I casually read about GABA and ordered a bottle from Walmart. It was 750mg and it said take 1x daily. Ooooooooh boy did that mess me up – anxious nervous panic. That’s how I found you though, so I guess the universe had its reasons. I read your article about GABA dosing and started doing a micro dose by opening the pill, splitting it into 4 and putting it under my tongue and it was a game changer! Immense anxiety relief and now I’m researching more to add
These game changing results are wonderful to hear and I’m very happy for Tiffany but I’m not happy with GABA product labels. Folks need to know this, and I really want to get the message out about safe ways to use GABA.
She posted this on one of my facebook threads and I asked her if she’d be willing to share what happened so this doesn’t happen to someone else. She kindly said “absolutely you can share” and proceeded to provide a very detailed description of what happened. I share all this below with some of my insights about starting with GABA 750mg (considered a high dose for most individuals), what she did really well and my takeaway lessons, plus more about GABA dosing and the antidote when too much is used.
This is what happened (in her exact words):
Day 1 (Aug 3) – 4AM – After swallowing the 750 I first noticed a heat/flush feeling. It was my neck and upper chest area. This alone had me panicking that death was imminent, then it slowed after I’d say 15-30 minutes. I felt overly anxious & agitated after that, kept checking my pulse & BP (blood pressure) reassuring myself I was not dying.
Looking at my search history my anxieties lasted hours – by 11am I was searching “can I overdose on gaba” then I finally slept
I haven’t formed a connection yet between the gaba & the flush / panic yet.
10ish pm
I again swallowed the 750. I also applied icy hot for my chronic pain condition 30ish mins later. Then the flush sensation again neck & chest like before hit me. 15-30 mins of tingling , this time I convinced myself it must just be the icy hot mixing with the gaba altering my skin sensations (I had read about how it works in the central nervous system).
Day 2 (Aug 4) – 1am (+3hrs ingested)
I was in full “health” anxiety/panic mode, panic googling & [My search “gaba cause warming sensation”] landed me on your article
This was my game changer/ life saving moment!!!!
I’m unsure how long the anxieties lingered but I had a new game plan for microdosing from now on.
Plan: open the capsule (750mg) & separate the powder into 4 equal parts. Place this 1/4 under my tongue
I took my 1st 1/4 micro-dose and felt like a champ! My google searching was now about understanding how it worked in the brain and why it had unclenched my jaw muscles. (My chronic pain is from TMJD largely due to my anxiety clenching)
I’m sorry she experienced this but I’m so glad she found my dosing article and figured it out. And that the lower dose of GABA is helping so much.
She was totally new to GABA and supplements in general: “I’m just learning supplements after detoxing effexor” so it’s not totally unexpected for something like this to happen BUT it really doesn’t have to be this way when you are an informed user (I share my take-aways below).
In my article/blog, Too much GABA causes a tingling niacin-like flush sensation (in the brain and body). It’s awful and very uncomfortable! I share the issues with starting with too high a dose. If you’re new to GABA, I encourage you to click the above and read the post.
Splitting the 750 mg GABA capsule into four equal doses works for Tiffany
This is the change she made after reading my blog post i.e. she used much smaller doses
From then till now I’ve consumed 1 of the 750mg gabas each day by splitting into the 1/4’s (3-4hrs in between) and it has kept my anxiety at a consistent baseline level and helped immensely with the clenched jaw.
I also started adding l-theanine (100mg) supplement and I’m actively researching additional amino acid supplements to add in once I have some extra money to buy.
For context on Aug 7, I had an emergency dental extraction that was traumatic. I took my gaba 1/4 right before and remained relatively calm through the whole 4 hour ordeal.
Once the Walmart bottle is gone I’ll be buying a low dose sublingual.
It was fortunate that 187 mg (a quarter of 750 mg) worked well for her based on her unique needs and biochemistry. It’s possible this may have been too much for her too and in this case she would have adjusted down.
Why Tiffany considered GABA for her issues and her next steps
Her initial reason for wanting to take GABA was a desire to keep her “anxiety / panic levels regulated.” Her physical anxiety symptoms manifest as “flight or fight” response and were hitting her constantly without warning or outside triggers. She was also in “constant pain from the jaw muscle issues but couldn’t face leaving the house to find a new doctor for help.”
