This is day 14 of the Anxiety Summit and the final wrap up call by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Anxiety: coffee, chocolate, fish, water and more – and where to go next
- the anxiety-provoking effects of coffee! and what about chocolate?
- the bad-mood effects of gluten
- wild fish, water, pumpkin seeds and laughter to boost your mood and calm you down
- questions answered ( a few from the blog and facebook page)
- what you can get out of the summit, resources and where to go next
This is the great quote by Jamie Oliver (I saw it on Josh Friedman’s super Facebook page):
Homicide is 0.8% of deaths. Diet-related disease is over 60%. But no-one talks about it
We’re talking about it! And we’re being heard! There obviously a big need for this information – as of the end of the 13th day of the summit we have officially reached just over 10,000 people!
This is the cover of Time magazine: Eat Butter. Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong. About time ! (no pun intended)
For decades, it has been the most vilified nutrient in the American diet. But new science reveals fat isn’t what’s hurting our health”
Here is the blog post that has the video of Angie trying the DPA/Endorphigen for low endorphins. She calls it a miracle, no longer desired chocolate and felt euphoric!
This is the blog post that mentions the research on how water affects serotonin and dopamine levels, thereby affecting your anxiety levels.
Based on the food mood research done by Dr. Felice Jacka and the results I see when my female clients add back red meat into their diets I am a proponent of grass-fed red meat. You can read some of Dr Jacka’s findings and information about our interview here. Be sure to check out the comments in this blog – I mention other research on grass-fed red meat and mood,
In line with this we have the new Anxiety Summit quote:
Sugar is the most abused anxiety drug
Grass-fed red meat is the most underutilized antianxiety food
~ Trudy Scott, host of The Anxiety Summit and author of The Antianxiety Food Solution
This is from the editorial called Nutrition and Psychiatry in the American Journal of Psychiatry. It was published when Dr. Jacka’s Western diet/traditional diet study was published in 2010.
It is both compelling and daunting to consider that dietary intervention at an individual or population level could reduce rates of psychiatric disorders. There are exciting implications for clinical care, public health, and research”
I always say “yes compelling but not daunting with what we know” and with we’ve learned on the Anxiety Summit.
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here
UPDATE: the summit concluded on Tues 6/24 – season 2 of The Anxiety Summit will be in November 2014. If you’d like to be on the notification list just sign up here
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts + interview highlights and listen when it suits you
Hi Trudy, Enjoying the seminar . Have a question regarding your discussion with Julia ross. Was it tyrosine or tryptohan for anxiety? I think i have low serotonin> sounds like it might work for me. thx, Camille
I talk about tyrosine in this final wrap up call. In my interview with Julia we talked about tryptophan for low serotonin – anxiety, worry, negativity etc – here is the questionnaire
Do check out the precautions before starting amino acids
One Word “Incredible”
Thanks Leanna!
Hi Trudy,
On Friday, I started taking L-thophane, though my therpist.I’ve only been taking it almost 3 days. I am so anxious. I’m not taking all that much either. Is this a normal reaction?
I think you mean tryptophan. If a person starts a supplement and feels worse they must stop. With the amino acids and many nutrients, too much can cause a reverse effect. Please work with your therapist on this.
This is god sent. I hope more people out there knew about this rather than subject themselves to the traditional drug therapy.
20 years of chronic anxiety and depression when I bumped into Dr Hyla Cass website and suddenly there was hope. Now, 30 years and well. Then this summit and more info.
Stress triggers the anxiety and depression but lately 5htp has been a big help. Just wanting to know though how long would be safe. 100 mg a night for more than a year. Is there a way for relapse if I stop?
Thank you.
How wonderful – thanks for sharing and giving others hope!
So glad 5-htp has been a big help. There are no term studies but I don’t have an issue with my clients staying on the aminos longer term. It may take this long to get serotonin levels up.
Is there a way for relapse if one stops? – yes if one was still still low and then one could simply add it back.
