The host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution opens up the Anxiety Summit Season 3.
New 2015 Food/Nutrient Research on Anxiety and Speaker Highlights
- Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry
- What if nutrients could treat mental illness?
- The gut microbiome and diet in psychiatry, and the guts of remote Amazon dwellers
- Dietary guidelines from Brazil, exercise, mindfulness, caffeine and social interaction
- Preschoolers on Medicaid being prescribed psychotropic drugs and other medication news
- Speaker highlights, gems and connections
“Nutritional Medicine as Mainstream in Psychiatry” published in January this year.
Psychiatry is at an important juncture, with the current pharmacologically focused model having achieved modest benefits in addressing the burden of poor mental health worldwide. Although the determinants of mental health are complex, the emerging and compelling evidence for nutrition as a crucial factor in the high prevalence and incidence of mental disorders suggests that diet is as important to psychiatry as it is to cardiology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology. Evidence is steadily growing for the relation between dietary quality (and potential nutritional deficiencies) and mental health, and for the select use of nutrient-based supplements to address deficiencies, or as monotherapies or augmentation therapies.
The abstract concludes as follows:
We present a viewpoint from an international collaboration of academics (members of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research), in which we provide a context and overview of the current evidence in this emerging field of research, and discuss the future direction. We advocate recognition of diet and nutrition as central determinants of both physical and mental health.
I blogged about this earlier this year and you can read more here
Here is part of “What if nutrients could treat mental illness?”
We are at a tipping point in psychiatry.
The growing body of literature on the effect of nutrients on mental health is compelling enough and consistent enough for us to pay attention. It is time to revisit the role of diet and supplementary nutrients in the treatment of mental illness and to invest in this line of research.
Here are the other studies I mentioned:
Here are 2014 dietary guidelines of Brazil What is your takeaway? who will you teach to cook? Will you take cooking lessons? Will you plan more family sit-down meals?
Here is the information on Preschoolers on Medicaid being prescribed psychotropic drugs – very disturbing and sad!
And here are all the speakers of Season 3 of The Anxiety Summit.
Here are some of the words from Top of the World
A new beginning, a brand new day
All of my fears are gone away
I feel so calm, so free, so whole
Right now, I’m feeling on top of the world
A few final words from me –
- Please don’t tolerate how you feel
- Don’t ever give up hope and keep looking for answers until you have zero anxiety – there may be one root cause, there may be many but you can end your anxiety!
- Finally ….“You deserve to feel your absolute best, and can and should feel on top of the world – always!”
Missed this interview or can’t listen live? Or want this and the other great interviews for your learning library? Purchase the MP3s or MP3s + transcripts and listen when it suits you.
You can find your purchasing options here: Anxiety Summit Season 1, Anxiety Summit Season 2, and Anxiety Summit Season 3.
My daughter suffers from hyperhydrosis/excessive sweating. Even as a baby her feet and hands were always wet with sweat. Could you please lead us in a direction were we can try something. Traditional doctors have used medicine which only works for a couple of days but makes her very tired and sick
Hi Carrie
I’m sorry to hear this. I’d look into a possible reaction to high-histamine foods. I interview Yasmina on this very topic on the Anxiety summit http://www.theanxietysummit.com Her interview airs next week so do tune in to that one
I’ve been troubled with migraines, depression, aches and pains for a very long time. Have totally changed the way I eat. Keep tweeking it with supplements, etc. At age 60, I sought a functional medical doctor. Found methylation probs, candida, toxins. Changed to Gonino Wellness at age 63. Began IV chelation. Get massage, chiropractic. Now I’m 66 and have a migraine daily. I have cut my prozac in half and am doing ok. I’m so excited about what you are offering! I feel I have yet to turn the corner and am holding on to hope. Off sugar, dairy and wheat. Please tell me I can feel better.
Hi Betsy
I’m so sorry about the daily migraines. But good for you for changing the way you eat and being open to all these changes.
The interview with Yasmina on histamines could be very relevant for you with the migraines. Also don’t miss Joe Tata & pain, Dr Peter Osborne & grainflammation, Dr Allison Siebecker & SIBO, even mold and hormones….
Do continue to hold on to hope – I know you can find the answer.
I was over medicated by an endo with huge amounts of Synthroid.
It’s been 12 years. Subsequently diagnosed with Celiac, I eliminated gluten, cow dairy, coffee, soy, sweeteners, corn, GMO’s, most sugar, lentils, GF oatmeal, diet soda, deserts ….
I have long term adrenal exhaustion, fatigue & lethargy, anxiety, some level of depression, depleted ‘cats’ neurotransmitters. I’m using aminos per your talks & ‘The Mood Cure’. Question: when I stop taking L-Phenylalanine
within 4 days I crash… No energy .. overwhelming fatigue & lethargy. Why
Does this one amino have such a huge effect? I’ve been taking it for at least 4 years along with other supplements. Thanks for your help.
