James Maskell, creator of Functional Forum, was interviewed on the Anxiety Summit by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Anxiety and the Importance of Community
- The definition of community and examples
- The Functional Forum and a medication talk by Dr. Hyla Cass
- The effect of social support on HPA axis function during pregnancy.
- Social support for parents of autistic children
- An interview with Kelly Brogan: the role of community in mental health
- Community and social anxiety/introversion
Here are some gems from our interview:
…the solution to chronic disease is integrative or functional medicine because it’s preventive, it’s proactive, it’s participatory on behalf of the patient. And so our goal and our vision is big Trudy. The first thing has been to increase the supply of these functional medicine doctors because you need them and they can’t be replaced by technology. The human element is a really big part. But the first step is to get enough of those doctors and then the next step is to galvanize those practitioners into a really efficient system that takes the best use of technology. It takes the best use of human interaction and uses practitioners in the most efficient way to be able to keep and get people well as effectively as possible.
What we need is people to work together. We need collaboration, not competition. We need people to really see the gifts of everyone. And really we need it to be a meritocracy [definition: a social system in which people’s success in life depends primarily on their talents, abilities, and effort].
Here is the big take-away from James – when it comes to community:
…the real results that we see that are most powerful Trudy is where people have been able to pair getting together into a community with other healthy behaviors. So getting a group of people together to go on a run or to go on a walk together. You get the power of the community plus you get the power of everyone getting the exercise together
Just going back to your idea of supporting each other, doing something together with a common goal. Going back to the Benzo Buddies story. Imagine if that group had local groups getting together. So they’ve got this online forum supporting each other but if they got together and cooked a meal together and also meditated together and then supported each other getting off the benzodiazepine. So that would be what you’re talking about the getting together and also supporting each other online.
Here are some of the studies we discussed in the interview:
The aim of this study, Effect of social support on HPA axis function during pregnancy, was to assess whether individual differences in social support alter psychological distress and cortisol during pregnancy. There were 82 pregnant women in the study. Psychological distress and cortisol were assessed in all three trimesters. It was found that:
Pregnant women receiving inadequate social support secrete higher levels of cortisol in response to psychological distress as compared with women receiving effective social support. Social support during pregnancy may be beneficial because it decreases biological sensitivity to psychological distress, potentially shielding the fetus from the harmful effects of stress-related increases in cortisol.
New research also shows that for parents of autistic children, more social support means better health, protection against stress-induced immune problems and reduced inflammation
Dr. Hyla Cass, MD, integrative psychiatrist shares how to safely get of SSRIs and antianxiety medications and how to maintain good mental health once you are off them. She is addressing physicians but the information is valuable for anyone. This was filmed at the Functional Neuropsychiatry meeting of the Functional Forum in January 2016.
Dr Kelly Brogan, integrative psychiatrist, another past speaker on the Anxiety Summit and author of the brilliant new book “A Mind of Your Own” discusses the role community can play in mental health.
I tied community and social anxiety/introversion together with the discussion about pyroluria.
Here is the link to the next Functional Forum , a wonderful resource for integrative practitioners in the world of functional medicine (doctors, therapists, nutritionists etc).
If you are not already registered for the Anxiety Summit you can get live access to the speakers of the day here: www.theAnxietySummit.com
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts and listen when it suits you.
You can find your purchasing options here.: Anxiety Summit Season 1, Anxiety Summit Season 2, Anxiety Summit Season 3, and Anxiety Summit Season 4.
While it’s well known that community is key, most people just do not DO community. How do people actually get people engaged in the very community that will bring them up from their down?
Where are the groups Mr. Maskell is speaking of? Facebook forums are helpful, but that’s not the real community process he’s speaking of and that we know is truly effective.
I’m not clear what this means?
Where can people find a community that supports their food solution path with overcoming anxiety? I have found one local support group, but they’re all on SSRI’s and are satisfied with that.
Personally I need people I can talk with because I feel very isolated with this journey.
I’d search for meetup groups, look at the local library, search for local nutritionists who may offer talks and group programs.
