The targeted use of individual amino acid supplements will balance brain chemistry to alleviate anxiety, fear, worry, panic attacks, and feeling stressed or overwhelmed. They can also be helpful in addressing other problems that contribute to or exacerbate anxiety, such as sugar cravings and addictions. In addition, they can help with depression and insomnia, which often co-occur with anxiety. When you balance your brain chemistry, not only will you alleviate symptoms of anxiety, you’ll also have a great mood, eliminate cravings, sleep well, and have good energy and mental focus.
Worry and anxiety can be a result of low GABA and also low serotonin, so you may check off anxiety in both sections. Low GABA tends to result in a more physical anxiety, while low serotonin tends to result in more anxiety in the head, ruminating thoughts etc.
- Physical tension/anxiety
- Feeling worried or fearful
- Panic attacks
- Unable to relax or loosen up
- Stiff or tense muscles
- Feeling stressed and burned-out
- Craving carbs for relaxation and calming
- Craving alcohol for relaxation and calming
- Craving drugs for relaxation and calming
- Insomnia * (Aug 2019: GABA/theanine research)
- Inability to prioritize planned actions * (Sept 2015: research and child ADHD case)
- Poor focus/ADHD and spinning * (as above)
- Have intrusive thoughts, perseverate or have an overactive brain (with unwanted thoughts about unpleasant memories, images or worries * (Nov 2017: research and case)
- Acrophobia (fear of heights) * (Sep 2018: pharmaGABA research)
- Rectal spasms (proctalgia fugax) * (Dec 2021: case studies)
- Burning mouth * (Mar 2018: research)
- Visceral pain/belly pain with IBS * (Aug 2018: research and case)
- Bladder pain/interstitial cystitis and urgency * (Jan 2021: research)
- Lyme-induced anxiety * (Jan 2022: neuropsychiatric Lyme disease and a case study)
- Globus pharyngeus (lump in the throat) * (July 2022: research and case)
- PCOS/polycystic ovarian syndrome * (Jan 2021: research and a case study)
- Tourette’s syndrome (tics) * (Jan 2022: research and case)
- Laryngospasm, “choking” episodes and swallowing problems * (Mar 2022: research and case)
- Poor sensorimotor skills * (Dec 2022: research in autism, child with autism case study and adult case study)
- Asthma* (Dec 2022: research and case)
- Sound and tactile hypersensitivity * (Feb 2023: research and adult case study)
- MS/multiple sclerosis * (April 2023: anxiety, muscle stiffness/spasms, swallowing issues and pain in MS)
- Anger, rage and agitation * (June 2023: glutamate research and case studies and sundowning in Alzheimer’s disease)
- High blood pressure * (Sept 2023: research)
Low Serotonin
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks or phobias
- Feeling worried or fearful
- Obsessive thoughts or behaviors
- Perfectionism or being overly controlling
- Irritability
- Anxiety that’s worse in winter
- Winter blues or seasonal affective disorder
- Negativity or depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- Excessive self-criticism
- Low self-esteem and poor self-confidence
- PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or menopausal mood swings
- Sensitivity to hot weather
- Hyperactivity
- Anger or rage
- Digestive issues
- Fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint syndrome, or other pain syndromes
- Difficulty getting to sleep
- Insomnia or disturbed sleep
- Afternoon or evening cravings for carbs, alcohol or drugs
Low Catecholamines
- Depression and apathy
- Easily bored
- Lack of energy
- Lack of focus
- Lack of drive and low motivation
- Attention deficit disorder
- Procrastination and indecisiveness
- Craving carbs, alcohol, caffeine, or drugs for energy
Low Endorphins
- Heightened sensitivity to emotional pain
- Heightened sensitivity to physical pain
- Crying or tearing up easily
- Eating to soothe your mood, or comfort eating
- Really, really loving certain foods, behaviors, drugs, or alcohol
- Craving a reward or numbing treat
- PMS (premenstrual syndrome) or PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) * (Mar 2022: research published in 1989)
Low Blood Sugar
- Crave sugar, starch or alcohol any time during the day
- Irritable, shaky, headachey – especially if too long between meals
- Intense cravings for sweets
- Lightheaded if meals are missed
- Eating relieves fatigue
- Agitated, easily upset, nervous
- Waking in the night or early hours with a jolt of anxiety/shakiness * (Feb 2024: case studies)
- Binge eating and/or food addiction * (Feb 2024: research and a case study)
(* New additions that are not in my book. I’ve linked to some case studies above but there are many more on the blog so be sure to use the search feature)
Each of the above sections on specific neurotransmitter or brain chemical imbalances are found in The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings. They were reprinted from The Mood Cure (2004) with permission from Julia Ross. They do contain some of my own modifications based on my experience with working with many clients, and the new additions as mentioned above.
Individual amino acids are used based on the above questionnaires and the results are profound and often felt within a few minutes:
- check out this blog post on glutamine for low blood sugar and calming effects and watch how glutamine helped Nicole within 5 minutes.
- check out how DPA was a miracle for Angie and her sugar cravings which were as a result of low endorphins.
Resources if you are new to using amino acids as supplements
If you suspect low levels of any of the neurotransmitters and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, (as I mentioned above) I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids on your own so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the practitioner/health team you or your loved one is working with.
There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and they are discussed throughout the book in the sections on gut health, gluten, blood sugar control, sugar cravings, anxiety and mood issues.
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the amino acids that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs. You can find them all in my online store.
If, after reading this blog and my book, you don’t feel comfortable figuring things out on your own (i.e. doing the symptoms questionnaire and respective amino acids trials), a good place to get help is the GABA QuickStart Program (if you have low GABA symptoms too). This is a paid online/virtual group program where you get my guidance and community support.
If you are a practitioner, join us in The Balancing Neurotransmitters: the Fundamentals program. This is also a paid online/virtual program with an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
Do you resonate with symptoms in more than one area? This is not unusual.
Do you resonate with some of the more recent additions to the low GABA section?
Feel free to share how the amino acids have helped you and if you found this symptoms questionnaire helpful for figuring out where to start.
If you have questions and other feedback please share here too.
You are such a great help to everyone! So glad you’re getting the word out
These articles with well versed information is getting me back in the mindset on how to make valuable changes! I have so many questions
Can amino acids help with sleep apnea and alpha intrusions?
Trudy, I’m sure you’ve mentioned this in other places, but could you tell us here, for an adult, with severe anxiety and insomnia, what daily dosage of GABA, or GABA Calm, do you recommend?
Thank you for your wonderful, life-saving work!
Yes I do mention this all the time – there is no one size fits all when it comes to dose and it does not depends on the severity of the anxiety or insomnia. We start low with 125mg sublingual GABA and increase from there to find the ideal dose for symptom relief.
I blog about the variation in dosing here – How much GABA should I use for my anxiety? It depends on your unique needs (and there is an extremely large variation in dosing)
My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place for the foundations (you don’t mention what dietary changes have been made) and has a chapter on the amino acids with dosing/timing information. More here
My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions related to GABA and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement). More here about the program and purchase info
Thank you Trudy, great information… I was just reading your article about Taurine. I no longer have my gallbladder but still deal with right side pain. Whenever I’ve tried Taurine, I’ve experienced an increase of pain… the same with TUDCA or wormwood, which I think work on the same premise. Any idea why this might be happening?
I’d consider a liver supportive product and get liver function blood work.
Sharing the taurine article for other readers
If you do not have a gallbladder, your bile is not stored, excess bile is what’s causing the problem for you, in this instance you may need bile binder, some natural alternative to bile binders is psyllium husk, some people can add it to oats and eat it or drink it in water or soak it..there are prescription bile binders for severe cases.
I hope this helps
hi Trudi,once more tried 125mg Gaba powder, “Now”, sublingually,after reading your last post+ how it helped tmj spasms releasing them- also after reading the low Gaba symptoms of which I have many- but nothing happened,no release which was so disappointing.Then I read the low serotonin symptoms+ wonder if I fit there also? because of the pain conditions listed: tmj related complications that worsened headache with more spasms+ subsequent dizziness,fibromyalgia like pains following,panic attacks,listed in both low Gaba+ low serotonin.
Does this mean I shouldnt continue with Gaba? if no favourable reaction?
Or combine it with some other low serotonin supplement? if so which?
Very hard to tell ,but I know spasms increased + tmj related spasms are due to stress/ anxiety.Have been trying all kinds of other supplements for the headache with tmj,followed by overall body sensitization since it wasnt resolved for long,Pea,Boswellia,zinc,selenium,b12,vit D3+ k2,MSM,d ribose( meant to relax muscles but did nothing for me),now Coq10,Lions mane,etc,but none do anything for the spasms,nor anxiety,in fact some of those ie ALA,acetyl l carnitine,even Coq10, may worsen headaches-
thats why was hoping in Gaba,for the underlying anxiety cause; also with increased pain=more anxiety.
Dr Mauskop New York Headache centre, also recomends Gaba for anxiety..
Could you explain why Gaba doesn’t seem to bring any relief to me+ whether I should be looking to low serotonin supplements?
thanks again
Hi Trudy,
You mention in your blog posts scoring of this assessment. Though I don’t see on this page how it should be scored? How do you want us to calculate a numerical sum for each question besides yes or no? Thank you.
I have clients score each symptom 1-10 with 10 being most severe
This is SUCH valuable information. Thank you, Trudy!
Thank goodness we have wonderful people like you Trudy to help us navigate through the complexity of our bodies
Fascinating to read how imbalances in brain chemistry affect mood and behavior. Thanks for sharing, Trudy!
Your posts are always full of such great information.
Just curious if you ever considered another spin on
your great topics? What if you took a typical diet from
your average working person which might include assorted
fast food, Starbucks drinks etc. then back into your list
like in this post. Wonder how many people would then see themselves in your description?
Great idea, thanks Mitch!
Hi, where is the actual questionnaire? I can’t find it under this link.
This is the questionnaire/symptoms list
Wonderful breakdown of the symptoms and feelings related to amino acids. Love the work you do, it’s so important and so needed.
Thank you so much for making a cheat sheet. I look forward to getting my dosing correct. Thanks for all your doing!
You are so welcome Lisa!
What cheat sheet? I’d love a copy!
That list is the cheat sheet.
Such succinct and to the point information. I am sharing with my community on FB – thank you!
thanks for sharing Angela!
I know that I have taken several of these in the past and not gotten consistent results! So am I not taking enough? Or should purchase each of these separate? WOw, I have tried so many things and I am a so frustrated. I have a brain injury and toxicity as well. SO is there a test to find out which ones to start with or is it a better idea to take all three and then see what kinds of results?
Great list. Will be very helpful for anyone dealing with emotional / mood issues. Good stuff!
What do you do if you have the symptoms listed under Low Catecholamines?
Hi Karen
Tyrosine is the amino acid I use with my clients. We do an in-office trial to see how they feel and figure out how much they may need. Typical is 500mg-1000mg 3 x day between meals and no later than 3pm, so sleep isn’t impacted. Tyrosine is not to be used for someone with migraines, high blood pressure, bipolar or melanoma.
I also have them do a saliva test to assess for adrenal issues and have them get a thorough thyroid panel done.
Hi Trudy: Can you explain why not to use Tyrosine when a person suffers from migraines?
Thank you
Tyrosine can make migraines worse. Some people with headaches and migraines do fine on tyrosine so it’s just something we watch
Hi Trudy
Can you explain what amino acids you would use to help with adrenals and hypothyroid (specifically hashimoto thyroiditis)?
The amino acids work based on symptoms so it’s best to do the questionnaire to figure out which symptoms are an issue and then do a trial of the applicable amino acids. Also, there is much that can be done for adrenal support (eg Seriphos to lower high cortisol and dietary changes/gut/health/liver support etc for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (Dr. Izabella Wentz’s book is excellent
Tyrosine also should not be used with clients diagnosed with Hyperthyroid.
Correct and it’s listed as a precaution
Thanks for the article very informative. Food plays such an important part of mood but I would also combine with other things such as exercise and changing your attitude.
this info is so helpful 4 me right now! I was just wondering if u had a link 2 some recipes that could help instead of taking all these supplements. I really try 2 stay away from them and do things a bit more naturally. I am struggling greatly at this time emotionally and financially. if it is possible 2 get close 2 the same effects thru diet for my whole anxious family I would b so grateful for the help. God bless u personally and in all ur endeavors 2 b of service 2 so many in need.
Hi Trina
I have all my clients start with real whole food first, and this, together eating to help control blood sugar ( can make a big difference for many people. I’d also consider doing a gluten-free trial ( as this is another big factor for many people. Of course, caffeine is always a no-no with anxiety.
If you’re still having issues then you would need to consider the amino acids, and other supplements like zinc and vitamin B6 if you suspect pyroluria (
Here are some recipes You’ll also find many recipes in books I have reviewed
I encourage you to browse around my blog for more resources and information, sign up for my newsletter to stay informed and get additional resources and consider getting a copy of my book so you have the overall concept all in one place
ha! I am so sorry I scrolled back up the page and found exactly what I was looking 4. ty 4 being so helpful and thorough. I am just prayn they r meals I can afford and get past the other very picky 5 ppl at our dinner table! ty again.
Trina – you’re very welcome – I’m so glad you found what you’re looking for – Trudy
Thanks Trudy for the list.
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for such great info. Can u elaborate a bit more on amino acids? How long does it take to see results? How long do u have to take them? Do they come in vegetarian capsules easy to digest? Do they have any side effects? do people who have just gone thru a chemical detox from drug addiction can benefit with amino acids? Does chemical detox include amino acids to balance the brain chemistry? What about the senior population who are having a lot of memory problems and slow processing? Do people have to go thru a nutritional detox or a nutricional plan to benefit from the amino acids? Or just people can continue with her conventional diet? In your nutritional plans, do you suggest food for meat eaters as well as vegan?
Thanks for your response to get the word out there for so many people who suffers because of lack of knowledge. I really admire your work and dedication to make people healthy and happy.
Estela WindWalker
Certified Live Food Chef& Educator
Hi Estela
You’re welcome! great questions…
How long does it take to see results? 5 minutes if the capsules are opened
How long do u have to take them? short-term (2 weeks to 12 months) provided you have a healthy diet and heal the gut and address things like food intolerances, adrenals etc
Do they come in vegetarian capsules easy to digest? most are in gelatin capsules, GABA Calm is a sublingual but is not vegetarian
Do they have any side effects? as with anything anyone can have an issue and if you don’t have the deficiency you can have a reverse effect. There are a number of precautions – these are listed in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
Do people who have just gone thru a chemical detox from drug addiction can benefit with amino acids? amino acids actually help with drug addiction i.e. making it easier to quit
Does chemical detox include amino acids to balance the brain chemistry? I’m not sure what this means
What about the senior population who are having a lot of memory problems and slow processing? low catecholamines can affect focus and memory
Do people have to go thru a nutritional detox or a nutritional plan to benefit from the amino acids? Or just people can continue with her conventional diet? a detox is not necessary but as I mentioned above, diet changes are important
In your nutritional plans, do you suggest food for meat eaters as well as vegan? for people with mood issues I recommend animal protein
Hi Trudy
Thanks for all the useful information you have supplied. I was wondering if you can answer a question, I have the low Serotonin symptoms you have listed so I tried 5 HTP but didn’t notice a difference. Do you think Trytophan would be a better option for me? Many thanks
Hi Catherine
Some people do better with tryptophan so if someone doesn’t notice an improvement of symptoms with 5-HTP, a trial with tryptophan is worth it. I only recommend the Lidtke brand of tryptophan.
I’d also consider a few other factors:
– is it enough 5-HTP? (50mg mid-afternoon and evening is the start dose – I have some clients slowly go up to 200mg or even 300mg)
– does the person have gut issues? (and if yes then opening the capsule may be more effective than swallowing)
– does the person have low thyroid? (and addressing this can often lead to better results)
Hope this helps – please do let us know how it goes
Hi Trudy
What do you do when a client doesn’t respond even after you’ve tested them for as many things as you can. How often do you hit brick walls with people. You were one of the lucky ones that found gaba was all you needed to stop your anxiety attacks and ruminating. I think I’ve tried just about everything I am currently working with MTHFR Australia but have worked with a few practitioners before that . We are very aware of my genetics etc but so far nothing has curbed my anxiety or depression in any way other than mind power and using the book DARE. I am learning how to push through the anxiety and I’ve come to the conclusion that that is going to be the only way I will do it. I think there are people out there that will benefit to some degree from intervention but not everybody?