Hi Kathy
I’m sorry to hear about all this but good for you making all those food changes. I don’t use L-Phenylalanine but if it’s making such a difference for you I’d continue to use it. I find that when someone needs to stay on an amino acid or other supplement long term there is something underlying that still needs to be addressed i.e. “there is still a hole in the bucket you are trying to fill.”
So I suggest digging deeper and possibly looking further in the root cause of the long term adrenal exhaustion (what is the trigger for this) and low cats. Possibly consider genetic testing?
Interesting talk from Dr Rucklidge.
In my post graduate diploma in clinical nutrition I studied
Alexander Schauss book Diet Crime and Delinquency.
I am sorry I missed about 10 minutes of the talk so wondering if she talked about this.
You are doing a great job. ps I am from Christchurch and my family still lives there.
Hi Jan
So pleased you enjoyed it! How wonderful that you studied Alexander Schauss’ book Diet Crime and Delinquency. We didn’t discuss this one but did talk about Stephen Schoenthaler’s great work with prisoners and nutrients.
If you missed 10 minutes you can still go back and listen over…it’s going to be available until 8:59am PST tomorrow
Thanks for your reply. Are you familiar with
genetic testing or can you recommend some-
one. I appreciate your help.
Thank you,
p.s. I read your book. It was so well written!
Knowledge motivates me.
Hi Kathy
I am familiar with genetic testing and now have all my clients do the 23andme test
So glad you enjoyed my book! It needs a chapter on genetic testing
Trudy, I have been following anti anxiety diet with supplements for some 5 months in the hope it would support me tapering from atypical antipsychotics. I have, with minimal waivering at first, not had to look back. I am quietly amazed. I had been prescibed them for some time and was told that they were my only choice and would need them for life. Sadly i gave up looking for an answer trusting that i had ruined my life because of the stigmas of mental health. I have never felt more confident and hopeful than i have in recent months following your advice. When i think back a long way, years prior to first signs of illness i was not as happy. I am going to book a test for pyroluria when i can. Thank you for help.
Hearing this just warms my heart! Well done for not giving up and I love your new confidence and hope!
Just be aware that pyroluria urine tests can be false negatives so use the questionnaire and your response to supplements if it does come back negative. I’d love you to come back and share…
Your story is going to inspire many who are where you were before making these changes!
Enjoy the rest of the summit!
Hi Trudy…
I am new to the Anxiety Summit and enjoying it very much..I loved Dr. Amen…I have several of his books..my question is for my anxiety, waking up at night, heart pounding…I have used 5-htp in the past and reading if I have high cortisol, this can increase it..also GABA sometimes increases my anxiety..Is that possible? with all the positive comments on it I don’t understand why it won’t work for me..I am trying glutamine 1,500mg between meals because of the adrenal issues I think I have too…
Is tryptophan better to use for calming and sleep..I always though 5-htp and tryptophan were the same..Thank you for a great summit..I am 66 yr old and use bio-identical hormones too. Is the heart pounding at night, sometimes wakes me up, due to adrenal surges and low blood sugar…I feel it may be. Thank you again.
Glad you’re enjoying it – I love Dr Amen too!
Too much of any nutrient can cause the opposite reaction. If you were working with me I’d have you try less GABA. If you’re very sensitive a dab may be enough
We know 5-HTP can raise cortisol in some instances so I like to use tryptophan when we know cortisol is high. I also like Seriphos to lower the high cortisol or Biotics Research Destress.
Glutamine is great for low blood sugar and adrenal issues and mostly helps make GABA but can make glutamate which can be stimulating. If you’re super-sensitive, 1500mg may be too much too
Hi Trudy,
Have been suffering with depression and anxiety for years ~ at times quite debilitating as it is now. Fear I’m at quite a tipping point. I’m grateful a friend shared this summit with me. I have never heard of pyroluria, but when I did the survey I found 17 of the common symptoms and 6 of the less common. Could it really be this simple? I don’t want to get my hopes up again. Do I need to take the test? Thank you and bless you.
Hi Kelly
I’m so glad a friend shared this with you and I’m sorry to hear you’ve been suffering with depression and anxiety for years. Please stay hopeful – pyroluria could be the one thing but it may also be one of a few factors. You’ll learn more as we go through the speakers and topics.
I don’t do the pyroluria test any more as there are too many false negatives.
I am trying to figure out how to register for anxiety summit but after 45 minutes trying I’m stressed out! Ha! Case in point, I need it!
Can you please help direct me?
My sister sent me the link of video recordings but they won’t open.
