Trudy Scott, host of The Anxiety Summit, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution presents:
Closing call: 60+ Nutritional & Biochemical Causes of Anxiety and Recommended Supplements
- 60+ Nutritional/biochemical causes of anxiety and associated solutions
- 4 degrees/levels of anxiety I see and response to the 60+ causes
- The unique ability of the body to heal
- Testing I use with my clients and what tests I’d run if everyone had unlimited funds
- My recommendations: supplements
- My message of hope
I mentioned the speaker blog posts. You can access them all here: The Anxiety Summit Season 3: All the speakers and topics
I also referred back to speakers and topics from season 1 and 2 so here are those links:
The Anxiety Summit Season 2: All the speakers and topics
The Anxiety Summit: All the speakers and topics (this is summit 1)
If the idea of 60+ causes feels too overwhelming and scary for you here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution. Serotonin support in the form of tryptophan or 5-HTP may help
As Dr. Peter Bongiorno said in his interview: Serotonin and Anxiety, Happiness, Digestion and our Hormones
There can be multiple factors involved as to why someone has anxiety. How you’re going to work through these factors successfully is going to be very different for each person.
Here is the list of the 60+ Nutritional/biochemical causes of anxiety. (Just click on this link to see all of them)
Here is the list of supplements: The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements (Just click on this link to see all of them)
Here is the: Nutritional testing for figuring out the root cause/s of your anxiety (Just click on this link to see all of them)
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here: www.theAnxietySummit.com
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts and listen when it suits you.
You can find your purchasing options here: Anxiety Summit Season 1, Anxiety Summit Season 2, and Anxiety Summit Season 3.
Trudy, what brand of GABA do you recommend? I heard you say that you don’t care for pharmaGABA. I tend to like Thorne Research products, but the only “GABA” I found on their site is pharmaGABA. Thoughts?
Thank you!
I’ll be sharing a link to my list of aminos and pyroluria supplements – just finishing up the blog
Hello, I have loved listening to this summit. Where will you be posting the list that you spoke about during the closing talk? Also just wondering if you knew of any wonderful doctors in Ontario Canada? I have compound heterozygous MTHFR, unexplained infertility and now am wondering about pyroluria (thanks for your questionaire!). Thanks so much!!
Oh, forgot to mention I have chronic high morning and evening cortisol levels with some anxiety symptoms also. Thanks
Sorry, another add on…will you list the 60+ things you discussed? It was hard to write everything down
Shawna – I did a whole blog post just on this – the link is in the blog above
Hi Trudy
Thanks so much for the summit. It has been such a wealth of information.
You mention one of the causes of anxiety is gallbladder issues. What are your recommendations for people who have had their gallbladder removed?
Thanks again!
A product that contains ox bile to help with fat digestion (+ other supporting liver/gallbladder herbs and nutrients)
Can you suggest any specific ones? Thanks.
Trudy, I have not heard any mention of raising dopamine, and my own daughter had a terrible dopamine crash six months ago. I thought perhaps she could be helped by using mucuna pruriens. Have you some experience with this? TY very much for all of the wonderful information on the Summit.
JD – mucuna pruriens or tyrosine helps with raising low catecholamines. I’d also look at supporting the adrenals
I wonder why you believe marijuana causes anxiety? Our body has receptors for it and even produces small quantities of CBD (one component in marijuana)for healing. Are there any studies claiming this?
Here are a few very recent papers:
Psychiatric Symptoms, Salivary Cortisol and Cytokine Levels in Young Marijuana Users – “Although the cortisol levels and salivary cytokine levels were similar, the young marijuana users had more self-reported and clinician rated psychiatric symptoms than controls, especially anxiety-associated symptoms” (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25875137)
Frequent marijuana use, binge drinking and mental health problems among undergraduates – “Marijuana use was associated with increased reports of anxiety, and frequent use was associated with depression and substance use problems” (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25930151)
When you talk to thirty thousand listeners from around the globe, in this summit, saying marijuana causes anxiety, w/o any further explanation, it sounds like you are against medical marijuana. Listeners who may not be educated about the healing property of marijuana may think that all MMJ use is bad b/c Trudy said it causes anxiety. It sounds like you don’t care that children die from brain seizures b/c the non psychoactive medical marijuana CBD oil is not available in their US state, it sound like you don’t care that veterans suffering from PTSD could get relief if they had access to MMJ, it sounds like you don’t believe MMJ can help patients w diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, ALS, cancer, and many others. Maybe you should challenge yourself and your next summit should be about all the help sick ppl can get from MMJ!!! You could end up surprised. Thank you for otherwise an interesting summit. I bought one of your books.
