Are you aware that 5-HTP – an amino acid supplement that supports serotonin levels – can raise cortisol levels and leave you feeling “wired-tired”? You may be able to relate to this if you’ve ever used 5-HTP to help with anxiety and insomnia and ended up feeling more anxious and more wide-awake despite your exhaustion and need for sleep. You feel “wired-tired” and it’s not pleasant at all.
Both 5-HTP and tryptophan, used as supplements, help to boost serotonin levels so you can feel happy, calm, sleep well and not crave carbs in the afternoon/evening. They also help with panic attacks and phobias, lack of confidence, depression, negativity, imposter syndrome, PMS, irritability, anger issues, pain/fibromyalgia, TMJ and anger. I typically have my clients with low serotonin symptoms start with a trial of tryptophan because I see such excellent results with this amino acid. That being said, some people simply do better on one versus the other and you may do better with 5-HTP.
However there is one big caveat with 5-HTP. I don’t recommend 5-HTP when a client has elevated cortisol levels because we know that it can raise cortisol levels in certain individuals. This can leave you feeling agitated, cranky, as well as wired and yet tired at the same time.
In this 2002 study, L-5-hydroxytryptophan induced increase in salivary cortisol in panic disorder patients and healthy volunteers
Salivary cortisol levels were measured in 24 panic disorder patients and 24 healthy volunteers, following ingestion of 200 mg L-5-hydroxytryptophan or placebo.
The experiment was carried out in the afternoon, “when basal cortisol secretion is more stable.” The first saliva sample was obtained at 1pm and the subjects ingested the 200mg 5-HTP at 2pm. Additional saliva samples were obtained at 2:30pm, 3:00pm and 3:30pm.
They report the following:
A significant rise in cortisol was observed in both patients and controls following ingestion of L-5-hydroxytryptophan. No such effects were seen in the placebo condition.
Here are a few additional comments and my thoughts:
- This study was done to find evidence for “serotonin receptor hypersensitivity in panic disorder” and not specifically to test for the effects of 5-HTP on cortisol levels but it serves this purpose rather nicely (and it’s one of many similar studies, some of which measure plasma cortisol levels)
- Keep in mind 200mg of 5-HTP is a large starting dose. It’s typical to start with 50mg so may be a factor to consider
- In this study they did not assess cortisol levels beyond the 1.5 hours from ingestion of the 5-HTP. It would have been useful to see when levels started to go down
- We would want to consider the ramifications of using 5-HTP for weeks (whether it’s 50 or 200mg). What impact would that have on cortisol and the adrenals? (I am not aware of a study like this having been done)
- I’m also not aware of a study being done with 50mg but if you feel worse and feel “wired-tired” with 5-HTP and switch to tryptophan (the equivalent starting dose is 500mg) and your anxiety and other low serotonin symptoms resolve then you have found your solution
- You may be wondering: “could I use 5-HTP to raise my low cortisol levels”? Theoretically yes and possibly very short-term. But I would question the timing since 5-HTP and tryptophan are best dosed mid-afternoon and later. This is when we would expect our cortisol levels to be on the downward slope as we end our day. I’d also want to nourish the adrenals with B vitamins and herbal adaptogen and remove the trigger/s that are leading to low cortisol.
If you suspect low serotonin symptoms and are new to using the amino acids and do not have my book I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in to taking supplements: The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings.
There is a complete chapter on the amino acids and one for pyroluria, plus information on real whole food, sugar and blood sugar, gluten, digestion and much more. If you’re not a reader there is now also an audible version.
Here is the Amino Acids Mood Questionnaire from The Antianxiety Food Solution and additional information on Anxiety and targeted individual amino acid supplements: a summary
Please also read and follow these Amino Acid Precautions.
This lists The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
Have you used 5-HTP with success? Or have you used it and felt “wired-tired”? Have you correlated the success or failure of your 5-HTP use with your salivary cortisol levels?
