Angela Savitri, OTR/L, Freedom from Chronic Stress Coach was interviewed by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
How Changing My Breakfast Cut My Anxiety in Half
- How amino acids helped (5-HTP, and GABA)
- How yoga and mindfulness meditation helped her anxiety
- The research supporting yoga and mindfulness meditation for anxiety
- How changing to a 90% whole foods diet helped her anxiety
- What the biggest game-changer was for her anxiety?
It warmed my heart when I read this in a recent newsletter that Angela sent to her community. I contacted her right away and asked if she would come and share this on the summit and she said yes!
If you’ve been part of this community for a while, you’ve heard some of my personal struggles with anxiety.
When Lexapro, Buspar, and Doral were not helping, I sought alternatives.
I got some relief with taking amino acids, 5-HTP, and GABA.
I found some relief in yoga and mindfulness meditation.
I found some relief from eating a 90% whole foods diet.
I received the most relief from eating animal protein within one hour of waking.
Seriously…my anxiety went from a daily 6 to a 2 with this one nutrition adjustment.
And I learned it from Trudy!
This is going back to basics! This is simple and yet so powerful!
Here is a great blog post from Angela: 5 Tips to Avoid Depression and Anxiety
And an audio gift from Angela 3 Secrets to Self-Care Without Feeling Guilty
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here
It was a pleasure to share with you and your community. And I love the Anxiety Summit song!
Thanks for sharing your story (and for helping stressed women)! so glad you love the song – I do too!
Enjoyed your talk as I connected with you on many levels. I am also an OTR/L for 30 years, health coach and my son goes to Duke:))
I have made similar changes.
That is awesome – many parallels we have!
Hi Angela, I really enjoyed your talk and I really appreciate everything you are doing in the summit Trudy
I was wondering what the science behind the animal protein breakfast being so beneficial is? whether it is just bio individuality or something more broad?
Is it certain nutrients which would be difficult from a vegetarian or grain based source? I want to recommend this to a couple of people in my life but I just need a little more understand as to why it could works!?
thanks so much!!!
Hi Jo – My understanding is that it balances blood sugar so cortisol does not spike. Trudy may comment with more details and here is a video that explains the insulin/cortisol effect in the morning – helpful for anxiety and adrenal fatigue. If you are short on time, fast forward to minute 14 or so.
Thank you for listening and commenting!
Thanks so much Angela I clicked on the link and realized that I had listened to that interview before
I followed you during your summit and really admire Jessica Drummond. I will watch it again!
I am going to try and research the specifics of animal based protein in relation to anxiety and wellness in general as this is the part which I least understand and would most like to convey to others. I find that a lot of people are so quick to label themselves vegetarian (myself doing the same in the past before I started to listen to my body!) without properly understanding whether the quality of their life could be improved by really good quality animal protein.
If Trudy has any input that would be fantastic!
Thanks again! really appreciate your reply!
Hi Jo
Here are some reasons animal protein can help – blood sugar balancing, a good source of amino acids for making brain chemicals like GABA and serotonin, a good source of zinc/iron/B12 (all needed for mood), a good source of omega-3s (from grass-fed beef/lamb and wild fish).
Dr. Felice Jacka has found grass-fed red meat to be a big factor in mental health – see more here