I can tell you feel pretty strongly about this and it is a touchy subject with strong beliefs on both sides.
I assume you saw the two papers from 2015. There are many more like this.
I have also worked with many people whose anxiety and panic attacks started after marijuana use and have heard stories from moms whose teens have had episodes of psychosis after their first use of marijuana.
I am certainly not a medical marijuana expert and acknowledge that benefits are seen BUT I still do feel the 65+ possible causes should be looked at first (for all the conditions you mention above) and then maybe look at medical marijuana as a last resort (and I’m not even sure about that because of the effects on mental health).
For some, MMJ works, for others, it makes things worse. I’ve seen both cases. Just like some supplements help some and make others worse, MMJ falls into this category. Let’s not say it’s bad across the board because it’s a fact that it does help a lot of people. It’s also a fact it does cause more paranoia and problems in others.
I know someone who took anxiety meds for over a decade and after his GI tract was destroyed he turned to MMJ and he’s doing a lot better. I also know a woman who gets worse when she uses MMJ because she gets quite paranoid and can’t keep her head on.
I’ve been on both sides, MMJ has helped me with a lot of musculoskeletal pain and headaches, not to mention my anxiety, but I don’t need it all the time. I take amino acids and supplements galore, get acupuncture and don’t take any meds. Gluten free, mold free, parasite free…
I’ve had anxiety since I was a child, for as long as I can remember (I’m 37 now). Social anxiety, OCD and general anxiety. The anxiety came first, long before any MMJ.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for sharing – I would still look to other approaches before MMJ
Hi Trudy,
This was a fabulous summit and you are a great interviewer!! I especially enjoyed the summary for each speaker which allowed me to listen carefully and not take so many notes.
I will definitely be back for your next summit!
BTW, Will you be adding the tests that you mentioned in the closing call to this blog?
Thank you for the tremendous amount of work you have done to inform and educate! I applaud you! Julie
Thanks Julie!
And yes I will
I really look forward to the list of tests. I missed that part of the interview
Ran out of time to finish the talk. With 3 small kids around I only manage to listen to bits at a time, but would so love to know about the tests options available.
Thank you for sharing so much. I have bought your book who needs this type of help. After looking at it I will be buying myself a copy too!
Wonderful Claire – yes, I’ll adding those
You are so right Julie. I also wanted to thank Trudy for all her hard work and dedication to “the cause’. Thanks Trudy!
Hi Trudy
What was the diet that Dr Seibecker advised as probably the best for those with depression anxiety? This was in the section after the GAPS, FODMAPS diet discussion yesterday?
I missed this and didnot manage to go back to the interview to check. Thanks
Pratima – yes it was GAPS but SCD and FODMAPs are also good. She has also created her own diet and has it on her site http://www.siboinfo.com
Hello from Australia Trudy,
I have listened to as much of your summit this time as possible. I guess I would qualify as a 3 or 4 on your scale having had ME/CFS, an MTHFR mutation, hashimotos, severe menopausal symptoms and other auto immune issues for nearly 40 years. I have an excellent practitioner here in Melbourne who is very open to new ideas. I am currently weaning off medications I have used for years addressing dietary issues and using appropriate supplementation. I am also finding that I am sharing the summit information with friends who also have health issues.
Since I have been receiving your newsletter for some time it seems funny to say but you seem like an old friend. Continue your good work.Maggie
Hi Maggie
Thanks for sharing your story and the summit – so pleased you have a excellent practitioner
Love this – you seem like an old friend
Hi Trudy, I SO much enjoyed listening to your closing call. What an incredible wealth of information you have shared with us! I have couple of questions though:
How could I try to raise total cholesterol with food first? I have written down the name of the supplement you recommend for raising total cholesterol, but I’d like to try the food path first.
Which lab would you recommend for a hair mineral/toxic metal analysis?
Finally: there’s a lab in Belgium which offers an RBC mineral/toxic metals test. I’ve noted you recommend serum/plasma or RBC according to the mineral/metal to be tested. Could you please clarify which values need to be tested on plasma, serum or RBC? If the answer would be too long, where could I find clarifications about this issue?
Thanks so much for this awesome summit. I’m taking lots of notes from all these wonderful speakers and learning so much!
If eggs are tolerated this is one way to try to raise total cholesterol. As I said looking at one it’s low to start with is important too
I like ARL/Analytical Research Lab for hair mineral/toxic metal analysis
I didn’t mention RBC mineral/toxic metals testing and this is good too
I’m blown away whit all this amazing information!