Hi Marylynn
No more stressing! Please just go to http://www.theanxietysummit.com and enter your name and email
and you’ll be in and start receiving daily emails with the speakers and topics
Hi Trudy! You mentioned okra in your comments on the high fiber diet study…I’m in SA’s neighboring country, Mozambique, and it’s a fairly common veggie here…at least in the southern part of the country. Brazil also makes some nice dishes with it…in Portuguese it’s called Quiabo (key-ah-boo).
Good to hear from someone in Mozambique! and thanks for sharing this – how do you use it? got a recipe to share? I didn’t know the Portuguese name for it either
Hi Trudy:
I wanted to follow-up on your suggestion for
genetic testing (re long term use of L-Phenylalanine
& ‘crash’ when I eliminate it).
Is the 23andme test very expensive?
Is there a book you could suggest about
genetic testing?
This month I am doing the Thorne detox
suggested by a nutritionist. I plan to order
adrenal (DHEA & cortisol 4) and sex hormone
saliva tests (Meridian Lab) after the detox.
Considering a hair analysis test.
I will contact you in June to set an
appointment. How far ahead are you
booking appts?
Thank you for your help, your terrific book,
and this wonderful Anxiety Summit,
The 23andme is $99 so very affordable and well worth it.
I look forward to hearing from you when you’re ready – details here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html I’ll be taking appointments in June again but am usually very busy right after a summit so it’s hard to say right now
I forgot to mention the MTHFR resources
Coleen Walsh, the methyl-queen will be coming out with a book soon. She does have a layperson training https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/mthfr-workshop-for-layperson/ and MTHFR training for practitioners https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/mthfr-and-methylation-practitioner-training/ both of which are excellent!
I’ll admit that some of the articles are over my head a bit; while others are very relate-able for me. I look forward to hearing your season 3 speakers!
Just take in what you can. We have nutritionists, researchers and doctors joining us and they need the “over-your-head” facts. Maybe we should have tracks next season?
“We are at the tipping point” and with people like you Trudy, we are sure to tip it over and find solutions for people of all ages.
Love this “We are at the tipping point” – yeah! thanks Jessica!
Hi Trudy,
Your article “8 nutrients to help beat anxiety” is a treasure and an eye-opener! Thank you for your research!
If you could give me a couple of seconds to ask you for advice about my anxiety-related situation, I would be really indebted.
My diet:
I used to diet in the past, completely cutting off carbs and oil. I think I didn’t eat too much of the vitals like greens, fruit, fish, and whole grains. Then I jumped off the diet and ate mostly fast food since I had no time to cook. They were days when I survived just on coffee with cream and chocolate. I lost the ability to control my portions when I ate and started to throw up almost regularly. I don’t know if that’s sufficient to mention but circumstantially I lacked good sleep for about three years and plus I almost didn’t sleep at all for several months when I went back to school. I also underwent a lot of stress which happened almost daily.
Current situation:
Before I had anxiety in moderate amounts and I could manage it. But now it is a total disaster! I almost can’t control my emotions. I get easily scared and sink in panic. I cry about stupid things. I can’t be patient. I started to have nervous reactions which are noticeable. They get worse when I don’t sleep enough, or especially when I get hungry. I tried to take the matter into my hands and eat healthy foods. My stomach feels up quickly but but I feel that these portions are not nearly enough for my brain and other issues.
I live in Canada and notice that anxiety-related treatments heavily rely on traditional medications. But after I read your article, I remembered the way I was eating and came to a conclusion that in the first place, I lack the important vitamins. If I could substitute the meds completely by vitamins and supplements, it would be an ideal treatment without side effects!
Roughly, do you think I can still treat myself with healthy foods, vitamins and suppliments?
What suppliments do I need and in what amounts? For how long?
Do you by chance know any doctor in Canada who could offer this “nutritional” treatment?
Thank you so much!
Hi Victoria
I’m sorry to hear how bad things are. There is no quick fix but I do believe you can undo the damage and heal with healthy food and supplements. You may need to focus on healing your gut if you have leaky gut and looking at other possible gut issues like candida and SIBO. I encourage you to listen in to speakers on the Anxiety Summit http://www.theanxietysummit.com this week and next.
Anxiety can have many possible causes and this summit covers many. I’ll be recapping 65+ nutritional causes on the last day
I don’t have a Canada referral for you but do consult over the phone if this would work for you. More about that here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html
Hi Victoria
I live in Toronto and have found a wonderful Functional Medicine doctor here. You can go to this website and find a functional medicine practitioner in your area. Best of luck!
Thanks Joanne! I was not aware IFM docs were in Canada – good to know
Dr Peter Osbourne’s presentation was so informative.
I have celiac and for a while was using B12 injections.
Can you recommend a good B12 supplement?
Thanks for your help.