You’ve got me thinking that maybe I should try and offer local groups for people like you (in the same way James offers local groups for practitioners with his Functional Forum). What would you like to see in such a group? once a month in person meeting? with a speaker? with an opportunity to connect with other anxious people like you? and an online forum to connect with others inbetween meetings?
If there is a need and the desire people will do it – the example we have was benzobuddies.org – people seeking support and community.
The groups James refers to are in various cities around the world. Check the link in the blog – next Functional Forum event and from that page you can poke around and find cities and upcoming events. They are in person live events that happen once a month – 1st Monday of the month.
Also, as he said take the initiative and start your own meet-up group and if it’s relevant to anxiety I’ll share it!
OK, I will take another look at his link. IF I have questions about starting a group may I ask here or is there another resource or place I could get help?
My doctor is not quite “there” yet with anxiety knowledge although she is integrative holistic health and an M.D. Family Practice. She is more following me with regard to Trudy’s program, I recently found another M.D. in the area listed in the Functional Medicine site, but it’s taken a couple years for him to see new patients and now the soonest I could get an appt. was 3 months out. I am patiently waiting. I am grateful for your summit and have listened to everything so far and intend to listen to all to the finish.
I’m also on Trudy’s waiting list. I wish there were a “Trudy” group close to me.
I just tried to send a message to Functional Forum, but it is not working. I message popped up:
“Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method.”
I said I would start a group in my area.
Jerri – I’ll pass them on to them
During the interview with James Maskell I believe you were quoting Dr. Hyla Cass when you said something like, “…reuptake inhibitors accelerate depletion of neurotransmitters….medications change the structure of the brain and cause down-regulation of neurotransmitter receptors…” That’s a terrifying statement! I want to know, NEED to know, if that change in the structure of the brain and the down-regulation of receptors, if that all can be REVERSED and things gotten back to how they should be?!
Medications do seem to change the brain and in some people it’s worse and it takes longer to recover.
I’d tune in to the bonus interview with Dr. Kelly Brogan – she talks about SSRIS and their effects. Her new book “A Mind of Your Own” is an excellent resources.
The good news is that brain and body is very resiliant and given the right materials can heal. Dr Drew Ramsey talked about this in his interview https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/drew-ramsey-eat-complete/
And just look what parley can do https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/apigenin-flavonoid-parsley-increases-brain-connections-reduces-anxiety/
OMGosh it would be so healing to know other people in my area who are working with the Trudy program.
To first begin with a group that meets on a regular basis. Right now the group of SSRI people meet every other week. That is doable. They also have a private facebook page which is nice.
Then we could expand with other activities and programs.
Yes, yes community is key.
Anyone know of a group in London? Would love to be part of a group where we could go on walks in nature together etc, frisbee in the green spaces and share struggles and help and encourage each other. This journey can be extremely isolating as healthy people generally keep a wide berth from those of us with mental health struggles. Ironically I’m battling excruciating insomnia this week again, not sure why which is making it quite difficult to follow the summit as my brain is exhausted on very little sleep. Sadly #lovelidtke L-Tryptophan has failed me this week, I’ve had such a rollercoastering ride on it, sometimes it works and at others it doesn’t. So confusing!
I know what you mean. I so hoped Trypto would work, but it seems to make me more irritable. I so want the luminating thoughts to go away. DPA helps a lot, but then stopped but it seems I didn’t need it anymore. So then I picked up GABA and it seems to be helping. I think I am only supposed to take one amino acid at a time.
Oh, I do do the pyroluria protocol tho too.
I hope you manage to connect with some folks there. Or start your own group!
Sorry to hear about the sleep but lets not blame the tryptophan!
The amino acids work consistently well unless there is something else going on so you have to find that that is: something you ate (gluten, carbs if SIBO a factor)? thyroid fluctuations? bipolar (lithium orotate helps with the ups and downs)? parasites (they have lifecycles)?
Yes Trudy, not blaming the tryptophan and am well aware that something else is in the equation here.
Battling to find a UK practitioner tho’, who is a good match to work with me on this journey. I feel the UK is lagging way behind the US in this regard or so it appears from what I hear on US summits etc where how thorough and dedicated to their clients the US practitioners seem to be. We have had some concerning experiences with a couple of UK practitioners.