The good news is that after finding the proper dose of GABA she was “able to remain calm enough to find a new doctor.” Tiffany also shared this:
I am treating my brain as a delicate little flower right now. Taking copious notes trying to establish what my baseline brain chemistry is and how the individual neurotransmitters impact my mood/state in the moment.
I mentioned before I am just starting my research journey about brain chemistry and planning to start to “play” around with additional amino acid supplements.
I’m in the stage now of discovery, finding a new amino acid, researching what transmitter it is connected to, it’s role as a precursor and once I have my data compiled I’m going to take a targeted approach testing to see what the impacts are.
I’m focused on figuring out my root deficiency i.e. serotonin vs dopamine vs norepinephrine and then going from there.
Takeaway lessons for Tiffany and what she did well
I shared some of my takeaway lessons with Tiffany and here they are in case you’re also new to using the amino acid GABA:
- Learn how to safely use GABA and the other aminos before you start using them i.e. read my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” or do one of my online group programs (details below)
- Use vitamin C as an antidote if you have a reaction. I write about this in my book. It negates any adverse symptoms quickly but also negates any benefits
- Start with a low dose of GABA and ignore the product label. I recommend 125 mg as a safe starting dose and less for sensitive folks
- Trial only one new supplement at a time so you know what is working and what is causing issues. With the GABA reaction Tiffany experienced I would not have added theanine before finding the ideal GABA dose. With her pain issues I’d be considering serotonin and endorphin support, but using one amino at a time and starting low dose with the correct timing
- If you have an adverse reaction stop immediately i.e. don’t push through
- Purchase professional grade supplements from Fullscript or iherb (here is the link to my products page with links to both). We want quality supplements just like we want quality food.
What Tiffany did well:
- She carefully logged exactly what happened
- She searched for expert advice and didn’t continue to push through the adverse effects
- She split the GABA 750 mg into 4 and put the powder under her tongue
- She is in the process of educating herself (and says she’ll get a copy of my book)
A few GABA product options – a sublingual, a powder and a cream

Some of the many GABA products I recommend include Source Naturals GABA Calm lozenges (a good low dose of 125 mg) and Now GABA Powder (which does need to be measured out to provide a 125 mg typical starting dose). Keep in mind, some individuals need less to start.
When using GABA powder I have clients use a handy mini measuring spoon like this one (my Amazon link) and share more about how to accurately measure out GABA powder on this blog.
For Source Naturals GABA Calm lozenges and Now GABA Powder:
- You can purchase these from my online store (Fullscript – only available to US customers – use this link to set up an account).
- If you’re not in the US, you can purchase these at iherb (use this link to save 5%).
Somnium GABA Cream is available in the US and elsewhere with international shipping. Read more about the product and who may benefit from using a cream, and grab my coupon code to save 15%.
Additional resources when you are new to using GABA and other amino acids as supplements
As always, I use the symptoms questionnaire to figure out if low low GABA or other neurotransmitter imbalances may be an issue.
If you suspect low levels of any of the neurotransmitters and do not yet have my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution – How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood, and End Cravings, I highly recommend getting it and reading it before jumping in and using amino acids on your own so you are knowledgeable. And be sure to share it with the practitioner/health team you or your loved one is working with.
There is an entire chapter on the amino acids and they are discussed throughout the book in the sections on gut health, gluten, blood sugar control (this is covered in an entire chapter too), sugar cravings, anxiety and mood issues.
The book doesn’t include product names (per the publisher’s request) so this blog, The Antianxiety Food Solution Amino Acid and Pyroluria Supplements, lists the amino acids that I use with my individual clients and those in my group programs.
If, after reading this blog and my book, you don’t feel comfortable figuring things out on your own (i.e. doing the symptoms questionnaire and respective amino acids trials), a good place to get help is the GABA QuickStart Program (if you have low GABA symptoms). This is a paid online/virtual group program where you get my guidance and community support.
If you are a practitioner, join us in The Balancing Neurotransmitters: the Fundamentals program. This is also a paid online/virtual program with an opportunity to interact with me and other practitioners who are also using the amino acids.
Wrapping up and your feedback
I appreciate Tiffany for sharing and giving me permission to blog about this. I do hope it’s been helpful for you and her too.
Now I’d love to hear from you – does any of this resonate with you? If yes, how high a dose of GABA did you start with and what was your adverse reaction? And how much helps now and how does it help? Feel free to share which product too.
If you’re a practitioner is this how you advise your clients/patients?
Feel free to share and ask your questions below.