Wonderful. If you’re doing well with B12 shots it may be worth staying with this method. Many do better with this rather than oral. If you choose to use supplement, get a sublingual and methyl B12 is a a good form. I’ll be discussing supps and the ones I like in a later interview on the summit so stay tuned
Yesterday I tried a cup size portion of chicken broth by Pacific. The smell was such a turn off, so was the taste!I had to pour it down the sink! I will have to hunt for organic chicken feet and make my own. When I was a little girl my grandmother would make me beef tea to build me up. She would put lean beef in a mason jar with a little salt, put it in a pot of water and boil it until the liquid was extracted. That was delicious!
I am wondering if you will be covering whey since you talked about soy? There are varied opinions on whey, it is very confusing. I don’t know if obtaining it from a hormone free source is sufficient,
Pat – homemade is best! We don’t cover whey this summit – if you post your questions on the broth blog we can have Kaayla come and answer them https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-summit-real-food-anxiety-broth/
I’m looking forward to listening in on the Anxiety Summit again. I always learn something new. I am so glad that the idea that nutrition is important to mental health is becoming more mainstream. As a social worker, I always attend workshops and seminars to earn ceu’s so I can keep my license current and I have noticed many more presenting research on nutrition, epigenetics, and the microbiome. It is very exciting!
Thanks Tiffany – and how wonderful that you are seeing talks on nutrition, epigenetics, and the microbiome in your social worker workshops/seminars! Times are changing and it’s fabulous!
Hi Trudy:
Is there a list of presenters/topics for ‘The Anxiety
Summit’ I & II?
Yes, you can see them all on the main site http://www.theanxietysummit.com – just scroll down past the speaker info
This has all the speaker blogs with gems, research, books and other resources https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-summit-season-3-articles/
Dear Trudy,
I really want your opinion and advice about anxiety in conjunction with sleepwalking in adults.
And THANK YOU for what you do, you rock!
With love always,
Hi Con
I have not ever worked with anyone who sleepwalks but I’d have them do my usual questionnaires and try and find the root causes of the anxiety and hopefully that would also help the sleep-walking
Can you please read up on pyroluria and do the pyolruria questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-social-anxiety-introversion/ I’m curious if night-terrors/nightmares are an issue
And also read up on the amino acid information and do the questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-targeted-individual-amino-acid-supplement/ – low GABA and/or low serotonin may be factors in both
I’d also check what medications the person is taking (including a history of medications), what their digestive health is like (possibly parasites?) and if they have any food sensitivities (together with everything else…)
THank you for answering. I understand it is a difficult question.
Would it be possible to ask Dr. Amen ?
I would be forever grateful for your help in this Trudy.
I’ve been doing some reading and have some thoughts but I need more information from you please
Can you please read up on pyroluria and do the pyolruria questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-social-anxiety-introversion/ I’m curious if night-terrors/nightmares are an issue
And also read up on the amino acid information and do the questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-targeted-individual-amino-acid-supplement/ – low GABA and/or low serotonin may be factors in both
What medications are you taking (including a history of medications), what is your digestive health like (possibly parasites?) and do you have any food sensitivities
Without some info it’s like taking your car to the mechanic and saying it’s broken please fix it – where do they start?
Looking at the Pyroluria and amino acid questionannaire, it looks like many of these factors apply to me. For example, the bouts of depression/exhaustion hit me pretty often. My anxiety seems to come in waves that will last anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days, and in between I’ll feel completely happy, sociable, and productive. I have also had bizarre/vivd/strange dreams very often and ever since I was a kid, but I never have issues with recall. I sleep very very heavily, never have problems falling asleep, and have issues waking up in the morning. I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid, and I have been doing it again and more often in the past six months. I have very fair skin, have a sister who looks very much like me, I am anemic, and am sometimes sensitive to gluten. I very much have a Type-A personality, and I can tend to be extremely competitive and self-critical. I have a very high stress and competitive job, aspects which I actually really enjoy. I run a lot as an outlet for stress and for fun, and if I don’t exercise everyday I get very anxious and fidgety. I am very susceptible to over-heating, and if it’s very sunny or hot my running performance is very much affected.I am in my 20’s.I am not on any medication, and my mother and my sister both have Hashimoto’s.
Thank you for so unselfishly giving of your time and talent to all of us.I told all my friends about you.
with a grateful heart,
Dear Trudy,
I hope the extra info I gave you on the 15th was sufficient? I am just so desperate with my sleepwalking. Last week I ” woke up”” outside my apartment building in only my sleep shirt. I do not take drugs or drink. There is little information out there about sleepwalking.I do not want to take sleeping pills or benzodiazepines.I am afraid I will end up like the guy in the movie””Sleepwalk with me” and end up jumping out of the window in my apartment.
Any insight you could give me would be appreciated.