Sorry to hear this – we keep looking until we find the root cause. I would ask these questions as they can affect how well the aminos work: current or prior benzodiazepine/SSRI use? underactive thyroid? genetic defects? Lyme disease? heavy metals? and of course the form/quality/amount and timing of the aminos. Here is a blog with all the many causes
Dear Trudy, I am on a benzo detox of six months and an antidepressant detox that was started over one year ago. I have read your book. I just read your info on the link to Alzheimer’s disease and benzos. I currently take Tryptophan 1500 mg total and GABA 500 mg (split into two doses) to help me with the many symptoms that I still experience. It has been quite a journey. I also take 50 mg of B6 and 60 mg of zinc, just in case since I could have pyroluria. I also have a low thyroid, which has been difficult to control. It has been quite a journey. Do you see many people who have pseudo-MS? I was treated for MS for five years, and now of course, I know I do not have it. I stopped treatment for that in March of 2013. I would like to let others know that it is possible for someone to do this at any age, and to not give up, or give in. Also, 30 mg of brisk walking every day cured my life long depression, and is helping with the anxiety, along with no sugar/caffeine and a high protien and high fat diet! Thanks for a you do, Madeline Winter
Hi Madeline
Thank you so much for sharing your story of recovery and hope. I wish you continued healing.
I am so pleased to hear about the MS no longer being an issue. You don’t mention gluten and this can be a factor in MS-type symptoms. Raising serotonin and GABA can also help with pain symptoms, as can raising low levels of vitamin D (there is much research on the vitamin D-MS link).
I’m going to share the link to the benzo article here so folks who read this will know which one you’re referring to:
(I’d love to see your comment on this one too so folks who read it also feel hopeful – would you post it there too OR I’d let me know and I’d be happy to)
Thanks and fabulous job with the walking and diet changes!
Hello! What happens if your symptoms fall in 2 or more of the categories above! Thanks!
Hi Ines
It’s common to have more than one imbalance and you’d just address all of them. I like to do one at a time so you have a good feel for what’s working.
i have had a big improvement rather suddenly recently, after months of taking theanine, gaba, magnesium, relora n holy basil leaf. at first it helped me sleep, then it didnt. but it made me calmer all day. i then upped the dosage n that seemed even better, was sleeping better at nite too. then i learnt how too much can have a rebound effect n realized thats what had been going on soon after i felt better with the increased dose…i had indeed then had worse trouble sleeping shortly after the improvement at first again. ive been on just the correct dose now for 4 mos n notice my sleeping is getting better n better. i can even relax now during the day! so maybe sumtimes it takes quite a long time to see great improvement. i was so happy with the improvement it had made that i had vowed to not buy groceries rather than ever run out but the last week or so WOW. sleeping almost like a normal person, consistently…AMAZING. not being agitated during the day, so comforting. my life may not ever get ok or even better but at least i can cope with the chaos of it now! aminos acids (n prob the herbs too) are a godsend!!!!!
This is so wonderful! I am so pleased to hear how great you are doing! yeah …”not being agitated during the day, so comforting”. I hear you on the aminos (and others ) being a godsend!
Thanks for sharing – I know this will offer others hope and inspiration
Hi Trudy …my name is Pixi. I have been trying to get in touch with you so that we might speak. I am very keen to get advice from you as I have been using supplements including different amino acids for a while. I don’t think the combinations have been right as I still suffer anxiety and depression and cant seem to stabilise either. I have had panic disorder for many years and would love to be in control of it as I know that with the right combinations of supplements I could be feeling a whole lot better. Hoping to hear from you
Pixi vincent
Hi Pixi
I’m sorry to hear this and would love to help – I’ve emailed you again with details of the 15 minute complimentary consult
Hi Trudy
I have recently started a pyroluria protocol with my doctor as my urine test says I’m borderline for it. My symptoms suggest otherwise. My symptoms also suggest low gaba and low serotonin. To be honest I’m feeling so overwhelmed by my condition as the constant anxiety and depression has worn me down and I’m finding it hard to find the strength to look for answers. I so wish I had a practitioner like yourself here in Australia. My doctor is trying very hard to help me but so far it has been very slow going. The feelings of dread and anxiousness in the pit of my stomach are the worst to overcome.
I’m sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed – just one step at a time. Keep in mind that the urine test may not correlate with symptoms so I use the supplements and your response as the guideline.
I also like to have my clients support GABA and serotonin at the same time. If they are low and you have the right combo of amino acids you can see results almost immediately.
But there may be other things contributing to your anxiety so be sure to go thru this list too
Hi Trudy,
I’m currently taking 100mg of Zoloft. H/0 anxiety and depression/ off and on antidepressants.
I’d love to try the tryptophan and gabba. Is it safe being on Zoloft to do so?
My anxiety now at 52 had brought me to a halt. Heart palpitations are excessive but cardiologist has informed me to just deal with it.
Hi Trudy,
My husband answered Yes to a lot of these questions from each category – some more, and some yes. Here’s to give you an idea: GABA (6), Serotonin (13), Catecholamines (8), Endorphins (5), Sugar (3). Would you say that the best way to supplement would be to start with the highest ranking one, and then work on each area one at a time? Or an integrated approach to address all at the same time would make more sense? I would love to hear your thoughts on it. He has a very clean diet, and we have a relatively health lifestyle. I gratefully appreciate your time.
I like to deal with one area at a time so you can feel and observe the effects. I have my clients pick the area that is most bothersome and start there, typically working on calming and sleep first (so GABA and serotonin and blood sugar balance) before boosting catecholamines which may increase anxiety. That being said, one of my clients felt much calmer once we addressed her low catecholamines (bad focus, low energy and ADD). So it’s really individualized.
Do let us know what you do and how your husband fares
Thank You, Trudy! I was thinking of starting in the area of Serotonin and GABA ( he needs help with sleep and being calm) but as you pointed out, I will start by asking him his most troubled area first. He has taken 5-HTP before but did not notice much difference. Perhaps I can try Tryptophan along with GABA calm to see if that is more effective.
Thank you for taking the time to give me your feedback. I will certainly let you know how it goes. My Best, PG
Hi Trudy,
I have a follow-up question please. Are there any long term repurcussions to using GABA and Tryptophan? How long can one take them for? Does it help resolve things over time where you don’t have to rely on them anymore? And is there a risk of dependency?
I was also reading one of your other blog posts and had a question for myself. I am a cancer survivor, in remission and am currently working on my leaky gut, gut dysbiosis and GI issues as a result of all my treatments and surgeries. I am on a pathogen/parasite/candida protocol, and am taking l-glutamine for my leaky gut. Given the conflicting research on l-glutamine, would you say that I avoid it? Or is it ok to take while I repair my gut in the short time? If it is not, are the other alternatives aloe, elm, slippery bark etc, just as effective? Please advise. I would really appreciate your feedback. Thank you sincerely, PG
I second this question… In healing the gut, my biggest issue, l-glutamine is recommended. But can cause issues, as reported. How does this affect neurotransmitters and the balance if one needs major gut healing, but the person has no energy, is depressed, anxious, underweight with blood sugar issues?
Thanks, Trudy!
Excuse my ignorance…I can’t see how to “do” the questionnaire. Is there something I’m missing? I clicked on the link to take me to it, but it just gives me the laundry list of symptoms again. I’d really like to take the questionnaire and then have it tell me what aa’s are recommended.
Thank you so much!!
I don’t have an interactive questionnaire but great idea! I’ll add it to the list. In the meantime check out all the other amino acid resources on the blog and my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
Hi Trudy,
I just wanted to follow-up on my question of May 1st, 6:02am above, just in case you may have missed or overlooked it. Sorry for the bother, but I would be grateful for your feedback.
Trudy, what GABA brand supplement can you recommend? I heard you say during the anxiety summit that you didn’t care for pharmaGABA, so what do you recommend?
Thank you!
HI Trudy, Please could you answer the above question if you get a minute? What GABA brand supplement and starting dosage do you recommend? I would be most grateful for a reply. Also is it safe to try on a 10 year old child who has alot of anxiety?
thank you kindly,
where can I find your recommendations for Low Catecholamines. My 18 year old son has all these symptoms (among others) which is creating a problem now that he needs to move forward in life as all his friends have done.
I bought your Anxiety summit package last year. Is there anything in there – dont recall anything mentioned there.
Tyrosine is the first amino I try with low catecholamines. I also look at adrenal health. In season 2 I talked about all the amino acids including tyrosine. I also have a whole chapter on all aminos in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
Where should one start if they fall into 2 categories? From the profiles, I feel like I have low serotonin and low Catecholamines. I have weaned myself off of an SSRI over the past year and feeling very sad, anxious and have very low motivation. Have tried 5HPT in the past, but probably did not give it enough time. Should I be doing the 5HPT or the tyrosine, or both?
Thank you so much.
Hi Trudy,
first of all i’m so pleased to find you and want to really thank you for all that work you do, it’s so important and so needed for many suffering in silence.You are my personal hero,Trudy!
I’ve done a questionnaire and scored high in Serotonin,Norepinephrin/Thyroid,GABA and Endorphine, so it’s looks like i’m low in all of them!… And i’m feeling totally lost :(( And, yes,out of everything,i do have an underactive thyroid, but not on medication yet and not too keen on as well.
I would really appreciate if you can give me a clue where to start with all that neurotransmitter chaos.
Many thanks!
i am in several categories, but primarily low seratonin and low blood sugar. I have fibromyalgia and my biggest issue is waking up every night in pain: leg cramps, chest pain, stomach pain, and all over tingling and nerve pain that makes me want to jump out of my skin. Mentally: I”m often anxious, nervous and sometimes depressed. I also have ADD, and sugar cravings. What supplements do you recommend?
B12 deficiency can cause your symptoms as well, the tingly feeling you described reminded me of how much relief I felt after my first b12 shot!
It’s always great to read your work Trudy, and well done for being a star performer on the Mental Wellness Summit.
Lots of love,
Hi Trudy, I have a client who took all the above tests, and scored 100% on the Catecholemines. She also has most of the low Gaba – everything except the panic attacks.
But she also gets migraines. I gave her topical magnesium, which has stopped the daily headaches. So I was wondering is it is safe to do the protocol now?
Wonderful news about your client’s migraines and topical magnesium! I would definitely look into the amino acids. For future reference, I actually do use tyrosine when someone has migraines and we just watch to make sure it doesn’t make the headaches/migraines worse and stop if it does.
What should I take for low serotonin. I am celiac & have fibromyalgia Thank you so much.
If a client scores high on the low serotonin section I have them trial tryptophan and possible 5-HTP if cortisol is not high. This can often help with fibromyalgia too. Celiac disease can lead to low serotonin so healing the gut would be beneficial and glutamine is my first choice for this. Celiac disease can cause other nutritional deficiencies so I’d also check for low zinc, low iron etc
Trudy- can you help me understand the contraindication between 5 htp and high cortisol?
Is it okay to use L-tryptophan or 5-HTP if one has borderline Lupus (1 : 40). I do not know if this was a blood work result because of high inflammation at the time of the test or some false positive. The blood work has not been redone in 14 months. So I do not know whether this is actual Lupus. I have done the gut repair protocol.
I do have very serious myofascial pain, multiple trigger points and fibromyalgia that I believe is a cause for the chronic inflammation.
I have very poor sleep. So I really need an effective remedy for sleep difficulty that I have had for most of my life, at least a lack of restful sleep and interruption.
I am not aware of any issue with use of tryptophan or 5-HTP with Lupus but I would recommend checking with your doctor. I would also recommend an autoimmune dietary approach such as The Wahls Protocol by Dr. Terry Wahls or The Autoimmune Solution by Dr. Amy Myers.
I found information regarding tryptophan and 5-HTP on various websites. I just happened on the first one warning about either of these amino acids not being metabolized well by Lupus patients. I do do not know about the truth of it but the information is out there.
Thank you,
In this 2015 paper patients with the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), “had decreased serotonin levels in serum and platelets as compared to healthy individuals” and “reduced serum serotonin levels in SLE patients were related to severe disease phenotype.”
The paper discusses IDO, inflammation and the production of kynurenine and some practitioners don’t feel tryptophan should be used when there is known inflammation. I don’t feel we have enough evidence about this yet.
Again, until I have evidence as to why tryptophan could not be used, I’d defer to the doctor and with their approval have a client with lupus do the amino acids questionnaire and a trial of tryptophan if they have low serotonin symptoms.
Please do share the link/s to the information you came across as I’m not able to find anything and would like to know if we do need to be cautious and why.
I thought I saw the warning for both Tryptophan and 5-HTP with Lupus. This is what I could find today. Of course these are not scientific articles. Thank you for the explanation of the government abstract. Again thank you. Linda
Bottom line
Under Immune Deficiency/Disorder
Under nutritional factors (doubtful interaction)
In the (20.) item list,Lupus/?a=s (I am sure this is where If first saw the warning but I cannot find it now.)
Thank you Trudy. And what is the best to take when low serotonin ? Scored on the test. Thanks much !
Trudy you mentioned on a FB post starting your clients on 125mg Source Naturals GABA Calm – is that taking 1 x 125mg lozenge 3 times a day in between meals and away from protein? If no averse reactions can one increase that to 250mg 3 x a day? i.e. 2 x lozenges, 3 times a day? Thnx.
Hi Trudy,
I heard your talk from the Wellness Summit and could relate to symptoms in all categories! However, the main symptoms I had were high anxiety and intense cravings for alcohol and sugar at night. I got all the amino acids and took GABA, Endorphigen, and Glutamine at first. I felt so much better and happier than I can remember, but started getting red bumps that had no feeling (they had some puss too). Yikes. Cut it all out for a week or so and then started with the Endorphigen again. Same thing happened but not as bad. Cut that out and tried GABA for two days and same thing. Very discouraging, since was so helpful. Ideas?
It’s great that you saw benefits with the amino acids. Your red bumps do not sound good. It’s the first time I’ve heard of a reaction like this. What a pity. I’d look at quality and fillers – both may be a factor – and consider trying again (also one of them at a time).
Thank you very much, Trudy, for this website. The information has been incredibly beneficial for my family.
One question: on separate occasions, I have tried 5-htp and tryptophan with my 14 year old son, who struggles with depression and anxiety. He responded extremely well for the first 4-6 days, especially to tryptophan. However, after that, his anxiety spiked tremendously.
Is there a reason that tryptophan supplementation would lead to increased anxiety?
Thank you very much!
Some people do better on tryptophan and some do better on 5-HTP. Here are some reasons why tryptophan can increase anxiety:
1) too much (too much of any of the amino acids can cause an adverse effect);
2) poor quality (I only recommend Lidtke – here is my online supp store;
3) the anxiety is not due to low serotonin (there are many possible causes;
4) and possibly due to inflammation in the body and tryptophan converting to quinolinic acid. Dr Shaw from Great Plains is opposed to tryptophan for everyone for this reason but I feel it’s very individualized. Also so many people do so well with tryptophan, and for some tryptophan works and 5-HTP doesn’t. This is a new area I’m learning about/researching and having enough vitamin B6 supposedly prevents this from happening. An organic acids test/OAT can show if quinolinic acid is high.
I’d love to hear back – what brand and how much did you use? what low serotonin symptoms does he have? what was his response to 5-HTP (and how much)? have you done an OAT test and was quinolinic acid high? does he have inflammation? is he taking vitamin B6 and how much?
Hi Trudy. Thank you for your response! I will definitely read further about each point that you have made.
We live in Canada, so Lidtke supplements can be difficult to find. We were using New Roots Herbal brand L-tryptophan 220 mg ( once a day.
He displays many of the indicators of low serotonin from the amino acids mood questionnaire, including anxiety, panic attacks, excessive self-criticism, negative thoughts and low self confidence.
When he first started taking l-tryptophan, he actually began to ask teachers questions when he didn’t understand something at school. That was a huge step for him! We didn’t notice as strong a response when we tried 5-htp (100 mg) once a day. However, after a week or so of either supplement, his anxiety became worse– he seemed desperate and angry, which is very unlike his usual personality.
He has not had an OAT test, but it sounds like it would definitely be worthwhile.
I think I need to read more about inflammation’s role in anxiety. He has been gluten-free and almost dairy-free for a couple of years now, but maybe that isn’t sufficient.
He has been taking 25 mg of vitamin B6 each day as part of a B-complex vitamin.
Thanks again,
What is the supplement and diet protocol for low endorphins? I seek comfort when upset, and I am sensitive. All is ok, but I would love to be more free and comfort myself in other ways. I try but nothing works like food.
Good quality animal protein (about 25g per meal) and the amino acid DPA/Endorphigen by Lidtke is just fabulous. You can find it on the supps page here
Also hugs, acupuncture, exercise and giving!
Animal protein? What about us vegetarians?
Many people who are vegetarian have anxiety and depression. There is also good evidence that it benefits mood and I’ve certainly seen this with clients. If anxiety is an issue I’d look at low iron, low zinc and low B12 and even low choline and consider adding eggs which are a super source of animal protein. Dairy, if tolerated may be an option too
Hi Trudy, I have read your newsletters with great interest for a while now and need some amino advice please.
I’ve suffered with anxiety for years which started while I was still living in South Africa, we moved to uk 18 years ago now, and has got far worse leading up,to menopause. It seems to manifest itself in my breathing pattern, hyperventilating and a tight knot in my solar plexus region. I take valerian at night and a magnesium supplement in the morning and after dinner. I feel I’m needing GABA but what which brand would you recommend as I live in England. We have a very good health store locally but what do I ask for please?