If you switched from 5-HTP to tryptophan did you have success with that?
If you’re a practitioner is this something you see with your clients/patients and take into consideration?
Feel free to post your questions here too.
Hi, I’ve been following your blog and thank you for the tip to get into Gaba!
At the moment I take a few supplements and wondering if it’s too much and what the impact is taking them all together?
Currently I take (at night) Tryptophan 500mg, 5Htp, Sam-e (400mg), magnesium and a immune booster (Armaforce).
Am I taking too much?
Reason is to treat high anxiety and stress and mood (precious history of depression and anxiety). Also to help with cognitive function from post concussion syndrome.
I’ve had clients taking multiple supps and as long as they are working/helping and not causing other problems then we are all good
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Sorry to hear that you have had some negative responses. You are one of my favourite people for information. In Canada, I have so far had difficulty finding GABA + Tryptophan. I am able to buy 5-HTP, & sometimes have had good results for relief of anxiety. I bought some GABA in the USA, but the dosage was too high, so I am trying to remove some of the powder from the capsule & take it sl, It doesn’t work all the time for me, so far. Thank you for all the information. Donna
Trudy, I cannot begin to imagine the number of people who have been helped
by your work and the incredibly valuable things you share. I’ve used holistic
practitioners for years and I know first-hand how valuable supplements can be.
Very grateful for your work,
5-HTP came to my attention about a month ago by a naturopath, after I asked about melatonin, I was told not to take melatonin as it wrecks the bodys melatonin making factory then I would have to take melatonin the rest of my life. I was sold a sleep aid that has 5htp in it and was told the 5htp helps out the body make melatonin, now I have run out of the sleep aid, I have gone back to the herb Valerian.
Because of mood issues, – dysthymia, irritability, negative thoughts, and low energy, my doctor recommended 5HTP. I started on 50 and have worked up to 200 daily (which I’ve been taking at bedtime for over 2 years now). On the occasions when I cut back, mood issues returned which does suggest to me it’s working. Lately I am experiencing problems with disturbed sleep, waking during the night which I had not associated with the 5HTP. Shall I switch to tryptophan?
Thank you so much for your blogs, book, lectures. You really make a difference Trudy!
Keep up the good work that you do and do not worry about the bad things people say to you.
You are a god sent person and you are helping people.
Thanks so much for these very kind words
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I so appreciate your blog and have learned so much that is helpful. I tried 5htp and it did not help me sleep. I do much better on Lidke tryptophan. The 5htp did make me feel wired and tired. I also have that reaction to GABA calm because of the taurine and do much better on Gaba T sap. Thank you for all your research.
Thanks for sharing your results with tryptophan and GABA T-SAP – glad to hear!
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I treated my wife with 5HTP when she suffered from a a work burn out , depression and menopause . This all hit at once .
I used 5 HTP and it basically fixed everything that was associated to the problems mentioned above , it was wonderful .
I have been vaccine free for over 35 years , been studying herbs for as long and no family doctor for the last 25 years .
I do not trust western medicine as they have only one true purpose and that is to make you sicker because of all the ill side effects . They use your body as a torture chamber by giving multiple meds that’s just makes your condition worst , thus forcing you to depend on the doctor’s diagnostic . ( who then uses you as a guinea pig by having you take a plethora of meds , each worst than the previous )
Problem is , they do not want to heal you , just help you live with the pain and disorder . I use alternative medicine for everything that ails me and I even use them for my animals , cat and dog . The dosage iI used for my wife was 50 mg , one before bedtime and the other on wake up , it was miraculous to say the least and my wife was also very happy
Thanks for sharing the wonderful results your wife has experienced with 5-HTP
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Hi Trudy
I purchased your book to try and help with my now 25 year old daughter who has suffered with depression, anxiety and self harm for 11 years and had been on various anti depressants without success. One of the anti depressants seems to have brought on OCD which was probably there all the time but is now massively exacerbated to add to her problems. Since coming off the prescription drugs and doing the questionnaires, she scored low on seretonin and to a lesser degree GABA and catecholamines.