A good question to always ask if why aren’t levels going up (if in fact they aren’t) – gluten affects tryptophan levels, not enough animal protein or low Hcl or no enough of the co-factors like zinc and vitamin B6
Wow Trudy – I just listened to your final call – presented by you – all I can say is that I am so touched by you; you are an angel and I feel empowered and blessed. A deep heart felt thank you.
Thank you Melanie!
Hi Trudy!
Anxiety Summit – fantastic!
Speakers – the calibre of the presentations and information shared – amazing!
Free gifts – wonderful!
The real life stories of both clients and practitioners – encouraging to all who know they could feel better. We too can regain our health….and ‘die young at a healthy old age’.
I have learned so much – some already implemented and feeling benefits.
You must be thrilled with all the positive feedback.
Your enthusiasm for what you do and what you hope to achieve by the sharing of vital information concerning diet and supplements to change health – was felt throughout each interview.
Much appreciated all the work you put in to achieve this first – of many – summits.
*********ten star rating! Brilliant!
‘You did good girl’.
From a lovely sunny West Sussex, England.
p.s. Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.
Thank you Carole – I love that you are implementing and feeling benefits!
Hi Trudy!
I have so enjoyed this summit. You mentioned an online store, how do I get access to that?
Thank you so much!
Kerri – We are getting the online store set up and you’ll see an email announcement from me – thanks!
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for this last talk and the entire summit, everything was excellent!
After doing the questionnaires, I see I am deficient on serotonin, gaba, endorphins, catecholamines and low sugar too. I started taking 5HTP, GABA, DLPA and L-Glutamine but feel I should probably test each amino acid. Is it ok to test one by one spaced out by 10 min or so? Or should I space them out more? I have had back and neck pain for the last 6 years that has only increased with time, it is now chronic and debilitating. I heard in one lecture that it was ok to take all needed aminoacids together. Also, if my thyroid is low, Tyrosine would help right?
I might need a consultation to fine tune this.
Thank you.
So glad you enjoyed it!
I can’t give specific advice here on the blog but can say it does help to do the aminos separately so you can determine the effects. Doing a new one each week is helpful. My book spells it all out and I’d be happy to help via a consult.
The DPA rather than DLPA is more effective for pain.
Tyrosine is one of the raw materials for making thyroid hormones.
Hi Trudy,
I have really enjoyed the summit. I feel truly inspired and heartened by all of the work and care that has gone into the interviews. It’s brilliant!
Amazing timing, I’ve recently gotten back to studying and addressing my personal issues with anxiety.
I happened across Mark sisson’s primal blueprint diet earlier this year and started eating meat for the first time in 10 years. Since then, I’ve tried a few different things trying to tweek the diet, Weston a.Price, breaking the viscious cycle/scd and gaps; and just not having complete success.
It’s been an interesting 5 months and i hadn’t actually started to eat meat to adress the anxiety. It was an instinctive decision to address my fatigue that I was slowly chipping away at with high intense 30 minute exercise bouts 3-5 days a week with some tweeks to my vegetarian diet. Almost immediately, meat gave me better sleep and lessened inflammation including mental relief. Imagine my surprise!
I’ve been studying nutrition ever since february, online material and any book the library happens to have on various hormone, diet/nutrition, cooking, psychology since. I started out studying nutrition as an undergraduate, although I completed an exercise science and psychology degree. I’ve tried a few different master’s programs without finding one that fits. What I’d really like is to study holistic nutrition with an element of psychology to help others like me with histories of anxiety/depression and eating disorders. I’m currently an at home mom who’s homeschooling two young children in england but would love the opportunity to develop my knowledge and skills further so that it was possible to make a difference to others.
I’d be ever so grateful to know your thoughts on where to begin looking into a more holistic program of nutrition and psychology to become a certified practitioner.
Thanks again for coordinating such a wonderful two weeks of interviews. I’ve enjoyed them immensely.
Many thanks,
Mary xxxxx
Hi Mary
I’m so thrilled you enjoyed it so much and thanks for sharing about your red meat success. Its’ quite remarkable isn’t it!?
