Autism spectrum disorders are the fastest growing developmental disorder in the world today.
In the United States a child is diagnosed every 11 minutes. For the past three decades the rates have increased at an accelerating rate and are currently 1in 68 children; 1 in 48 boys and 1 in 189 girls are affected.
This is the first online Autism Summit. The compilation of experts across multiple disciplines with cutting edge and innovative therapies make this summit unique, with a comprehensive, inclusive, credible approach to a much-debated issue.
This is a new online event I just heard about from one of the hosts Mike Mutzel and have to share. So many topics are equally relevant when it comes to anxiety (in many interviews you could replace the word autism with anxiety as there are so many overlaps). Of course, if you do have loved ones or patients/clients with autism then this event is not to be missed.
Here is a short video clip of Dr. Ben Lynch: Advanced Strategies to Optimize Methylation and Glutathione Pathways
And a short video clip of Richard Deth, PhD: Nutritional Support for Attention and Focus: the Methylation and Dopamine Connection
Here are some of the many other excellent-looking interviews:
- Jim Adams, PhD: How Diet and the Environment Affect the Gut Microbiome and Nutrient Status
- Sidney M Baker, MD: Calming Inflammation and Restoring Immune Tolerance through Helminth Therapy
- Jolene Brighten, ND: Pregnancy and Pre-Pregnancy Autism Prevention
- Kathleen DiChiara: Sources of Inflammatory Triggers and Toxins in Our Food
- Richard Frye, MD, PhD: Balance the Web of Methylation, Glutathione and Detoxification Metabolism
- Mark Hyman, MD: Restoring Immune and Mitochondrial Imbalances
- Russ Jaffe, MD, PhD: Whole Food Strategies to Balance Digestion and Glutathione Metabolism
- Kent MacLeod, RPh: Making Sense of Organic Acids and Choline Metabolism
- Julie Matthews: Nourishing and Anti-Inflammatory Diets for Autism, Including Picky Eaters
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