Also is it possible to do a 15 minute complimentary consultation with you from this distance? I don’t know of anybody like you in this area.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Sorry to hear this. This blog should give you an idea on products
I’m afraid my practice is full right now but you can sign up here to be on the waiting list
This could be an option in the meantime
Do you have a recommended brand for the Tyrosine? We’re working through your protocol from the Heal Your Gut Summit and I know you gave brands for GABA and Tryptophan, but I don’t remember hearing anything for the Tyrsoine.
Here are some brands I like
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for all the good information you supply.
Maybe you’ve already provided a link, but what are the amounts of GABA that are safe to take if you are taking an SSRI? I also want to take L-tyrosine but don’t know if it’s safe. I feel like I am low on everything in the questionnaire. I just don’t want to take increasing doses of SSRIs. I’m gluten free, dairy free, and trying to be sugar free, but the cravings… driving me crazy!
It varies – this blog should help
Hi Trudy! Do you have a recommendation for brain Fog? After stopping estrogen due to high blood pressure
The brain fog developed quickly, along with anxiety, Depression, moodiness, fatigue etc. I had a hysterectomy On 2014
I’d work with your doctor for other ways to address the low estrogen – bioidentical, herbal etc. Also adrenal support and good liver function is key for overall hormone balance
Hi Trudy
I am on 10mg Escitalopram (Lexapro). I started lowing my dose nine months ago and have now got down to 7.5mg,5mg,5mg, over three days. I can now feel slight anxiety and depression returning. If I take the Lidtke L-Tryptophan as recommended in your “SSRI precautions” I am not sure if or how to raise the L-Tryptophan dose as I lower the SSRI dose. My GP seems to be clueless but I am working with a nutritionist.
Many thanks
Hello Trudy,
I am so glad to find you. I just ordered your book but am wondering where a good starting point is while I wait and then read your book. I suffer from MANY of the list items above, but I am really here about my daughter. She is 15 and suffers, in a scary, way from Anxiety, and panic attacks. She doesn’t sleep, she is sad much of the time. She feels alone and shy. She is afraid of everyone and every thing. I have tried everything I can think of to help her. I just started giving her Passion Flower drops and it has helped the most. Started her on 5-htp a couple of weeks ago, but I haven’t seen it help at all. I will try the Trytophan. She doesn’t like to take anything because she is afraid it will harm her or that she will become addicted to it, so I have that to deal with, too.
We are in America, I’m not sure if that makes a difference.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have been looking for someone like you for sometime now and am excited to find you.
I have all my clients start with the basics: real whole food, quality animal protein, eating to control blood sugar, no gluten/caffeine/sugar and we also look at the amino acids and pyroluria supplements.
It’s very common for someone with low serotonin to be afraid like this – so addressing low serotonin first is going to be key.
Dear Trudy
Greetings from South Africa!
My 6 year old son has pyroluria and we were able to diagnose it thanks to your fantastic research and blog. I believe that he has been misdiagnosed with ADHD and is currently using 25mg Strattera for it.
I am filled with joy and relief that we have finally found an answer that makes sense. It has been a long, frustrating and painful journey up to now and we are filled with excitement to see the effect of the correct diet and supplements on his life.
As you probably know, very few people in South Africa has an understanding of Pyroluria and I have been frustrated with our medical system that wants to put every child on Ritalin or Strattera before they have even tried exhausting all other avenues.
We started him on the following supplements, his weight is 20kg:
11mg Zinc Picolinate (Solgar)
25mg P-5-P (Solgar)
500mg Evening primrose oil
1.Do you think the dosage is correct?
2.What should we look out for that indicates he is getting too much zinc? (I could not find liquid zinc in South Africa)
3.We are worried about detox symptoms, what should we look out for and how do we treat it?
4. Do you recommend that we do blood work too, like test his copper and fatty acid levels?
5.When and how do we wean him off Strattera?
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Kind regards
Greetings to you in South Africa! where are you from? I grew up in Durbs
So glad you found my site and information. It breaks my heart that mom’s are not given nutritional /nutrient options for their kids.
I can’t consult via the blog but will say that if I was working with your son I’d consider this a good starting dose. I use response to the supplements as a clue we are on the right track i.e symptom improvement (and you should see results in a week and then a reversal if supps are stopped), dream recall/no more nightmares for B6 status and alk phos <70 for zinc status. What symptoms does he have on pyroluria questionnaire?
Someone recently shared that they did pyroluria testing in South Africa!! – it’s new to me so I’ll come and share.
I like to boost nutritional status and then work with the prescribing doc to wean off medications and would also consider gluten, sugar, low blood sugar, vitamin D, tyrosine (fabulous amino acid for focus – do the low catecholamines section of the questionnaire), pycnogenol (also great for ADD) and omega-3s.
Hi Trudy,
I just wanted to say thank you. Last year I started with a couple Dr Axe. programs, as I’ve always been incredibly interested in nutrition and natural health remedies, but with 4 autoimmune diseases I knew I was losing the battle. When I started the leaky gut program, I realized my 10 yo daughter had it as well (unattributed joint pain, head and stomach aches, extreme anxiety). All of her symptoms improved by day 9, including her anxiety, and I’ve improved greatly, now off all of my autoimmune meds. I have since become an ambassador for Dr Axe, helping guide others through the program and am incredibly blessed, finally pursuing what I’ve always dreamed (nutrition and health) and encouraging others that healing is possible.
But for my daughter, there was still a piece missing. She still suffered with fear and anxiety. And as a single mom with no help or support from her father, I was on my own and staring down the barrel of teenage years with depression. I was terrified, but I kept digging. Then I found you through the Gut Summit.
Bless you. I cannot begin to tell you what an enormous gift you gave me. The missing pieces fell into place and I realized she had pyruloria. I immediately started my her on 100mg of Gaba (she’s 75#), B6 and zinc and that night…oh my gosh…I’m bawling now – that night I saw the little girl with the sweet, light, cheery, HAPPY disposition. That character and disposition God gave her from the start – I saw it all start to emerge again. Fifteen minutes after I gave it to her, she looked at me with wide, hopeful eyes and asked me to make sure I never ran out of Gaba, because she hasn’t felt that happy “in forever,” bless her heart. No one should suffer needlessly like that. And this was such an easy fix.
So thank you for helping me pull my daughter back from the edge. You’re a gem.
When you messaged me about this on facebook I was teary reading it and now reading it again I’m teary all over again! This makes me SO happy to read! I am so thrilled for you and your daughter! It never ceases to amaze me how a few key nutrients like GABA, vitamin B6 and zinc can make such a difference.
Many of my clients get similar results this quickly but for some they need other interventions too. I believe all your work on healing her leaky gut had a huge impact. I know this story will give others in your situation hope and we all need that!
I love Josh Axe and his work – well done for being an Ambassador and being so proactive in your healing process and in helping your daughter like this! She’s a lucky little girl to have a mom like you!
Wow this gave me goose bumps! God bless you Trudy Scott for all your help. I can imagine the joy you feel in helping other, anxiety is a terrible thing to live with that people dont understand! This is great advice you give especially many people dont have the income to consult with a professional on the topic like you or others! God bless you and your work!!
Hello Kate.. Did you mention your daughter is 75 lbs.? I also would like to ask you what dose of Vitamin B6 and Zinc you gave her.. And what brands you used?
Thank you.. And I’m very happy for you and your daughter! God bless you both!
Hi trudy
How do I post on the blog??!
After reading more on your everywoman over 29 site, I feel I would Definately benefit from either tryptophan or gaba, as I am very overwhelmed, get angry and frustrated easily. I feel as though my mind shuts down and even getting dinner for the kids feels too hard(although I push myself through!)
I am grumpy and tense all the time and have a lot of anxiety, negative thoughts, worry and fear and a very crappy self esteem.
I count the hours to the evening so I can justify having a wine and a cigarette to try and calm myself and relax!!
I am thinking I need gaba and tryptophan Bu not sure where to start??
I like the sound of the immediate relief some people get from the gaba. I’m so mentally exhausted and my family I’m sure are sick of me!!
I might add that I have a son with special needs so I need to get myself functioning properly so as to support him.
Should I start with gaba or tryptophan??
And is there anywhere I can get these in Australia or will the be shipped from the US???
Thank you so much
I’m sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. What you describe sounds a lot like low GABA and low serotonin. I have my clients do the questionnaire, pick either low serotonin or low GABA and start with a trial of the respective amino acid. This blog describes doing a trial
You can order all the products from Emerson here or look for similar products in Australia.
My book (and this blog) also have information on all the other things that need to be addressed – like a real whole food diet, no sugar, no caffeine, no gluten, healthy fats, eating to balance blood sugar, eating quality animal protein, addressing the microbiome and gut health, and looking at other factors that may be part of the problem.
(and you guessed you posted your question on the blog just fine)
Hello Trudy,
I’ve just signed up for your upcoming anxiety summit and was given the link to listen to some older summit recordings, specifically the “Targeted individual amino acids for eliminating anxiety: practical applications”.
I’m in the process, with my NPs help, of weaning off one SRRI medication (Zoloft) and one mood stabilizer medication (Latuda). I DON’T have bi-polar disorder, even though Latuda is used for this condition.
I’m also being treated by an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner to deal with emotional traumas that have likely caused my depression & anxiety.
At this time, I’m not feeling depressed but am experiencing some anxiety as I lower my dosage. Sleep is okay and I’m eating well focusing on whole, organic foods as much as possible. I briefly reviewed the survey and it appears that my symptoms are related to Gaba & serotonin. I’m not profoundly depressed at this point, but since weaning off the meds, have more anxiety than I’d like.
My question is do you recommend getting off the meds completely before trying the amino acid therapy? Or, can I slowly start on the amino acids (starting with the lowest dose) it while still on the meds?
Many thanks for your research and for your work on the anxiety summits.
With SSRIs, I have my clients work with their doctors and get the ok to add tryptophan 6 hours apart from the SSRI and then get a protocol for the SSRI taper once they have been using the tryptophan for awhile and are seeing benefits. We ideally want to be in good shape nutritionally before we start a taper.
Some people choose to work with their doctor to taper the SSRI and then add the tryptophan once they have stopped.
I’d check out Kelly Brogan’s new book “A Mind of Your Own” – she has great info re medications. Here is a link to our interview
Hi Trudy, I took the saliva test and it showed high cortisol in the morning and I wake up with high anxiety and then most of the day I feel “on edge” and by evening I feel back to normal and I sleep well at night. Last year and half it only lasted 2 weeks and this time around it’s been since January (almost 4 months of daily morning anxiety). I was wondering what I should try, Gaba or tryptophan. I cant’ pinpoint if I have physical or mental anxiety, but I’m leaning more towards mental, I don’t have any food cravings or insomnia. I did do my first GABA trial this morning and I think it helped, maybe 1 notch better, do I only take GABA once a day at first or can I try it up to 3 times like the bottle recommends? Thank you for your advice and help.
Sorry to hear this. I’m afraid I can consult via the blog but can say that if a client does well with an amino acid trial I do have them increase until no further benefits or an adverse effect.
I would suggest checking with your practitioner regarding the high cortisol and addressing that first. I use Interplexus Seriphos to lower it and work on finding why it is high and addressing that (parasites, gluten etc)
I have high blood pressure so what do you suggest instead of tyrosine and DPA?
I just have my clients watch their blood pressure with tyrosine, making sure it doesn’t go up. There is no issue with DPA and high blood pressure – just with DLPA and it’s the same as tyrosine.
Trudy – first and foremost, I would like to thank you for supplying such abundant information to all of us – and you don’t know how much it means to me to see you consistently answering everyone’s questions!
Where can I take the questionnaire? And what if I have all of the symptoms – it looks like I may be low on all of the above amino acids… I don’t even know where to begin.
Its good to know if you have SNPS in the GAD gene which handles GABA. You can do the test at 23andme and get your raw data from them to run through an app like Genetic Genie or MTHFR support (Sterling) . You can have one or two low functioning alleles in this gene (one from mom and one from dad) . Also issues in COMT and MAO-A gene which would account for anxiety. These you can bypass with specifically targeted nutrients to get them working again.
From what I understand, not many (if any) GABA supplements cross the blood-brain-barrier. BBB From Dr. Datis Kharrazian and others, if we feel relief or some relaxation after taking GABA, that means there is a breach of the BBB…. its like leaky gut- leaky brain. But taurine, magnesium, L-theanine, kava-kava and some other herbals do seem to help.
For a source of L-theanine, green tea is often recommended but, according to the USDA,Fluoride Action Network, and others, green tea it is HIGH in fluoride, a neurotoxin, and even the organic brands still have the fluoride. Some people are allergic. So unless it is purified L-theanine, and guaranteed free of fluoride, I don’t recommend it.
Dr. Sylvia
GABA does work and is very effective for many people and is used very successfully by many practitioners. There is also much research supporting that there is more to it than the BBB theory and leaky brain. Please listen to my interview on the Anxiety Summit season 4 and check out the research I’d love to hear what you think?
Thanks for the theanine information – I’d like to look further into this. Do you have some links you can share? and any brands who guarantee that they are fluoride-free?
You mentioned a 15 minute courtesy consultation in one of the blog comments?
Can you elaborate?
Also, know you must have many questions, but can you refer someone in America to someone who has your kind of practice? In Texas?
Thank you
I no longer offer this I’m afraid to say
Thank you for all your generosity in giving us this wonderful summit.
I had hoped to find dopamine on this list, and how to raise it naturally – may we have some information on this at some future time? For those of us with RLS and ADD it is rather a pressing question!
Perhaps you can point to a text or two?
That is under the catecholamines section
Hi Trudy from another Trudy! First and foremost, I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom. You have given me a tremendous amount of knowledge and encouragement.
I currently suffer from lyme disease and related co-infections which have affected so many areas of my health. I am fortunate enough to have the support of an awesome team at my lyme soecialist’s office and I know one of them was even tuning in to your anxiety summit as well!
With their support, I have been weaning off remeron and just took my final dose. As expected, my anxiety and nervous tension has increased, along with increased sweating. I have low adrenal function with low cortisol levels in the morning and am on natural supplements for that. Also have issues with underactive thyroid and take Armour thyroid for that. I am now going to start taking Lidtke Tryptophan to help with insomnia and Gaba Calm to support my anxiety. My question to you is, do you know if either of these products have any adverse affects on low cortisol and thyroid issues?
Again, a HUGE thank you! It is so comforting to know that there truly are awesome resources available to us, such as yourself and all the other presenters, to help us after we have been totally let down by “mainstream” medicine.
Hi Trudy! not many of us!
I don’t know of any issues with tryptophan or Gaba Calm with low cortisol and thyroid issues and have used both with clients with issues like this. Since we are all unique I always do a trial and one at a time
And you are most welcome!
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for all your great info at the anxiety summit. Just a quick question-Please could you tell me what is the brand of GABA you recommend and what starting dosage?
Thank you,
The supplements are here
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for all of the information you provide, and the kind and caring tone that comes across in your replies to queries. I recently had an experience that has left me with many questions; perhaps you can offer some guidance!
I completed the Whole30 “diet” to address some gastrointestinal issues (IBS-like symptoms). I also started to take some supplements, including l-glutamine to repair intestinal lining. For two weeks, I felt more calm, happy, confident and relaxed than I ever have before (I have low-level anxiety and depression much of the time). I attributed this feeling to the Whole30, and stopped taking the l-glutamine. The feeling faded. I resumed taking l-glutamine (500-gram Solgar-brand capsule taken about 30 minutes before morning meal), and the feeling of well-being returned. However — alas — the feeling has faded away once again, and I feel like I have caught a glimpse of an Eden-like existence, and then lost it.
I am hopeful that with the right mixtures of amino acids and other supplements, I can rebalance some brain chemistry that is out of sync. Based on the questionnaires above, I’d say my symptoms most align with low serotonin, although there are many checks in the other categories as well.
Do you have any initial thoughts on this scenario? If you know of any practitioners whom you recommend in the Oakland/Bay Area, please let me know. I can also come to Sacramento if you have availability.
Many thanks,
With mood fluctuations I always consider thyroid (and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), bipolar I or II (and lithium orotate), gut health (parasites, SIBO etc). And of course exposure to gluten (in food or even cosmetics).
Hey Trudy,
I hope I can find an answer here :). I’ve gone through your NT questionnaire and I also have a comprehensive questionnaire from a practitioner I worked with for a while. It shows that every neurotransmitter is very low – with GABA being the lowest. Right now I’ve got quite a list of symptoms including muscle burn in legs and arms, severe fatigue, severe neck tension due to a temporomandibular joint issue, severe digestion problems, SIBO, cravings, autoimmune problems, breathing problems, blood sugar, bad breath, bleeding and receding gum, pathogens, depression, anxiety, a lot of stress, no motivation whatsoever, etc…
Since I don’t have any money left to work with somebody or test stuff I gotta figure out the first step somehow. The plan is to just get some symptom relief, energy and motivation so I am able to, then, get back to and persevere a solid basic healthy lifestyle (nutrition, evening routine, morning routine, movement,…), and slowly build up to a stable energy level to be able to pursue on my journey of getting strong and healthy :).