Thank you,
I don’t have the answer right now but will look into it once the summit is over. I just don’t have the time for a lot of research at the moment – I hope you understand!
Dear Trudy,
Yes, of course I understand! Quite frankly, I am amazed how you answer every single e-mail from all of us. I can tell you are a very kind human being and that this is so much more than just a job to you.
You’re every sweet
Based on your feedback if we were working together I would look at having you address pyroluria (anxiety/vivid dreams are big clues), the brain chemical imbalances, have you get off gluten (due to Hashimotos in the family – and get checked yourself)
You say no meds now, what about in the past? any benzodiazapine use or chronic long-term use of anything?
You have convinced me that for the majority
of our ailments we need to begin with – what
are we eating and what are we not eating? This
must be examined alongside what our ailments
might be as we explore remedies and solutions.
Absolutely Mitch!
Hi Trudy,
I just wanted to connect with you because I’m feeling so inspired and excited (following a lot of sadness).
My dad took his life three months ago after experiencing and suffering from overwhelming anxiety and depression for about 10 years. He had akathisia, a side effect of many psychotropic medications that causes an agitation and inner restlessness so intense that it can drive people to suicide. My mom and I tried many alternative treatments, but he seemed to feel more comfortable going with a more Western approach, and we lost him. Needless to say, our family is devastated and I am still coming to terms with what happened.
I am a health coach and dietitian, and have always had a more holistic/integrative approach, and am looking to study more functional nutrition. Since my dad’s death, I have been looking for ways to combine my knowledge with mental health…and finding you fell into my lap! It’s amazing how the universe works. I hope to study Julia Ross’ program, and am currently studying to be a LEAP therapist for food sensitivities.
I’m listening to you now, with The Anxiety Summit, and feel so hopeful about being able to help people by sharing this important and groundbreaking information. I knew there were answers in my “gut”–pardon the pun!, but learning concrete information and scientific facts makes it all the more powerful and enables me to put it into action for myself and future clients.
Working in this way will also help me honor my dad, and help to spare others a similar pain. Thank you for the work you do, for sharing it with others, and for your spirit!
Thanks for reaching out via email and then posting this here on the blog
Your message had me in tears then and again now. I am so sorry about your dad and working the way you plan to will honor him beautifully.
My dad died 12 years ago (congestive heart failure) and I too wish I’d been able to help him at the time.
I love that you are discovering this exciting research-rich “nutrient-dense” field. It’s so exciting to be part of it and being able to change lives.
I know this message and your journey will inspire others and, yes, spare others similar pain.
Please keep in touch and let me know when you’ve completed Julia’s training – I’m expanding and will be looking for passionate and smart people to work on my team
Sending a big hug xxoo
Hi Trudy,
I just discovered you through Diane Sanfilippo’s podcast interview with you and it was like a light bulb was flipped on when I heard you speak about Pyroluria. I took the online quiz and am certain this is at least contributing to my issues.
My question- can things escalate with Pyroluria to such an extent that there are intense physical sensations that never seem to go away? After a period of extreme stress things starting to ‘break down’ to the point where I was exhausted and feeling really bad. My doctor is looking at MS, and Lyme Disease, but I just keep feeling like my hormones are deeply affecting what’s going on with me. I am constantly twitchy, especially at night. My thigh feels weak most days. I notice all of my symptoms flare before my period, and ease about a week into my period. I’m mid 30’s and my period is getting longer, heavier, and is on a 15-20 cycle!! Social anxiety, worry and fear, heart palpitations, nightsweats, rigid jaw, tense muscles -especially shoulders, internal tremors, etc.
I’m going to try the zinc, b6, and EPO starting today.
I will pursue things with the neurologist, etc. but would love to know what you think. Is pyroluria a possibility here??
THANKS from my heart for your time, and insight.
It sounds like you’re onto something here and the great thing is that the pyroluria protocol helps with PMS symptoms/hormone balancing too.
I would also look at Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (heart palpitations) and do the amino acid questionnaire – GABA is wonderful if it is low GABA (stiff tense muscles and anxiety) and tryptophan (worry and fear) if it’s low serotonin. You can read more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-targeted-individual-amino-acid-supplement/
Hi Trudy, what was the website you mentioned during the interview with Dr. Selhub that has images and meditations?
It is http://www.calm.com – enjoy!
Is there a special price for viewers who want to
purchase all three anxiety summits?
Hi Kathy
The special is that season 1 and season 2 are available at season 3 prices until May 20th. I decided to offer this amazing deal so more people would have access to this information.
Hallo Trudy,
We have an 11year old grandson, who is living with HUGE fears, he’s dyslexic appears a big healthy boy BUT ……..My daughter has recently had a phone consult with a doctor who suggested pyeluria.
He is wanting them to do an elimination diet for three weeks and then do the blood test, but I notice you’re saying that there are too many negatives.
