I love the grass-fed beef and other great quality products from US Wellness Meats! I subscribe to their online newsletter and a few days ago their trivia question was the following: “What US city is considering a tax on soda and what are your thoughts on this?”
I could not resist emailing my thoughts to them and I’d love to share them here too….
I think it’s great to bring awareness to the many health problems associated with excessive soda and sugar consumption: obesity, heart disease, cancer, lowered immunity and many other health issues.
But it seems that diet sodas will not be taxed and they have their own set of issues – health concerns regarding artificial sweeteners and the fact that some studies show that even diet sodas can cause weight-gain. Replacing regular sodas with diet sodas is not the solution.
The BIG thing for me, being a sugar-cravings and mood-food expert is that it is not addressing the root cause and is not providing solutions as to why you have sugar cravings – such as poor eating habits, nutrient and neurotransmitter imbalances, candida, stress and toxins/pollution.
If you address these then you won’t crave sugar! The first place I start with my sugar-addicted clients is with the amazing amino acids and they see dramatic results in few days, often in 24 hours! And they have more energy, sleep better and have a great mood. And more money in their pockets to buy healthy real food!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this too….
PS. The city is New York.
Wow food for thought indeed. I would love to hear more about the amino acids as I am a five year diet soda a day junkie! Tell me more!
Aussie gal
It’s a big topic but in a nutshell try and figure out what draws you to sugar or diet sodas – does it make you feel in a good mood, does it give you energy, does it calm you or does it comfort you? There are 4 corresponding neurotransmitter or brain chemistry deficiencies, each with their own amino acid solution. For example if you eat sugar to calm down then GABA is the amino acid. I use questionnaires (and lab testing) to assess this and other possible nutrient deficiencies.
It really is crazy the knee-jerk reaction politicians have to the sugar issue. In NYC, I remember the mayor yanking all sodas and replacing them with other sugar-laden drinks. Sugar in Sheep’s clothing! Thanks for your thoughtful and thought-provoking post! ♥ Katherine.
Life Blossoming Systems
So true – there are some pretty nasty energy drinks – loaded with sugar and colors. I like that – Sugar in Sheep’s clothing!
I just love your information, you are a source of true expertise. Great article! I might need some GABA, LOL!
Sue Painter
Sue – you’d be surprised how many people could do with some GABA, especially women. In fact most of us can really benefit from amino acids (and other nutritional support), especially if we’re on the go a lot – as most of us are these days! It just makes things so much easier and we’re suddenly able to cope better.
Our health is such a big topic. I love how your are looking at the root cause of things, because without that there is no hope for a solution.
If we understand why we crave sugar than we can address that.
I would be interested in hearing about your questionaire and services
Heidi – I’d love to discuss your needs and we could do this during the 15 minute free consultation I offer. I have a number of packages, so I encourage you to check them out here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html
I’ll follow-up with you via email.
I agree, getting to the root of the problem is the only solution. I am learning a lot from you and really starting to understand more about what I am putting into my body or the lack there of. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Christine – I’m so pleased this is helpful and I’m really pleased to have you as a reader!
Trudy, I know just what you mean by the artificial sweetners and how they actually can put weight on people. Not to mention damage they can cause. Anyone can just Google the name of one of them and read enough to turn them off those sweetners for the rest of their lives!
Especially this week why would anyone waste their time on a soda when there is Guinness and a Jameson nearby? On a serious note, you are so
right about the impact this all has on general health and well being.
Why do we all not understand what we feed our body has an impact on everything we do – mind, health and physical performance. Thanks for sharing the topic.
Several years ago I substituted water for soda, and even mostly kicked my coffee habit. Now, sodas are very rare in my diet, water is very satisfying, and I get by quite nicely with just one cup of coffee a day. Great info!
I’m still amazed that so many products are created for consumption that are actually really BAD for health. I often wonder what the heck the FDA is thinking.
Thanks for sharing.
Write on!~
Trudy – Thanks for the informative post/discussion. I would really be interested in getting more unbiased info on the pros/cons/dangers of diet drinks. Most of what I have run across seems very hyperbolic/slanted to one side or the other.
America’s Entrepreneur Strategist™
Thanks all for your feedback!
Phil – the cons of diet drinks requires a whole posting so thanks for your question – I’ll cover this very important topic in a posting soon….