I’m already sleeping better, eating organic, doing some stretching (even that’s too exhausting for me sometimes), 5-minute-journal, diary, prayer, meditation, prana breathing, working with a psychologist, getting acupuncture, getting some sunlight etc as good as my energy and motivation let me.
Is there something you’d suggest supplement-wise? I have quite an arsenal of supplements at home already, including some tea (St John’s Wort, holy basil, passionflower), and I’m taking the basics already (VitD, VitC, multi, fish oil, enzymes, HCl). I also take 100mg GABA sublingual since two days (that product also contains 600mg Inositol and 200mcg Niacin in 1 pill), and sleep is absolutely better, like day and night! Would a (stress) B-complex, zinc, rhodiola, tryptophan, glutamine and mitochondria support be worth a try?
Thanks for you time Trudy,
you’re doing a great work!
All the best,
If budget is an issue I’d just start with my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” which spells it out step by step. I can’t give specific advice here on the blog but when someone says GABA is helping I say continue and possibly extend the trial to see if more provides better results. I make decisions on what other amino acids to try based on the questionnaire so addressing low serotonin would likely be a good next step for most of my clients. The basic supps include a copper-free multi, B complex and vitamin C (more with bleeding gums). Of course no gluten, no caffeine, quality animal protein (esp at breakfast)
Hey Trudy,
thanks a lot for your time and the answer, this helps! All the best
Hi Trudy, I have been doing a LOT of research. My anxiety started three months ago, I had several migraine attacks after a night out of drinking. After that I experienced my very first panic attack and my body went numb. I had pins and needles all over. Those subsided but now I have many other somatic problems. I never did think my problems were mental in nature. I saw a therapist and it did not help. I have had many stresses in the last few years and unhappy bouts. I really am desperate. My chest constantly hurts, and burns. My arms tingle and burn too, my hand is numb sometimes. I get weird electric buzzes. They are MS like symptoms but I know I don’t have MS because all of this started after the panic attack. Now I have general anxiety all day long. Although I feel better and know I will be better. I can’t find much information on the somatic side of anxiety. Everyone always speaks about panic attacks. This is interrupting my life and making me miserable. I sometimes feel very hot on the inside of my body and also have developed floaters in my eyes. PLEASE HELP ME. I really feel like you’re my last hope. Have you seen this before? I had very low vitamin d and started supplementing that. It went up which was confirmed by a test. I am taking chins medicine at this moment. I just started. I really need help on which supplements to take and some reassurance on if this is normal. I cry all the time because I really have been a very outgoing person most of my life but I have long speculated a deficiency of some sort. I took magnesium and it was the glycerinate type, and it gave me severe diarrhea, dizziness amoung other things. I supplemented with a bit of passionflower and it made me a little hot? I got scared and didn’t try GABA although I do presume that is my main problem along with serotonin. I have been looking into the Mood cure, and would also like more insights on your book. Please reply to me. Im desperate. Im lost. Im only 23 and have a lot of hope and happiness for the future. I never wanted to do ANTIDEPRESSANTS and never will. I have xanax but have not taken it because I don’t want to put unnatural substances in my body. Also, another note my family members do not have these problems. My brother is addicted to herion and when I found that out it made my year even worse. Although, I am now hoping for the better. Thank you in advance. I know this was a lot to read. I really appreciate it.
Hey there,
here are some thoughts from me if you don’t mind (had a severe burnout 2,5 years ago and tried & read A LOT!).
In regards to the numbness/tingeling in arms and hands, maybe your body is just tense overall (you mentioned GABA so I assume you figured out a GABA deficiency via questionnaire?) – it can be that your chest/shoulder-area is quite tense and that can lead to these symptoms (my C.H.E.K. Practitioner told me that in my case) – some light stretching in the morning may help to have some symptom-relief while you heal.
I also take Mg-Glycinate but I’ll definitely switch to daily epsom salt foot baths which you can upgrade with some essential oils like orange or lavender, which are calming (I’ll take my foot baths ~2 hours before bed).
I personally experimented with GABA myself, but it doesn’t work for me – my practitioner suggested a list of foods that are high in glutamate/glutamic acid, and therefore can enhance GABA, maybe you wanna try these? Those foods are almonds, beef liver, halibutt, oats, lentils (>1g/200g) and brown rice, broccoli, potatoes, spinach ( energy, hormones & symptom relief -> gut #killing -> gut #healing -> detox), can do proper retesting (without expensive blood panels) etc.
I also work with a psychologist mainly on negative past experiences (especially childhood, which can lead to negative behavior/habits which then create or recreate dis-ease in the long-term). I take breaks throughout the day, try to step back from all the information and symptoms and supplements as much as possible and focus (spending my energy) on maintaining my healthy food intake and daily routine, I moved to a place where it’s green and silent and where I live with friendly people, I take a cold shower every day, do pranayama breathing, stretching, go to bed early, get into nature as much as possible and next week I’ll start learning a music instrument (gets my mind to think about other things) – and most importantly, I don’t stress myself out about having a treat or eating something else once in a while, or having a beer or staying up a bit later once in a while, because I’m just not able to do everything right now, so I just do what I CAN and take one step after the other, improving every week, and accepting that there can be stepbacks – which don’t mean that everything I do is wrong and I find myself again in the web, searching for xyz.
I really hope you’ll get better soon!
All the best!
Thank you for the reply!! Did you recover 100%? I didn’t have severe childhood trauma or anything of that sort that is why I’m figuring something else is wrong chemically in my brain. Otherwise, besides the symptoms I feel completely fine? But they make me very sad. I don’t know. There are so many things that could be causing this issue. Someone else suggested I try GABA To put a break on the panic, or passionflower. I was thinking of reading the mood cure because I suspect it is on the chemical level. Your suggestions were great! Thank you
There are many possible underlying nutritional and/or biochemical causes. I encourage you to read my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” ( and consider a nutritional approach. Julia Ross’ book is also great!
I have my clients do trials of the various amino acids based on the questionnaire
You’re welcome. I didn’t recover 100% yet (the 100% may take several years of “90/10” – 90% good & 10% suboptimal in terms of nutrition, daily habits etc), still not able to go to work but things are looking good for the future. When I talked to my psychologist the last time, she said that on the one side there can be thoughts that aggrevate physical symptoms, on the other side it can be that the physical overload comes first, which then can lead to depressive feelings and alike, so both things are possible.
By the way, as I said, I’ve learned a lot in the past 2,5 years – and one main thing was that this seemingly tragic event was actually a huge transformational event for me and absolutely necessary – I’ve always wanted to do something in the sports & nutrition field, but never had the courage to do something about it (quit my job, start an education,…), and this “healthy box on the ear” as we say in Austria (don’t know if that makes sense in English *g) helped me to make this very important step in my life to start working on my dreams and goals!
All the best!
I also saw the questionare and have a lot of the similar symptoms of pyloria and even seratonin deficiency. Yes I am constantly tense
I just want it to end. My life didn’t have very many problems prior to all of this.
Does anyone know how to acquire a copy of the questionnaire, and a key to it?
Many thanks!
This is the questionnaire – what else are you looking for?
I don’t see a questionnaire, only lists of symptoms, and unfortunately they almost all apply to me so how do I narrow that down?
Trudy, can my 16yr old son take 5HTP at night as well as 500mg L-Tyrosine during the day? I think this will help with alertness, demotivation and will help him to focus better. He already takes 5HTP at night and I have just added 1mg melatonin as he seemed to reach a place where his sleep wasn’t improving anymore but certainly has already improved from taking the 5HTP for about 5 months now. But he is still unfocused and demotivated during the day. so i thought the tyrosine would help. Actually talking about the 5HTP, I am also thinking of changing that to L-Tryptophane (with the melatonin) at night to see if more improvement. What do you think? Thank you so much!
I like tryptophan and switching to this is always an option. If it doesn’t help as much I switch back.
And yes once sleep is good (so after the switch – good to do one thing at a time) adding in tyrosine can help. When sleep is a factor I start with 500mg AM and MM and later add the MA dose in case it affects sleep.
Also for focus: low zinc, omega-3s or iron, plus gluten/sugar and low blood sugar. Gut health too
Well, I think I need to address pretty much all these…like an earlier comment, tried 5htp but perhaps I need to increase. I am also wondering about the role of hormones as suspect I am peri menopausal. Do you also address hormones? I’d love a link to read more on this if so. I’ve had many say pregnenolene has been almost miraculous for them.
I have adrenal issues, previously diagnosed with fibromyalgia, although aside from the fatigue, I feel diet has largely resolved. I’m finding depression is increasing to concerning levels affecting my relationships quite severely.
Trudy – Hi! I’m 64 and have been weaning off 23 years of anti depressants for a year now. Was on 3, now 2 at 1/2 the mg’s.
Since going down on Wellbutrin (Buproprion) my anxiety is very high.
I am having lots of anxious thoughts coming up all the time and get physical sensations too. Waking I feel dread that I have to start my day.
I seem to fall into both GABA and Catecholamines.
As you aren’t able to reply for a few weeks, I’m going to try GABA. But I still look forward to any suggestions/questions.
I have tried CBD but so far I only think it has helped my leaky gut – which is great!
Do the amino acid questionnaire, review the precautions and do a trial of the amino acids that seem applicable ( Also be aware that some of the symptoms you describe may be withdrawal from the medications. Glad to hear CBD has helped your leaky gut.
Don’t forget all the rest – diet and real whole food, quality protein, no gluten, no caffeine, eat to control blood sugar, address other nutritional deficiencies etc
Dear Trudy,
I am taking the SSRI, vitamin d, magensium for anxiety/deprssion. My question is: Can the amino acids be combined with SSRI. From questionnaire above it looks like I have low serotonin so which amino acids to take for low serotonin. Shall I take the 5-HTP and how much should i take.
Also note that the vitamin-d has helped me a lot to recover. But I want to improve more.
If vitamin-d helps to recover is that a sign of low serotonin and will it help to take 5-HTP or Trytophan. Please advise.
The root causes of anxiety /depression can be many – a person can have low vitamin D (so vitamin D will help) and low serotonin (so tryptophan or 5-HTP will help). Also vitamin D is needed to make serotonin so there are often side-benefits of doing both.
Hello Trudy,
My 17 yr old daughter is suffering from poor sleep (long but never restful), very high anxiety and depression. Symptoms started with puberty, but became serious about 2 years later. It has now been 4 years and she is now having terrible days with primarily serotonin symptoms, but overlap with GABA and mildly with catecholamines. She also used a birth control pill for about 16 months and just stopped 6 weeks ago. She was exercising regularly until things became worse, and now has very little energy. Things seemed to be manageable until about 2 months ago. We have mainly used combined supplements including ashwaganda, l-theanine, phosphatidylserine, 5HTP, GABA, l-glutamine, and relora but after about 8 months they seemed to be making things worse. We have stopped all and have been using 100-200 mg GABA at night and SAMe during the day. This seemed to help for a short while but a bout of anxiety can set her back for days. She takes lots of VitD, fish oil, magnesium, as well as B-vitamins. Blood tests show high cortisol and very high inflammatory markers. Do you have suggestions for what might help? Thank you
I’m sorry to hear but can’t offer specifics. I like to do one amino acid (and the other supps too) at a time so I know if it’s working and what is helping and what is not. With high cortisol and high inflammatory markers I’d look into gluten issues (and other food sensitivities) and parasites.
Relora does help with high cortisol and anxiety so this one may need to be continued
Keep in mind that the BCP depletes zinc, vitamin B6 and magnesium so I’d assess for low levels of these too.
Great information. I have used this in my Naturopathic practice for over 15 years. Prior worked with psychotherary for 14 years (overlapping) with clients and found that nutrition was key to really helping them, especially minerals and amino acids. Also Blood Type and GenoType Diet helps get the food out that can often cause some of the symptoms. Some foods literally make ones heart pound. I also use electo-dermal screening of the meridians to test and hair analysis to identify any heavy metal or mineral balances. High copper causes high anxiety as well. Can’t separate the parts from the whole. thanks for all you do and your sharing.
Wonderful to hear! And yes we need to do a complete functional nutrition workup to address all possible root causes. I’m curious if you use oral GABA with success – since some practitioners don’t because of the blood brain barrier controversy? And do you find you use both tryptophan and GABA?
Hi. I do have issues with sleeping onset and wakes up around 2am.
I weaned off trazodone which I used for 6 weeks.
My GP thinks the sleeping problem might be associated with anxiety and depression. I did have some low mood and lack of motivation plus loss of apetite. I now take l tryptophan and a host of other supplements. My problem is dosage of the supplements and how long to use them. I tryptophan , true calm, ashwagandha, holy basil. Seriphos
I have my clients use the supplements until they are feeling great again. With 2am waking I consider high cortisol (Seriphos is best taken 1-4 hours before the high cortisol), medication side-effects, low blood sugar, caffeine during the day and even stimulating supplements
hi Trudy,
I have just been diagnosed as having low testosterone. Is there any Natural way of supplementing for this. I have been prescribed Androgel which I have my reservations about long term use.
Thanks for your response. I still need some guidance regarding choice of supplements and dosage. I know you can’t discuss that here. But can I get some support from you on this. How should I go about completely getting well. I have done the amino questionnaire and have more of low serotonin and some catecholamines.
Please help as much. Thanks
What if we have symptoms of a lot of these? I tested negative for pyroluria, I think I have hypothyroidism, I have MTHFR and CBS along with gut issues. I seem to have low seretonin but also low dopamine and low endorphins I believe so.
It’s not uncommon for my clients to have multiple brain chemical imbalances – we simply address one at a time. Just so you know I don’t rely on the pyroluria urine test as we often see false negative. I use the questionnaire and response to supplements
Trudy, do you know anything about this product? Do you think it looks good?
I prefer individual amino acids to proprietary blends where you don’t know how much you are getting of each amino acid. Also some people do better with tryptophan and some do better with 5-HTP.
I have just been diagnosed as having low testosterone. Is there any Natural way of supplementing for this. I have been prescribed Androgel which I have my reservations about long term use.
This is not my area of expertise and I suggest finding a practitioner whose expertise is male hormonal health. Dr Geo is a good resource
Hi Trudy! I have a question and it might sound kind of crazy but I just had a colonoscopy and and upper GI. They found divericulitis and gastritis/duodenumitis. So my question is this, can these infections be a cause or contribute to anxiety? I was tested by blood years ago for hpylori but was never treated. So I’m thinking this a chronic situation? When I do have physical anxiety, it manifests as chills and flulike symptoms. Even when I don’t have anxiey, I have always felt like I had a bug of some sort. just wanted to know your thoughts. I haven’t seen my functional med. doc yet as I just had this done on Fri. Thank you and wrote hear cuz I wasn’t sure which blog to write this in. Hope you see this….Love as ever, Kaye
Gut issues of any kind can be a factor in anxiety because of the impacts on the microbiome.
Trudy, well I don’t know much about microbiome but here is the article I found after some research..
Hi Trudy- I’m hinking of giving my wife gaba calm for het panic attacks, but I’d read that it shouldn’t be given to anyone on antidepressants or/and anti anxiety medication. My wife is on metazapine and diazepam; what do you think?
Hi Peter,
Just to share, after a very slow weaning over the course of about 6 months (10% reduction every 10-14days), with the use of GABA, tryptophan, magnesium and other amino acids, I finally got myself off benzos. I still have anxiety but it is markedly better than it was when I was on the anxiety meds. They are such awful drugs. It took me a long time to realize they were actually making my anxiety and depression worse, bit better. I was not even talking a high dosage and often did not use them daily. My sleep is slowly improving as well. Try the GABA for her-best of luck
Thanks for sharing! and so thrilled to hear about the success you’re seeing with the benzo weaning process. I’m curious which benzodiazepine you were prescribed? and if any of these were/are factors which can make the taper process more difficult?
Taking Valium/ diazepam and have the CYP2C19 polymorphism (about 10-20% of Western populations are defective in genes of the CYP liver enzyme superfamily)
Taking Xanax/ alprazolam and have CYP3A5 polymorphism (about 10-20% of Western populations are defective in genes of the CYP liver enzyme superfamily)
Taking any benzodiazepine and also
Taking oral contraceptives
Taking a course of antibiotics
Taking a course of one of the fluoroquinolone antibiotics
On an SSRI prescription
Taking a course of antifungal medications
Drinking alcohol on a regular basis
On an opioid such as oxycodone
Drinking grapefruit juice on a regular basis
Just a heads up that I get best results with sublingual amino acids – in case you haven’t heard me say that. Also niacinamide is another very helpful B vitamine – Dr Prousky covers it in this Anxiety Summit interview
There is no research or clinical cases where GABA cannot be used with SSRIs and benzodiazepines. I use it with clients on these meds all the time. Keep in mind that the meds themselves may be contributing to some of the anxiety symptoms and that low GABA is just one type of anxiety.
Hi Peter
There is no research or clinical cases where GABA cannot be used with SSRIs and benzodiazepines. I use it with clients on these meds all the time. Keep in mind that the meds themselves may be contributing to some of the anxiety symptoms and that low GABA is just one type of anxiety.