We are presently using 500mg of Tyrosine on waking followed by 100mg of 5HTP before breakfast and mid morning and 1000mg of Tryptophan afternoon and evening. She immediatly started to sleep better and found herself more able to cope with her work day dealing with the general public. We only added Tyrosine a week ago and this immediatly made a difference. Whilst she is better I feel there is still something missing , that final lift if you like, but so far so good, so thank you so much, there is some light at the end of a long tunnel.
Please excuse the long post as my point was 5HTP seems to be less of an impact than Tryptophan but I suppose we are scared to change in case it alters her mood adversly. Also have you ever noticed a lessening of the amino acids at different times in a menstrual cycle?
This is wonderful to hear about your daughter – thanks for sharing and so glad my book helped! When something is missing/that final lift it makes me think one of the amino acids could be increased to see if there are further benefits and/or if something like tyrosine could be used at additional times in the day too. I tell clients not to be afraid to be mix and match and stop something that doesn’t seem to be having an impact (like the 5-HTP) as long as you log and track timing/dosing and results, plus make one change at a time.
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hello Trudy,
I suffer with Hashi’s and adrenal insufficiency, with chronically low cortisol levels. I take 5mg Hydrocortisone daily, and am trying to slowly wean off this medication. As you know, thyroid and adrenals are intimately connected and both need attention. I have read, from an alterantive practitioner, that tryptophan is thyroid-suppressive, so I cannot consider that as a supplement I can take. It sounds like I have low serotonin. My dr. prescribed me Amitryptiline, but I haven’t taken it yet. I may like to try 5htp to raise my cortisol levels. What dosing would you suggest, esp what time of day?
Low serotonin is common with thyroid and adrenal issues. I’m not aware of tryptophan being an issue and have not used 5-HTP to actually raise cortisol levels but it’s worth a trial. Starting dose of 5-HTP is 50mg and it’s typically used afternoon/evening or day-time if it’s too stimulating.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
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It’s interesting that I tried the tryptophan and that caused me to feel wired tired with racing thoughts. Switched to 5htp and that seemed to work better.
Interesting but since we are all unique nothing surprises me about the amino acids.
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Your posts do not stop amazing me! I have been diagnosed with hpa axis dysfunction with high cortisol at night, my psychiatrist had me on 200 mg of 5-htp and my sleep was getting worse and worse! I had to stop taking it because I was going to get the DUTCH test done by Geneva and noticed I slept much better without it…. I am so grateful for your posts!
Thanks for sharing and glad you have made the connection. Keep in mind too that 200mg 5-HTP is considered a relatively high dose (certainly as a starting dose). I start clients on 50mg and increased based on symptoms. If the 5-HTP is making things worse we switch to tryptophan, also starting low and increasing based on need.
Good morning Trudy , I have used with success 5HTP . My wife suffered a work related burn out , followed by menopause and depression .
I spent hours researching what I could to relieve the night sweats , mood swings etc and came upon 5HTP .
I started with 50 mgs before bedtime and 50 mgs in the morning . The results were amazing .
I am 65 and have been vaccine free for over 35 years , been researching herbs for as long and 25 years without a family physician .
If it wasn’t for my spinal injury (1981) and 2011 head injury , I would be spitting fire lol .
Herbs are miraculous to say the least . Recently , I have been trying cbd oil before bedtime , that has proven to be very beneficial .
I could go on all day as I have used herbs & oils to heal all that has ailed me over the years .
Anyway Trudy , have a great day , be safe
Hi Trudy, I love your blogs and I’ve read your book, The Anti-Anxiety
Food Solution – excellent! I have been taking GABA and tryptophan
for about 6 months and they have helped me immensely with ruminating
thoughts and PTSD. Sometimes I try to go off GABA and Tryptophan
for a day or two, but the ruminating thoughts come back, so my
question is, can I stay on GABA and Tryptophan indefinitely? I am 59, have no health problems and take no prescription medications.