Thanks a lot Trudy for all your great work and wonderful interviews.
I wish every health care professional knew all this, hoping this will be the case soon.
Thanks, thanks again.
thanks for this Sonia – I do too
Hi Trudy,
I could not find Zinc sulfate so I bought Zinc citrate. Is it ok to take?
They are not the same Val – I’ll be sharing a link to my supps blog shortly
Hi Trudy!
Amazing information on this summit!! Thanks so much.
I was wondering what brands of multivitamins and multi minerals you recommend. There are so many it’s hard to know where to start.
Thx, Laura
I’ll be sharing a link to my supps – stay tuned
You briefly mentioned high cortisol (waking in the night with racing heart). Was there a presenter who talked about this more in depth? is there an amino acid or other supplement that is recommended to correct this?
Kara – we talked about this in Magdalena’s hormones talk https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-summit-foods-balance-hormones-anxiety/ and in season 1 with Dr Amy Day
A salivary cortisol test would confirm this and then Seriphos can be used to lower the high cortsiol
Hi Trudi,
What a fabulous summit. I learned so much. I have been following many of these experts for several years as I have addressed my own issues with autoimmunity (M.S. and Hashimoto’s), Sibo, Candida, parasites, etc… It has created a passion to learn more and to share it with others. I am particularly intrigued by the field of nutrient and amino therapy. For someone who is considering entering into this field as a course of study and career, what would you suggest as a first step. I have a Master’s in Sociology, and while I am obviously not adverse to ongoing education, am wondering if I need to start entirely over, or if there are certification programs that are available in this field for someone such as myself. I do not have a desire to become a M.D. or N.D., but do want to consult in this field in some capacity. Any suggestions you have as to a particular program or training would be much appreciated! And thank you so much for being so willing to share your own expertise!
responded below
WOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It is really exciting to see so many of the top practitioners coming together and sharing in their field of expertise. Thank you so much for being the facilitator as well as the contributions you made!
It has truly been FABULOUS!
Thank you,
Awesome Debbie!
Did I miss the link to the supplements blog? Thanks.
Love the summit, Trudy. Thanks for all you do.
Rosa – it’s coming
Hi Trudy,
I’ve been listening to a lot of summits for the past 8 mths and yours has been in my top 5% best category of all of them. Not only that but you supply us with summary notes as well. No one else offers that level of professional helpful service. Not only are you incredibly knowledgeable but we can all tell you have a big heart and truly care and love to share. Thank you.
Kate – that’s so sweet of you to say so – big smiles here
You mention evening primrose for pyroluria. Evening primrose has GLA, is it the GLA that is helpful or something else in the evening primrose? In researching online I noticed borage oil and black currant oil also have GLA and was wondering if it needed to specifically be evening primrose or if the others could be substituted.
Cindy – it’s the GLA and EPO seems to more effective that borage or black current. You may just need more if you choose to use borage or black current
Thank you for your reply, from what I read on the internet borage oil and black currant contain more GLA than evening primrose in the typical capsule. The grams of GLA are broken down by different manufacturers. Nature’s Way EFA Gold Borage Oil is sold at iherb.com and seems to have pretty high GLA for only one capsule. Having the fatty oils tested is a good idea too like you recommend. This one is cold pressed and hexane free which is a little harder to find too.
Thank you for such a wealth of information! It could not have come to me at a better time! Looking forward to the fall summit!
Hi Trudi,
I tried to post earlier today, but I think the comment didn’t post. I just wanted to thank you for your incredible work in putting this summit together, your fantastic attention to the comments (it surpasses anything I’ve ever seen in other webinars) and just you willingness to share your expertise.
As a proactivie self-health advocate with M.S., Hashimoto’s and a recurrent sufferer of Candida and Sibo I’m becoming well versed in this healing “space.” So much so that I’m considering the idea of becoming a health consultant so that I can help others with similar issues. I’m particularly interested in nutrient and amino therapy. What would you suggest as a first step for someone who would like to become certified in this field? I have a Master’s in Sociology and am wondering what the first step would be. Would love to train with Julia Ross, as you did! Or with you. Do you have an apprentice program? Thanks so much! Michelle
Hi Michelle
You are so welcome!
How wonderful that you want to go deeper with this. Julia Ross offers neuronutrient/amino acid training and I will be doing so in the future. I’d also look into one of the nutrition schools http://www.NANP.org endorses
And then the learning options are unlimited – Dr Lynch MTHFR training, Coleen Walsh’s MTHFR training and so much more
I can’t find your supplement recomendations. Are they up yet?
