We start Monday with this live course where I am going to share the five brain chemical imbalances and respective amazing amino acids that can end cravings and emotional eating.
If you have these symptoms, then amino acids may help:
- LOVING a certain food (do you just LOVE pizza or really LOVE cookies as a reward or to numb!?)
- wanting caffeine or sugar for a pick me up in the afternoon
- afternoon or night time cravings for carbs
- poor sleep
- feeling anxious and irritable (and wanting sugar/starches/alcohol to calm you down)
- depression and low self-esteem (and wanting sugar/starch/alcohol for soothing)
Yep, all of those can be caused by a lack of some key amino acids that we either don’t get in our food or don’t get enough of. I have amazing results with my clients!
I recently participated in the incredible Loving Food Loving Life Emotional Eating telesumit hosted by Aimee Serafini. The participants were so wowed by this new information that Aimee asked me to create a group program that would be affordable AND where participants could all support each other.
I’m going to share exactly what and how much to take and what brands based on your own brain chemical imbalances. Plus we’ll also talk about diet, breakfast, getting enough protein, meal timing, your adrenals and thyroid, food intolerances and much more!
Here is the complete overview of the course:
- Five Live Classes covering each of the 5 neurotransmitter deficiency categories (low serotonin, low GABA, low catecholamines, low endorphins and low blood sugar) and recordings for your library after the calls
(live class dates are 5pm PT / 8pm ET: Mondays May 13 & 20, Tuesday May 28 (due to holiday), and Mondays June 3 & 10) - Bonus Live Q&A call after course to answer questions
(Monday, June 17) - If you cannot attend the live classes, you will get the recordings to download so you can listen when you have time and refer to them later, plus you can ask questions on Facebook. Please do not let scheduling affect your being able to start getting relief now
- Amino Acid Precautions questionnaire (to address contraindications)
- Amino Acid Deficiency questionnaire
- Food Mood Log – to figure out how food affects you and how you are feeling prior to eating
- Supplement Sheet for amino acid timings
- Membership in a private Facebook Group for peer support. Support is super important and hearing the experiences and questions of other participants will surely be of great benefit
- A Bonus audio interview with Mira Dessy, Nutrition Educator and Whole Food Advocate: The Pantry Principle, How to Read the label and Know What’s Really in Your Food
If you’re still on the fence
check out this blog post on glutamine for low blood sugar and calming effects and watch how glutamine helped Nicole within 5 minutes
- check out how DPA was a miracle for Angie and her sugar cravings
Are you in or out?
Aimee and I hope to have you join us (Aimee enrolled for this class too!) If you would like to enroll in this 6 week live virtual class you can still register here
I am excited to start the course. Thank you Trudy for organizing. The other women on our Facebook group seem really great, from a mother of two in Australia to a professional yachtswoman in Gibraltar who cries a lot to a slim woman in the states who has beaten herself up over her emotional eating for years to a woman who has already released 100 pounds but is starting to battle cravings to someone who hasn’t let her picture be taken in 4 years.
So many of us in all areas of life that are in a “battle” over emotional eating. We are going to learn how to give our body what it needs nutritionally so that we aren’t punishing ourselves for trying to get what we need from food.
Hope you can join us if any of the above sounds like you, or you have your unique story. We want to support each other why we figure this out!
I’m thrilled you’re joining us and thank YOU for asking me to do this series (and for holding your wonderful Loving Food Loving Life telesummit which got this whole thing started!). From the activity in in the private facebook group, I can already tell it’s a wonderful group of women and I’m so honored to be on this transformational journey with you and all of them!
Trudy, I know that so many people could benefit from understanding and using your information. Thanks for putting this class together and I hope you will repeat it over and over again for new groups of women.
Thanks Sue, I plan to continue to do these. This group has only been going 5 days and already they are seeing tremendous benefits!
Here is a comment one of the participants posted on the private Facebook group this week: “I’ve been taking glutamine for two days now. I must admit to being skeptical about it doing anything for me but WOW what a difference it has made. When I’m preparing food now and feeling hungry I now just feel hungry. Previously I would be feeling anxious and panicky about how soon I could get the food in my mouth! I can prepare afternoon tea for the children and not HAVE to eat it. I just love glutamine. I don’t think it is the entire equation for me though as I have had some really tense overeating times just after I’ve eaten that could not have been related to blood sugar. I feel like a different person. Also I’ve begun cutting out gluten and sugar from my diet.”
It’s SO rewarding to see results like this! This is a typical response I see when someone has low blood sugar. She obviously also needs support in other areas of low brain chemicals (possibly low GABA as she mentions tenseness) and we’ll get to figure this out in the next few weeks.
I’m so glad you’re doing this Trudy! When I worked with you the amino acids were great, and getting the reminder in your last post, had me reacquaint my self with glutamine when I feel my blood sugar dropping (which has only happened once- I’ve been diligent)
Thanks Jessica and so pleased to hear you’ve been diligent but are reminded how powerful glutamine can be when your blood sugar does dip too low
So excited that you’ve started sharing this information through telecourses. You’re helping so many understand how nutrition has such an impact on so many areas of our mental and physical health.