I take a multi-vitamin, magnesium, vitamin D3, Ashwagandha, turmeric,
fish oil and ginger supplements everyday and exercise daily.
Thank you in advance for answering my question.
Sincerely, KJ
Its super to hear GABA and tryptophan have helped with ruminating thoughts and PTSD. There is no research on long-term use and we are always seeking why serotonin is low and trying to address this. I have clients focus on all the diet and gut changes too so be sure to go back to all chapters in the book
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This is such a great article. I am a Gut Health Dietitian and the company I work for test 11 gut-realted metabolites to help us understand how well the gut is doing the variety of processes it supports. Among the 11 metabolites we test tryptophan, serotonin and tyrosine. I recently started working with client who was recommended 5THP and they reported having headache and poor sleep after taking it. Our assessment shows that he also has above normal tryptophan levels as well. We are trialing a smaller dose of 5HTP, but I am not sure recommending L-TRP would be a great next step due to his high TRP. THoughts?
Thanks for the feedback. Too much 5-HTP can do this and it can also happen if it’s not needed. Also some do better on tryptophan vs 5-HTP.
I am curious to learn about the metabolites you test and their interpretation. Do they correlate with symptoms i.e. do you find low serotonin on the test correlates with low serotonin symptoms?
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
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Hi, this is interesting, I have read about quite a few people who have experienced averse events such as increased anxiety, heart rate, and insomnia when taking 5-htp. They say things like, it must be “serotonin syndrome”, or too much serotonin, but I think they are mistaking it for a rise in cortisol.
“Severe serotonin syndrome is rare, and almost exclusively caused by SERT inhibitor + MAO inhibitor co-treatment [67]. 5-HTP has never been associated with serotonin syndrome in humans. In published reports, > 250 humans have been dosed with 5-HTP + a SERT inhibitor, with no serious adverse events [35–37, 57–59, 68–70].”
I have been experimenting with tryptophan and 5 htp. I made the mistake of starting high at first. My first night, I tried 1000mg of tryptophan, I felt calm at first, and then later very wired, anxious, and could not sleep. The next night I tried 500mg, same thing. I then tried 250mg, same thing where I feel calm at first, and then wired. Next day I tried 100mg of 5-htp, felt sweaty, wired, and anxious again. Next day I tried 50mg of 5-htp in the morning… and I found it to be tolerable… the lower dose seems to makes a big difference.
So… is it common that starting at a low dose, prevents the adverse events, and that most people can gradual increase the dosage until the intended benefits becomes effective? With SSRIs research shows short term use can increase cortisol, yet long term downregulates HPA activity and lowers cortisol. Would 5-htp work in the same way? Do you find this lines up with peoples experiences in using it?
Your comments about serotonin syndrome may well be true in some instances.
We always start at a low dose and go up from there until all benefits are seen.
I’m not aware of 5-HTP doing this long-term.
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Well then perhaps your statement isn’t correct: ” 5-HTP and tryptophan are best dosed mid-afternoon and later” might be wrong for some individuals. Perhaps your statement doesn’t fit everybody: blanket statements aren’t always correct. Since your don’t back up that statement with whatever reason you have for stating it, unfortunately it isn’t useful.
Some people could be considering using 5htp for OTHER reasons that are NOT “to avoid carb cravings in the evening”. Not all women have that evening carb craving problem. I certainly don’t. Some of us have different problems altogether: problems with MORNING cortisol not being high enough. Yes, not high enough. Lowering it would make health worse for these people. Yup, this problem does really exist for some people. No, everybody doesn’t need to “lower their cortisol”; some folks certainly might, but some need to do quite the opposite.