Not yet – next week
Wonderful information. I have finally realised from your number 28, why I wake up feeling nervous. It must be adrenalin. I did test for adrenals and was found to have imbalance with elevated morning corstisol but low afternoon cortisol. Normal night cortisol. Why am I waking with high cortisol I have no idea. I am on an adrenal protocol but so far after 2 months , no change to my morning nervous feelings. What can I do?
I use Seriphos to help lower high cortisol. I also look at low GABA and why the cortisol is high in the first place and address this
Thank you. I’ll look into seriphos. Will test myself on low gaba too but a bit worried as my blood pressure is always on the low side (about 100/70).
With regards to high cortisol, I did have an identified gut infection, and did do a 3 month protocol for that last year but never retested to check if it worked. Not sure what else could cause high cortisol apart from an infection. I don’t have emotional issues that could cause it.
I like to retest to make sure it’s gone
I am glad that a supplement blog is coming – will this be free for everyone or for those who are fortunate to be able to purchasse this fantastic summit?
I couldn’t catch the name of the non-constipating iron supplement which I need sometimes and a friend needs to be able to take iron but can’t because she’s so constipated?
Thanks for everything! You are a treasured gem!
Sent with love!
Laura – there will be a link to it from this blog and it will be accessible to everyone
Iron bisglycinate is not constipating
Aw…”You are a treasured gem!” thanks
Hello, I have loved listening to this summit. This has really helped me put some puzzle pieces together after so many years of searching!!! Where will you be posting the list that you spoke about during the closing talk? Will you include the 60+ list? Also just wondering if you knew (or any of the other listeners were aware of)any wonderful doctors/practitioners in Ontario, Canada who may be of assistance? I have chronic high am and pm cortisol levels with anxiety symptoms, compound heterozygous MTHFR, unexplained infertility and now am wondering about pyroluria (awesome questionaire!). Thanks so much!!
Hi Shawna
I am from Ontario and am seeing a wonderful functional medicine doctor in the Toronto area. I found her on this website. https://www.functionalmedicine.org/
You can do a search and find one in your area.
Best of luck.
Hi Trudy,
My sincere gratitude for all that you are doing!!
Over 2 years ago my teenage daughter needed to take an iron supplement. We were advised to take a copper supplement(725.2 mcg daily)with the iron for better absorption. Within 2 months she became nauseated with major anxiety, that keeps her from living life! She scored high on the pyroluria questionnaire. She is also a pixie dust person. Do you start pixie people on the usual dose of zinc, B6 and evening primrose? She has many “gut” issues, sensitivities etc.along with nausea. She can’t swallow pills. Would it be beneficial to hold these supplements in her mouth for better absorption? Would love to try GABA but she has low blood pressure.
Thank you
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter and have never heard of the advice to take copper with iron! In fact I’ve very seldom heard of anyone being recommended copper.
Pixie dust people usually just need the amino acids in small amounts and do fine on regular amounts of pyroluria supps but with someone who was given copper and may have excess copper because of this starting low may be a good idea (to avoid copper dumping).
With someone with nausea taking zinc mid-meal is very helpful. Opening the pyroluria supps into a shake or getting liquid forms may be best and no need to hold them in the mouth (this is just for amino acids).
The GABA low blood pressure precaution is just to watch for – many people with low blood pressure do very well on GABA
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for an amazing summit. I learned so much and thanks to you I am excited to continue my personal quest for answers and a sense of well being. Just purchased your book and am looking forward to the fall summit.
The summit is great! I learned a lot from the interviews. It is a bit overwhelming for a first time patient. Is there a recording of your book on cd included with the hardcopy of the book? I learned from using this method has been helpful tools to follow along and comprehend the material, as a patient, when listening to the book on cd. The referral to a professional for testing, evaluation, treatment and monitoring with making small changes is appreciated. The summary contained specific dose recommendations and directions. *I have been known to gift books to my professionals to help them with helping me. Thank you!
Hi Sandra
Glad you enjoyed it. The book does include specific dose recommendations and directions but does not come with a recording. However this 5 hour audio goes through much of the book https://www.everywomanover29.com/storeprd/aafsdigital.html This would be suitable to share with your health professional as it’s a presentation I did for health professionals.
With regards to overwhelm, just start with the basics of real whole food and focus on simple changes first like coffee, sugar, gluten and blood sugar control.