Hi Trudy,
My son has had insomnia for 4.5 yrs. I have tried many things, one thing being 5HTP whcuh has helped but not dealt with the root cause. He had extensive blood work done as well as checking cortisol and neurotransmitters. They are low. His cortisol is fine in the morning but drops drastically after lunch and goes so low at night that it is a mystery that he can even sleep at all – hence all the waking up at night! Another interesting observation is that he has high iron ferritin, so he has high iron storage! His iron saturation is at 55% so he is very iron toxic. After doing some research, I discovered that high storage iron affects the pittuatory and cortisol production as well as all the neurotransmitters! Iron is stored in the liver, kidneys, brain etc and affects many enzymes in the liver doing their job, including the enzyme that makes cortisol. He has elevated thyroid antibodies which I believe is from the iron ( and which cause auto immune issues). My observation is that his root cause is iron overload. Have you ever heard of this? Oh and his bun/creatinine is at 16 which is on the high side. When people have iron tested, docs normally only check the iron serum which doesn’t tell what is being stored in the body so the entire panel must be checked. I would love to know your thoughts? This has been a desperate journey for us.
Thank you so much!
I would find a doctor to help determine if your son’s high ferritin levels are an issue. An excellent book on the topic is “Dumping Iron: How to Ditch This Secret Killer and Reclaim Your Health” by P. D. Mangan (on Amazon here
Hi Trudy! I´m Victoria and I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and social stress. I have tried everything and now I am taking inositol capsules that I hope will help. I write to you because you seem to have lots of knowledge about treating anxiety. My question is, that I hope you could help me answer is; can Inositol make you feel worse when you´re on antidepressants too? I feel a bit decreased social anxiety when taking inositol, but at the same time it makes my head speeded and I feel more angry feelings whithin when taking it. I am a nurse and I have a big interrest in healthcare, but I can´t work because of my anxiety and previous exhaustion, which makes me very frustrated. I hope you could help me with this question. Thank you/ Victoria
I don’t have clients continue with any supplement that is causing adverse effects or I’d have them reduce the dose to see if they continue with the benefits and have no adverse effects. Anger, speediness is not something I’ve heard with inositol.
Keep in mind anxiety can have many root causes and looking at low GABA and low serotonin is my first approach.
Thanks for your answer. :). I have tried other supplements that affect serotonin and gaba which haven´t helped, and my biofrequence therapeut saw that I needed inositol. She said that it might increase my gaba levels. My next step is to take gaba supplements. Do you know if capsules with gaba can cross the brain-barrier? I live in Sweden and I don´t think we can buy sublingual gaba here.
Thank you for an interresting blog!
You’re most welcome!
Here is information on the BBB GABA question I have clients open GABA and hold it on the tongue
Hi- Just a comment; my wife has been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks and been taking benzos like candy! She went on lyrica for a nerve pain problem and it has worked wonders for her anxiety and panic attacks! Hardly touches diazepam now, or lorezepam! The only side effect she has had is drowsiness, but she is sleeping better with no bad dreams! I’m getting some sleep too!
Hi! Sounds good that Lyrica helps her that much! For me it has helped a bit but i had to increase the dose many times. I have gained a lot of weight also, which i don’t like.
Great! My wife has lost a lot of weight with her health, perhaps she will put it back on now though I can’t see how taking lyrica will help.
Please be aware that Lyrica can cause issues for folks too
It’s 3:30 a.m. morning & once again I’m awake because of disturbing dreams that border on hallucinations. Sometimes dreams are about family, especially my eldest son (I’m the mother of 2, both adult men now)
As a long term recovering alcoholic, I don’t drink— but yesterday I did sip some wine because of extreme anxiety. Cannabis is legal in my state, with a doctor’s RX, but I can’t find the right combination so I gave up: Mainly because I found that THC causes paranoia and CBD makes me hungry.
I have a disabled adult son (seizures, ADD, mood swings, & some learning challenges) who has prostate cancer, yet lives on his own, on a VERY limited SSDI check. 32years ago my husband went thru a horrible battle with non-hodgkins lymphoma ; our 22 year old cat just died (& I wrecked my right knee digging her deep grave–so haven’t been able to exercise (yoga, rebound, walk) for 6 weeks)
I take Armor for hypothyroid and have worked up to 3.5 mg of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) because of thyroid challenge & because of history of high Epstein Barre, neutropena (though these things aren’t bothering me now & I’m concerned that the LDN is adding to my insomnia). I am a 73 year old woman who’s typically quite fit–people are surprised to learn my age. But a lot of my energy, postive outlook, has vanished, as of about 4 years ago, beginning with cancer diagnoses ( of son & husband).
From taking your questionnaire, I test positive for low seratonin, gaba, blood sugar & catecholamines.
Where do I start addressing these issues ?
Thanks so much — & sorry for length of this ‘comment’.
Correction: Husband’s lymphoma, stage IV, cancer bout was TWO (2) years ago. Now he lives with prostate cancer, which seems to be worsening.
I’m a little concerned after going over this questionairre. It says I score equally high in all categories. I think there’s one thing on each list that I don’t experience. I’ve also gone over your other blog of 60+ causes for anxiety and that was incredibly eye opening and educational. I’m trying to make the nutritional changes but having great difficulty because of other continuous stressors and I can feel how it’s effecting me physically and emotionally.
It’s not unusual to have someone score high in all categories. I work with my client to decide which area is most troublesome and we start there. The amino acids help with making the nutritional changes feel less overwhelming + they help with life stressors.
Hi Trudy.
Thank you for all your advices. I have a small question: I’m based in Paris and I’m using solgar for l-tyrosine and 5-htp. what is the maximum quantity to take sublingally of these two products.
Many thanks
Have you ever encountered someone who’s anxiety and panic attacks was a result from low dopamine levels?
Hi Trudy,
I am so glad I came accros your page. I have one question. I had burn out 3 years ago. My cortisol was very low so I started to take hydrocortison. Now I am on 10mg as my phyisical strentgh had improved. But my anxiety is still here. I was taking 5htp from All natural for 6 months. At the beginning it helped so I could cope with my anxiety. In november I decided with my doctor to go on antidepressant. SSRI caused ringing in the ear … so I tried with mirzaten. Things got worst. In January I had 3 major panic attacks that I needed to take helex. I never suffered so much. Now I decided to stop taking these tablets as they are not helping me. My doctor insist to take them! Now I am considering to start taking 5htp again. I scored on questionary 8 for low gaba so I will buy also this one. I scored low serotonin 15, low catecholomines 6 and the other two 2.
What would you say which one to try first and how long to see if it works?
I am already taking b6, zinc, opti3, vit C, vit D, deagestive enzyams … as hair analaysis showed I am low on b6, and some vitamins D, E, K. I have also autoimune desese of thyorid.
Thank you so much for your help. Will update you how it goes. Best regards, Simona
I have clients start with the area that is most challenging for them at the time, always leaving the catecholamines until last if anxiety is an issue
I have high score on low serotonin. Which one I need to take? 5HTP ?
Thanks for help.
And how much of the 5htp per day? Is one tablet of 100mg per day enough? What time of the day is better to take? I took on empty stomach and I caused nausea and vomiting. After full meal seems to be OK and less side effects. Thanks for help.
Some people do better on tryptophan and some do better on 5-HTP. I have clients do a trial so we can figure out what works and how much to take. 5-HTP can cause nausea initially but it can actually be taken with a meal.
With meal its OK and it is helping me. Currently I took the tablet 100mg once. I am thinking to increase it to twice or thrice a day. Will it be too much? Is there addiction in long term? I am adddictef to SSRI and I am trying to reduce on them and as substitute I am taking this.
God bless you for this good work you are doing.
There is no evidence that long term use causes addiction to 5-HTP but the goal is to be able to stop once serotonin increases and other issues like diet, adrenals, gut health etc are addressed
When increasing dose of 5htp from 100mg to 200mg or 300mg. Then what is best way, either take all dose at once a day or take 100mg twice or thrice a day.
The increase is based on individual responses so, for example, if symptoms are not resolved at the 3pm or maybe the 8pm time, we increase at that time.
So take 100mg at morning and if the symptoms come back around evening time then take one more tablet of 100mg at evening time. Correct?
Thanks a lot for your time.
I can’t offer specific feedback but can share that based on doing a trial and when serotonin support is most needed I have clients take a certain amount every day until symptoms resolve. Typically they start mid-afternoon (as this is when serotonin dips) and evening with more at bedtime if sleep is an issue. Some people need support earlier in the morning or mid-morning too but the evening dose often carries benefits over to the morning.
Thanks a lot. Sorry some more questions are:
1. What’s the maximum quantity one can take everyday.
2. How long it takes to see the results.
Thanks a lot . May God bless you for this
Hi Trudy,
Thanks a lot for your help
I’ve done a urine test. Result show a low serotonine and dopamine.
I’m taking 5-htp a 150mg at 4pm and 150mg at 9pm and 1500mg or l-tyrosine at raising , 1500mg at 11 am and 1000mg at 3 pm for more than a month, but I did not noticed any result.
Do you have any advice
In the case of someone who scores above the threshold in all four amino acid questionnaire categories, they need to address all areas eventually. But is there any wisdom on where to start? With a particular amino acid, or where the score is highest, etc.
The person is also breastfeeding. Can any supplement be started then, or should she focus on diet and wait to do supplementation? She is gluten free and temporarily dairy free (currently plans to return to dairy when she can after breastfeeding).
thank you!
I have my clients pick the area that resonates the most with them i.e. what is causing the most discomfort.
The amino acids have not been tested pregnancy and breastfeeding but a free form amino acid blend that does contain tryptophan can be used. If individual amino acids are used when breastfeeding (with approval from the doctor), moms nurse and then use the amino acid and don’t nurse for the next 4 hours, always watching for adverse effects in baby.
Ever since a period of intense stress 14 years ago, I’ve been biting the inside of my cheeks/lips when I get stressed or tired. I hate it. I now have lines on my upper lip from it. I also sometimes get a song stuck in my head that seems to be on a loop with the same verse, chorus that repeats incessantly. I’m otherwise happy & healthy. Would GABA help this?
Both of these make me think low serotonin and tryptophan or 5-HTP
Hi Trudy,
Just heard your fascinating talk on the connection between anxiety and amino acids on the most recent IBS and SIBO summit. Came straight to your website to find the questionaire. Are the above bulleted items the questionaire? Or is there a more formal questionaire?
I will be looking at your site for more information on amino acids and young teenagers as well. It sounds like my son could benefit from some GABA if not other amino acids as well. Is there any other resources you could recommend for information / dosage amounts / problems of giving amino acid supplements to children 12 and up?
Thanks and so glad you enjoyed it. This is the questionnaire. I always use the trial method to find the ideal dose and use 125mg of GABA to start for a 120lb adult and half that for a 60lb child. Sublinguals and liquids work well with young teens. I list some products on my supps blog
Hi Trudy.
I have one question. I started to take GABA and after a few months my skin has a feeling of burning. If I don’t take GABA then it is ok but after few minutes when I take GABA I would feel a burning feeling on my cheast, armns, stomack? I tried also wit lower dose but the feeling is the same just less than I would take higher dose.
What do you think? Did anyone had the same effect?
The closest thing to this is like a niacin flush which some people get when they use too high a dose of GABA. I start clients on 125mg and increase from there. May I ask what doses you’ve tried, why you’re using GABA and how it helped?
What are your thoughts on 5-HTP causing EMS?
It’s not something I’ve seen with any clients, nor something many of my colleagues working in the area of nutrition for anxiety/depression have seen.
Based on the research 5-HTP is considered to be safe provided it has not been contaminated
– 2006 paper – Does 5-hydroxytryptophan cause acute and chronic toxic perturbations in rats? – “no significant evidence of EMS was seen in rats receiving high-dose 5-HTP for 1 year”
– 2004 paper – Safety of 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan “no definitive cases of toxicity have emerged” since the 1989 tryptophan outbreak “despite the worldwide usage of 5-HTP for last 20 years, with the possible exception of one unresolved case of a Canadian woman.”
– 1994 paper – An eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome related disorder associated with exposure to L-5-hydroxytryptophan Family members may have been affected by a batch of 5-HTP with impurities – “L-5-HTP contains impurities that may be related to L-5-HTP associated EMS.”
As with anything ingested, food or supplements quality is always key and in the instance of both tryptophan and 5-HTP (and more so with tryptophan) and purchasing quality professional grade supplements is paramount because of the past EMS issues with contaminated tryptophan and a few possible issues with contaminated 5-HTP.
May I ask why you ask?
Hi Trudy,
I asked because when I was doing research for natural supplements for anxiety and or depression I came across an article about 5-HTP causing EMS—however, I believe it had been a contaminated supplement. I had an unpleasant reaction to glutathione and I’m always worried about reacting to supplements now.
Also, what actually led me to your sight was I think I’m having issues with burning mouth / throat symptoms. I’m 8 months post partum and elclusively breaatfeeding. I haven’t been getting much sleep and then out of nowhere my throat had a lump in it and then it started burning no matter what I ate. Then lots of anxiety crept in and I started feeling my tongue tip tingle and sometimes burn and then a metallic taste. Sometimes it’s dry but I have plenty of saliva—so weird. But all of this is causing a lot of anxiety. I also have chronic Lyme and high viral loads—-not sure if those things are also playing a roll with stress of baby and lack of sleep. I’m currently taking magnesium threonate and that may be helping with the anxiety. Also trying to see if this is a possible thrush issue so started on some diflucan and a oral dysbiosis protocol of oil pulling, probiotic swishing, and periobrite mouthwash. The burning mouth throat started 4 days after I had stopped my Lyme herbals because of intense feet/palm burning (thinking a herx), So I started researching burning mouth and came across your sight with GABA rinses. Have you had anymore success with those?.
Low GABA is one factor to consider with burning mouth and because it works so quickly it’s an approach I’d trial with someone with anxiety. GABA helps with Lyme anxiety too (search for the blog on that topic)
Hello Trudy,
I would like to ask you.. When are you going to accept NEW patients?? I truly can’t wait to see/talk to you. You are my hope.
Hi Trudy, I can’t tell you how helpful and informative your talk on the Health Hacker f(x) summit was! Can you tell me if ALL the amino acids will provide an effect within 5 minutes of adminstration (ingestion)? Or is this just tryptophan? Also, are there any amino acids that are best absorbed in liquid form, and if so, under the tongue? And lastly, if not taken with food, do you have any guidance for how long in between meals that AAs should be taken? Or away from food mainly just an “away from protein” guidance. Best, ellen
So glad you found it so helpful. If you need them then yes this applies to all the amino acids when used at least an hour apart from protein
Hi Trudy,
I wish you a Happy new year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to com
I’ve done a urine test. Result show a low serotonine and dopamine.
I’m taking for more than 3 month
* 5-htp: a 150mg at 4pm and 150mg at 9pm
* L-tyrosine : 1500 mg at raising with vitamin B complex , 1500mg at 11 am and 1000mg at 3 pm
but I did not noticed any result.
Do you have any advice
Thank you – happy new year to you too! I can’t offer specific advice to someone who isn’t a client can can share I I do not use urine testing for neurotransmitters as it’s not accurate. I also use the trial method based on symptoms from the questionnaire. More on that here I would like to hear what symptoms you have and if this trial method makes sense.
When you have the correct amino acids and the correct dose you can expect results right away so taking them for 3 months with no results doesn’t make any sense.
How about OAT testing for neurotransmitters or blood testing?
What is the most accurate way of testing them?
You can use some of the OAT markers in conjunction with the symptoms list but I don’t find it necessary. Blood serum can be somewhat helpful but most accurate is platelets.
Thank you very much for your reply. It is greatly appreciated!
What about plasma amino acids? Do you find this test clinically significant?
I don’t do this test but it can be somewhat useful especially when used together with the symptoms
I scored pretty high on the low seratonin but if I take litdke trphotan it kills my libido and makes me feel apathetic .
I have yet to get this feedback about tryptophan and would suspect too much is being used or the issue is not low serotonin
Usually I would do 500 mg a day (I’m pretty cautious) and I did feel better. Interestingly enough I have in the past taken chasteberry for hormonal issues and the same thing . So mayb its just my body
500mg of tryptophan is considered typical but that can be too much for some of my clients.
I prefer 5HTP and the dose has to be right for the person, which is why I do electro dermal screening. Also, many brands have fillers and not the correct supporting ingredients.
I find that some people do better on 5-HTP and some do better on tryptophan. I will start on tryptophan and switch to 5-HTP if we don’t get expected results based on low serotonin symptoms. I start with tryptophan because it does work so well and because 5-HTP can raise cortisol in some folks – have you seen this?
I agree the dose has to be right for the person which is why I like the trial method. And def no fillers
I have found the questionnaire and trial approach to be very effective and have not found the need for electro dermal screening but anything we can use to help guide protocols is wonderful. I’m curious if you use the questionnaire too and if the results correlate with electro dermal screening?