All this is very true and apologies if this wasn’t clear. There is no one-size fits all for everyone, not everyone has all the low serotonin symptoms and many folks have low cortisol at various times of the day.
Keep in mind these blogs are add-ons to what I cover in my book so if you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
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Hi Trudy, I’ve been following you for awhile and love your deep knowledge. I appreciate your sharing and doing so much work for so many of us. My question is, if 5htp can cause cortisol elevation, could Tryptophan also cause cortisol elevation? Isn’t 5-HTP a precursor to serotonin, and so is tryptophan? Is there some mechanism or something that makes 5HTP raise the cortisol, but not the tryptophan on the way to the serotonin?
If I still feel tired and wired on the tryptophan, even without the 5HTP, but do seem to benefit moodwise (so I’d like to continue taking the tryptophan), would I try only taking tryptophan in the day, but stop at a certain time of day to avoid any bumping of cortisol?
Thank you so much.
It’s possible but I have yet to see it happen clinically and there is no research to support this. It’s always a good idea to shift timing of amino acids so as to find the best benefits. If wired-tired symptoms continue we do look for high cortisol and low GABA.
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Is vitamin b a good idea in the morning when taking 5HTP at night? Thanks
I typically have my clients use a B complex in the morning so as not to affect sleep
I have bad insomnia and have started taking GABA and tryptophan which help a little but I still only get 2-3 hours of sleep due mostly to anxiety I think. In the last 10 days it has been really bad and I wake up usually after 2 hours, mostly because I have to urinate….after that, I can’t get back to sleep, despite deep breathing and meditation. The last week I have tried 5 http and it’s been way worse. I guess I’m one of the unlucky ones who get that “wired/ tired buzz.
Do you have any suggestions? I’m really not feeling very well.
I always have clients capitalize on amino acids that do help so when GABA and tryptophan help a little we increase each one to see if higher doses help more.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Re: your 5 htp/tryptophan question and tyrosine question:
After years of experimentation in the past, I learned that tryptophan does not help me sleep. I went back to 5 htp about 6 months ago for mid-night insomnia. I am 72 and have had this serious sleep problem for over 20 years, taking many supplements and benzos at one time. Presently, I open 400 mg. of 5 htp and put it in a little container with an open 200 mg. theanine along with 400 mg. compounded progesterone and put it in my mouth when I wake up 11:15 to 1:00 a.m. (I’m hoping I assimilate it faster that way then swallowing capsules. It can take 1-2 hrs. sometimes to go back to sleep. (I do dowse with a pendulum to help with these decisions.)
Re: tyrosine. I also take 1500 mg. of tyrosine when I get up in the morning and another 1500 in the afternoon, usually by 3:00.
I do these because I have symptoms of low serotonin and low dopamine. I cannot take GABA because it makes my anxiety worse. I don’t think the 5 htp is spiking my cortisol since I only take it in the middle of the night for sleep. I do have adrenal fatigue and hope to have a Dutch test soon with a new ifm (functional medicine) doctor.
When someone has sleep problems I have them take the supps 1-2 hours before bed so they don’t wake up. I also have them stop the 3pm tyrosine and other stimulating supps like B vitamins, omega-3s etc late in case that is impacting sleep.
Hi Trudy,
I have just found out I have high quinolinic acid on my OAT test and very low serotonin I am researching about why I have this and working on nutritional deficiencies like B6, potassium, magnesium etc.