Please contact support@everywomanover29.com for help with finding someone to work with
Sorry, correction: I learned from using this method THAT IT has been a helpful TOOL to follow along and comprehend the material, as a patient, when listening to the book on cd.
I’ll keep this in mind for a future project – thanks!
Hello Trudy,
Thanks so much for this fabulous summit that will truly help so many!
Sorry, but I don’t see the link to the list of recommended supplements. During this call I was taking notes until I heard you say that you’d post a list of them. I’ve tried to find it, but have not had success.
Thanks again!
It’s still to be published
Hi Trudy,
Lots of room and a spare house for visitors.
I’m so grateful for your work and sharing. I will download your book tonight! I’m watching the food health movement gain massive speed and your Anti Anxiety Summits help raise the awareness. I’ve studied Julia Ross’s work & applied the amino acids for depression I endured after visiting the USA late last year to visit family, with great success. I believe the grief experienced (at leaving family again – an immigrant to Australia from a young age) and the diet of sugar and gluten brought about a severe depression. I also met Dr William Walsh at a conference in QLD Australia 2 months back. Would love to meet you one day! If you’re ever in OZ I have a lovely place in NE Victoria close to three ski fields and amazing rock climbing spots
I’m so glad you’re finding answers – I too live far from some of my family and it’s not easy! Thanks for your kind words and very kind offer. I may just take you up on your offer next time I’m in Australia!
Hi Trudy,
I thought I had posted comment/? here but don’t see it….if double my apologies.
Kudos for this summit…….as founder of lyme support grp tons of info whether anxiety related or not.
I am without ? level 4 and have been told by 2 LLMD’s they have never seen anyone like me (chronic lyme/bartonella)and my intolerance of meds/supps. I wonder if you could define/clarify “pixie dust”? Just tiny, tiny amts?
Also wonder where on your list of testing the GI stool profile might fit in. As RN was amazed at plethora of info one test could reveal.
Again my thanx and appreciation for all you’ve put into this summit!
Glad you found it useful!
Pixie dust means literally a dab from a capsule (typically of one of the amino acids)
I feel GI/stool testing is a great one to do
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!!!
I listened to Season 3, and I’m now listening to Seasons 1 and 2. We had actually gone to Pfeiffer clinic, and you are explaining this better than they did.
It’s often confusing so glad to hear it!
Enjoy season 1 and 2!
What is EPO???
I was also curious that too much fish oil can be a problem. Any further info on this?
Evening primrose oil. Pyrolurics can often extract the omega-3s from their food and don’t need to supplement. Fatty acid testing can confirm this and is recommended
Are the list of recommended supplements still forthcoming?
Here it is https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/
Trudy, have you come across Paul Jaminet and his Perfect Health Diet? http://perfecthealthdiet.com/
I thought he would be good to interview for the next anxiety summit. It seems to be a great diet and he gets lots of testimonies of healing, mental health conditions too. He also goes into circadian rhythms for health that I’m sure would benefit mental health aswell. Just an idea.
Hi Claire
Thanks – I had in fact just been reading one of his great articles last week and have added him to the growing list of potential speakers
Can I have the pyroluria questionnaire sent to my email?
Feel to grab it from the blog here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
Do Benzos need to be withdrawn over a period of 2 years, I take 1/2 now over one year, but I know in the past coming off was so difficult I almost died, so I went back on what the Dr. said was a minor tranquilizer. I did not know what it was, as I did not check fully what it was till much later. Then I thought, maybe I have to stay on it for life, as I have always lived my life in anxiety; I am looking forward to the future when I will not need all the medicines I am taking. I have been taking Bio-Three hearing that it was a good pro-biotic; now from all of the things I have heard from various doctors and yourself, it seems you need to have 50,000 pro-biotics. What if you are dairy sensitive and eliminated dairy in the diet, are the pro-biotics ok in that case? What about the decline in sardines, in Canada they have just issued a new law that fishermen can no longer fish for sardines as they are quickly dwindling? It sounds nice that you can still eat sardines like a serotonin boost, but where do you get them from?
Thanks for the nice song, it gave me goose bumps…
Yes, the benzo taper does need to be very slow. Probiotics and fermented foods are great for improving the microbiome and there are dairy-free options.
I was not aware of the decline in sardines in Canada – perhaps you can get sardines that are fished elsewhere or find some local fish instead
Glad you enjoyed the song!
Any suggestions about a dairy free Probiotic?
I am from Canada, and I am living in Japan. I am not aware of many sources.