I have started a group, and we have 3 members. It’s been going for a few years now, we meet every Thursday eve and listen 2 health and wellness talks, podcasts, summits and discuss health issues. However, we are mostly regarded as ‘woo woo’, people into naturopathic health and wellness are generally considered weird!
For example, my cousin is a dietitian and we have fallen out over me giving up gluten, dairy and refined sugar. She thinks I’ve lost it! This journey is not all beer and skittles. 
This all may sound negative, but I don’t intend it to be, however it is the reality of the situation we experience. But I will persist and never give up! The joy is in the journey…
Back to the Anxiety Summit now and more excellent talks, thank you Trudy!
I know but just wanted to say something for first time readers who may not know your history and may be new to tryptophan. It is a journey and you will reach your destination
I love your group and think this is a perfect opportunity to grow what you have. And don’t take it personally, many people in the integrative world have family members who think they’re weird too
Hello Dr. Haskell. I had a wonderful time listening to your interview with Trudy. I always love listening to you speak about various topics through the IFM and look forward to attending many more IFM webinars in the future! Even though I have a relationship with you through the IFM and emails, I totally enjoyed your jam packed interview and learned a great deal from it. I work with autistic children and their families and learned some new nuggets of information in your interview. I am always looking for new ideas. There were two interviews today that touched on autism, therapies, and the spectrum. I look forward to getting more information I can use with my children. Have you heard about Barry and Samahria Kaufmannd their son
Thanks for this lovely message for James Maskell. He’s traveling in Europe right now but I’ll make sure all speakers get to see their blogs and comments.
My post submitted before I completed my question to you! Have you heard about Barry and Samahria Kaufman,their son Raun, and the incredible therapy Barry and Samahria created for their son? They have had incredible results from the “Son Rise” program. I look forward to hearing from you in the future, whether through the IFM or via email! Thank you again!
Could you tell me, if Trazodone is a SSRI ? My husband is bipolar and on this, but been shaving tabletts down. Like for him to get off it
This is really a question for your doctor (and I assume your doctor is assisting with his taper) but here is information on Trazodone https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a681038.html
Hi! I’m not sure if you can help me with some advice or not but I feel like I’m at my wits end with how I feel!!It started almost a year ago after having what i think was a anxiety attack or panick attack….I’m not sure. But I haven’t been the same since! I feel as if I’ve changed completely as a person…I have d-realization, horrible intrusive obsessive thoughts, jaw clenching, restlessness, I feel tired but have a hard the sleeping. I feel like I’m ethier losing my mind or going to lose my mind all the time 24-7 (I guess you could say I live in fear of it)..I’m also losing my hair!!!…I’ve had my thyroid checked, magnesium and calcium and its all came back fine ….I’ve tried several medicines SSRI’s and they make me feel plum crazy and intensify everything and anything with antihistamine in it makes me go hay-wire as well!!! I bought 5thp last night and I’m scared try it…..I’m not on any medications right now and I do see a therapist once a week…oh and also everything gets so Much and unmanageable around the time of my period! I literally feel so completely out of it and not my self. I don’t understand what is happening to me. I feel hopeless. Is there any blood work or natural remedies you could advise me with???? I’ve haven’t any panick attacks since the one that started all of this a year ago, i just havent felt normal since! I feel like im losing my mind!! and I’d like to note that im 27 years old. Any advice?????
Sorry to hear what you are going through. There can be many possible underlying factors. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” (http://amzn.to/2cdHvW9) covers the amino acids with detailed specifics on timing and dosing, plus chapters on diet, blood sugar control, the adrenals, gluten issues, the gut, pyroluria and more. People love that they have everything at their fingertips and in one place.
There is also a lot here on the blog but it’s in many articles (use the search to find blogs on 5-HTP for example).
A few things to get you started right away – eat real whole food, eat animal protein at breakfast, quit coffee/caffeine/alcohol and quit gluten.
I was not permitted to use product names in the book – you can find these here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-pyroluria-supplements/
I have a waiting list if you need one-on-one help (https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html). You can find additional resources at this link too.