My insomnia is out of control. Been this way for years. Knowing I have low serotonin and all the symptoms, I decide to take 500 mgs. of Lidtke tryptophan before bed. It didn’t make a whole lot of difference after a few days for sleep but my mood was better. So I was encouraged by another practitioner to use 5 HTP – 50 mgs. and the first night with 500 mgs. of trytophan, my sleep was much better. I still woke 3 times but was able to get back to sleep for the most part. I kept this up a few nights and although my mood and outlook is completely changed, my sleep is awful. I now have heart palpitations when I wake. I think it could be the 5 HTP raising cortisol. Curious as to what might be my next experiment. I’m debating if I should stick with all tryptophan maybe going to a dose of 1000 mg spaced out in the evening and right before bed, but then I am concerned that it will be converted to quinolinic acid. The 5-HTP seems to be a game changer and my mood is definitely fantastic, would it be better to try taking it in the morning or throughout the day and drop trytophan all together so would be no further elevation of quinolic acid? I really would appreciate your input. Thank you.
I can’t consult via the blog can share we do mix and match with both 5-HTp and tryptophan in terms of dosing and times of the day. I aslo have clients do a cortisol saliva test so we can confirm if they do have high cortisol and address that. And having enough vitamin B6 helps with the quinolinic acid issue
hello, I used melatonin and 5 htp together. when I was using them I could sleep but now I can’t sleep. something keeps me up. it’s very bad feeling. though there’s no thoughts in my head or anxiety. I can’t sleep. am I addicted to melatonin or what?? I didn’t use that medicine very much, only 6-7 tablets maybe.
I’d suspect the effects of 5-HTP on cortisol before melatonin. I have clients stop one then the other and test salivary cortisol, and we investigate other changes
Hello Trudy, New to your site! Thanks for all the info.
Ive had years of anxiety, usually coming in waves for a few weeks to a month at a time, then retreats for awhile.I also have occasional panic attacks when in certain situations.
Recently the “wave” of anxiety has gotten worse, bordering on panic for the last 2 months.Random racing heart, sweating, panicky thoughts, all seemingly out of the blue.
My new naturopathic doctor tested me and discovered I have very low, almost non existent cortisol levels. (1 in AM 0 at Night)
She feels I have norepinephrine replacing cortisol now and its seems fairly unregulated, which is obviously uncomfortable!
This is all new to me, and am wondering if protocols are the same for too much Cortisol?
I have tried too be vegetarian for 8 months prior, would this have created havoc in my body?
The protocols for low and high cortisol are very different and it’s best to work with your ND. I use a good B complex, extra pantothenic acid, rhodiola and we work to figure out why it’s low and address that – like gluten issues, gut health, toxins, poor diet etc.
With anxiety I always start by looking at and addressing low GABA and low serotonin with amino acids if needed. Here is an example – GABA is a life saver for anxiety, theanine helps at night (insomnia) and 5-HTP makes a significant difference in lessening daily pain
My book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place for the foundations and has a chapter on the amino acids with dosing/timing information. More here I do advocate for quality animal protein – many vegetarian foods are high copper and high oxalate and this can cause issues.
My online GABA Quickstart group program is helpful when you have questions related to GABA and need guidance (and moral support/encouragement). More here about the program and purchase info
Thank you Trudy for the thorough reply. I believe the low cortisol is from years of stress, trauma and high cortisol. ND has me on magnesium, vitamin C and a glandular support which I’ve already quit as it causes a jittery feeling.
I’ve started GABA calm and can tell the difference after an hour.
thanks again!
Wonderful to hear about the GABA Calm – how much is helping?
so far 1 mid morning ,1/2 in the afternoon. Somedays that feels ok,other days I have tense muscles, tight chest, whirling brain and feel I should take more. I suppose it’s an anxiety fear,I don’t want to take too much in case it’s unpleasant and causes further discomfort
Hi Trudy! For years I’ve been struggling with adrenal and thyroid issues that have me anxious, exhausted and sleeping poorly most of the time. A few years ago I tried 5-HTP after reading so many good things about it – took 50 mg at lunchtime, felt great the rest of the afternoon, and then at 4 am woke up with a panic attack and heart palpitations. Never touched 5-HTP again. I’ve always wondered why I had such a bad (and paradoxical) reaction but learning that 5-HTP can raise cortisol finally explains it. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and information!
Thanks for sharing your experience