Thanks Nancy! What EDS do you use? ellen
hello my name is George. I am suffering with all the symptoms of S.S. blood work negative . one rumatolagihst. said lip biopsy is the best way to prove it. he also said some people test neg, in blood work, and lip biopsy. he told me you have all the symptoms, so you have S.S . and probably have fybromyalga, the other rumatolagihst wants to do lip biopsy , I am confused, I feel lost, can’t sleep, so much pain in my joints, need info what is GABA AND GABA CALM ? and 5-HTP and tryptophan are and where can you get all this? have been following smart patient web sight, my screen name is Miho, all this is new to me. also have sever anxiety , there is so many pieces to this puzzle, this is a small sample of what has been going on for about 4-5 yrs, i have never seen this info , please help me in getting this info and any other info you might have thank you George
I’m sorry to hear you’re anxious and are in pain and can’t sleep. I share some approaches in this blog: Sjogren’s syndrome: tryptophan and GABA for anxiety, and moisturizing for dry skin and inflammation? When someone is new to the amino acids and dietary approaches for anxiety/insomnia/pain I have them read my book (The Antianxiety Food Solution – more here and start with the basics of real whole food, quality animal protein, no gluten/sugar/caffeine, eating to control blood sugar and then learn about GABA, tryptophan, 5-HTP and other nutritional support. My blog is also a wealth of information. I also speak on many online no-cost summits and if you’re on my newsletter you’ll get the announcements about the interviews (which are no-cost with the option to purchase).
The autoimmune books I list in the Sjogren’s blog (above) are excellent resources for autoimmunity in general and all these experts have their own blogs too.
I’m afraid I’m not familiar with lip biopsy for Sjogren’s syndrome but a quick search returns this “not all patients undergoing lip biopsy will derive diagnostic benefit from the procedure” I have my clients get 3rd and 4th opinions if they have concerns.
Can gaba lower your blood pressure? I am on a very small amount of blood pressure medicine and when I took my first dose of gaba my blood pressure went down about 10 pts. lower than normal.
Hi Trudy,
I have scrolled through but could not find the questionnaire link. Would you be able to direct me as to where to find it?
Many Thanks
Where is the questionnaire to discover if I have inadequate levels of of low GABA, low serotonin etc.
I’ve been taking 375mg Effexor (Venlafaxine) daily for the last 5 years but want to come off to be able to start a family. Help!
Hi Trudythanks a lot for the quality ans information in your posts.
recently, every time I take L-tryptophan, I have a weird effect that occurs 20 minutes after taking. it is an uncomfortable feeling that I begin to feel at the beginning of my sleep. as if it is an panic that spreads in my body every time I open my eyes. I use the now food brand. I suspect the quality of the product, but I do not dare to test with another brand.
Do you have any idea please.
Many thanks
I was led to your website by a friend regarding anxiety/obsessive food thoughts/amino acids. I was told you have a questionnaire that I could take on your website to help me figure out which amino acids I should try incorporating into my life for my specific set of symptoms. Please let me know how I can locate/take this questionnaire.
Thank you!
This is the questionnaire
thank you for your reply. Maybe you can point me in the right direction; After assessing the above, if I am a mixture of Low Serotonin, Low GABA, Low Catecholamines, low blood sugar (having checked the highest amount of boxes for low serotonin), which amino acids would you advise I seek to implement into my life to get some relief?
Thank you so much for your help!
I would like to take the questionnaire too but its wasn’t one your reply.
Looking at your questionnaire, what do I do if it appears that I am low in all the amino acids: serotonin, gaba, endorphins, catecholamines?
Thank you.
I have my client pick the area that is causing the most issues in their lives and we start there – doing a trial of each amino acid to find the ideal dose and then moving on the next area. It’s not uncommon to have issues in all the areas
Thank you so much for helping us!!! Would you give the amino acids to your daughter, if she were pregnant?
They have not been tested in pregnancy but a free-form amino acid blend that does contain tryptophan may be an option she can discuss with her practitioner. Also focusing on all the dietary changes is key. A simple change like eating for blood sugar control can make a world of difference, as does eating adequate quality animal protein. Exercise, yoga, meditation etc too
Thank you! for your help.
Hi Trudy, thank you so much for this valuable information. If I am already taking melatonin (3 mg) at bedtime, is it okay to take tryptophan with it? I have the Lidke brand 500 mg, but have never taken it before. If it is OK, what time should I take each melatonin/tryptophan?
Again, thank you, I love your work!
I have clients start with tryptophan and then we add melatonin if it’s needed but if someone is already taking melatonin adding tryptophan (mid-afternoon and bedtime) is fine too
Hello, thanks for all the information on your site. I have had fears that don’t stop for 4 years and I’m looking for a natural solution all the time. I take olanzapine (zyprexa) for this, but still felt stressed in the day. Since januari I have been taling rhodiola and ashwaghanda and during the day I feel much beter now. I would like to reduce my medication (3,75mg) because it makes me very fat and I feel that my hormonen are completely disrupted. My thyorid also works slowly. If I take les olanzapine, I wake up at night and can no longer fall asleep. I took already 5 HTTP and I have no langer nightmerries. So that’s a Good thing! This night I took ashwaghanda and gaba and fell asleep again but not for long. I was wonderkind If I can also take seriphos or is it dangereuses in combinaties with the medication zyprexa? Thanks for answering me.
Dear Trudy,
Thank you so much for this information. I took a 5-htp supplement and I experienced very calm thoughts and better sleep. How long should I take this supplement for to regulate patterns and should I take daily, or only when I feel intense anxiety?
Thank you so much for your help!
Wonderful to hear 5-HTP leads to calm thoughts and better sleep. I have clients take the amino acids as long as they have symptoms and work on the underlying causes of low serotonin at the same time. For some it’s a few months for others it can be 6-12 months. More on root causes here
Thank you for that fantastic article. It is very helpful.
Would you recommend talking 5-htp daily until you no longer experience the symptoms of low seratonin, or only when you feel you most “need it”? (I suppose I’m asking if 5-htp is “addictive” if taken daily.)
I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
Thank you so much!
Hi Trudy, I’m not sure you received my last comment, so I will repost. Thank you so much for your help. See my previous comment below:
“Thank you for that fantastic article. It is very helpful.
Would you recommend talking 5-htp daily until you no longer experience the symptoms of low seratonin, or only when you feel you most “need it”? (I suppose I’m asking if 5-htp is “addictive” if taken daily.)
I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
Thank you so much!
I have clients use the amino acids until they no longer have symptoms and then add it back in under times of stress or during winter if needed. We also work on diet and gut health and everything else. I have not seen it to be addictive with clients and have not seen any research indicating it may be.
You are incredible. Thank you so much for your help and the work you do. I appreciate the time you take to help others with genuine care. This is rare.
Have a beautiful day,
Hi Trudy,
I stumbled across you when I started watching the Mind, Body, Vagus Nerve Connection. I’ve been suffering from Panic Attacks, which cause my blood pressure to get really high. I’m already on a BP medication – telemsartan. My cardiologist just wants to add another BP medication, but I really believe it is the panic attack that is causing the higher BP. I also take generic lexapro (10 mg).
Do you think I would benefit from GABA? I eat a very healthy diet – lots of protein, low carb. I ordered your book. It should arrive on Monday. So glad I found you. I’m really hoping you can help me.
I can’t offer you specific advice via the blog can can share that GABA works for low GABA physical tension symptoms. I’ve had many clients work with their doctor to taper their BP meds and get results with the amino acids and other nutritional approaches – as you’ll learn in my book. You’re already on track with protein and low carb.
Dear Trudy,
I am so thankful for your wealth of knowledge. I have been taking 5-HTP seratonin conversion pills (1 a day during the afternoon for about 3 weeks) and have noticed my anxiety go down significantly. I still have trouble sleeping, however. Is it okay to take GABA at night and 5-HTP during the day (just one pill each daily?)
I would really appreciate your advice.
Thank you!
Glad to hear 5-HTP is helping reduce the anxiety in the day. I have clients with sleep issues trial it at night too and then consider adding GABA if needed as well
Hi Trudy!
I would appreciate some advice. I have had anxiety since I was a kid and I am today 40 years old. I tried both Gaba and Tryptophan. It doesn´t seem to work for me. The Tryptophan made me feel more positive but my head got so speeded up, although I only tried a little piece of a tablet. Have you heard anyone else who had this problem? And I also tried Gaba, also in a very low dose and it made me so tired and my muscles also got very tired. I have heard that there is tryptophan for kids that they can put sublingual. Do you think that this would be a sollution for me? It maybe has a lower dose?
Chewable tryptophan is 100mg per tablet and that sometimes works. I encourage you to read my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” so all factors can be addressed – diet, gut, no gluten, no caffeine etc
Thanks for the advice. I saw that the brand Lidtke had chewable tryptophan but I could not see the ingredientlist. I tried Gaba again the other day and felt calm after I had taken it but after a couple of hours I felt very anxious instead. This is how my body use to react to supplements. First I feel good and then worse.
Hi Trudy,
I’d like if impending sense of doom falls under physical anxiety or anxiety in the head?
And in the 60 plus nutritional causes of anxiety no.27 you stated”Thyroid problems – hyperthyroid/Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can cause anxiety symptoms; low thyroid symptoms – amino acids are not as effective”.
Do you mean if thyroid signs and symptoms are present either sub clinically or lab tests(for hypo for instance),then the amino acid should not be the main focus?And also if there is nearly all in the pyroluria questionnaire plus low thyroid…
And you made mention of checking high cortisol level for physical anxiety if GABA doesn’t work well–will like to know if you are referring to high night cortisol
Finally,will like to know if there’s a digital copy of the book.
Impending doom is more often low serotonin related; thyroid issues can be labs or subclinical – I still use amino acids either way; high night cortisol is the anxiety is at night
Yes kindle and ebook is available – options here
Hi, I clicked on a hyperlink that said here is the amino acid mood questionnaire. All I saw was this list and people’s comments and your response. Is the questionnaire in your book?
This is the list of questions I have clients review. It is also in my book.
Hi Trudy,
I suspect that I am low in seratonin after identifying with most symptoms on your checklist.
How do I go about trialling supplements? How do I know dosage etc?
Thank you
There are many blogs on this site about trialing and cases (use the search feature). My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” does also explain how I use the amino acids with clients.
After doing quiz It shows I have low gaba, serotonin and catecholmines. My son and I have both been tested for pyrolles as I fit 90% of symptoms for this also. He was off the scale high but I was fine, however later found out I had no iron which plays a part in testing apparently? My background is i started feeling dizzy, I don’t go to doc apart from birthing my babies however felt I needed help as dizziness turned to panic attacks in shopping centres. Doc put me on antidepressants lexapro and my entire body went into shock and shakes 24/7, doc said stay on it and then put me on serequel to stabilise which it did but I wanted out from medications. From first tab of lexapro I got tinnitus and 2 years on I have ringing in ears and my bod is tense 24/7. I wake every morn at 4 and have deep depression until lunch and anxiety is so high I only leave the house to try push through a couple days of work. I just long to feel happy and relaxed again. I am also planning on falling pregnant at the end of year and I am so worried about the stress my body is in will effect my eggs and ultimately my baby. I am desperately seeking your advice on which aminos to take and when. I have read the recommendations but I am hoping you can help with a routine for my results. I have had the oats test which showed candida, oxolates and low dopamine. But I feel all my neurotransmitters are messed. I tried orthoplex pregaba but again it put my bod into shock and I had to have a Valium to calm down. I’m sure I have leaky gut, and maybe leaky brain considering how quickly I get effected from med/supplements I’ve tried. I am 39 and generally fit and healthy up until this point in my life. I have no spleen if this does anything? I am so grateful for your response Trudy
I’m afraid I can’t consult via the blog. You have a lot going on and it would be best to work with the functional medicine practitioner who did your OAT test. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” does also explain how I use the amino acids with clients and more about the pyroluria protocol. You are wise to want to sort this out before falling pregnant.
Hi Trudy,
I’ve been following your blog for some time now. I don’t know if you have
the time or chance to answer this, but I’ll give it a go. It may be a
bit longer than I thought itd be…
So, I would like to ask for some advice regarding 5-HTP and l-Tryptophane.
How long can I take GABA and/or 5-HTP/l-tryptophan? Could l-tryptophan be
better if 5-HTP hasn’t shown very good results? I have a hard time falling asleep without aid, but taking magnesium and GABA during night time (did try ith 5-HTP as well) simply doesn’t help very well. Is l-tryptophan a better choice when having sleep problems?
I’ve been feeling depressed for a long time now and I was diagnosed with
Chronic fatigue syndrome in February.
Since then I’ve (after blood testing) focused on dealing with some of the root
causes: B12, folate, vitamin D, mitochondria, adrenals,
thyroid, and just started with maca root for PMS.
After taking the anxiety questionnaire I’ve come to the conclusion that I probably have low
GABA and low serotonin levels. So I started with both GABA and 5-HTP about three months ago, however I cannot really tell if they’re working. I quit taking 5-HTP about a week ago.
I wonder whether l-tryptophan could be a better option. My thoughts just never
seem to turn off, although I feel overwhelmed and tired. I lack motivation
and joy and during night time I get very anxious.
I’m not a vegan or vegetarian and I have cut out the following from my diet:
dairy, gluten, sugar, alcohol, caffeine (at times I drink green tea),
peanuts. I include protein in every meal and eat carbs with low GI.
I’m sometimes thinking whether my gut could play a role in this as I took
antibiotics for many years for my skin.
I hope this all makes sense, and wish to hear from you.
Kind regards and thank you for your fantastic work,
Thanks for your kind words. When 5-HTP doesn’t work we always trial tryptophan. Also when someone can’t tell if GABA or another amino isn’t working then: it may not be working or needed, it isn’t enough or it’s not a quality product.
The amino acids can be taken for a few months but ideally we work on underlying reasons why neurotransmitters are low. If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
And yes gut health is key to address
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi Trudy, thank you for your wealth of information…greatly appreciated! I learned a lot; however I am left with a worrisome question that I need to have you answer please. In the process of dampening the stimulus effect of neurotransmitters Is there any concern that GABA degrades neuro connections similar to the bad side effect of Benzodiazepines resulting in degenerative brain disorders like Alzheimer’s and also causing peripheral neuropathy? I’d love to switch from benzodiazepine usage to GABA supplement but am concerned that they might share similar side effects since the Gaba neurotransmitter is part of the benzodiazepine mechanism of action pathway.
Good question but there is no evidence of this
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi Trudy,
I came across your work and have been watching your summits you are brilliant! I am in benzo withdrawal (a nightmare on it’s own) and I’m finally discovering the root causes for my anxiety (high copper, low B6). I suspect I have pyroluria but at the same time I score low on the amino acid questionnaire on all categories but mostly in the low serotonin one as I think I’ve been low my entire life (I discovered genetic mutations in these serotonin genes in that I don’t make much which is also one of the reasons SSRIs never worked for me). Anyway so I can’t supplement because it shocks my already super sensitive nervous system but I do want to try the dab on the tongue method. My question… Since I’m low in B6 the cofactor for tryptophan.. should I dab the tryptophan and B6 on the tongue together when I trial it? And how do people address pyroluria if they are sensitive to supplements (likely as a result of benzo withdrawal AND being guinia pig trialed on so many different bad remedies by functional medicine doctor and naturopaths who I trusted but treated my MTHFR issue when I really needed something else). Anyways I appreciate any recommendations you have…. you’re the best!
Thanks for your kind words. I typically use the dab on the tongue trial method with only tryptophan so we can know for sure how someone is responding, especially when they are in benzo withdrawal and super sensitive. A small dab of B6 would be trialed separately.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Hi Trudy. Was v inspired listening to the Anxiety summit # 6. Was born & grew up in the same part of the world as you , so your accent has me feel nostalgic for the beat of Africa, having immigrated from there many decades ago. For someone that may have low dopamine levels, not yet tested, what amino acids would you recommend exploring?
Thanks for the kind words and glad you felt nostalgic. This blog is a good place to start – Tyrosine for alleviating anxiety and panic attacks and creating a feeling of calm focus
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
My online group programs are helpful if you have questions and need guidance
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
In regards to dosage of GABA – your recommendation is much much less than the Daniel Amen “Brain MD” Neurolink – I don’t know if you are familiar with it – it is per capsule:
Vit B6 as pyridoxal -5-phosphate) 5mg,
L-Tyrosine 250mg
GABA 125mg
L-Glutamine 100mg
5-HTP 25mg
Suggested use is: 2-4 capsules twice a day on an empty stomach.
what are your thoughts on this product? My son suffers from intrusive repetitive thoughts and I thought that this might help, but now I’m worried for him to try it if the dosages are different with your recommendations.
There are many good products available and this is a great one. The only issue I have with combination products like this is not knowing which amino acid is helping and which may may be causing an issue. It also doesn’t allow one to increase say GABA and decrease say 5-HTP if needed. It also cannot be used sublingually and GABA is best used this way. Finally some folks do better with tryptophan vs 5-HTP.
