I understand that others may take a much more restrictive stance on the subject, but I need to do what is workable for people and meet them where they are if I want to help them make changes.
I’m glad you enjoyed the presentation!