I’m visiting my family in South Africa and it’s been lovely catching up, laughing, hugging and eating some really good food! One night we had roast lamb, steamed Brussel’s sprouts and baby marrow (zucchini) and a delicious creamy cauliflower dish.
The other night we had a yummy Paleo-type pasta-free lasagna from the new Tim Noake’s book “The Real Meal Revolution.” I’ve also been eating lots of paw paw/papaya – my favorite fruit!
I even managed to fit in some work and loved having the opportunity to present at my sister’s Stroke Support Group. There is a big connection between stress/anxiety and heart disease/stroke.
We ended up having a healthy discussion about real food and how far off track we’ve gone:
- We fondly remembered having real full-fat milk being delivered to our doorstep – milk with thick cream on top!
- We also talked about buying good quality meat from a butcher we knew.
- Many of them remembered eating liver as kids and their moms cooking with lard!
- I remembered the vegetable/fruit truck driving around the neighborhood selling fresh produce
We need to get back to basics and eating like we ate as kids and how our grandparents ate.
I’ve been eating plenty of avocados, biltong/jerky, and butter, and drinking rooibos tea

There is a food revolution happening here in South Africa right now and it’s wonderful! Before I leave I promise I’ll share a recipe or two.