Marc David’s Eating Psychology program may be a good fit. Also check out the approved schools on – many are distance programs
Am very thankful for all your labors and knowledge extended! Just hope in any follow up, you will add on pregnancy contraindications. I am a mother of 7 (ages range from 10 years to 9M). Appreciated Julia Ross enoting Total Amino Solution being an option because of the lower GABA levels. Will really be looking forward to your lists of supplements and notes of safety for nursing and pregnant mothers.
Hi Kerry
Unfortunately none of the individual amino acids have been studied and approved for use during pregnancy or breast-feeding.
As Julia Ross mentioned, the Genesa Living Total Amino Solution, is the best option – it is a free-form amino acid blend that does contain tryptophan (when many other blends do not). It can be helpful for sleep, mood and cravings.
Hi Trudy
Thank you so much for this summit! I heard about it from The Depression summit by Katie Wagner and knew it was a must for me.
I am a dentist but changed professions and have just finished my naturopathy course in Perth, Australia. Depression has been with me since my teenage years , hence my change of career. I am very proud to say that I have not taken SSRIs for three years. Herbs and vitamins as well as a change in diet have helped immensely. Unfortunately my anxiety has increased ( age 41) and is preventing me from starting to help clients. Amino acid therapy just starting here. We can get GABA ( last few months) and 5HTP but unsure where to source the other ones individually. I feel in order to help patients I need to help myself first so this is my mission! The pyroles test and mthfr is my next port of call. I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of your book. Coleen’s 5 hour webinar will be very helpful and Julie Matthews new practitioner course too
Hi Fran
Congrats on finishing your naturopathy course – that’s quite a change in direction!
Good to hear you can now get GABA there. You should be able to get all the others except DPA/Endorphigen. I’m working to pull some resources together so if you find some good sources please do let me know so we can share with everyone.
Enjoy my book, Coleen’s 5 hour MTHFR webinar and Julie Matthews new practitioner course!
Trudy thank you for sharing your wonderful insight and life’s work with us! Your guests were all so amazing too! I will be looking out for your 2nd summit too!
I have a question..if you have high blood pressure, I think you said don’t take the tyrosine but if you are low in serotonin would 5HTP be best? Or which would you recommend? Thank you Trudy! I feel like I have an arsenal in my life now, which will not only help me with cravings but help my clients with all their various issues as well. Many, Many thanks! You brought so much help and hope to so many!!
Shawn xxx
Hi Shawn
Lovely – so glad you enjoyed it!
Tyrosine cannot be taken if someone has high blood pressure
For low serotonin symptoms either tryptophan or 5-HTP, keeping mind 5-HTP can raise cortisol so if it’s high of someone has a wired-tired feeling then tryptophan would be my first choice .
“See you” on the 2nd summit!
Thanks so much Carole! love that you are implementing and feeling benefits!
Trudy, per your comment to the woman whose dog seemed to be having an “anxiety attack”, ie panting, going in circles, etc. These can be signs of a stroke/blood clot, which is serious. I am very into natural solutions, but in this case, seeking medical help right away is probably best.
Hi Shelley
Thanks for your concerns – I passed this on to the person who asked the question and she appreciates it. This behavior is non uncommon for her doggie but she’ll keep this in mind.
Thanks for your reply Trudy. I’ll have a look at the two places you suggested. Bioindividual nutrition institute looked very good also. It is meant for those already practicing, is that right?
I cant remember whether I had said, I took your pyroluria questionnaire. I scored quite high and it got me thinking that it might be one of my limiting factors. I’ve had anxiety, gi and ocd symptoms since I was a child. Two days ago I started to supplement zinc and b6.
Today, I happened to be at my low mood and stress cbt workshop. After learning and being immersed in such great material from the summit I was dying to share something. I mentioned the pyrolauria which the therapist hadn’t heard. Great to see how far information can spread and help others. I’m in dorset, England, by the way.