The cost of the test is prohibitive for us as it would have to be done in Australia, so I was very interested in your comment. I haven’t been on this summit but will jump in now and HOPEFULLY your interview is still up. Many thanks.
Hi Cynthia
I am not familiar with a blood test for pyroluria and would love to know who offers such a test and what they are testing. Do you have a link you can share? Typically a urine test is done and this is the one I find gives false negatives. I’ll be talking more about this in my interview on Saturday
I am unable to hear sound. I previously had no problem!
please send an email to support@everywomanover29.com and we’ll help
What an amazing, educational, & inspiring Summit! I’m in awe of your well-honed skills & expertise, which greatly facilitate your being one of the BEST interviewers on the web! You’re an enviable “Active Listener” & are most astute at making relevant connections & synthesizing complex concepts for your audience & legion of fans! Thank you for being a TIRELESS ADVOCATE for the thousands who are debilitated daily by Chronic Anxiety & Depression!
That is so sweet of you to say so Marilyn! So pleased it was so inspirational!
Trudy! I am Love, love, loving this seminar series! This is my first year to be involved and I am so, so thrilled w/all the information I am gleaning. What a stellar line up of brilliant minds you have prepared for us to learn from.
Amazing, interesting, inspiring!
I am excited to listen to each of them and have learned so, so much!
One comment — I am so wishing there was a rewind button that I could use to catch little tidbits that it is easy to miss the first time through. If I want to hear an item again, I have to re-listen to the entire program (which might be 50 minutes into the seminar) so that I can catch that little item I was hoping to glean or did not quite understand or missed the first time through. As it is, I have just “given up” on getting all the pieces I would normally have caught up on.
Even so, it is magnificent and I am truly grateful for all I am getting.
Warmly from AZ, Brenda Farris
Thanks for the feedback – please check out the FAQ page for how to play pieces http://www.theanxietysummit.com/s3/faq/
Trudy, thank you for your dedication and enthusiasm. It is contagious! I am new (and a little late) joining the summit, but trying to soak in as much as I can each day.
Do you have any resources or recommendations specifically on OCD? Serotonin levels were checked and we’re not that far off, so we are not sure where to turn next. it is a major issue within our family and is not getting better. We keep getting offered medication but prefer not to take that route.
Also do you see that probiotics are important throughout one’s whole life or just when they run across an issue that needs some healing?
Thanks again for all you do!
Thanks Christina!
I’m not sure how serotonin levels were checked but if it was urine I wouldn’t rely on this and use the amino acid questionnaire and trials instead. For OCD I’ve seen tryptophan to be very helpful and then inositol up to 18g /day starting with 2-3g.
More info on aminos here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-targeted-individual-amino-acid-supplement/
Of course, you do want to rule out strep/PANDAs.
Good gut bacteria is a forever thing. Some people can do just fermented foods, others need probiotics. It depends on many things – one is enzyme status – good enzymes don’t allow the bad guys to get out of control. Antibiotics, infections, diet…..many factors
Hi there,
I wanted to comment on a few interviews I have listened to already but can only seem to find the interview blogs for that current day.
How do I access previous blogs to comment on?
They are all listed here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxiety-summit-season-3-articles
Happy commenting!
Thank-you for your tremendous contributions! I would love to hear you interview a homeopathic practitioner. I have heard great things about Gabrielle. http://www.discoverhomeopathy.com/gtraub.htm.
Thanks Lisa – appreciate the suggestion and will look into this
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for bringing such wonderful information and speakers to the summit!
Do you happen to know if there is any connection with pyroluria and selective mutism? My daughter has scored high on the pyroluria questionairre and we know she has a zinc deficiency, which we have been working to correct and now it is being suggested that she may have selective mutism, so I was just curious if there may be any conncetion.
Hi Aj
I am not aware of any connection but would really like to look into this after the summit is over. Could you share her pyroluria score (and symptoms) and introvert score (and symptoms) and I’ll do some digging.
Here is the pyroluria questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/pyroluria-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
Here is the introvert questionnaire https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/anxious-introvert-because-of-low-zinc-and-vitamin-b6/
Also can you share when she is selective?
I do see that selective mutism often goes hand in hand with anxiety and social anxiety (http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/SelectiveMutism.htm) so there may well be a connection.
Hi Trudy,
Thank you for your response. She would have a yes answer to the following numbers on the pyroluria questionairre.
Most Common signs and symptoms: #1,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,12(noise),19,20,21,22,24,26,27,29
Less Common Signs and symptoms;
And on the Introvert questionairre: # 1,2,3,6,8 (she would prefer to perform in front of many people ex. with her musical intrument or with singing in a chorus than to mingle with those same people ),9,14,15,16,21,23
She is selective at school, especially with teachers (ok on the playground and in the lunchroom with close friends), at church and Sunday School, at family gatherings, and often at friends houses (with anyone
other than her friend).