Apologies for the delay in your comment approval and my response. We had a computer glitch where a large number of comments were hidden from view in a spam folder. It mostly affected new folks who were commenting for the first time but it’s hopefully resolved now.
Dear Trudy
To alleviate anxiety and support the tapering process after 4 months of intermittent benzodiazepine use, My functional practitioner prescribed gabatropin (phenibut) 125mg up to 4 x daily, vit B6 200mg daily and 200mg Mg Glycenate. The anxiety has improved significantly, however, the anxiety I feel in my body immediately upon waking is still bothersome. As far as I know, in South Africa we don’t have access to sublingual GABA. What is your opinion on the use of gabatropin vs GABA and what would you recommend for the anxiety in my body on waking (that improves when I get out of bed, start moving around and as the day progresses)? Could I try 5HTP/ Tryptophan in addition to gabatropin? I am seeing a functional nutritionist for anxiety support and a clinical psychologist and will be purchasing your book. Would you be willing to consult with me virtually? After I attended the last Anxiety Summit I sent the link to your website to my functional practitioner for which he was very grateful.
P.S. I believe you must be an ex- South African? [the accent is a dead giveaway;)]
I’m concerned to hear gabatropin/phenibut is being prescribed in South Africa – it can be as bad as benzos for many and may be a factor in the bothersome waking anxiety. I wrote more about this here
May I ask what kind of practitioner is prescribing this and if it comes from a compounding pharmacy?
There are GABA only products in South Africa and when the capsules are opened they can be used on the tongue and act like a sublingual.
Glad to see you have support and thanks for sharing my summit. Share my book with them when you get your copy. It will give you and them further understanding of the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc).
I’m afraid I am not doing individual consults right now. I do have a waiting list and will also be launching an online group program with live Q & A and a private facebook group for getting guidance and asking questions. Folks on the waiting list will be notified about the online group program too.
And yes I’m South African – I grew up in Durbs.
Hi, hope you’re doing good. I need advice quickly. My teen son dramatically changed right before puberty and after seeing his sister in a lesbian act. He was the bubbly sweet child & now has every symptom of OCD but his doctor says all test are negative and links it more to family problems and tragedy. Drugs are out of the question because he has adverse reactions to any anxiety/depression meds. I want a natural, safe help. His mood is always bad, laughs at awful things, he’s perverse, always uses profanity, won’t do school work , goes without eating, drinking, urinating, talks about dying, says he’s worthless, lays around, moans, Etc. My younger son is becoming the same cause constantly seeing him do it. Our family is in turmoil. It’s been like this for over 3 years and Everytime I think it’s going to get better it falls apart again. I won’t my sweet boys back. It destroying the family. The places around here just try to put people on meds and are done with u saying just more crazy people ! My son’s went to therapy but won’t read or write or connect with anyone. What amino acids or natural supplements can help?! I’m scared of adverse reactions and safety of anything. He tells me he needs help but nobody does. I’m at the point of leaving & giving up but I was thought to endure. So we suffer each day. My oldest son is 17 & hates to be near my 2 other 2 boys. He has graduated already and wants to learn much more but I constantly have to watch the younger boys so I’m letting my 17 year old down. Please advise!! I don’t know what else to do or how much longer we can survive. Thanks! sincerely, Jenia
Hi Trudy,
My son is 15 and has ADHD and is often very defiant, irritated, argumentative, and angry. Oppositional at times as well. After he exercises in the gym I find him even more irritable and argumentative. He will worry about things and preserverate over it . Just difficult to be around. Negative about anything in a passive aggressive way. He also craves something sweet a lot, especially after a workout. His moods and anger outburst are really getting more snd more often and in the way of his friendships, family life and school , although it us hard for him to admit it or even recognize he at times. He is not fun to be around. His psychologist wants yo medicate him as she thinks it can turn into conduct behaviour. Having said the above when he is in a good mood he is extremely sociable and can make friends very easily but that seems to be less and less these days. I would rather not medicate him and wondered if I could use amino acids.
When I hear all these symptoms/behaviors I immediately think low serotonin and would start with tryptophan or 5-HTP.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
It’s a comprehensive approach – amino acids AND diet. What is his diet like right now – gluten-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, eating protein at breakfast for blood sugar control, real whole foods, grass-fed red meat, wild fish, fermented foods etc?
This is amazing information all in one place! Thanks so much! I’m newly post meno and dealing with many of these issues. Especially at night. And I’m always wanting to be outdoors. So I’m definitely low on serotonin. I’m interested in a consultation.
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for all this wonderful information and taking the time to respond to questions, you are truly making people’s lives better.
My 11 year old son has an overwhelming needle phobia , talk therapy is not helping, he just is so worried it will hurt even with numbing cream he just can’t be logical and give it a go. Could he try an amino acid?
I’m still breastfeeding my 2 year old and would love to try amino acids but my research online suggests I can’t, I have struggled with self criticism, fatigue, winter blues and apathy , no drive and eating for comfort, loss of focus, for a long time… what do I do?
I have had success with tryptophan for needle phobias and like a 100mg chewable tryptophan for kids.
Neither tryptophan or GABA have been studied during pregnancy and breastfeeding but a free form amino acid blend (that does contain tryptophan) is often very helpful.
Other approaches to improve mood, reduce anxiety and help with sleep while nursing include exercise, yoga, diet and bright light therapy/full spectrum light. Dr. Aviva Romm writes about herbs for anxiety and specifies which are safe while nursing
If you are new to other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. Much of this helps with low mood, cravings and insomnia too. More here
Dear Trudy,
First of all, thank you for all you do for all of us! I trust you absolutely.
I have extremely LOW serotonin. But, because i’m on 10mg of Lexapro (after stopping for 2 years, beginning again during COVID), i understand that i shouldn’t take Tryptophen or GABA.
My holistic doctor recommended LDM (low dose methotrexone). She started me on a low-fraction dose .. increasing over time to 4.5 MG nightly (where i am now at). I feel stronger and more energetic, and that’s good.
What are your thoughts on LDM? Is it safe? can i take it forever? will i have problems if i stop?
Thank you again and again for all you do.
Cecilia Fasano
I think you mean LDN (low dose naltrexone). I have heard positive feedback on this medication
I’ve had good success with GABA and Tryptophan over the past couple of months. I wonder if taking the amino acids can impact tooth enamel?
Wonderful that you have had good success with GABA and Tryptophan over the past couple of months – please do share more about how they have helped?
I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you but it’s a great question. Have you been opening capsules and is there a reason you’re asking this i.e. are you noticing changes/issues? If yes which specific products?
Thank you. What if I have all deficiencies symptoms? Is it possible?
Many folks have symptoms in all areas and we address one at a time. When you are new to the amino acids I really do recommend my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” so you understand exactly how to use them. There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and how to use them.
It also covers other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc and is a great foundation. Remember, it’s the amino acids and diet. More here
Sorry i can’t find which amino acids to take if I have low sertonin or low blood sugar or any other category. Please share the link.
This blog is a good introduction to tryptophan and low serotonin: Tryptophan for the worry-in-your-head and ruminating type of anxiety
This is a good introduction to glutamine for low blood sugar/anxiety/cravings/gut healing
Feel free to use the blog search feature as there is so many other articles.
And keen in mind, when you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
It’s a comprehensive approach – amino acids AND diet – gluten-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, eating protein at breakfast for blood sugar control, real whole foods, grass-fed red meat, wild fish, fermented foods etc
Hi Trudy. Love all the wonderful info you offer so generously…. ( & your accent makes me homesick!!!).I’m wondering if you have any advice on use of amino acids for someone who has been diagnosed with Parkinsons/movement disorder & is unable to handle various dopamine medications , which cause severe skin breakouts. Look forward to your feedback.
Thanks! I assume you’re South African too?
I have worked with a few people with Parkinson’s disease and GABA has been very helpful for the stiffness and pain, the physical anxiety, easing some of their tremors and helping with insomnia. I always do a trial so we know how much the individual will need.
Here is a blog with additional information – GABA and tryptophan for pain and anxiety in Parkinson’s disease?
And this one with new research – 5-HTP in Parkinson’s disease: benefits for depression, levodopa-induced motor complications, anxiety and sleep issues
Please keep us posted on how things go
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Hi! So I read the above and I literally check all the boxes on low serotonin. I see taking inositol is the way to go for it but I also have low testosterone according to two bloods tests taken 3 months apart. I am reading the inositol has been used to lower testosterone. I’m afraid it may be an issue for me but I desperately need something to help w the low seratonin for my childrens sake. I have lots of rage and lash out. I have ocd, perfectionism and anxiety. Please advise the best course of actions. Gaba doesn’t help. Thank you!
I use tryptophan (the Lidtke brand) for clients with low serotonin symptoms. And GABA won’t help as it is used for low GABA symptoms.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like real whole food, quality animal protein, fermented foods, organic produce, health fats, gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
It’s a comprehensive approach – amino acids AND diet. What is your diet like right now – gluten-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, eating protein at breakfast for blood sugar control, real whole foods, grass-fed red meat, wild fish, fermented foods etc?
Hi, Trudy! I’ve been taking GABA in liquid (via my nutritionist) or more recendly GABA Calm based on your recommendations and this blog and other HealthMeans talks and I’ve never really felt the calming effects although I stopped “blowing up” too, so perhaps it was having some help. What I really used it for was to untighten my muscles from stress and also in the hopes that it would help calm neuralgia pain in my pelvis coming from a posterior labral tear.
My question is this: I never had any adverse reaction to actual GABA. My pain doctor put me on Gabapentin, 100mg 3x a day and when it didn’t really do anything, he wanted me to increase it to 400mg at night and 100mg 2x during the day. For me, I’m not a pixie dust person but everything is always low & slow. I also had a very bad reaction to Wellbutrin 20 years ago when trying to quit smoking (yes, I quit in 2002 WITHOUT the Wellbutrin) – it was like a very nasty concussion – the room spinning like I was in a gyroscope and an “itchiness” all up & down my spine. The dizzying spells would come on out of the blue with no reason. So, I already know that i seem to have issues to drugs affecting brain receptors.
Getting back to the Gabapentin, I also took the GABA with it when I needed it for bile salt diarrhea that I get daily – It really helps with the IBS type cramping that is always with me at least once a day when I eat. No reaction with the Gabapentin at the lower dose. I titred up to 300mg Gabapentin at night – felt like a total ZOMBIE the next day and kept the regular 100mg dose 2x during the day. Needless to say, I didn’t get a lot done. Very foggy thinking – BUT, the neuralgia was virtually gone. So I still needed to get up to 600mg a day…I tried different combinations of splitting the 600mg into doses that might not make me feel so exhausted AND, they don’t tell you that Gabapentin causes up to 10-20% in base body weight gain! I had wondered why I was ravenous all the time – turns out it s the drug that causes that. So, I h ad already gained 8 lbs in less than a month! After a week of playing with the dose to get up to 600 mg a day so I’d get some relief from my “nervy” stuff, I awoke one morning last week with the same massive dizzying reaction that I had years ago with Wellbutrin. (It took MONTHS for that to stop). So I started weaning off of the Gabapentin.
I don’t think I’ll be able to take it – but get this: Now, if I take a GABA Calm, the dizzy spells come on! Its like I can’t take it anymore either!!!! I’m totally off both and am terrified to try to restart either of them (the GABA or the Gabapentin). My pain doc seems to think that it was an inner ear thing that just coincidentally occurred but given my history and the fact that even the GABA now does it, I’m disinclined to believe him.
Have you ever heard of this type of reaction to GABA?? I didn’t even take it every day – only when the stomach cramps were pretty bad precursing the run for the potty. I know that gabapentin and GABA are related but from what I could find out, it seems that Gabapentin increases the amount of GABA in the brain (?)….so my thoughts were that I could use the GABA to help me wean off of the Gabapentin, but no luck. I had to go cold turkey. It was fortunate that I wasn’t on a large dose or for very long. So…I’m very curious to see what you might make of this event?
And, for 600 mg of Gabapentin to cause this reaction, I have no idea what dose of GABA would even be right for me. I can’t have the dizzy spells happening when I’m driving, for heavens sake! Its such a shame too because the Gabapentin had a real potential to give me the relief that I need. I’ve been struggling with this for 4 years and was only recently diagnosed with the hip tear. After all this time, the pudendal nerves on my left side are so irritated that its maddening plus the pain of the tear itself. I know it was supposed to be a band-aid but I’m back to square one and no medicine that will help with the neuralgia. If you have any suggestions for other aminos or herbs to try that would be appreciated also. As you can see, a pretty complicated case.
I’d suspect that the Gabapentin has impacted GABA receptors and may be causing these effects from GABA. A much lower dose of GABA is sometimes tolerated in these situations
Hello! I have tried GABA for the intrusive thoughts. I started taking 100mg just to try it out. It seems to work but then at night I get recital spasms! Just like mentioned in Your list. How can I take GABA but avoid that effect? Thx
Good to hear GABA helps with intrusive thoughts. I would not expect it to cause rectal spasms at night so don’t have an answer for you.
Hi Trudy,
I have advanced Chronic fatigue. Last year I got a copy of ‘The mood cure’. by Julia Ross. I started on 5HTP 100mg twice a day which solved the sleep issues I was having. However my anxiety/stress responses have have shot up and are getting worse. I tried Glycine 1000mg then GABA 750mg, they have little effect. L-Theanine 200mg does have a small impact. Due to the CF and eyesight problems I an unable to use exercise to dissipate tension or leave the house without assistance. I was raised to eat a healthy diet so I eat plenty of fruit and veg, home cooking, protein and slow carbs.
I’m wondering if I should try larger doses or if there are other things I should try. I would welcome your thoughts.
5-HTP can increase cortisol and cause anxiety/stress responses to be worse. More here
Hi Trudy. Thank you for all your research and the effort you’ve put into this blog. Quick question for you: I’ve been taking taurine (800 mg) for several years now, and it (and the occasional 850mg of GABA) have completely knocked out my anxiety issues (I have a history of terrible OCD), including social anxiety. However, I started taking 1,000 mg of tryptophan daily to help alleviate depression and PMDD, and I’ve noticed that, while it is absolutely helping my depression, my baseline anxiety no longer feels as well controlled. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Glad to hear taurine and GABA have knocked out your anxiety, OCD and social anxiety, and that tryptophan is helping with depression and PMDD. In this instance, when a client is still using taurine and GABA, I have them adjust them up (sometimes temporarily).
Is DPA considered stimulating or sedative for most adults? I want to try it but have sleep issues and am very sensitive to medications or supplements?
I answered your question here
Although I appreciate the info, it doesn’t look like a questionaire at all to me either!
It’s a list of symptoms that you check off/rate on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being most severe)
Please do share what you would like to see!
My 13 year old son is on supplements for pyroluria and undermethylation. `He has been back and forth with taking them, especially since hitting puberty. It has been a lot of trial and error to help him, he had been doing really well. Lately he has been having intrusive thoughts and yesterday cut himself. He is very open with his father and I and talked to my husband about it. Is there a low level of something that would lead to cutting? I’m thinking either GABA or serotonin (using 5HTP).
I’m sorry to hear about your son but I’m glad he is open with you both. With cutting and other self-harm it’s usually low endorphins as the main driving imbalance but there can also be low GABA and low serotonin.
The best way to determine if someone may have low neurotransmitters is to look at the low GABA/serotonin symptoms, rate them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being worst, do a trial of the respective amino acid and rate the symptoms again right afterwards (in the next 2 to 30 minutes). Here are the symptoms
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like real whole food, quality animal protein, fermented foods, organic produce, health fats, gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
It’s a comprehensive approach and much of this helps with self-harm too – amino acids AND diet. What is his diet like right now – gluten-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, eating protein at breakfast for blood sugar control, real whole foods, grass-fed red meat, wild fish, fermented foods etc?
My book does have an entire chapter on the amino acids and many folks do really well implementing on their own. My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement). More here about the program and purchase info
Dear Trudy: I purchased your book and took the questionaire re. which amino acids would best suit my anxiety and depressin. Based on my answers I following the protocol for symptoms that occur earlier in the day (I awake anxious). 50 to 100 mg of 5-HTP on waking and midmorning, and 500 to 11,500 mg of tryptophan midafternoon and at bedtime. The Pure Formula 5-HTP capsules are 100 mg, and the Lidtke L-Tryptophan are 500 mg capsules.
I have been following this since mid-September and find no relief in the morning. I’m feelng worse after I take te 5-HTP and am wondering if I should stop or adjust the dose.
I would really appreciate some feedback. Thank you.
I can’t offer you specific advice via the blog but can share that results are expected right away on day 1 and we increase from there to find the ideal dose. If someone feels worse I don’t have them push through
Hopefully you’re also making some of the food and drink changes too
Thank you for such useful information Trudy!