You mentioned another form of b6. This is for poor absorption and could that be indicated by having brightly colored urine (had thought it to be a sign of excess)?
All the best and a job well done.
Thank you again,
Mary xxx
I know Julie well and can vouch for the Bioindividual Nutrition Institute. I would think newbies could benefit too but be prepared for a lot of info!
Yay for sharing pyroluria all the way in Dorset – thanks! (love that part of the country BTW – I spent 2 years working and living and backpacking in the UK)
P5P is the active form of vitamin B6 and it’s not for poor absorption but for folks who can’t use the b6 form
So much great stuff! I think I’m going to have to order the recordings!
Congratulations on such a successful event!
Love & Prosperity,
PJ Van Hulle
Real Prosperity, Inc.
“Have Fun. Do Good. Make Money.”
FREE Report: “How to Jumpstart Your E-mail List”
Thanks PJ and enjoy the recordings – they are first-class and cutting edge!
Thanks so much for this amazing summit! As a Preventive Medicine Physician, I really appreciated the opportunity to hear so many insightful speakers!
Dr. Jennifer L. Weinberg, MD, MPH, MBE
Preventive, Lifestyle & Environmental Health Physician,
The Simple | Pure | WholeTM Wellness Method
Get Your Free Nourishment Journal here
You’re so welcome – glad you have you join us!
Will give the b6 some time and play with dose. Then p5p if not getting results. Gonna see about test for pyroles and mthfr. Nhs gp wasnt very keen on alt reasons behind anxiety before just a mental issue.
Dorset is lovely. Weve actually had a warm to hot few weeks!
All the best xx
Love the advice! I think the grass-fed beef even tastes better! Diet is an extremely important thing. Finding out that I have a high intolerance for gluten was life-changing.
Hi Trudy,
Thankyou so much for this very informative summit. for sharing everything you know + letting us know about all these amazing healers.
all my life i’ve experienced bad anxiety, horrible panick attacks, fatigue, OCD + now crohns disease. i’ve always felt it’s all related + your summit explained everything beautifully. i was put on antidepressants yrs ago…+ for past couple yrs have been working with a holistic practitioner with amino acids + natural therapies so i can begin to go off the medication. i will also be working with the prescribing GP to go off the medication too.
i have always felt so alone… but your success stories + reading the blogs here…i don’t feel so alone.
to everyone reading..remember if you ever feel alone…there are some of us out here feeling the same way. we’re all in this together. and how blessed are we that Trudy is providing great resources for us. Thankyou again Trudy…you’re an angel
a friendly suggestion …maybe the next summit could include more specific information on transferring from d/rent medications to amino acids + other nutrient + natural ways. this might give other’s a better idea on what to do + terms of withdrawals + how to deal with it all. I’m already looking forward to the next one!!
I’m asking our Angels to bless us all with peace, calm + quiet times…+ more importantly, how to access that within us
Thanks for sharing and great idea to talk more about medications and how to use the aminos and adrenal support. We will also be doing an in-depth educational based program just on this topic – I’m figuring out the details now.
Thanks for your lovely comment inspiring other readers on this blog
Hi Trudy,
I bought the $99 package with notes. Do I need to sign up for the gifts separately since today’s email says the pages are coming down, or are the gifts a part of the package? What day will the comments no longer be available?
Is your final talk (excellent) included in the package?
Lynne in Virginia
Hi Lynne
Great! The gifts are not part of the package so be sure to get those from the speaker/gift page. The comments here on the blog won’t be going away but the comments on the replay page will be moved away and probably deleted (in August?) when we start building out the site for the the new summit in November.
Yes, my final talk is in included in the packaged – glad you enjoyed it!
Re: The tryptophan challenge: will it work to open a capsule and just swallow the powder? 500 to 1500 mg. did not help sleep, but stopping it completely did help. I want to check it out though and don’t have a sublingual tryptophan.
Lynne in Va.
Hi Lynne
I am not clear about your question?