She definitely has high anxiety, starting in infancy with separation anxiety. So I am sure the mutism is related to her anxiety and she feels this is true too.
I am curious if there is a connection and if we get her zinc deficiency corrected and possibly start some vitamin B6, if this may help the mutism too.
Thank you for all the information you have shared on your summits!
Thanks for sharing this. Based on this information if I was working with you and your daughter I would most definitely have her do the pyroluria protocol. I don’t know if this will help the mutism but I’d make an educated guess that it would based on the fact that it appears to be closely tied to her social anxiety.
Of course social anxiety/anxiety can have many causes and pyroluria is just one so I’d suggest looking into all the other possible causes too: gluten sensitivity, low GABA, low serotonin etc
Please let us know how things go – I hope she starts to feel better quickly!
Hi, i know this comment is old, but i also have a daughter with selective mutism and im desperate to help her. I was wondering if you have found anything that helped?
Hi Jessi
May I ask how old she is and under what circumstances she does and does not speak? and if you’re aware that anxiety is a factor
If yes, have you tried any nutritional approaches for anxiety? Like addressing low GABA, low serotonin or pyroluria? Doing a gluten-free diet? Addressing high cortisol (if it’s a factor)?
Trudy– I have two separate questions
1. do you see children in your practice?
2.what would cause low zinc and copper on a blood test? Doesn’t one being low drive the other up? Perhaps I misunderstood. Thanks!
1. Yes I work with kids – you can see details of how the process works here https://www.everywomanover29.com/services.html
2. Blood testing is not very accurate for zinc so I wouldn’t rely on it
Hi Trudy,
My sincere gratitude for all that you are doing!!
Over 2 years ago my teenage daughter needed to take an iron supplement. We were advised to take a copper supplement(725.2 mcg daily)with the iron for better absorption. Within 2 months she became nauseated with major anxiety, that keeps her from living life! She scored high on the pyroluria questionnaire. She is also a pixie dust person. Do you start pixie people on the usual dose of zinc, B6 and evening primrose? She has many “gut” issues, sensitivities etc.along with nausea. She can’t swallow pills. Would it be beneficial to hold these supplements in her mouth for better absorption? Would love to try GABA but she has low blood pressure.
Thank you
Gosh I did get behind with commenting. I’m sorry to hear about your daughter and have never heard of the advice to take copper with iron! In fact I’ve very seldom heard of anyone being recommended copper.
Pixie dust people usually just need the amino acids in small amounts and do fine on regular amounts of pyroluria supps but with someone who was given copper and may have excess copper because of this starting low may be a good idea (to avoid copper dumping).
With someone with nausea taking zinc mid-meal is very helpful. Opening the pyroluria supps into a shake or getting liquid forms may be best and no need to hold them in the mouth (this is just for amino acids).
The GABA low blood pressure precaution is just to watch for – many people with low blood pressure do very well on GABA
You are AMAZING, Trudy! Thank you for this wonderful summit!
I have a specific question about zinc if you don’t mind: there are so many different forms… What is the best form to take and how do you determine dosage? Thanks! : )
I like Optizinc/zinc monomethionine and start my clients on 30mg
Terrific presentation! Very briefly you mentioned
dream recall. What does not remembering dreams
Thanks for a superb summit!
Kathy – low vitamin B6
Trudy, thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful summit on anxiety. When I registered I thought i might learn something about the PTSD I experienced after being in two car accidents a few years ago., but I was amazied by all of your knowledgeable guests and learned so much more pertaining to other health issues as well. I want to compliment you on your expertise in interviewing. Your style is warm and genuine, and the way you recap periodically through the interview, helps me to stay organized in my own though processes as I listen. Your voice is very caring, calming and comforting and I feel as though I have come to know you as a person. (I also really enjoyed your charming accent ). As you bring the summit to a close, I feel like I am saying goodbye to a dear friend, so I look forward to your next summit in the fall. I have a lot of action items from all my notes so hopefully I will have worked through them all by then. You are so very generous to give us your time, energy, knowledge, wisdom and compassion. May you be blessed a hundred fold for all you have given.. Iim sending you an “oxytocin” hug, and I hope you will have a safe and fun, adventure-filled summer outdoors in the nature you love so much!!,
This is just the sweetest message – sending an “oxytocin” hug right back at you!
I’ll think of this when I’m out windsurfing or mountain-biking next month!
I do hope you gleaned information for PTSD too. Much can be done nutritionally and I actually talked about it in mu closing in season 2 – here is a blog with some of the references https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/eggs-broths-sprouts-almond-flour-questions/
Hi Trudy,
I have enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy listening to your summit and all the great information that you have passed on.