I see myself in a couple of groups, especially low GABA, low serotonin and also cravings. I am feeling overwhelmed as I am dealing with few things, worries over my dad’s illness and supporting my ASD son, trying to treat him as naturally as possible working with functional doctors. But this takes a tool on me and no time or finances left to sort myself out, so I will have to experiment. Should I try Gaba first and address low serotonin later? I certainly have anxieties and fears over medication and supplementing whixh makes everything so much more difficult (which can be caused by low serotonin i read somewhere?). I generally eat very healthy food but I use food as my coping mechanism as I gobble it down especially when anxious and don’t have control over the amount of it or have stop button, despite it being generally good food. I ma tense in my body and developed anxiety related stomach pains from tensing and I have such a short fuse at the moment which is unfair on my family. I know I have to do something but even that seems so overwhelming.
You do have a lot going on. I have my clients pick the area that is most problematic for them and address that first before adding a second amino acid. We do find that when we address these imbalances the eating to cope goes away too so feel encouraged.
And do check out my book for the big picture plan and more details on using the the amino acids
Dear Trudy,
I’m a man, 38 years old, suffering from anxiety, feeling generally unsafe, OCD, depression, lack of energy, and sleeping problems.
Since I read about nootropics, amino acids and other nutrients that can help, I bought nearly all, Inositol, NAC, 5-HTP, GABA, L-Tryptophane, L-theanine, Taurine, Melatonin, Magnesium bisglicynate, B vitamin complex with Aswagandha.
My main problem is that I can only sleep 4 or 5 hours, always wake up early and am unable to get back to sleep. I feel unsafe in general and unable to travel alone. I usually feel terrible during the day.
Nowadays, I take 8-10 g of Inositol, probiotics and a B vitamin complex during the day. 500 mg GABA+50 mg 5-HTP, with some magnesium before bedtime. I read that I can’t use NAC with asthma, so I didn’t start taking that. I also drink Lemon balm tea with chamomile.
I know I can’t take all the products at once, so I need some advice because I’m afraid of experimenting without reliable information. I don’t know which are the safe and most effective combinations.
My question is, what do you think could be the right combination and dosage for my problem?
Thank you very much in advance, Paul
My book is a great resource that lays out all the amino acids, dosing and timing – with questionnaires to help identify which areas to address. It also has dietary basics which much also be addressed. The Antianxiety Food Solution
Dear Trudy
I’ve just come off of 9 month long taper from Valium. During the taper I started to feel like a lump in my throat and that has lasted 4 months now. I finished the tapering 12 days ago and the lump throat problem is my biggest problem. I know it’s because of tight muscles and after reading your articles I see it’s because of low gaba. I’ve been taking L-Theanine 200mg a day and Inositol 650mg a day for some time and the throat is still bad. Should I try to take Gaba calm? I’m afraid it’s going to ruin my healing and what happens when I stop taking the Gaba(it’s only ment for short period right)? Will my anxiety and throat problem come back?
Best regards
This is not uncommon and yes I always review low GABA symptoms and have clients do a trial of GABA, even when they have just tapered a benzo. I actually have them use GABA during their taper.
You may find this blog helpful: GABA is the answer after 40 years of a lump-in-the-throat sensation, nervousness and muscle tension at work
We often also increase theanine and inositol if some minor benefits are being noticed.
I do find benzo tapers are more successful when all nutritional aspects are addressed. My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place for the foundations (you don’t mention what dietary changes have been made) and has a chapter on the amino acids with dosing/timing information. More here
My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions related to GABA and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement). More here about the program and purchase info
Dear Trudy
Thank you for your reply. I’ve been on Keto diet for 2 months now and I feel good on it. I just ordered GABA calm how much should I take?
Best regards
Good to hear keto is working well – hopefully no caffeine or alcohol.
I can’t offer GABA dosing specifics via the blog but we always start low and increase based on symptom relief. My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions related to GABA and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement).
Hello so I have a few comments and questions. I have thyroid issues and these issues led me to paranoid thinking after taking the medication. I feel angry a lot , depressed, I have anxiety and low confidence. This has effected my work, marriage, and family. My life is literally falling apart. I’ve tried pharmaceutical medicine and nothing seems to truly help! I just had a baby a month or so ago and now I’m experiencing intrusive thinking which actually I’ve had, thoughts I don’t understand and it goes on. I have high blood pressure maybe underactive thyroid which ever is hypothyroidism, being dealing with food cravings, sugar cravings especially after I eat a meal. I have no confidence. I’m fearful, anxious mentally and physically more so one or the other but I am in medication that helps with that somewhat. Im tried of not getting answers and needing to know where to start and having the motivation and desire to fulfill this. I never stick to anything so eating healthy is a hard thing for me ti do and stay committed too.
As you’ve probably figured many of these symptoms happen with low serotonin: paranoid, angry, depressed, anxiety, low confidence, intrusive thinking, cravings, fearful.
I use tryptophan or 5-HTP in clients with these symptoms and have them start to make the dietary changes as outlined in my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution
Working with a practitioner to optimize thyroid health is key too as an underacive thyroid can affect mood and anxiety too.
Would this be ideal to take since I’m on thyroid and anxiety medication as well.
I work with many clients on these medications
Hi. What do I do or where do I start if believe to have all of the following: low gaba, low serotonin, low catecholamines, low endorphins, and low blood sugar?
I have clients pick the area with the most troublesome symptoms for them and start there, going through each area at a time an finding the ideal dose of amino acid before moving on to the next deficiency.
I can’t find the questionaire.
This is the questionnaire/list of symptoms I have clients assess
Dear Trudy
I’ve been reading your blogs and really enjoy it.Many thks for your generous contribution in teaching me.
I have some questions
1/ do you ship to UK?
2/ I’m struggling with sleep waking up at 1am 3 am 3.30am and realize I’ve got anxiety ,unbalanced hormones and needs sorting out neurotransmitters too.I’m 56 and go thru menopause however been trying to lead a healthy life style and keep up with sleep hygiene routine as much as I can
I’m taking Gaba by Now,5Htp l- theanine but something is not right since I still don’t improve
3/ where can I get an advice on the protocol of dosage and the list of supplements I need to take b4 bed?
4/ I’ve done the questioner and I’m low on Gaba,serotonin and other aminoacids
many thks for reply
Shipping to the UK from Fullscript can be done using a company such as shipito or direct ordering from iherb (my link to save 5%
I can’t offer specific feedback via the blog but can share we increase the aminos to find the ideal dose and often switch to tryptophan if 5-HTP is not working.
Keep in mind that there are many other factors that affect sleep – high cortisol, low blood sugar, gluten, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, gut health /parasites and not eating quality animal protein and health fats + organic veg and fruit (all addressed in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
Once these foundations are in place we also look at EMFs, oxalates, fat malabsorption etc – these topics are covered here on the blog so feel free to search for them.
Hi Trudy
Finding you has helped me tremendously! I found you on the Anxiety super conference a while back. I had suffered a loss of my very dear cat and my father had a heart attack within one months time. I didn’t realize I was stressed until I had a surprise panic attack. It’s been 7 months I’ve been dealing with anxiety off and on along with counseling and GABA Calm, it’s helped so much. Our household just had a bout of Covid, pretty bad with heavy brain fog. My son and I both especially are feeling very foggy after 13 days. My anxiety has kicked up and have found myself taking 2 GABA Calms per day.
My question is does Covid mess with your Neurotransmitters or is my anxiety coming from fear of long Covid? My son who also suffers from anxiety is having a very hard time coping…any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks for your kind words and so pleased to hear GABA Calm and counseling has helped. It’s not unusual to have times when a higher amount of GABA is needed and this is one of those times – the increased fear/worry/stress and the effects of an infection.
What is encouraging is that GABA also supports immunity .
This recent study is fascinating “immune cells possess GABAA-Rs to limit inflammation in the CNS, and this natural “braking system” on inflammatory responses may be pharmacologically engaged to slow the progression of autoimmune diseases, reduce the severity of COVID-19, and perhaps limit neuroinflammation associated with long COVID.”
Thank you so much for the very insightful information Trudy! That gives me some hope…
I’ve recently read your book, The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution and you mentioned that you started adding animal protein to your diet. Were you a vegan previously? May I ask why you suggest the animal protein? I’ve been a Vegan for over 5 years but since reading your book, I’ve been eating grass-fed beef, Wild Salmon and Pasteurized eggs. I feel alright, but don’t feel like it’s noticeably improving my anxiety. I do, however, notice since I’ve cut out processed food and sugar, my muscle aches and pains are minimal! I found this very exciting!
Also, I have been using Gaba Calm (150mg) in the daytime then Tryptophan (500mg) at night. I have used the minimal amount for about 3 weeks and found myself struggling to feel good. I realize I need to increase the dosage, I just feel uneasy when taking amino acids. Are there any other amino acids I should include? My symptoms are more of intrusive thoughts and fear, especially when the sun goes down.
Great that cutting out processed food and sugar is reducing muscle aches and pains. Don’t forget gluten, caffeine and soy too.
I was a vegetarian for a few years and vegan for just a few months. I explain the benefits of animal protein in the first chapter in the book.
I use the questionnaire to help clients figure out which amino acids to use and we do increase to find the ideal dose. With intrusive thoughts and fear esp later in the day, serotonin support is where we focus. Keep in mind some folks do better on 5-HTP vs tryptophan
I am so happy to find this information and have just ordered your book. My 9 year old daughter has 9 of the symptoms in the low GABA category and I just ordered the GABA Calm. We have been struggling for years to help her, seen doctors and naturopaths. She has sleep onset insomnia, intrusive thoughts, and all sorts of physical ailments that mostly flare up at bedtime. Stomach aches, headaches, leg and body pain, frequent urination and pain urinating. She also has asthma and other allergies. The anxiety is mostly right at bedtime and it seems like the physical symptoms and the anxiety go hand in hand. It’s so very difficult to comfort her and also help her be independent. We also just started trying to eliminate gluten but it’s very hard to avoid. She is also prone to car sickness and I’d like to add B6.
I am so hoping that the GABA Calm helps her and we will work on her diet after reading your book. Luckily she has a relatively healthy diet, loves salmon and sardines and lots of veggies and fruits.
I do notice that the symptoms seem worse between October and March or so. The summers are better.
My question is what dose of B6 and possibly zinc would you recommend? She’s almost 10 and weighs 70 pounds.
Thank you so much for reading this and for your guidance. It is nice to read that we are not alone in figuring out my daughter’s puzzle. I hope she starts to feel better soon.
Many of the symptoms you describe are physical which is common when GABA is low. With worse symptoms in Fall/winter we also look into and address low serotonin. You can read about this in the amino acids chapter of my book. Addressing neurotransmitter imbalances help with gluten addiction/removal – all covered in the book too.
And you’ll read about zinc and B6 dosing/timing in the pyroluria chapter
You are not alone! Keep us posted how she does
Thank you so much for your reply. I just started the trial of GABA Calm today, half of the 125mg earlier today (she didn’t notice any difference) and again at bedtime when she was complaining of stomach pain. She said she felt tired but didn’t feel better. She tends to have low blood pressure like me and complains of dizziness, so not sure if the GABA is a good fit with the warning.
I think I should move on to addressing the low serotonin to see if she responds better…she’s still up now (almost 10pm here), takes her well over an hour to wind down and fall asleep. She feels awful when she’s tired. Poor girl
Hello! First, thank you for all you’re doing and sharing! I’m trying to help my husband and son with low GABA/low seratonin. My husbands symptoms are anger, anxiety, throat issues (getting “stuck” at meals, worse with any noise at the table), very sensitive to any loud noises or talking (as if his “startle reflex” is still active), IBS from dairy and mild gluten allergies, rages, mild OCD, possible borderline personality disorder, social anxiety, high blood pressure, pessimism/critical thinking, headaches, all over structure pain, low testosterone. I’ve got him on
Metabolic Maintenance gaba 750 2x a day sublingually
Now l-tyrosine 750mg x1
Natures Sunshine nutri-calm b complex
Natures Sunshine Methyl combo – b12
Natures Sunshine skeletal strength – cal-mag
Natures Sunshine IF Relief – structural pain relief/headaches 4x
Natures sunshine Anxiousless 4x
Designs for health Pharma gaba chewables as needed.
TUDCA 1500 – detox/liver support
Natural Relief BP NatRelief – for blood pressure. Side note; we tried a lot of supplements before this to avoid a prescription, this is the one that finally brought it down.
I’ve also tried l- tryptophan and 5HTP but they seem to make him more irritable.
We had him on a low dose anti-anxiety medication for a while, which did help but had so many scary side affects we weaned him off that but it took 9 months!
At one point I thought he had the MTHFR gene mutation that prevents detoxing on your own and inability to absorb b vitamins unless they are methylated but he didn’t test positive for that.
His symptoms sound like a combination of low serotonin, low GABA and possibly high cortisol and pyroluria. Adjusting individual amino acids up and monitoring symptoms is what I do with clients – one amino acid at a time and logging carefully.
We’d also look into toxins and infections too especially when tryptophan and 5-HTP are not tolerated. And consider light therapy if low serotonin symptoms are worse in winter – more on that here Trauma work, if needed, can also help so much.
Of course all the dietary changes covered in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” are key too With someone with mood issues like you describe I would highly suspect gluten to be an issue and would remove all sources – food, spices, shampoo etc.
There is a lot of complexity with your husband and hopefully you’re getting guidance from a trusted practitioner.
I just watched you on the Osteoporosis class talking about Collagen. I think I have had anxiety all my life but I need to do something about it because I keep having episodes of Broken Heart Syndrome and anxiety is making it worse. I have been using collagen (fish) and thought I was okay but maybe that’s part of it. I am leary about using GABA or 5HTP because they tend to give me restless legs.
Also, I weaned off of Ativan/Clonazepam a few years back and I don’t want to stir up those neurotransmitters again but I need to get this anxiety under control.
I also tested high in oxalates.
What advice can you give me?
I can’t offer specific advice via the blog but with clients in this situation we address oxalates and other dietary factors I cover in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” Also no collagen or collagen + tryptophan.
You may find this collagen blog useful
Can you share more about your episodes of Broken Heart Syndrome?
I seem to be very susceptible to Stress and grief which has been putting me into Broken Heart Syndrome (heart failure) but I usually recover in a few days to a few months. Any kind of emotion puts me right into these episodes and I am so thankful that I heard you discussing collagen and anxiety because I stopped the collagen and the anxiety got much better. I am hoping that will make a difference in my susceptibility to the heart failure episodes.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you so much for all the information.
Is it safe to apply these approaches to children? I am interested in 3 to 5 y/os with anxiety and ADHD.
Thank you,
I always start with dietary approaches as laid out in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” – ie gluten-free, no sugar, while foods, additive free, caffeine free and eating to balance blood sugar. Then we consider amino acids. I have not used them or heard of them used in a 3 year old but have had positive feedback from a mom with a 6-year old –
We also check for iron levels, low vitamin D, low zinc, gut health, magnesium, omega-3s etc and address all these underlying factors
After stopping the collagen my anxiety level is way down and no more broken heart syndrome episodes but after rereading your article I noticed the glutamate and histamine piece. I really think my issues are more related to that than to the low serotonin. Glutamate is neurotoxic to the brain, right?
I did a neurotransmitter test recently and my serotonin level is normal but histamine and glutamate is on the high side.
Interesting, since I stopped the collagen my anxiety is much better but now I’m having lots more insomnia. Something else to figure out!
Glad to hear anxiety is down after stopping collagen. And yes glutamate and histamine can be issues too.
I don’t use urinary neurotransmitter testing as it’s unreliable
This is so helpful. I found my way here after learning about PMDD and looking into what dosage should I try tryptophan with. Looking at the symptoms list I too seem to resonate with every single one of them except the low blood sugar. That went away after my hypothyroidism was treated.
Contrary to food cravings/comfort eating listed everywhere I’ve often struggle with not really wanting to eat. Most days I just make myself to eat. No idea what that is about, been like that since childhood, fruits&smoothies are easiest to get down on those days, everything else feels nauseating
I’ve been already taking high dose of tyrosine for few months but doesn’t seem to have a whole lot effect, at most my procrastinating has eased up on good days, but when bad days come I just sink in a lethargic and uninterested hole no matter what. Maybe I should stop that, as I do suffer from headaches, though I haven’t really noticed them becoming any worse
I found a comment here about starting the trial with the most troublesome symptoms, I’m not sure if I can even pinpoint to that, so maybe I just start GABA for the longest list, haha.
Yes I have clients start with most troublesome symptoms but when they can’t pinpoint those just starting and getting results is good enough.
I look into low serotonin and low GABA with PMDD. And also pyroluria especially when there is low appetite and nausea. More on all this here and more on the blog so use the search feature.
All of this and all the important dietary aspects are addressed in my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution”
oh wow, so ok I basically matched 95% of the pyroluria symptoms listed on an article here. Funny thing is though, I already eat 100mg B6 and 50mg zinc daily, I’ve noted it helps my skin immensely and keeps the acne in check, wihtout it the inflammations will not heal for weeks and weeks, with zinc supplement they are gone in 2 days. B6 is part of my regular b-complex as I was tested few years ago lacking all of them. My current magnesium/mineral tablet does have copper in it though. Thank you again, I shall continue my quest, again a bit wiser.
Glad to hear this was helpful. You may also find my book to be of value “The Antianxiety Food Solution”