I’ve had a busy few weeks doing fun book promo stuff and some fun local book signings at Avid Reader books http://www.avidreaderbooks.com/. It was so cool (and very humbling) to finish my talk and have folks line up to get a signed copy of my new book The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings!
It was also very exciting to see my book on display and on the shelves in the book store. Of course we took a ton of pictures and savored the moment! I hope you enjoy these pictures and that I see you at the next live event I do.
I had a great turnout at the Avid Reader in Davis and some great questions were asked.
Here are just some of the questions and my answers:
From someone I spoke to before the talk: “I have bad moods (anxiety and depression) and really bad sugar and bread cravings and I’m hoping this book will address all of this.”
My answer: “Great question, because often mood problems go hand-in hand with cravings and addictive behaviors. For example low endorphins can make you feel sad and also lead to comfort eating – so you address the low endorphins and both sadness and comfort eating is resolved. A similar case can be made for feeling anxious and eating to calm down – address the low GABA and both will resolve! You’ll love this book!”
And another question after the talk: “I do get anxious, but I really love my coffee. Do I really have to give up coffee or can I drink decaf?”
My answer: “This is a great question too, and one I get a lot. I see so many of my clients benefit from quitting coffee altogether that I really think it’s worth a try for you. Also, keep in mind that decaf does contain a small amount of caffeine and a subset of anxious people are just more sensitive to the effects of caffeine. I suggest trying some delicious Dandybend and see how you feel”.
You can read more about my book and these topics at www.antianxietyfoodsolution.com and read a book review by Mira Dessy that was featured in a recent edition of Nourishing Bytes, the ezine produced by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals http://grainsandmore.blogspot.com/2011/06/antianxiety-food-solution.html
Hmmm … address the low GABA? I may have to do that! Congratulations Trudy on the success of your book – I love seeing all the pictures from your book signing – thank you for sharing!
Jennifer Bourn, Bourn Creative
Jennifer – let me know if I can help with the low GABA! When you really need it, it’s great to have that additional nutritional support.
I’m so proud of you and your book, I just can’t even say how much I admire you for this journey. You are expert at what you do, and it shows. So does your concern for others.
Thanks Sue! these are very kind words.
I also admire you and really appreciate your great input when I was figuring out the name of my book – you are the marketing expert!
Wonderful to read your story of this fun experience. Certainly there will be many more signings and lines to have your autograph. What is the funniest story someone has told you on the signing line so far? Just curious?
Thanks Mitch. No funny stories yet…
Congratulations, Trudy! So exciting to see the photos of you at your book signing. You did it!
The topic of your book is so important. I will share with the women I coach. Food truly is the fuel for our dreams!
This book is eye-opening and provides a lot of useful information. I’ve bought another copy so that I will have one available to lend out as I want to make sure I don’t lose my original.
Thanks Mira – for the feedback and for sharing with others!