For the first time I have come across your blogs about amino acids and anxiety. I’ve suffered from severe anxiety since 2011, and have tried the SSRIs and hate them. I refused to take them, as they caused me to gain so much weight and [have] withdrawals. I’ve also read how bad they are for you.
In order to work, I am relying heavily on 0.5mg of Clonazepam up to 3-4 times a day. It makes me so drowsy in the mornings. I try for the most part to make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep because I can tell how when not having enough rest can trigger my anxiety. But I’m in desperate need of a solution. Not sure if the clonazepam is something I can continue to take long term, as I also know it’s bad for you.
I suffer from social anxiety (on a level 1-10, I would be 20!) and also some agoraphobia symptoms [an abnormal fear of being in crowds, public places, or open areas, sometimes accompanied by anxiety attacks.]. I am not able to go to stores alone, and I am afraid of everything.
I suffer at work the most, because I’m constantly busy and stressed and dealing with customers all day. Please help
The above question was recently posted on my blog and I’m sharing my response to her in case you are new to using the amino acids for neurotransmitter imbalances and may be able to relate to any of the above. This is my response to her:
Welcome to the community! I use the amino acids with clients and do a trial to find out if they are needed and how much to use. This blog post Anxiety and the amino acids: an overview has links to the amino acid questionnaire, the precautions and how to do a trial. When someone has fear and phobias I immediately think we need to be looking at low serotonin and a trial of tryptophan. It’s not uncommon to also see low GABA and blood sugar imbalances being an issue too.
Once you address low GABA, low serotonin and low blood sugar I would expect the work stresses to feel less overwhelming. In an ideal world it would be wonderful to be able to remove this stress so I encourage you to consider this too.
For social anxiety I start with the pyroluria questionnaire. The great aspect of this is the nutrients for pyroluria – zinc, vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil – help the social anxiety and help to make the neurotransmitters. They also happen to help with PMS and other hormonal imbalances too.
Keep in mind it’s a comprehensive nutritional approach that I use with clients so we are also looking at diet, blood sugar control, the gut, adrenals and thyroid health, quitting sugar and caffeine and so much more. My book The Antianxiety Food Solution (on Amazon here) covers everything in detail, including the amino acids and pyroluria.
I’m sure you’re aware that Clonazepam (or Klonopin) is a benzodiazepine and should be prescribed a maximum of 2 weeks and even then they can be problematic. It may likely be contributing to your anxiety. Here is one blog post to get you started with some information about benzodiazepines: World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day – say NO to Benzodiazepines for anxiety! It covers tolerance issues and resources for tapering. I encourage you to search the blog to find plenty of additional information about the benzodiazepines.
Be very careful with the morning drowsiness as there is an increased risk of being involved in a road accident as driver when on a benzodiazepine prescription.
I speak on selected online summits that I know will be of value to my community so do keep reading the newsletter. The summits are a great way to start learning about my work and other nutritional and functional medicine approaches for anxiety and other chronic health conditions so be sure to sign up and tune in. There is also a wealth of information on this blog.
When I think of anxiety and low blood sugar, adrenal fatigue comes to mind. I would try supporting those too. I’ve been able to calm myself down with high doses of vitamin c (with bioflavinoids) and magnesium which are both very important in supporting the adrenals. And thanks, Trudy!!! Because of you I learned about pyroluria and was tested!
Wonderful to hear you figured out pyroluria was a factor for you! I hope you’re doing better with social anxiety now that you’re using the pyroluria protocol? I’d love to hear what has changed for you?
Thanks for the feedback on low blood sugar and adrenals – that is something I look at in all my clients and saliva adrenal testing is extremely helpful. And I love both vitamin C and magnesium for anxiety and the adrenals. The B vitamins in the form of a good 50mg B complex and extra pantothenic acid is also very helpful, plus rhodiola.
Hi Trudy,
I have your book and have been enjoying it. I do suffer with horrible anxiety and panic attacks . I am trying diet , adequate sleep and some meditation however some days are so overwhelming . I have tried several different herbs for relief but wish there was something that would keep me on a relaxed even level. My naturalpathic doc just tested me and found high candida levels along with elevated oxylates and seems to think if I follow the protocol to get these under control then hopefully the anxiety will lift.
I have been following you for sometime now and any help or recommendations would definitely be appreciated.
Thank you!
Addressing candida and oxalates can often help and I would address this for sure. I find that using the amino acids right away while dealing with some of these other factors that can take longer to address is the way to go – it gives my clients that immediate relief from the anxiety.
Hi Trudy!
What is the best way to deal with low blood suger? That I can see is a problem for me occuring after a hormoncrash in mars.
I take 2×2 5-htp during the day + 1 Gaba 750mg for night.
I use Emerita Pro-gest + Emerita phytoestrogen
Is there something I missing?
These are factors I consider with low blood sugar – not enough animal protein or healthy fats at breakfast and throughout the day; adrenal issues and I find the amino acid glutamine provides immediate support and gut healing and some calming.
Thank you Trudy,
How to support amino acid glutamine? Any supplement?
Here is a blog on glutamine
Hello Trudy,
I have smiluar anxiety as the lady in the post. I have been using 5HTP 1 x50 mg 3 x a day. I did you tryptophan before I really can’t tell which one works better for me. I’m also using inositol and gaba calm . Thinking about going somewhere and being in Traffic or felling trapped (hospital, traffic,rides…) anxiety and or panic attack happen. I’m currently adding acupuncture. Can 5HTP and tryptophan be use at the same time? Or do they have to be on different days? Or by how many mg should I increase gaba, inositol and tryptophan or 5HTP. I’m have been gf for about 10 days. I also suffer from ibs.
Hi Trudy,
I just finished reading your book and it was so helpful! I’ve been working hard to reduce my anxiety and until your book I didn’t know about pyroluria. I recently began taking a zinc supplement and a B6 supplement and I noticed an immediate difference. I also did the zinc taste test and it didn’t taste like anything. With all these signals I think I’d like to get a pyroluria test done. Do you know of any good at home ones? The one you mentioned in your book seems to only sell to practitioners.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all that you do!
I’m so pleased to hear my book has been so helpful for you! This lab offers at home pyroluria testing in the USA but keep in mind false negatives are common.
I have been searching for years for help for my son with extreme anxiety. I have been researching ketamine I.V. treatments after I came across a TED talk youtube video about it. It seems they are having great results for depression ,PTSD and anxiety. There are ketamine clinics all over now who are providing this for people suffering.
I write about ketamine here and prefer nutritional solutions to both depression and anxiety. Have you looked into diet, gut health, low zinc, low GABA, low serotonin, high cortisol, pyroluria etc for you son?
Hi Trudy! Does a pyroluric person need to give up gluten or will the zinc help with that? I myself am pyroluric and gave it up (which helped me tremendously!) but the person I’m trying to help isn’t very interested in extreme dietary changes.
Thank you!
Many pyrolurics have gluten issues and even if pyroluria isn’t a factor I have all my clients remove gluten