Trudy, would you suggest taking the EPO, Vit B6, and zinc at night, or in the morning? And would you suggest taking them all together?
Thank you so much for all your hard work.
Thanks Brenda – I have my clients take them all at breakfast (and then breakfast and lunch as they increase)
The song is really good! And the summit was great. Thank you.
Hi Trudy
Thank you so much for your effort and kindness put this summi together for all of us.
I have a brother right now is suffering sleep disturb with a lot of dreams through out his sleep, I had try to help him with b complex, 5htp , ionic mag, choline and it has help him to sleep but still with dreams all night long.
Just couple days ago, he was agitated , frustration came out with negative words such as this (I am dying do not know what is causing me keep loosing weight and sad )
For myself. I am going through pain and itch in my abdomen nearly 10 yrs from doctor to doctor nothing wrong they could find, this frustrated me very much. Recently I did food intolerance test came back with many intolerance such as dairy, egg, gluten, yeast . Since then I am completely on candida diet but the symptom still there. Would you please help me and my brother
Or direct me what is the next step I should do !
Thank you .
I’m sorry to hear about your brother’s sleep problems – sleep can be affected by many things so I’d rule out food sensitivities, high cortisol and parasites too. Also some of my clients do better on tryptophan instead of 5-HTP (and this can also help with anger and negativity)
And no caffeine, sugar and gluten
I’m sorry to hear about your digestive issues. Candida can be tricky to address and adding agents to get rid of it helps – like oregano, garlic, plus adding probiotics.
Thank you so much for your reply, much appreciated.
I am going to help my brother with tryptophan . What is the dosage and when to take, and how long he can be taking. What is the best brand to use? Will also help him with the diet and lifestyle.
I forgot to mention to you, am currently taking oregano on rotation every other week with Chinese medicine to strengthen my spleen. I use a lot of garlic in my cooking even drink raw garlic juice , from time to time.
Am using probiotic and fermented food. What is the probiotic would you please advice me.
Trudy thank you ever so much, you are truly my blessings. God bless you fn every area of your life!
First of all, THANK YOU, Trudy for putting out there such a comprehensive and resourceful summit! One of the best summits I’ve ever signed up for. I truly gleaned many golden nuggets from it.
One question I’ve been wondering about relates to Acid Reflux or GERD and Hormones. I only experience Acid Reflux episodes about 2-3 times a month, and typically they happen a few days before my menstrual cycle begins. I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember. Any ideas as to why? What’s the connection of the monthly hormone pattern to Acid Reflux?
It could be related to low progesterone levels. I’d also look at gluten although this would not just be around your period
Thank you kindly Carol, I loved the summit…wonderful work folks. Keep up the good work as it is what we need in these trying times!
Heathr Carlini C.M.Ht.
Hi Trudy,
I heard you mention autism in one of your interviews.
I have 2 sons with autism and was wondering if I should be giving them b6, zinc and evening primrose?
Thanks Nat
I would first assess for pyroluria which is very common in autism – a good start is the questionnaire (social anxiety is the big one), response to zinc challenge and checking dream recall/nightmares
Can you please help me. I have been loosing my eyelashes on and off for several years. It is worse now. I have been on Nutreince vitamins from Mira & Jaydon for about 6 months. I am eating healthy with rich foods. I can’t figure out what j am missing to correct this condition. Any advice you can give me will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you
I would look into the following: thyroid health, autoimmunity and gluten, medication side-effects, reactions to makeup/cosmetics. I’d also check with an eye doctor to rule out blepharitis. Fatty acids can help so check this.
I am concerned that fixing KPU with high levels of zinc could induce MMP9 in someone with a mold toxicity
issue. How can this be evaluated ?
Just clarifying for other readers who may not know what KPU: In the German-speaking countries, Kryptopyrrolurea is abbreviated as KPU (i.e. pyroluria)
I’m not familiar with MMP9 so can’t comment about this right now but would like to know more so I can comment. Can you please share more about MMP9 and the mold toxicity issue and why you suspect zinc could be problematic? and how much zinc? you say high levels?
Dear Trudy
After I heard your Anxiety Summit (it was such a huge help for me, thank you!), I did some tests, so I found out I have a leaky-gut syndrom and plenty types of food-intolerances and I think all this are the trigger for my autoimmundeseas.
Further tests showed that I need digestive enzymes (absorption disorder) , but I react to pork (histamine) and mold fungus.
May I ask if you know Complete Enzymes which could work or a different strategy you could recommend?
Thank you so much for your help and your helpful website!
Kind regards,
Glad you enjoyed the summit. Which company makes Complete Enzymes? I’m not familiar with this one.
With food intolerances you do need to remove the problem foods. I would add an enzyme that has ingredients you don’t react to